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  1. Hello, After previously working through some issues with Genre Cleaner re: movie genres, I've since moved onto polishing up my music library. For whatever reason, a handful (maybe 40-50) songs/albums showed up under a genre category which did not appear on the actual file's "details" genre properties within Windows Explorer. Some of these categories remained even after running Genre Cleaner. Nevertheless, I've gone through the process of manually editing the individual albums/files to achieve the desired results. This effort has generated a broader question for MBS: How do I lock a specific metadata category within an entire folder (music album, music genre, entire music folder, etc) to prevent future alterations via library refresh/internet downloaders for metadata? For example, as described in the first paragraph, I would like to "lock" the music genre category for all of my existing music, particularly before I attempt to download any of the additional missing metadata (ex: artist images). I've spent over a decade trying to classify my music into genres for playlist listening purposes and I'd hate to have all of that work washed away with one simple refresh of the music library. From what I can tell, it appears that locking a folder for a specific metadata category does not appear to lock the same metadata category for that folder's subfolders. For instance, if I have a music album folder with 10 songs within it, toggling the album's "genre" category to lock will NOT then result in the album's individual songs being locked for "genre." This premise is similar for TV shows and their seasons, or the seasons and individual episodes, and so on and so forth. Sorry for the long explanation, I just wanted to make sure I'm not entirely missing the boat here in case there is such a setting that I've overlooked. If not, I think this would be a huge request for a "wish list." Please advise. Thanks!
  2. gillmacca01

    locking. What gets locked?

    Easy question for you guys. If I lock a tv show, at the tv show level, will this stop metadata updates at season/episode level, or do I need to lock at season/episode level as well?
  3. I have Emby installed on a QNAP, which also has a VPN service running through OpenVPN. Scenario 1: VPN turned off, I can remotely connect to Emby Scenario 2: VPN starts up before Emby has started, so Emby uses the VPN address. Unable to access remotely Scenario 3: Disable VPN, start Emby and then restart the VPN. Emby show normal external address (not running through the VPN), and I can access Emby remotely. Is there a way for my to get Emby to use the non-vpn address only (maybe by locking it or something?) Many thanks for any help
  4. i'm wondering if i'm missing something or if this feature is working as intended. does the "replace all metadata" with "replace existing images" selected also refresh metadata and images on items marked as "lock this item from future changes" ? my goal is to set some movies to have custom poster images and/or custom sort titles, lock them, and still be able to refresh the rest of the library, but right now my custom selections are getting wiped out. how do i set my server to really and truly lock metadata and/or images on an item?
  5. I'm breaking my collection of TV Series into Parent TV and Kids TV by using the Emby tags in metadata manager. Do metadata items that didn't exist when the metatdata was auto-updated get overwritten when it auto-updates again? i.e. - Do I need to lock every show that I add a tag to? Thanks!
  6. I think I solved the Emby and Kodi Master Lock issue. At least, it has worked for me since June 28, 2015 with no apparent negative impacts. CAUTION/DISCLAIMER: This worked for me on a networked dual server source/multiple client setting. I cannot guarantee it will work for your specific set up. Here is a step-by-step of what I did, and some tips and pointers I learned; I am doing it from memory a week after the fact, so I hope I didn't forget anything. Please feel free to shoot anything down if you wish. My whole reason for doing this was to have multiple profiles that were protected by passwords (one for the master user, one for parents) and multiple profiles without protection, but restricted in Emby, for the kids Set up your first profile in Kodi, including your skin settings. This will be the master user profile. Install the Emby plug-in and restart Kodi, and then scan your library Exit the program once the scan is done. Do NOT enable Masterlock yet! Create the other profiles you want, but for each one, choose the media info to be separate and the sources to be the same. When I kept the media info the same, the child profile I created for my son could see the poster for each movie, but not play them. I wanted the posters to be out of the way altogether. You may want to set all of your settings before cloning your profiles. I did not and it was painful later on because I was adding and removing the same sources over and over to create the menus the way I wanted. Let Emby scan the library for each user Exit the program. Install a dummy sources.xml file in the master user folder. Here's the file I used: <sources> <programs> <default pathversion="1"></default> </programs> <video> <default pathversion="1"></default> <source> <name>dummy one</name> <path pathversion="1">smb://kore/dummy new/</path> <allowsharing>true</allowsharing> </source> <source> <name>dummy two</name> <path pathversion="1">smb://kore/dummy viewed/</path> <allowsharing>true</allowsharing> </source> </video> <music> <default pathversion="1"></default> </music> <pictures> <default pathversion="1"></default> </pictures> <files> <default pathversion="1"></default> </files> </sources> Here is the most important part of the sources file that worked for me: I needed two dummy sources. Each time I used only one, it never worked. Don't ask me why, I do not know. You do not need to have any real paths in the file. If you do, Kodi will actually scan those paths and if your skin shows library totals, it will be off because of double-counted movies. Create symbolic links to the file for the other profile folders, or create copies. Either way works. Start Kodi and log in as the Master User Enable the Master Lock Exit the program Log in as another user and you should be able to see your movies. All Emby movies will be under the "Movies" section of your skin, and not under Videos. You can set lock codes for other users as well, or leave them blank. Hints and tips: If I had to do it all over again, I would set all settings first and then clone the profiles. Before cloning, I would remove “videos” from the shortcuts, and the ability to add sources: I also removed the parent folder visibility because clicking on that in the skin would kick me right out of my customized menu and into the "Video" part of Kodi. It's also a good idea to add sources to various movie collections (if needed) for all your movies at once, and then clone. The reason for this is that it is easier to add everything and remove them from the custom skin shortcuts for your cloned profiles (one action, "delete") than to add a new shortcut ("add a button", "choose a shortcut", "browse to source", "add source"). Here's what mine looks like: I hope that helps some other users out there. As a Dad, it's important for me to keep the parent movies away from my kids, and I like to have two separate locked accounts so one can act like the admin. If you have any questions, let me know. I can't promise a quick response, but I'll try.
  7. Just a punt here but anyone else recently seen a change in their server behaviour? The first issue is user lock. After an indeterminate time of inactivity the user session will be locked even though there is no password. In "Power Options" I have "Require a password on wakeup" disabled. It should be noted that I have no password set for the admin user. I have also checked the screen saver settings and "On resume, display logon screen" is also disabled. I have gone through my entire power options menu and cannot find anything that might cause it. Another thing I have noticed is the server restarting itself early in the morning even with no patches installed. Just some weird sh1t happening all of a sudden. I have had the same PC for a number of years now. Any ideas?
  8. Theodore

    Metadata Locks Being Reset

    Server version: 3.0.5490.2 I am going through my media collection to make sure everything has artwork and all available metadata. I have locks set at the top level "Movies" to lock Name, Overview, Genres, and People. I also set the same metadata locks set on the individual titles when I initially add them. However this morning I was going through older titles that I had when upgrading from MB2 and getting them fully populated when I noticed something potentially pretty bad (for my anal-retentive filing at least). I would select a title and set my locks under Metadata Settings for Name, Overview, Genres, and People then click "Save". When the "Item Saved." dialog went away I would go back up and click "Identify" and select the movie. All available information now populated, I click "Save" again. Now scroll down to Metadata Settings and all of the locks set have been reverted to "On". Is this as bad as it looks? When autotasks run for People and Library run, is it going to potentially mess up the data I set manually? If I set those locks at the top level, shouldn't that automatically pass down to the subfiles like it does if I were to click the check box for "Lock this item to prevent future changes"? Thanks!
  9. GhostRider

    Folder lock inheritance

    Hi I have noticed that a sub-folder does not inherit the lock status of the parent. Should a new sub-folder inherit the parent value? I running mediabrowser server version 3.0.5135.31685 on a Windows 7 PC. I prepare new movie folders on a separate, old PC. I use makemkv and then run meta<browser/> to pull the metadata. I then stop the server on the main PC, copy the whole movie folder over and restart the server, check scheduled tasks and rerun a scan if required. The attached files show the following: Media folders - shows the location of the one movie folder Movie settings - shows the metadata settings for the top-level movie folder. Metadata providers is off. Folder locks - shows a new movie folder (10,000BC) freshly added to the top-level movie folder - the lock icon is off. I was hoping that the lock would have been inherited and I have to then lock the new movie folder separately. Am I missing setting a value somewhere to enable this to work?
  10. I would like to see the android client allow for playback to continue whenever the screen shuts off (including when the device gets locked). I should also point out that I do have task killers etc... installed on my device, so it's possible that the app is already capable of this, and that it's a 3rd party app interfering.
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