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  1. Past hour
  2. anonymousmouse

    Reinstalling Emby

    Do to my own error while trying to solve permission problems I had to reinstall Emby. Now I don't know how to get to my server. Browser can't find. http://localhost:8096/web/wizardstart.html and http://localhost:8096 Is there something that persisted from the original install? My system is Rocky Linux. I feel like I am missing something I should include here but can't think of anything.
  3. speechles

    Emby Roku app vs Emby LG TV app

    Does it keep playing sound in the background and the entire video is covered by the media libraries and such? Or is there a mini video-player in some corner of the screen? Are these video playing in the background with the entire video player as the background? Can you show a screenshot of how this is done or explain a bit how it is done.
  4. speechles

    Toggle NEXT UP on/off

    Issue #1658: [PosterGridView] Severe limitations of 3-dot settings available via Roku Emby app versus web UI Issue #1660: Fix Popup Selector to show media instead of codecs when multiple versions are present There are some of the issues getting fixed. Thank you for wanting to keep track of progress. It keeps our feet to the fire. That is a good thing.
  5. MrCaspan

    Music notes show up as rectangles

    Is there a tracker to follow to be notified or to track the issue??
  6. MrCaspan

    Music notes show up as rectangles

    Okay so it's still an issue then.. thanks Luke!!
  7. Luke

    Add keybind for playback speed

    Hi, it's certainly possible for future updates. Thanks.
  8. Luke

    Music notes show up as rectangles

    Hi, yes we are looking into it. Thanks.
  9. I know I read somewhere else that space had to be made for Korean chr set I believe. Has this been solved yet? Why can't they just be bigger font library if so or load only font you want?
  10. Today
  11. JackBowman

    How To Choose External Player For Live TV

  12. @moviesandtv56 Have you managed to resolve this? And if so, how did you set it up first causing the issues?
  13. marianomaki

    COVERT ART 4.0

    ves si las pongo pero nada
  14. marianomaki

    COVERT ART 4.0

    si si bajo los discos de cada pelicula , pero no los usa ,o hay que decirle algo mas , yo descargo las caratulas y los discos , pero no los pone
  15. matrixtech

    MediaInfo For Emby Plugin(HDR, Vision, Atmos, DTS:X)

    Any chance you have the time to post that soon?
  16. Yesterday
  17. Luke

    настроить базу обложек

    Hi, there, can you please provide a specific example? Have you enabled saving images into media folders?
  18. Luke

    Emby Server can not start

    Let us know how you get on. Thanks.
  19. HI, if you want internet metadata from tvdb then you will just have to bite the bullet and follow their numbering. The same goes for Tmdb. Alternatively you can lock the series and handle everything manually, although that will be quite laborious.
  20. The channel 4 program "GBBO Extra Slice" is at https://www.channel4.com/programmes/the-great-british-bake-off-an-extra-slice they have the series listed as 8-15 (it is numbered after the main show and a couple of earlier series are unavailable). Unfortunately all the other sites tvdb for instance https://thetvdb.com/series/the-great-british-bake-off-an-extra-slice number the series differently they start at 1 and run to 11. That is numerically correct as the follow up show didn't start until the main show had been running a while. Channel 4 in their infinite wisdom have decided to number it in line with the main show rather than starting at 1. So TVDB/IMDB series 11 is actually Channel 4's series 15. Tvdb's series 4 is Channel 4's series 8. This means that I have files in seasons 8-15 but they match incorrectly or not at all because they don't match up to tvdb's 4-11. I'd rather keep the channel 4 series number's, they produce the programme and it matches with the main programme (GBBO), Is there any way to correct it?
  21. Luke

    season display problem

    hi there, what exactly are you asking for?
  22. Luke

    Adjust subtitle sync?

    Hi, we already have the subtitle offset in the video player for Emby for macOS.
  23. You don't need a Microsoft account to download from the store.
  24. Lessaj

    Which Emby apps support End Credit Skip

    From my limited testing with the web and android apps it seems to work fine TV shows, I set it several minutes ahead of the end and the buttons popped up as expected, but I didn't get any prompts when trying the same on a movie.
  25. Hi, I hope you are doing well. I have some friends that are not good enough using their computers. So they don't have Microsoft accounts to download the app Emby for Windows from the Microsoft Store and it could be to they an entire world to sign up . Is there any oportunity to enable again the option of download the installer from the webpage https://emby.media/emby-for-windows.html as in the past?
  26. UCM_1

    Emby Roku app vs Emby LG TV app

    I'm not at my LG TV at the moment, but on the web app it's the "Keep playing in the background" option. The Emby LG app has this option as well, but the Emby Roku app does not (at least not that I've ever found). For the fast forward/rewind, I suppose I need to be more specific in that it's the forward and reverse skipping that I am really talking about. The Emby Roku app shows a miniature screen of each position you are at, as well as miniature screens of a couple skips back and forward from the current position, as you skip forward or reverse. The Emby LG app does not do this. But the actual fast forward/reverse in the Roku version is also better, in my opinion, then the LG version. While the LG version does at least show the miniature screen of the position you are specifically at as it moves forward/reverse, it doesn't show positions before or after as the Roku version does. Having those screens of what past and what's coming up gives a person more reaction time to resume play where actually wanted.
  27. 00KKKK

    Adjust subtitle sync?

    Its been 3 years now and you are saying it will be on the coming updates
  28. Luke

    Which Emby apps support End Credit Skip

    More apps should support it now, but you'll have to set the data manually using that plugin.
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