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  1. My device is Synology DS220+. The installed version is the one from the Package Center, and its version number is - 724081000 . I encounter failures when updating software or upgrading plugins. I've checked my network and found that IPv6 can't connect to your server while IPv4 is working properly. When I disabled my IPv6, I could update and download software normally. I've noticed that the software isn't designed to automatically switch to the connectable IPv4 when IPv6 fails to connect. I hope this can be improved as it's crucial for the user experience of the software. embyserver (1).txt
  2. My device is Synology DS220+. The installed version is the one from the Package Center, and its version number is - 724081000. The problem I'm currently having is that the additional parts of Split video files (file stacking) are out of order. I've read https://emby.media/support/articles/Movie-Naming.html in detail. And I've tried various segment names as guided, such as 1>2>3, a>b>c, part#, cd#, dvd#, pt#, disk#, disc#. You can also use: moviename#.ext Where # can be A through D. Examples: \Movies\Avatar (2009)\Avatar (2009)-cd1.mkv \Movies\Avatar (2009)\Avatar (2009)-cd2.mkv I've also tried sorting the APP page, file names, and titles in both ascending and descending order. However, the additional parts are still out of order. Moreover, I've tried putting multiple different movies' cd1/cd2 in the same folder. I found that sometimes the additional parts of the same movie couldn't be recognized as belonging to one movie but were recognized as two separate movies instead. Later, after I strictly followed the guidance to create new folders and place them in, this phenomenon disappeared. But their order is still chaotic! Finally, I tried Jellyfin. I found that these phenomena were normal with it. It can recognize them properly under any circumstances embyserver.txt
  3. This could be a feature already, if so guide me. I have keep images in media folder on if this is the cause please tell. In Emby if have a show with multiple seasons this is what the folder structure looks like: Folder season 1 S01E01.mkv S01E01-thumb.jpg season 2 fanart.jpg poster.jpg landscape.jpg season01-poster.jpg season01-fanart.jpg season01-landscape.jpg clearlogo.jpg If watching a certain episode I stop after certain minutes the show gets recorded in continue watching where the actual problem lies. If the episode has thumb.jpg, the thumbnail, which shows in the season view of the the show it should display that but instead it shows every other image in the directory first other than that. If the show has landscape.jpg or knows as show's thumbnail it will show that first. So I deleted that and then it shows the season01-landscape.jpg or the season thumbnail. So I deleted that then it showed me the season01-fanart.jpg or the season backdrop. So I deleted that then it showed the the fanart.jpg or the show backdrop. If i delete that then finally it shows me the thumbnail or the S01E01-thumb.jpg. I could keep it without the seasons thumbnail, backdrop and shows thumbnail it would solve my problem but I don't wanna delete the shows backdrop. That's a deal breaker. Can this feature be added? EDIT: One small note that after the metadata images get pulled it saves the images from tvdb or whatever as episodenumber-thumb.jpg which becomes the primary for the episode. If add that image as thumbnail manually by selecting for one episode it shows that in continue watching. So the problem can be solved this way. After doing so the image doesn't however appear in the media folder as episodenumber-landscape.jpg as it should so it might be taking extra storage.
  4. The Douban plugin is no longer functional. I've seen Luke's reply stating that this plugin has been transformed into a commercial API and started charging fees. I hope that the Douban plugin can be reused, and I'm willing to pay for it. There is a free third-party Douban plugin for Jellyfin. Its link is https://github.com/cxfksword/jellyfin-plugin-metashark. Unfortunately, it seems that the author is unwilling to develop an Emby version. I hope that the Emby official can look for some available Douban plugins, even if it means paying an additional fee for them.
  5. Hello! I am running a paid Emby server on my PC. It worked once after a lot of tries, and I took a break for 1-2 weeks. I have both the antivirus and firewall deactivated on my PC. My ports are forwarded in my router (http - 7920, https - 7921). I've changed them because I thought it's a port blacklist problem, that's why they are not default. I have Dynamic DNS activated from my provider (vanilla-wow.go.ro). ISP Router: Huawei HG8147X6 I can run the server just fine in my LAN, but not remotely. I will attach you the logs, maybe it's something there that I can't see. I am running for years my security camera from the same network on the same DDNS, on a different port without any issues. I don't know what to do, please help. At the moment I'm paying for a service I can't use, and I really like Emby. embyserver.txt embyserver-63860659487.txt hardware_detection-63860659509.txt
  6. ricky_buyo

    USB Installation problem

    Good morning I am having an issue with the usb installation. I insert the usb into the TV, but it doesn't automatically install the software. I have followed all the instrutions: - put the userwidget folder in the root of the usb - format the usb 2.0 to fat16 My TV is Samsung UE50RU7105 Any advice? (I can also post in Spanish)
  7. Hello - I'm an intermediate user you could say - and I installed emby onto my main server a hp proliant running debian 12. install took maybe 15 seconds. before install i looked up what ports needed to be opened, and opened up 8096 (default) and a temp alt port just in case to avoid any frustration. and reloaded firewall. installed emby. went to browser and tried to open localhost:8096 and "Unable to connect: can't establish blah blah..." I tried connecting with, and my LAN IP addresses, and my external IP addresses. Nothing will connect. I chose to install the BETA version, so I decided perhaps beta was more beta than i wanted. So I reinstalled doing a rollback to the stable version. Same problem. Triple checked my firewall. Dunno what it's problem is. Even rebooted entire server. No change. I know I'm retarded, but this is getting to me. And with the week I've had I can't take any more of fixing other people's mistakes. I just wanted to relax and watch movies and unplug my brain. So, if anyone knows what I'm missing or doing wrong, I'd be obliged if you could please offer any assistance. Thank you.
  8. chernobylguy

    Problem with external subs

    Hello, there, guys! So, I've ran into a bit of a problem. I've started watching mostly anime lately (that's not the problem) and it mostly comes with external .ass subs. I think my TV can't handle those or something. Sometimes it just stops showing subs and just stops reacting to any input, I can't even turn off the TV. But I think if I leave burning-in subtitles to my server it works well. So, unclicking "Allow subtitle extraction on the fly" helps if the subs in the .mkv container itself. Is there a way to force burn-in for external subs, too? I could really do without repacking every episode
  9. Painkiller8818

    General Permission Problem

    Hi, As i want to share my library with my family and friends i do some tests and i recorgnized, a normal user whithout access to my Collections is able to enter the collections from the movies even if it isn't showing up as a seperate library and: A normal user can add and delete My collections and while doing this he get the same confirmation question and sees the full path of my drive. I don't want normal users to be able to add or delete my collections. In the users settings he is not allowed to delete anything but collections still work to create and delete
  10. Hello guys! I installed emby service at Windows10 ltsc. I hardly ever shut down this system, because this system must be available when i need it. So there is a problem that emby service will be closed automatically with no reason. And i can confirm that my memory capacity is enough. Is there anyone can find the solution for this problem? Thanks!
  11. Is it possible to encode with H265 instead of H264. I know my Rx480 supports it H265 encoding in OBS
  12. Hello, i just started with Emby Server and added new Music Library with hundreds of songs. They are id tagged with track name, artist, album and genre. When library scan finish, genre and album section in library is empty. Is because genre are not standard like "POP" but personalized "POP1"? But the same happened to "album". Please help Thanks
  13. mwolf

    problema servidor local

    que tal buenas tardes. desde hace un tiempo he tenido un problema, ya que en el emby server dejo de aparecerme la parte donde dice "acceso en el hogar" y por lo tanto no puedo conectarme en otros dispositivos. ya he intentado borrando el servidor e instalandolo de nuevo, incluso instalandolo en otra computadora pero nada me ha servido. a alguien le ha pasado algo similar y que lo haya podido solucionar? muchas gracias
  14. I have this problem where the seasons themselves have correct meta data, while the episodes have some issues. For example In season 1, the episodes have correct metadata, but in season 2, the episodes have the same metadata of season 1 episodes. Im still new to this so my folder structure might be broken? Anime\Overlord\Season 2\Overlord II S02E01.mp4 Anime\Overlord\Season 3\Overlord III S03E01.mkv Anime being root folder Ive refreshed, scan lib files, deleted nfos and images, and refreshed, scan lib files again, but they still do that. Any help would be nice, Thanks in advance Images as example: Season 2 (I have no season 1 of overlord) Season 3
  15. After getting prompted to update in the web app, I went and downloaded and did so and now the server won't stay active, as soon as I close out of the Emby Server App, and try and access it either through the web app or the player on the Shield it isn't there. When I go back to the Server app again and open it, it starts up suggesting it had crashed. I've rebooted the Shield etc and still the same behaviour. Was just wondering if anyone else was having an issue with this update or whether is it just something local to me. I've kept the previous installer so I could try rolling back?
  16. Hi there, I've installed Emby server on my QNAP TS-231P2, it worked well. However, recently due to the internet blockage, when Emby tried to pull metadata from TMDB, it always got a time-out. So I'm thinking of using a proxy to solve the problem. Unfortunately, I didn't find any HTTP proxy settings in Emby control panel. Therefore I decided to install shadowsocks and privoxy to turn Socks5 proxy into a HTTP one. Too bad the privoxy rules just didn't work. Even after I added HTTP_proxy and HTTPS_proxy into the environment variables, and the command like curl or wget worked fine for api.themoviedb.org, the traffic from Emby seemed not to pass through the proxy and got time-out again. I wonder if there is any other means to solve the problem, either from a system level or software level. Also, I'd like to know if you are adding proxy settings in the future versions of Emby. Thanks for your help in advance. Any suggestions are welcome. A piece of log is attached to show the typical situation. 2020-04-20 19:58:13.506 Info HttpClient: GET https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/342588?api_key=f6bd687ffa63cd282b6ff2c6877f2669&append_to_response=casts,releases,images,keywords,trailers&language=zh-CN&include_image_language=zh-CN,zh,null,en 2020-04-20 19:58:33.521 Error HttpClient: Connection to https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/342588?api_key=f6bd687ffa63cd282b6ff2c6877f2669&append_to_response=casts,releases,images,keywords,trailers&language=zh-CN&include_image_language=zh-CN,zh,null,en timed out 2020-04-20 19:58:33.590 Error ProviderManager: Error searching *** Error Report *** Version: Command line: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/EmbyServer/system/EmbyServer.dll -programdata /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/EmbyServer/programdata -ffdetect /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/EmbyServer/bin/ffdetect -ffmpeg /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/EmbyServer/bin/ffmpeg -ffprobe /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/EmbyServer/bin/ffprobe -defaultdirectory /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA -updatepackage emby-server-qnap_{version}_arm-x41.qpkg -noautorunwebapp Operating system: Unix 64-Bit OS: False 64-Bit Process: False User Interactive: True Runtime: file:///share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/EmbyServer/system/System.Private.CoreLib.dll Processor count: 4 Program data path: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/EmbyServer/programdata Application directory: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/EmbyServer/system MediaBrowser.Model.Net.HttpException: MediaBrowser.Model.Net.HttpException: Connection to https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/342588?api_key=f6bd687ffa63cd282b6ff2c6877f2669&append_to_response=casts,releases,images,keywords,trailers&language=zh-CN&include_image_language=zh-CN,zh,null,en timed out ---> System.OperationCanceledException: The operation was canceled. at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.HandleFinishSendAsyncError(Exception e, CancellationTokenSource cts) at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.FinishSendAsyncBuffered(Task`1 sendTask, HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationTokenSource cts, Boolean disposeCts) at Emby.Server.Implementations.HttpClientManager.CoreHttpClientManager.SendAsyncInternal(HttpRequestOptions options, String httpMethod) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Emby.Server.Implementations.HttpClientManager.CoreHttpClientManager.SendAsyncInternal(HttpRequestOptions options, String httpMethod) at Emby.Server.Implementations.HttpClientManager.CoreHttpClientManager.SendAsync(HttpRequestOptions options, String httpMethod) at MovieDb.MovieDbProvider.GetMovieDbResponse(HttpRequestOptions options) at MovieDb.MovieDbProvider.FetchMainResult(String id, Boolean isTmdbId, String language, String country, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at MovieDb.MovieDbProvider.DownloadMovieInfo(String id, String preferredMetadataLanguage, String preferredMetadataCountry, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at MovieDb.MovieDbProvider.GetMovieSearchResults(ItemLookupInfo searchInfo, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.ProviderManager.GetSearchResults[TLookupType](IRemoteSearchProvider`1 provider, TLookupType searchInfo, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.ProviderManager.GetRemoteSearchResults[TItemType,TLookupType](RemoteSearchQuery`1 searchInfo, BaseItem referenceItem, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Source: Emby.Server.Implementations TargetSite: Void MoveNext() InnerException: System.OperationCanceledException: The operation was canceled. Source: System.Net.Http TargetSite: Void HandleFinishSendAsyncError(System.Exception, System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource) at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.HandleFinishSendAsyncError(Exception e, CancellationTokenSource cts) at System.Net.Http.HttpClient.FinishSendAsyncBuffered(Task`1 sendTask, HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationTokenSource cts, Boolean disposeCts) at Emby.Server.Implementations.HttpClientManager.CoreHttpClientManager.SendAsyncInternal(HttpRequestOptions options, String httpMethod)
  17. This only happens on my mobile device in shows that have a high number of seasons (20+). When I try to direct play (or direct stream idk the difference), this is how it looks like: https://i.imgur.com/EAkg2Qu.png . I'm using the latest emby server and emby app updates. This happens for all the episodes in the show. If I set the quality low enough (1 mbps) it forces transcoding instead of direct play and everything works as normal. I'd like to see this fixed so I can play it at full quality instead of having to set it low. I'm on a Pixel XL, Android 9.
  18. alexio458

    Problema con emby premiere

    Buenas tardes, Ayer realice una suscripcion a emby premiere desde mi cuenta iPhone, y no me deja enlazarla con mi servidor. No recibi ninguna clave ni siquiera. Un saludo Good afternoon, Yesterday I bought a suscription for emby premier through my iPhone and it do not works. I did not receive any key at all. Regards.
  19. Likeskites

    emby premier issues on ios

    Hi there I installed Emby on my iOS Ipad. I then subscribed to Emby Premier through the app. I received a receipt of purchase email from Apple. Within the Emby app however, it does not appear to recognize that I have made the purchase. I click the restore purchase link and nothing happens. I did not receive an email from Emby giving any sort of emby premier pin to enter into my server. Any ideas? thank you for your help!
  20. Vikh0

    smartv lg subtitle problem

    Hello good night friends of the forum, I am here because I am a new user of emby and I have a problem, before I used plex, but when I tried to watch subtitled movies, with the server mounted on my personal use pc, I transcoded and gave me buffering, for this motive stop using plex and try emby, and I liked it, much just that now I have a problem, which is that when I watch the movies I put the option to show subtitles and they do not appear or leave when they want, in the middle of the movie or at In the end, I have a powerful PC, for this type of work, and 100 mb of connection, mkv format and in 1080p quality use w10 pro, updated, I hope you can help me, try to play the same movies on my pc and if it shows subtitles and I have a smartv Lg Webos 43lj5500
  21. QNAP Android 9 Emby 3.0.87 Using Android app with Wifi, playing a song, everything fine, also caching. When changing network to LTE, app stops caching, playing stops at the end of puffered data - next song not possible. The other way round - LTE to Wifi - works fine. This is a big playback problem, because when start listing inside and moving outwords, the connection type changes and playback stops. The only solution right now is NOT using Wifi at all. Attached log-file. Mobile listing should start at line 700. I don't see, why emby stops after network connection changes.
  22. hi my server in windows can't update plugins! it shows me emby updates without any problems. I have to update DLNA plugin from 1.0.31 to 1.0.33 manually. connected with a vpn, but problem is still alive! restarted emby and PC but doesn't work logs.zip
  23. i haven't watched emby on my pc for sometime so i haven't noticed when it changed but i recall firefox used to play my videos via directstream instead of transcoding them. two things may have affected this but i am not certain: 1) recently W10 Build 1903 update (a few days old) 2) firefox v70 upgrade (maybe a month or so old)\ what is interesting though is chrome still plays via directstream. is there something i can do to force firefox or the emby server to use directstream instead of transcoding my videos?
  24. Good evening, My Samsung TV app was working fine this afternoon, and then after going out to run some errands it won't allow any sort of playback. As soon as I select a show none of the buttons have any focus or are selectable, and a wheel icon just spins. if I press play it will stop, but no other buttons aside from back work and I'm unable to play anything within the app. Restarted the TV and reinstalled the app with no change. I tried using the Play button to select it per Luke's recommendation on another post with no luck. Playback works on other devices, and I'm able to cast to my Chromecast connected to the TV just fine. The notification on my phones emby app isn't dismissable and doesn't go away when an episode ends without going back into the app and then backing out, but that's a different problem. I'm wondering if it's something with the newest version of the app released earlier today, as the timing would definitely coincide with when it stopped working, although I didn't get a notification of any sort that it was updated from my TV. Screenshot here Samsung model number: Samsung UN55KS8000F Samsung firmware version: 1231 Samsung Emby client version #: 1.0.48. (updated, didn't know initially) Thanks in advance!
  25. Hi, I upgraded Chrome to 74.0.3729.108 (newest stable for macOS) and subtitles aren't showing in Emby Web App. Previous versions of Chrome is working, as well as Firefox and Safari. Been running Emby on FreeBSD 11.2 a long time (same version before and after subtitle problem). Any ideas?
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