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Found 23 results

  1. soloam

    Emby and Transmission

    Hello, I would like to detect if my server is streaming a file and pause my transmission if so! This would allow me to have full network bandwidth to the streaming. I can make a simple batch file that monitor the transcoding folder, and if not empty, pause transmisson, but I think that a solution with the api would be better. Can any one point me in the correct direction? Been wondering around the forum looking for documentation, but no luck. Thank You
  2. Emby not showing gif animation ! Version Previously was working just fine . Now it's only showing still images of gifs. How to fix it? Please help me !!!
  3. Trying to watch Longmire season 3 episode 2 through (unable to watch) Gave up at 5 Episode 2 starts to buffer then says too many issues giving up. Moves onto episode 3 plays for a while then same, so on through episode 4, into 5 and gave up. I'm not techy minded so no point trying to explain if it's owt techy needing done my end. Had no issues up till last few days. Every series I have ( except silent witness S26 and can't get that to work anywhere despite trying all suggestions) plays great so not the player. Have added a couple clips as it's on TV not my phone. Any ideas ( simple) what's wrong? TIA VID_20230203_182752566.mp4 VID_20230203_182945347.mp4
  4. Random question, but is there a way i can play the same movie on all the devices in my house at one time? When I start cleaning or working on projects I bounce from room to room, and it would be nice to be able to have the movie playing on all devices without having to stop the movie, and resume on a different device.
  5. crownapocalypse

    Reproduction halted issue

    Hello, first of all, I love Emby and It has become my main media platform, thanks for it, I would be willing to contribute to the project it if would be possible. Now, my issue. When I click Shuffle in my Music Library folder, a song starts playing, but when it finishes and next one should start, nothing happens and the attached 'loading icon' appears indefinitely. This behavior also happens on the first click on the shuffle option, and also after some tracks have been played. I have the emby server installed in an Ubuntu 20.04 computer. My media content is in a NTFS drive that is mounted with this options in /etc/fstab UUID=C6CAF7E8CAF7D2A3 /mnt/data ntfs-3g uid=1000,gid=1001,umask=0002,auto,exec 0 0 Where the gid group is one where the emby user is added Also, logs with debug enabled don't show anything fishy. Any help? Thanks.
  6. sjscarlata

    Play/Pause for Music

    Hi, I'm using the Emby Theater for Windows. I love it. Only gripe is regarding the ability to Pause Music. Videos work perfectly, using a keyboard if I press Play/Pause then the movie pauses, and starts playing again. When I'm playing music if I press Play/Pause then it restarts playing the current song and deletes all others from the queue. If I use the mouse to hit the pause button then it works as expected. Could you plesae make a modification to make the Play/Pause in Music function the same as with Videos? I'm hoping to introduce Emby to our customer base and this is the main flaw. Thanks, Steve
  7. Zender_Br


    Ola, eu baixei o Emby e coloquei os filmes nesse diretório ( C:\Users\Zender_Br\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\filmes ) Ele ta reconhecendo so que quando eu clico em play o filme não roda dica aparecendo a imagem ( fanart ) poderia me ajudar???? e como eu colo series por exemplo The Walking dead???
  8. So I have bean messing around the the custom css function and i'm wondering what the code is for changing the play interface color from green to whatever color. Like the scrubber or the volume bar?
  9. Hi, I have finally dropped WMC with EmbyServer. New setup is: HTPC running NextPVR with DVB-T Dual Tuner (BlackGold BG9630) Emby Theatre main client software to Live TV and Emby Server Asustor NAS running EmbyServer with Emby Premiere (trying for month to see LiveTV works?) EmbyServer with NextPVR PlugIn v3.2.6.0 ISSUE Success - Live TV on HTPC through PVRNext directly Success - Live TV on HTPC through PVRNext web interface Success - Live TV on Desktop PC through PVRNext web interface FAIL - Live TV on HTPC with Emby Theatre FAIL - Live TV on Desktop PCs / Laptop through Emby web interface Emby error: Just spins the circle or then provides No Tuners available. *Upd: IPs as follows for logs HTPC ( Asustor NAS ( Desktop PC ( *Upd: 28/03/18 2pm Error
  10. admin.nxpoint@gmail.com

    Keyboard Shortcuts

    Hi guys, I have an issue on OSX with the keyboard controls. The space (play/pause) doesn't work consistently. It's like there is a long delay between the time I press space and the time the player get the control command. This is going on and off, there are times when it's working perfect, pressing space either plays or pauses the movie, and times when it's not working at all. This happens on a MacBook AIR, with both Safari and Chrome browsers, in all movies (not specific to one). Thank you,
  11. Barlog9511

    No more able to play in browser

    Hi I have a strange issue in my Emby. I not able to play movie in my browsers ( Chrome, Firefox, Safari= all on latest stable version ) When I play movie on Emby Theater everything is OK, but when I start play in browser nothing work correcly since few days ago I have Emby on latest FeeNas version 3.1.2 My logs from Emby server are in attached files movie_1.txt movie_2.txt
  12. Playlist - Highlight easily visible in the playlist the video currently in play
  13. Issue description: I'm having some issues with the Emby app on my new UN65KS8000 TV. When playing or pausing certain movies there is no information overlay/OSD as there is when I play most other files. The movies play fine and I can still pause/resume the movie with the play/pause button but the usual screen overlay is not there. I also can't use the back button to go back to Emby. Instead I must hold down the back button to kill the app. I've also noticed that the files that have issues always seem to have non-English subtitles. I rarely if ever use subtitles and when I try to disable them is when I noticed I can't access the overlay menu. For a little background, I've been using Emby for a few years now and love it! Until I purchased this TV we've used Emby via Roku's about 90% time with web and Windows apps taking up the rest. I've never had any issues with those methods. At least not that I can recall. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Steps to reproduce: Play any of the particular files where this issue happens. My TV/HTS/BD Player model number: Samsung UN65KS8000 w/ Samsung Smart TV 2.4.0 My firmware version: 1162 Other TVs etc. the issue has been reproduced on: None, this is my only Tizen TV. My Emby server version: My current Emby Samsung client version: 2.0.1 Other Emby Samsung versions the issue can be reproduced in: N/A Supporting information to include logs and pictures where applicable: I've attached the following files with a rip of Hotel Transylvania as an example: - Server logs -> Redwood Emby Server Log.txt - Media Info export from the Hotel Transylvania mkv files -> MediaInfo - Hotel Transylvania (2012) mkv.txt - A JSON file per the instructions on the "How to report a problem" sticky -> Hotel Transylvania (2012) mkv API JSON.txt
  14. EVERY time I startup KODI and try to play a movie, it tells me that one or more of the items failed to play, see log. I dont know what I am looking at in the log. I always have to go to my computer, and manually restart the server. There are even times that I have to complete shutdown the server and restart it. Sunday it happened twice, and I never even closed KODI. I just had it in idle for about an hour. I have attached both logs from that day. Thank you for you help. Log 19MAR171624.txt Log 19MAR172014.txt
  15. Steps to reproduce: Start Emby Theater Click on Live TV Click on... Program under "Now Playing" and it works fine. Guide -> the title of the program that is on now -> Play and it shows loading animation but doesn't playback the program. Server log attached. I tried the latter at about 3:37 and 3:40, maybe 3:42 too. Then I tried the Former two times after that. Every subsequent test was the latter. server-63615369600.txt
  16. KiDayz

    Problems with playing files

    Hi everyone, I'm getting problems with playing my files. Here the explanations : To begin, I'm running emby server on my raspberry (raspBian OS) connected on ethernet. All is running fine. I'm abble to play some files from the windows media player in the network files, so I think there is no problem here. I'm running Kodi from my computer, connected by Wi-Fi on the same network as the Emby server of course. Installled the plugin Emby for Kodi, wrote the right ip address, verified twice. Connected as an administrator user of the server. All the synchronization is running fine, I can see all my movies, series with the right pictures, title, etc... But when I want to play a movie, kodi says "error" or nothing happens. Checked the log file, but as a beginner, I cannot determinate what is wrong and how to fix it. Here it is : https://paste.ubuntu.com/23276463/ Can anyone give me some help please ? Regards.
  17. rubicon

    AAC 5.1 issue

    Hello everybody, After updating to the latest iPhone version, I am receiving the below error (within and outside my network as well) when I try to play any mp4 movie that contains an 5.1 AAC audio. To give you an idea of my setup, I have converted all my movies to mp4 h264 and aac 5.1 so I can use the direct play feature with no problem. When I access my movies within the Samsung app on my TV, everything is working ok but from the iPhone it only allows me to playback aac 2.0 audio channel videos. Previously I was able of course to stream 5.1 in my iPhone without a problem. Naturally I am not going to add to every single film I have an additional 2 channel aac, as I prefer 5.1 cause of my home theatre system. I just need to be able to play them from my iphone as well (even though it won't be a real 5.1 through the phone, but that doesn't bother me). Strange thing is that my nexus tablet works fine with aac 5.1 audio so there must be something wrong with the iPhone app. Also to mention, I have the "allow video playback that requires transcoding" UNSELECTED as I had it before and that is why I have converted everything to mp4 and aac to begin with (meaning avoid transcoding as much as possible). Again, I had no issue previously and it still works with my android tablet so I can only thing that this is the iPhone's app bug. When I ticked back the transcoding option just to see what happens, I have encountered the "transcoding continues on server" issue from another thread below: http://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/28678-transcoding-contines-on-server-after-you-stop-video-on-ios/ so I really don't want to use that feature in any case if possible. Is there something I can do, to manually fix my 5.1 audio issue or I need to wait for another update? Sorry for the long message. Thanks in advance, George
  18. Yotengrit

    Direct Play to WD TV Live

    Greetings! I recently swtiched from Plex to Emby because of some technical problems and I really satisfied with the software! However, I have a small problem with one of the media players in our house. We have two Asus O!Play and one WD TV Live players. And the WD one wont play .mkv files from the server, only .avis. If I try to play a .mkv files, it loads a bit, than its says that is cannot be played, etc. I checked around in the forum for some information about it, and I found this one. So I edited my WD TV Live .xml file according to this topic but my problem still persist. Can somebody please help me solve this problem? Thanks in advance. PS: I attached the server log file. server-63567557812.txt
  19. Stalin

    Play all

    I think MB needs to add a play all/ shuffle all button for the music. I like to shuffle through all my music. I'm sure I'm not the only one
  20. Will MB get a play all button for the music? I like to shuffle all my music and I think that would be a good feature to have.
  21. jhs39

    Flac music files no longer play

    I've encountered yet another problem with the latest server release--now my Flac music files will not play on Roku Media Browser++. The files will play for about 10 seconds then jump to the next album track and do the same thing through the entire album. These are tracks that played perfectly in the past. Any suggestions? I've spent an hour trying to attatch a copy of my server log and no matter what I do, mo matter how much I cut out of it I always get an error message that the file is too large. Do you guys only wants 10 lines of server data or something?
  22. I would like to see the android client allow for playback to continue whenever the screen shuts off (including when the device gets locked). I should also point out that I do have task killers etc... installed on my device, so it's possible that the app is already capable of this, and that it's a 3rd party app interfering.
  23. Setup: Xbox 360 with MBC plugin, for some reason after a file or show is played the system freezes and doesn't return to default menu?
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