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  1. I have a very long playlist, with 2000+ songs (I listen to a lot of music, okay) and I've noticed that once you hit Shuffle, the list of queued songs only goes up to around 1000. Fair enough, but I've noticed even after multiple shuffles that songs later on in the playlist aren't sampled by the shuffle. It's much more apparent when sorting by Title instead of Playlist Order, because all the songs in the queue have letters in the first half of the alphabet. Basically it results in me only hearing the first half of my long playlist whenever I shuffle it, which is a shame because I'd like to hear my newly added stuff also. Any ideas for a solution or a fix? If you need any more information just ask. Thanks.
  2. When navigating to "Songs", I'm trying to filter my playlist by selecting my "Favorites" and choosing a few "Genre" options. I close out filter options and select play or shuffle. The application then hangs and does nothing. I can't go back to re-select songs. In some cases, I have to restart my server. I tried looking for Android logs and the 'files' folder was empty. And I've attached the server logs. I'm using Emby for Android 3.3.95 and server version All this started happening after upgrading to 4.8.x.x. Any insights with this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. embyserver.txt
  3. I did a search, and the only request that I saw similar was included here: https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/76011-music-queue-list-improvements/?hl=%2Bshuffle+%2Bmusic That discussion seemed to be more focused on lyrics rather than the shuffle piece, so I figured I would create a separate FR. One of my biggest pet peeves with using the web interface (when listening to music at my desk) and the android app is my inability to to select a song from a playlist and have emby shuffle the playlist after the current song ends. The current behavior is that after the song I selected finishes, the next song in the playlist is played (which in my case is alphabetical order). The native android music players (the app retro player in my case) allow me to select a song from my playlist, and then click on the shuffle button on the now playing screen and my playlist queue is automatically shuffled. I realize that the simple answer is to just use the shuffle button to randomly start a playlist and shuffle the songs, but sometimes I just want to start listening to one song, and then listen to the rest of my playlist at random. Additionally, when listening to music with my kids, they ALWAYS want to start with a specific song, and then don't really care what happens after that. This causes me to have to select the song they want to listen to, then when that song is over, go back and hit the shuffle button, which is annoying to have to do. Hopefully my ramblings made sense - and thanks for your consideration.
  4. noahkiss

    Shuffle on "Folders" tab broken

    I'm on TestFlight (current, 1.4.7(2)) and Beta Server on Synology, but it seems to work properly from the web interface. A couple days ago when pressing Shuffle on the Folders tab, I would just get the loading icon indefinitely and would have to ssh into Synology to kill the process - turning it off at the Package Center wouldn't work. I just tried again and received a message on the Apple TV saying: Line: 31340 | Message: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'routeParams.ServerId') It seems to have taken down the server this time as well, but at least I got a useful message this time!
  5. Hello Emby My interface has a lack of a “next” “previous” when playing a tv series in shuffle mode. Please see photo and you’ll notice the progress bar but no controls. If I want to skip an episode I need to exit play and find “shuffle” and hit that which never used to be the way for “next” Can this be fixed please? Thank you. Rob
  6. PeterBoivin

    Shuffle Favorites

    Am I missing something? Am I not able to shuffle favorites? I have a few songs right now in my favorites. I see I can "play", "play all from here" or "Instant Mix". I don't see how I can shuffle all of the songs as a playlist.
  7. I use the DLNA plugin to stream my music to another box. This works. But what doesn't work when using DLNA are the following options: - Add to playlist - Play next - Play all from here - Shuffle As soon as I select a song to end up in the playlist, it is immediately selected and played. It's the same with the other functions. If I turn off DLNA or don't use it, then I can use the above features without any problems. For me it is a bug that should be fixed. My Emby version is up to date.
  8. Bparm18

    Video playlist limit

    I created a video playlist with 1,552 episodes. I want to be able to shuffle through all of the shows on the playlist, but on my fire tv it only shuffles the first 1,000 episodes on the list. Can I do anything to make it so I can shuffle through all of my shows?
  9. EduardoSantos

    Shuffle play a genre

    It would be very useful to have a means to shuffle play a genre on the AndroidTV app. Currently I can only shuffle a genre by casting from the smartphone/web apps to AndroidTV app. On AndroidTV app there is a general "Albums" section very similar to a specific genre section. That general "Albums" presents a play button on the right side. Would it be possible to have the same play button when listing albums for a given genre?
  10. Hi, I've noticed some slight subtleties in functionality of the Emby app when it comes to Music. On Android app, I can go to Music, Genres, pick a Genre, let's say "Pop", and I then have an option to "Shuffle" all of my Pop songs or "Play All". For the FireTV/FireStick apps, this option does not exist. Note it does exist in the other Music library areas. Any idea if we can make the functionality uniform in the FireTV client? Thanks!
  11. crownapocalypse

    Reproduction halted issue

    Hello, first of all, I love Emby and It has become my main media platform, thanks for it, I would be willing to contribute to the project it if would be possible. Now, my issue. When I click Shuffle in my Music Library folder, a song starts playing, but when it finishes and next one should start, nothing happens and the attached 'loading icon' appears indefinitely. This behavior also happens on the first click on the shuffle option, and also after some tracks have been played. I have the emby server installed in an Ubuntu 20.04 computer. My media content is in a NTFS drive that is mounted with this options in /etc/fstab UUID=C6CAF7E8CAF7D2A3 /mnt/data ntfs-3g uid=1000,gid=1001,umask=0002,auto,exec 0 0 Where the gid group is one where the emby user is added Also, logs with debug enabled don't show anything fishy. Any help? Thanks.
  12. arrbee99

    Android shuffle

    Does anyone know if the Emby app on an Android phone has shuffle ? I downloaded a playlist and it plays the songs fine but only one at a time. Also, if I try Instant mix it just gives a spinning circle like its looking for a server which isn't there, being in the car at the time. Also, how to I check the app version number ? (I'm not an Android person). EDIT: just look on the server when its available
  13. x_david_x

    Photo Playlists

    Hello, I'm brand new to Emby. My use case is to provide a way for my parents to view family photos and videos on their TV that exist on their home network. I'm planning on going down the Roku path. I've looked at Plex, Emby and Roku's own Media Player app. Nothing I have found will allow the photos to play as a screensaver (unless on a USB drive plugged right into the Roku), which would be ideal, to turn the TV into a digital picture frame. For now, it seems I'll need to settle for slideshow capability, where the users need to go into an app and actively start displaying images. From my brief testing, Emby seems to be the best option for this, but I have some questions. I started by creating a photo and video library in Emby. The library consists of a parent folder that has subfolders with YYYYMM naming format and photos from each year and month directly in the subfolder. I also added a simple "videos" folder at the same level as the YYYYMM folders for testing purposes and put a handful of videos in there. The first thing I noticed was that I couldn't play all on the library. I got an error. I could pick play all on a folder, but that would obviously only play a slideshow of the photos in that folder. There was no shuffle option either. I see in the basic web client that there is no shuffle option showing when I am inside the library view either. There is a play all and that does play all the photos in the library. In the basic web client, I just found that the ... for a given library object in the library screen does allow a shuffle slideshow of all photos, but I either can't find that in the Roku app or it doesn't exist. As an aside, I just now created a "Mixed content" type library and gave it the same parent folder as the photo and video library. When I navigate inside that library in the web client, it does show a shuffle option. I am not at the Roku right now, so I can't test that library type to see if the Roku app will display the shuffle option. As another aside, the "Play All" function for a "Home videos & photos" type library honors the sort order set for the library. The "Play All" function for a "Mixed content" type library does not. It always starts from the same photo and I'm not sure how it picks that photo to start from. Another side... The "Play All" function when within a folder in a "Home videos & photos" type library subfolder does not honor the sort order set for the folder like it does if you are back at the first level in the library. I set it to sort on Name (assuming this is the filename or title, both of which are the filename for my test cases) and even though the display shows them sorted by name ascending or descending, the Play all starts with the same file every time. Without shuffle being available for the library on the Roku, I figured my next option would be playlists. I thought I could create various playlists of subsets of photos and see if there was a shuffle option for the playlists. If there was no shuffle option for the playlists, I thought I could automate something on the server that would shuffle the order of the files in the playlist file periodically as a work-around. I've hit a dead end with photo playlists, hence this post. I have tried to create playlists through the library browser in the web client and the metadata manger. In both screens, I am able to pick "add to playlist" from the ... menu if I select a photo folder. There is no "add to playlist" option when a photo file is selected, only if the folder it is in is selected. However, the resulting playlist isn't created properly. Here is what it looks like: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <Item> <Added>1/23/2019 12:00:00 AM</Added> <LockData>false</LockData> <LocalTitle>Photos from 2000</LocalTitle> <RunningTime>0</RunningTime> <Shares> <Share> <UserId>1</UserId> <CanEdit>true</CanEdit> </Share> </Shares> <PlaylistMediaType>Audio</PlaylistMediaType> </Item> It is creating an Audio playlist and none of the folders/photos are included. Questions: 1) Does Emby support creating playlists for photos (or videos)? 2) If it doesn't, if I bring in an outside playlist file with the photos listed in it, will that work properly? 3) Where is the metadata stored for the files in a library and is it possible to modify it externally (a script on the server)? This isn't critical, but I do see it has the option to include People information and other tags. I'm not even sure if the UI uses those for anything, but I am just curious. If photo playlist aren't supported either by creating in Emby or by importing external playlists, it seems my only other option is to create multiple folders instead of playlists and: a ) Either hope that the Roku app shows the shuffle option if the library type is "Mixed content" like the web client does or b ) Somehow shuffle the files inside the folders through a scheduled script that runs in the background on the server, and then use the Play all function in the UI, as a work-around. I'm not sure how Emby decides which file to play first with the "Play All", but if I can determine that, I can modify that attribute (filename, etc.). By using folders instead of playlists, I'll have duplicate files various folders are meant to show some of the same files. I can get around the storage implications by creating symlinks to the files in the various folders. I'd need to automate this for it to be practical. I guess I'd end up with my own "playlist" files that my script would use to create the folders and symlinks to the real files. Thanks for any help you can provide. David
  14. i just think it would be cool if shuffle only shuffled through your unplayed episodes, or if maybe there were different options like only shuffle unplayed, only shuffle played, and shuffle all. Just a thought i had.
  15. I have a lot of libraries with the Home movies and pictures setting and previously Shuffle has worked wonders. Lets say i have a folder, that is called "Nature" Inside the folder Nature i have sub folders "Flowers" "Earth" "Skies" "Sea" and in these folders i a bunch of pictures. Previously if i browsed to Nature and hit shuffle it would shuffle the 4 folders content and play it back randomly, grabbing content from all the 4 folders at random, which is the expected function of shuffle. Since the server upgrade hitting shuffle in this scenario randomly selects 1 of the 4 folders and takes random content from this 1 folder, excluding the other folders, this is broken shuffle function. I see in the change log for the server "Try to improve shuffle sorting" which i believe caused the problem. I'm thinking you tried to improve the shuffle for something like "TV Shows" where often a season is located in the same folder and shuffle between seasons wouldn't make sense, but simply add an if clause to the code that checks the library setting and if library is set to "Home Movies and Pictures" use the old shuffle function and not the new one. Thanks EDIT: didn't realize i posted this in the testing area, i am running the latest stable build of the server version: You may want to move this to the general server area of the forum as i am not running the latest beta of server, sorry!
  16. Howdy, just started using Emby premier recently. Loving the way everything looks and works so far! One feature I can't seem to get working on the Roku App is the shuffle like in the web app. In the web app when I click on the shuffle button it brings me to a random series. When I click next episode it goes to the next episode but stays in that series aka the Venture Bros S01E01 -> Venture Bros S01E02. Thanks for any help anyone may be able to give.
  17. Hi I'm seeing an issue as follows since iOS emby version 1.7.8. Just verified the same issue still exists under version 1.7.9. Whenever I click the "shuffle" button of a music folder (let's say it contains 3 sub-folders and each sub-folder has 5 songs). The application should recursively flatten the hierarchy and shuffle all 15 songs under this music folder to put them into the play queue. However the current iOS emby app only randomly selects one of the 3 sub-folders and play the 5 songs of the selected sub-folder in order. The play queue only contains 5 songs from the same album after I click the "shuffle" button. I checked the chrome web client and it worked fine. The web client recursively flattened all hierarchies and randomize all songs as the play queue. So it seems the problem only exists in iOS app. Thanks!
  18. Hello Emby I'm assuming there was a major update recently? Sorry I just assume as things are running a little differently for me and I've not changed anything. I play EMBY on my IOS phone and use "shuffle" all the time. I noticed that now the next file does not play and instead, EMBY repeats the file played and the puts up a weird counter "next episode playing in 762 seconds"... I have added a screen shot to show you (attached) I just thought you should know... Cheers Rob Naeyaert
  19. I have an XBox One and an XBox One X for playback (Windows 10 as the server) that have both started having the same problem within the past few weeks or so. Here's how we can reproduce the problem: Go to Television\Series\Choose a Series, Click "Shuffle". Playback then stops\freezes at the very end of the first episode usually right around when it says "Next Episode will start in 9 seconds" . It will sit there until someone backs out of the app or clicks "Start Now" . We have been using the shuffle for several years when it stopped working a few weeks ago . I think it is either due to an update or possibly something wrong with the algorithm used to determine how to shuffle because we use this feature so much. I couldn't figure out how to clear those counters without resetting all the metadata.
  20. richwphillips@yahoo.com

    Problem with music files on Roku app

    I added about 3000 music files to Emby recently. I previously only used Emby for videos. I have gone through some of my songs and indicated some were favorites. I did this from my computer. However, when I go on the Roku app, I can't get to my favorites to play them. When I first open my music library, I see "Favorites" as a header, but it quickly disappears and I can't see how to get it back. Also, is there no way to shuffle or mix my entire library? From what I can tell, I can shuffle play within an artist or album, but not using the whole library. Maybe I'm missing something. I'm using the latest beta version of the app. Thanks.
  21. serpi

    Play all music

    Hi, (maybe) stupid question: How can I shuffle play all music of my music library in ET 3.0.0? Quickmix will only play similar songs based on the actual selection, AFAIK. Thanks & Ciao, Alfred
  22. Hello, I am currently experiencing issues with the playback of Emby audio to a Chromecast Audio device. I use both the iOS and Android Apps and both have the same issue (also seen and tested on Google Chrome). When starting a playlist based on Shuffle (artist) or simply an album and casting this to my Chromecast audio the audio/stream stops after playing the first track. There is usually about 5 seconds left on the track but it cuts off completely. The next track is not started automatically and the playlist (which you usually see when playing on the local device: ipad/android) is empty. Simply pressing the "Next" button solves the playback and the next song will start, but this song also stops 5 seconds before the end. My wife doesn't seem to like having to press the next button after every song ;-) The versions which I am using are: Emby Server (Synology Based) - Version Emby for iOS 1.4.9 Emby for Android Mobile 2.9.90 Firmware Chromecast audio: 1.30.111140 Both the Chromecast audio and the emby server have been restarted several times. I've uploaded the system log but I can't see a reference to the next song which is to be played.
  23. Good day, I apologize if this is a dupe, but seeing that there are 84 pages of FRs... I was hoping to see a feature added to playlists where i can add a bunch of series' and when it is played, it will play the next "newest" unwatched episode in the series with out having to map out hundrends if not thousands of episodes to play in order. What I am ultimately looking to do is to make a list of say anime series' that i could play at random or in a "scheduled" order all in episodic order similar to how a tv network would run. if this is already available either thru a plug-in or somewhere in the playlist menu, please point me in the right direction! Many thanks!
  24. aspdend

    Play all + Shuffle

    Not sure if I am missing something here - I have a number of kids TV programmes for my young boys. There are times that I want to have Theatre play multiple episodes one after another from a series that has already been watched (many, many times when it comes to Peppa Pig!). As all episodes in the series have been watched, playback starts at episode 1 and then proceeds numerically through the series. However, everytime that I do this, playback starts at Episode 1 and proceeds numerically. If I try to shuffle play, then only one episode plays. The boys are starting to get a bit sick of the same few episode playing everyday. I do not have automatically play the next episode switched on as the rest of the time I don't want that functionality for the rest of the time. Is there anyway to play all in a shuffle fashion for a series?
  25. I have just started using Emby for my music collection and am busy exploring how everything works. Perhaps this is how it is supposed to work, but I'm guessing it is not. When I navigate to an artist in the web app (or through http://tv.emby.media) and click on the 'shuffle' button, it starts playing random songs from my whole library, not (just) from the artist page that I was looking at. I'm using Emby Server on Synology DSM 6.1.3. I can reproduce the issue with both Firefox 56.0 (64-bit) and Chrome 58.0.3029.81 (64-bit).
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