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Found 5 results

  1. Hi, I have finally dropped WMC with EmbyServer. New setup is: HTPC running NextPVR with DVB-T Dual Tuner (BlackGold BG9630) Emby Theatre main client software to Live TV and Emby Server Asustor NAS running EmbyServer with Emby Premiere (trying for month to see LiveTV works?) EmbyServer with NextPVR PlugIn v3.2.6.0 ISSUE Success - Live TV on HTPC through PVRNext directly Success - Live TV on HTPC through PVRNext web interface Success - Live TV on Desktop PC through PVRNext web interface FAIL - Live TV on HTPC with Emby Theatre FAIL - Live TV on Desktop PCs / Laptop through Emby web interface Emby error: Just spins the circle or then provides No Tuners available. *Upd: IPs as follows for logs HTPC ( Asustor NAS ( Desktop PC ( *Upd: 28/03/18 2pm Error
  2. I'm using Emby Theater for Windows Desktop (ie, not the Windows App), on Windows 10. Is it possible to customize the Skin, or create a custom Skin? At this stage I'm not wanting to do anything major (ie, I don't want to design a whole new skin), but I would love to be able to customize the display of Tags (ie, display them, and control where they are displayed), and perhaps some other things (eg, I might like to display some custom text based on a item having a certain Media Stub media flag). I did just notice that the Tags are displayed when viewing my library via the server browser interface, so hopefully those are coming in a similar way to ET eventually. I'm open to creating a Pull Request if someone will point me to the appropriate file(s) on GitHub. Thanks!
  3. I have Emby theater installed on a PC that is used for whole house audio. Through any client I can remotely control this to play music, podcast, etc. The issue that I'm having is that after some time (several hours), this ET is not showing up in the remote control list. I can go to this PC and directly control it (so it has not crashed) but I can't see it in the list again until I close ET and start it back up. It would seem that Emby Server just forgets about that ET running if no one touches it for a while. Is there some timeout setting that I can override or does anyone have a better solution to accomplish this? Subsonic had the perfect solution for this but I'm working towards a single backend... I'm so close! Thanks!
  4. Seeing the Poster (Screenshot) helps me see what episode I am up to at a glance from the home screen for any given TV Show. The new ET defaults to the Thumb view for the season (or show) which doesn't give this detail until you navigate into the next level down for the TV Show. Also not all shows have Thumb views, which results in a mixed bag of Thumbs and Poster views on the home screen which looks a little messy. I would like to see an option added to change your default preference between Thumbs and Poster views for areas on the TV home screen like latest episodes or next up episodes (perhaps an independent option for each?). This would allow me to customise it to my personal preference and get more information directly from the home screen. Many Thanks!
  5. Hi, MBT seemed to be working fine for me (except for a brightness issue that I've mentioned in other threads) until the release of the new version. I reinstalled the "portable" version to get rid of the "Try the new Emby Theater" message every time I signed in, and now all of the User Images are wrong or missing (They are still fine in the server/web app), and the "Next Up" section is a mess: All of the images are from either the wrong series, a movie, or as you can see in the one in the top left; is actually one of the user profile images. (Actually, I believe the "Dark Matter" image in the bottom right is the correct image). Screens: Actually, looking closer. For some reason most of the images are from the series "Extant", which is a series I've watched recently, if that makes a difference at all.
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