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  1. Hi, I build webhook server to send emby events to telegram. Take a look Link to github: Emby-Telegram-Notifier
  2. CBers

    Emby: Latest Versions

    Here is the latest list of versions for Emby software across the server and clients. Emby Server Stable: v4.8.10.0 (2024/10/04) Release Notes Beta: v4.9.0.37 (2025/01/21) Release Notes For other platforms, please refer to the download page. Emby for Android TV Google Devices Stable: v2.1.23 (2024/12/27) Beta: v2.1.25 (2025/02/05) Amazon Devices Stable: v2.1.23 (2024/12/27) Beta: v2.1.25 (2025/02/05) Stable Release Notes Beta Release Notes Universal Emby for Android Stable: v3.4.20 (2024/10/12) Release Notes Beta: v3.4.36 (2025/01/30) Expanded Emby for Android Release Beta Notes Download the latest Beta here. Emby for Kodi See here for the latest information. Emby for Roku Stable: v4.1.33 (2025/01/13) Release Notes Beta: 4.1.36 (2025/02/05) Release Notes Emby for Windows (Windows Store for PC & Xbox One) Stable: v2.211.2.0 (2025/01/13) Stable Release Notes Beta: v2.211.0.0 (2025/01/17) Beta release notes Emby for Samsung Smart TV (Orsay) E-series - H-series TVs only Stable: v2.2.3 (2017/10/28) Beta: v2.2.3 Release Notes Emby Theatre for Samsung Smart TV (Tizen & Orsay) Release Notes Emby Theatre for LG Smart TV Stable: 1.0.45 (2025/01/02) Emby for iOS Stable: v2.2.34 (2025/01/09) Stable Release Notes Beta: v2.2.34 (2025/01/10) Beta Release Notes Emby for Apple TV Stable: v1.8.8 (2) Beta: v1.9.4 (2025/01/31) Release Notes Emby for tvOS (Apple TV) Stable: 2.1.6 (2022/12/23) Release Notes - TBA Beta: 1.5.1 (10) (2021/03/02) Beta Release Notes Emby For MacOS Stable: 2.1.6 (2022/05/09) Details here. I will keep this post up-to-date as much as possible, but please send me a PM about anything I haven't updated, or is missing. Special thanks to @Borskfor supplying a lot of the updated information. Thanks.
  3. Rextra

    Conectar emby a samsung smart tv

    Hola a todos recien acabo de instalar el programa, a la hora de ponerlo en mi tv samsung smart tv todo va bien lo instale y todo pero cuando abro el programa me pide para conectarlo la ip y no se que mas y no pude lograr conectarme.
  4. is there any way I can introduce a .mkv file with another extension to emby in any way? a01b16.dxr a01b15.ojv a01b01.itj a01b18.khp a01b19.zkg a01b17.hio a01b12.yra a01b20.mar a01b07.ovu a01b05.adq a01b10.zei a01b09.itf a01b03.pea a01b06.brl a01b14.mun a01b02.lvj a01b11.evm a01b08.tsa a01b13.pfu a01b04.loz can play them all as mkv regardless of these extensions? these are all essentially mkv files but for some reason I have hidden them, can we force emby to play them as mkv?
  5. Pommes

    VR App for Emby

    Hi Anyone ever had the idea of making an emby app for virtual reality? Only a simple app with a virtual screen (maybe cinema environment). There isnt a good solution for enjoing media in VR yet, so that might bring many new users to emby. Plex tried sth similar about a year ago, because many people requested it but the app was in a very bad shape at release and failed. Btw have someone already tried sth in that direction?
  6. Hello, This is most certainly a very annoying bug. Emby client (Android TV) on Nvidia Shield Pro 2019 is skipping lines from srt file while Emby for Android on Shield and Emby for Android on an Android phone is not doing that. Maybe this will help you in debug: In additional tests, Plex client on Shield is having the same bug! Haven't find the time to test Jellyfin but why 2 different media servers' clients having the same bug on the same place. (Skipped lines from srt files are at the same place for both clients) From the attached subtitle. 87 is missing from video screen: There lots of missing lines on screen from subtitle file from now on. It begins with this line. Sharing screenshot from Android client and AndroidTV client: Jujutsu. Kaisen. S01E01. 1080p. WEB-DL. x265. 10Bit. 2CH. HEVC-sLaX.srt
  7. Senhores, Eu posso estar fazendo errado ou não saber fazer oque quero exatamente, então desde já peço desculpas. Estou enfrentando o seguinte problema: Baixei diversos filmes dual audio, quando reproduzo no celular ou computadores, posso alternar entre dublado e legendado sem problemas. Porém quando eu transmito pra minha TV ele vai automaticamente dublado e sem legenda. Eu alterei a configuração do Emby para o idioma padrão ficar inglês porém continuei com a dificuldade. Podem me ajudar? Obrigado. @@cayars
  8. hola!! tengo linux mint 22 ya instale los certificados con cerbots estan creados fullchain y keypath pero emby no lo reconoce apunte emby a /etc/ssl/certs/emby-selfsigned.crt no tengo claridad si es lo correcto me pueden ayudar por favor
  9. Matthew Binns

    4K content and the Emby LG app

    Just a little feedback on my initial experiments with 4K playback using the Emby LG app. I'm finding some 4K content works and some doesn't. 'Sully' 4K for instance will not play on the Emby LG App. It will play on the LG Plex app. Same results for 'Jigsaw' and 'It'. I'm playing UHD rips from my 4K blu-rays made using makemkv. That being said, where files do play I am noticing quality degradation. 'Argo' for instance streamed via the LG app looks terrible (however the server does say it's direct playing). 'Argo' streamed via DNLA to my UHD blu-ray player looks far, far better and as per the disc. So as it stands, if I want to watch 4K rips using Emby, the LG app is not up to the job. This may in part also be due to the TV itself. DNLA to the TV also results in reduced quality (however all files do manage to at least play, same as Plex). There could also be bandwidth issues involved. The LG TV does not have a gigabit LAN port. To sum up, the only way for me to get the true 4K (exactly as per the disc) is to stream using my phone or iPad via DNLA to my Oppo UDP203 and then HDMI into the TV. TL:DN Emby LG app plays some 4K (albeit in reduced quality. Plex LG app plays all 4K (albeit in reduced quality).
  10. Hello everybody! Did the design application for Web OS, please vote and write what you think. If OK, continue to do a PS4 and XBOX ONE. With colleagues think make applications. So far, there is no design of some pages. P.S. I do not speak English well =) https://www.behance.net/gallery/32725695/Emby-LG-Web-OS-DLNA-client-design
  11. danielandrada

    how expose live tv channels in library??

    im using emby nas in home assistant. i can see the content of the local library however i want make some automations with live tv content of the emby server how i can do this only by hard code with emby API?? please help me!!!
  12. EmbyStat is a personal web server that can calculate all kinds of statistics from your (local) Emby server. Just install this on your server and let him calculate all kinds of fun stuff. This project is still in Alpha fase, but feel free to test it on your computer. Packages Supported platforms as the moment are: Windows x64 (IIS and Kestrel) Windows x86 (IIS and Kestrel) Docker https://hub.docker.com/r/uping/embystat/ Debian package I will try to support as many platforms as possible. More and more will come in the future! If you have knowledge about building Unix packages please feel free to contact me so I can support as many platforms as possible. Feature request If you have some crazy idea you want to see implemented in EmbyStat you can create a feature request here => https://embystat.featureupvote.com/ Or just go and upvote your favorite features so I have a better idea about what I should build next. Installation Guides Go to https://github.com/mregni/EmbyStat/releases and grab the latest release. The packages are selfcontained so you don't need to install dotnet runtime on your host. Run the server (Kestrel on Windows example) Embystat.exe --port <port> Passing a port is optional, default port is 6555 To host it in a Docker container you can use the following command docker run -p <port>:6555 -v <hostpath>:/app/config uping/embystat:beta Translations Translations are managed with the Crowdin web service. Feel free to help me translate the application in your own language here: https://crowdin.com/project/embystat. If your language is not listed just create a new feature request or ping me. Technology This project is build from scratch with the following technologies: .NET CORE 2.2 LiteDB SignalR NLog Angular 5 Rollbar Roadmap A lot of things need to be done before I can go life with this and publish my first 1.0 release. This will happen when all features from the Emby statistics plugin are implemented in EmbyStat.
  13. bless_le_ness

    Multiple Profiles in Kodi and Emby

    Dear community I'm using KODI + Emby (installed on my NAS) for many years now, but now my kids are more and more playing around TV alone, and when I'm not especially around, and I would like to secure a little bit then content they may have access to. I tried to set up a new profile in KODI, ok that's easy so far. Then I set up a new profiles in Emby, selecting the content depending on tags (like TV-MA, FR-16...). When I logg of my Admin profile in KODI and enter the kids profile, it's like the plugin emby for kodi is not even installed (I chose "separate" for content source)... I tried to recreate another profile but choosing then "share" option. While loggin into my kids profile, there is an error message of the plugin Emby for Kodi, and I have no content... Well I'm a bit stuck, I don't really understand what I'm doing wrong... Any help would be much appreciated Thanks !
  14. pegasuspc


    does anyone know if i can backup my emby database in windows and then transfer it to a emby linux install. Will this work or do I need to start with a fresh on Thanks Michael
  15. I had to remove Emby due to setting up a incorrectly configured setting for SSL and set SSL to required. So I was no longer able to access it, but now after being uninstalled it wont install properly and won't shutdown via the Emby Web interface. I am trying to setup SSL again, but it doesn't seem to reconfigure when I force it closed and open again from the docker controls in TrueNAS. Is there something I am missing to get back to a fresh emby install, or is there something up with the image? I am trying to install the TrueNAS Scale official charts emby image. Any help is appreciated
  16. Hello everyone, first of all I am new here and also in Emby, you will see me actively here often asking questions. I have a question, I have a proxmox server and inside 2 LXC one of jellyfin which is the one I currently use and another that I created a while ago to test Emby, I really want to see how it is because I have been told it is more advanced than Jellyfin and has more features and better clients, my doubt to all this is that my server has an intel i5 12500 with an iGPU UHD 770, currently I have by passthrough the 770 in the LXC of jellyfin and transcoding works perfectly and makes use of it if necessary, my question here is: In Emby will it also work the same way? or do I need a premium version? PD: this is how I have it configured in both Jellyfin and Emby, that's why I ask if I need the premium version to transcode or not.
  17. Ubuntu X64 1. Download emby-server-deb_4.8.5.0_amd64.deb Easy, but then... 2. dpkg -i emby-server-deb_4.8.5.0_amd64.deb Incredibly, THIS is where I am stuck. I am assuming that #2 here needs to be run to extract the downloaded package properly: - Just doing a right-click on the download and trying to use GDebi installer doesn't do anything - Copy that command into Terminal and not matter what I do, (location and command in quotes due to the spaces in the names, etc) it can't find the file or the location or any of my active brain cells WHAT, SPECIFICALLY, do I have to do to run that command??!! I'll be forever grateful for help with this!
  18. Hello there, As I've been using Emby for a while now, and I'm thoroughly enjoying its features for managing and streaming my media collection. However, I'm eager to explore further and enhance my experience with some plugins. I've heard there's a wide range available, but I'm not sure where to start. Could anyone recommend some must-have plugins that could take my Emby experience to the next level? I'm particularly interested in plugins that offer additional functionalities such as improved metadata management, subtitle support, or maybe even some fun extras like themed skins or advanced playback options. https://www.reddit.com/r/emby/comments/178hktb/how_to_plugins_work_with_emby_which_ones_do_you/info Additionally, if you have any personal favorites or hidden gems that you think deserve more recognition, I'd love to hear about them. Any tips on how to best utilize these plugins would be greatly appreciated as well. Thankyou in advance.
  19. Hi, I have 2 tv-shows in my library that somehow doesn't get metadata downloaded. If I go into Metadata Editor (both for the show, season and episode) I can see that Emby has the right ID for the show on thetvdb.com and IMDB, which both has at least some text descriping the specific episode. But the text doesn't get downloaded into Emby. The shows are named like "show name S01E01 episode name", but I have tried without episode name which didn't make any difference. The episodes are located in a folder named "Season 1" which in turn are located in a folder named "show name". I have tried to look at the log files, but as I don't know what to look for it is not easy. Does anyone has any idea on how I can fix this issue?
  20. dannymichel

    Emby Clean CSS Cleanup

    [09-22-2022] update https://pastebin.com/dR1wDdUy icons.zip
  21. Since more and more users asked for it, I'm glad to announce native Emby server support for Yatse. Full library sync, PVR, Offline media sync, transcoding, Chromecast are all supported. Website: https://yatse.tv App link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.leetzone.android.yatsewidgetfree
  22. Emby is working fine with the latest 4.7 release but when I go to update it to 4.8 it starts to update the library.db and then fails saying the database is maformed. What can I do to get updated to 4.8 without just deleting the library.db and losing all data (especially watched data)? For some context this is an ubuntu 22.04 lxc container on a Proxmox server. Error Main: Error in appHost.Init *** Error Report *** Version: Command line: /opt/emby-server/system/EmbyServer.dll -programdata /var/lib/emby -ffdetect /opt/emby-server/bin/ffdetect -ffmpeg /opt/emby-server/bin/ffmpeg -ffprobe /opt/emby-server/bin/ffprobe -restartexitcode 3 -updatepackage emby-server-deb_{version}_amd64.deb Operating system: Linux version 5.19.17-2-pve (build@proxmox) (gcc (Debian 10.2.1-6) 10.2.1 20210110, GNU ld (GNU Binutils for Debian) 2.35.2) #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC PV Framework: .NET 6.0.25 OS/Process: x64/x64 Runtime: opt/emby-server/system/System.Private.CoreLib.dll Processor count: 4 Data path: /var/lib/emby Application path: /opt/emby-server/system SQLitePCL.pretty.SQLiteException: Corrupt: database disk image is malformed SQLitePCL.pretty.SQLiteException: Exception of type 'SQLitePCL.pretty.SQLiteException' was thrown. at SQLitePCL.pretty.SQLiteException.CheckOk(sqlite3 db, Int32 rc) at SQLitePCL.pretty.StatementImpl.MoveNext() at SQLitePCL.pretty.DatabaseConnection.Execute(IDatabaseConnection This, String sql) at Emby.Server.Implementations.Data.SqliteItemRepository.Initialize(SqliteUserDataRepository userDataRepo, SyncRepository syncRepo) at Emby.Server.Implementations.ApplicationHost.InitDatabases() at Emby.Server.Implementations.ApplicationHost.Init() at EmbyServer.HostedService.StartAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) Source: SQLitePCL.pretty TargetSite: Void CheckOk(SQLitePCLEx.sqlite3, Int32) emby-4.8-server-startup.log
  23. Hey Emby Team, I hope this message finds you well. I've been encountering a peculiar issue with audio playback in the Emby app on my primary device, an Android phone (SM-J600G, Android 10). This problem has persisted for about a year, and I thought it's high time to bring it to your attention. Description: The issue manifests when attempting to play songs from my music library. Occasionally, the selected song takes an unusually long time to play, and I notice that the media playback notification doesn't display the image of the selected song. Subsequently, any subsequent attempts to play songs from my music library fail. Strangely enough, the tracks, albums, or playlists that I attempted to play during this issue spontaneously start playing later when I'm not using the app, or when watching movies or shows. Observations: Selected song takes longer to play. No image of the selected song in the media playback notification. Behavior: Unable to play any song from the music library when the issue occurs. Version Information: Emby Server Version: beta Emby Android App Version: 3.3.56 (latest pre-release) Device Information: Model: SM-J600G Android Version: 10 Steps to Reproduce: Launch Emby app. Select a song from the music library. Observe the two signs mentioned above. Additional Notes: I haven't had the opportunity to test this on other devices as my current setup revolves around this primary device. This issue has been persistent since I started using Emby, and its intermittent nature makes it challenging to pinpoint the root cause. I'm reaching out to the community and the Emby team for insights and assistance in resolving this matter. Thanks for your time and support! Best, Dinesh Shrestha
  24. soloam

    Emby and Transmission

    Hello, I would like to detect if my server is streaming a file and pause my transmission if so! This would allow me to have full network bandwidth to the streaming. I can make a simple batch file that monitor the transcoding folder, and if not empty, pause transmisson, but I think that a solution with the api would be better. Can any one point me in the correct direction? Been wondering around the forum looking for documentation, but no luck. Thank You
  25. I have been using the Emby DVR for a few months and have been pretty happy with the results recording and watching general TV programs. Recently the Rugby World Cup started showing on TV here in New Zealand and these recordings are significantly longer than the usual programs I had been recording. Watching the first game for NZ in the competition (on my Android Smart TV client) it played fine until about 40 minutes into the game (about 1:40 into the recording) when it started pixelating and glitching for 5-10 seconds. It then came right for a few minutes and then glitched again and repeated randomly throughout the rest of the game. I wasn't sure whether the glitching was in the play-back or the recording so, the following day, I opened the recorded file in VLC and tried playing it. It glitched again in the same places suggesting to me that the issue seemed to be in the recording. I had previously been using Mediaportal for recording TV and, as I had two HD Homeruns, I had allocated one to Mediaportal and one to Emby while I was testing Emby out. For the second game a week later, I recorded the game on both Emby and Mediaportal. Again, part way through the recording the Emby recording started glitching. I swapped over to Mediaportal and it had recorded the game absolutely fine, from the same signal source. Again, I subsequently checked and the issue was in the recording, not just the playback. For a recent game, I swapped the HD Homeruns over between Emby and Mediaportal to see if the problem followed the HD Homerun or the server. Again, Emby glitched and Mediaportal played/recorded it fine, suggesting that the issue was on the Emby side rather than the signal side. My Emby server is a 12 month old Core i5 with 8GB RAM and two SSDs, one for the OS and one for Recording, running Windows 10 Home. It is connected to a Gigabit LAN, along with the HD Homeruns (and the lower spec'ed Mediaportal server). It is running Emby version with no other 'server' processes running on it. I have attached logs for the most recent recording which are rather large but the instructions for posting did say not to strip them out so.... :-) The program being recorded started at 7:00pm on Sat 26th Oct 2019 with a 3 minute pre-buffer so 6:57pm approx start time. I started watching around 8:40pm and fast forwarded through bits of the pre-game show until I got close to kick-off when I started getting pixelation again. Just before 9:00pm (kick-off) I stopped watching on Emby and swapped across to Mediaportal and watched the game there with no issues. I have also included 2 screenshots taken off the Emby recording a few minutes apart showing the sort of pixelation I am talking about. They are being played in Emby Theatre in a different PC a few days later and show the timestamp in the recording where some of the issues occur. VLC also glitches in the same places. I have recently noticed some pixelation on other longer shows (over 1 hour) but not as badly. Shorter shows seem to be OK??? I have really been enjoying my Emby experience and being able to watch all our media from the Smart TV with the one remote has been a big plus on the WAF side so it would be great if someone could help me sort out this last little glitch! :-) Many thanks in advance. PS. NZ Free to Air TV is H.264 encoded. The HD Homeruns are 'HDHomerun Dual's Model : HDHR3-DT. embyserver-63707731197.txt ffmpeg-remux-6d613bba-6221-493a-ab71-8894d0aafacf_1.txt ffmpeg-remux-1793ff98-0ed1-44d7-baf8-965328f3b33a_1.txt
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