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  1. I've recently come across a bug in the new Emby windows when downloading music using playlists. Context: I have a music playlist with a few hundred songs in it. If I use the three dots on the playlist to download the playlist, after it has downloaded the tracks I will find that the music in my playlist is now randomized. The playlist will still appear the same, and will still list the songs in the correct order. But selecting a song to play will result in another song from that playlist playing while the UI is telling me it's playing the song I selected. Testing I've done: So I have uploaded a photo of a test I did to recreate this bug. In the screenshot I show the test playlist I created and in red next to each song is the song that ACTUALLY plays when you select that song. For example if I select "Killing me softly" it will tell me it is playing "Killing me softly" with the appropriate graphics and details such as duration. But in actuality the song coming out of my speakers will be "A thousand years" which is several tracks below it in the playlist. How to recreate/test: Create a small playlist with easily identifiable tracks Play through tracks normally This works fine Click the ellipsis on the playlist page and select download. After the playlist has successfully downloaded, navigate to the playlist and begin playing tracks The names and icons will (often) no longer match up with what track is actually being played If you go to the item page directly, or get to it through another page like the album, artist, or even another playlist it will play fine. Issue only happens when playing it from the downloaded playlist. Go to App Settings >> Downloads >> Manage downloads >> ellipsis next to playlist >> remove download Navigate to playlist and begin playing tracks The song and details on the UI will now perfectly match what is actually being played.
  2. Recently I have been having an issue when trying to start playback on a Sonos device from one of my playlists (other playlists work fine). I select the Sonos device to Play On, navigate to the playlist, then click either play or shuffle. If I have the Sonos app open, I see that an item from the playlist has been selected on the Sonos device, but it doesn't begin playing it. Emby doesn't show the playback controls for the Sonos either. If I click on the play button in the Sonos app, it begins playing fine, so it's not having trouble accessing the media, and I can use the skip button to go to the next item in the playlist. In the Emby log it shows an error. I have attached the relevant portion of the log. Again...other playlists work fine; Sonos begins playing and the playback controls appear in Emby. It's just the one playlist giving me trouble. Any help would be appreciated. Emby Server Log.txt
  3. As I organize my collection in Emby after "importing" it from Synology Video Station, I have been assigning various videos to different playlists. Thousands of videos is taking quite some time, since additions are in small groups as I get time to dedicate to this project amongst life's other duties. There are several options for sorting, though I prefer alphabetically by title. However, no matter how many times I select the title option for sorting, it seems to revert back to the order in which they are added to the playlist after new titles are added. It seems to retain the alphabetical title order for the films added earlier, but the newly added films always appear at the end of the list, without automatically being sorted by title as I originally requested. I can re-sort by title after adding, but when I add more films at a later date, they always appear at the end of the list. It would be nice if the sorting function either automatically maintained the selected sorting preference, or at least had a "toggle-able" option to "maintain this sort order preference as new titles are added", or equivalent language.
  4. The web player has no option to add the currently playing item to favorites or to playlists. I guess many users here in the forum will answer now that I can do this within the library. Thats right. But when I play an item from the movies overview or from a list directly then going back from web player means to return to originate location, not the media that was played. If you do not exactly remember which media you played, you have to look again for the needle in a haystack. Therefore I suggest to do the following: Preferred: add options for favorites and playlists to web player. or Make sure that the web player always returns the user to the item last played (this is not preferred, because when you are playing from a playlist, and you want to "like" an item, you would have to exit the web player to toggle favorites and come back to your playlist).
  5. Saludos comunidad, verán eh estado trabajando en unas portadas para personalizar las Bibliotecas y las Playlist y me gustaría compartirlas con ustedes, de estar forma la interface de sus colecciones se verán mucho mas estéticas. Aquí subo algunas pero estoy trabajando en muchas mas conforme estén listas las iré agregando a este mismo post poco a poco, espero les gustes. También los podrán encontrar en mi cuenta de Pinetres ala que pueden ir dando clic a este enlace.
  6. show the playlist connected to each song when viewed in list of table mode. 1. open music library 2. click songs > settings > view = table >Show field "Playlists" Display All the playlist the song is connected to. Sort by number of playlist?
  7. I have created some custom integrations between emby and trakt such that my playlists are managed exclusively in trakt and then automatically added to emby, with media added in emby if it exists in my library. Currently it's a one way street, where changes to the playlists in emby are lost, with trakt as the only source of truth. My request is to have two new webhooks added. 1. Media added to playlist 2. Media removed from playlist Ideally the body would include the media and playlist IDs so that I can find the necessary data to then push changes from emby playlists back to trakt. I could grab and parse emby playlists directly, however that's messy without adding a db in the middle, which I very much want to avoid. Fwiw, the existing webhooks for added to / removed from favourites achieve the same goal perfectly for my favourites syncs.
  8. I have a very long playlist, with 2000+ songs (I listen to a lot of music, okay) and I've noticed that once you hit Shuffle, the list of queued songs only goes up to around 1000. Fair enough, but I've noticed even after multiple shuffles that songs later on in the playlist aren't sampled by the shuffle. It's much more apparent when sorting by Title instead of Playlist Order, because all the songs in the queue have letters in the first half of the alphabet. Basically it results in me only hearing the first half of my long playlist whenever I shuffle it, which is a shame because I'd like to hear my newly added stuff also. Any ideas for a solution or a fix? If you need any more information just ask. Thanks.
  9. Can we lock the movie order in a playlist? I want to make a MCU movie sequence, but anyone can change the order in it and i need it to be always the same order.
  10. Just started fooling around with Microsoft CoPilot Image Creator because I wanted some icons for my playlists (hated how the generated default square image distorted 2:3 posters). It isn't perfect but it's pretty freakin' awesome IMHO. By default it creates square icons which is exactly what I wanted anyway, not sure if you can change that. The only thing it has problems with is generating text inside of the images it creates. So if you don't want/need text it's super easy. If you want text it might take some extra time/tries. (Separate 7z file with 1024 x 1024, 96 ppi images attached) Decades Playlist Thumbs Square.7z
  11. I did a search, and the only request that I saw similar was included here: https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/76011-music-queue-list-improvements/?hl=%2Bshuffle+%2Bmusic That discussion seemed to be more focused on lyrics rather than the shuffle piece, so I figured I would create a separate FR. One of my biggest pet peeves with using the web interface (when listening to music at my desk) and the android app is my inability to to select a song from a playlist and have emby shuffle the playlist after the current song ends. The current behavior is that after the song I selected finishes, the next song in the playlist is played (which in my case is alphabetical order). The native android music players (the app retro player in my case) allow me to select a song from my playlist, and then click on the shuffle button on the now playing screen and my playlist queue is automatically shuffled. I realize that the simple answer is to just use the shuffle button to randomly start a playlist and shuffle the songs, but sometimes I just want to start listening to one song, and then listen to the rest of my playlist at random. Additionally, when listening to music with my kids, they ALWAYS want to start with a specific song, and then don't really care what happens after that. This causes me to have to select the song they want to listen to, then when that song is over, go back and hit the shuffle button, which is annoying to have to do. Hopefully my ramblings made sense - and thanks for your consideration.
  12. Hey if this isn't in the right spot feel free to move it or let me know and I'll redo it, as there's not really an issue. In the AndroidTV app, when in the Playlist tab you have display preferences and the option to turn on and/or off "Show Labels", which places the 'folder information' in a space above the folders as opposed to on them. And I'm the event you turn them off, removes them obviously. It's just within the app, I don't know if it's just me but there's a secondary 'folder information' and small folder icon even in the event the "Show Labels" is in the off position. Which is different from the Android phone app and Emby Theater. Is it supposed to be this way and either way, is there a way I can remove it? Thanks. (Attached are pictures showing what it looks like and a picture of the Android phone app version contrasting how I'd rather it be and assumed it to work.)
  13. What is the proper way to import m3u playlsits (from Swinsian for Mac)? Do I place them into the main music folder or create "Cool List [playlist]" folder with m3u file in the /Data/userplaylists folder?
  14. When playing an Audiobook the playlist will have every track of the audiobook twice. See screenshot. Is this a bug or are qny of my settings just wrong? The audiobook looks fine and has every track just once.
  15. So - a search turning up old threads seems to suggest this did not used to be possible unless I go through and start merging files - which would be highly impractical to do across an entire pre-existing video collection. I figured I would ask if there's a good way to do this now that isn't editing a ton of files. Setup: I have a (largely old TV) media collection It's not uncomon for me to do rerun-shuffling Many shows have "Part 1" "Part 2" "Part 3" or even "Part 4" continuations. I would really like to set it up so that when I shuffle a TV show (or a library, or a genre, or whatever), if it hits one of the multi-part episodes, it plays through all the parts sequentially like it was one long video - always starting with Part 1, without me needing to go through and edit every multi-episode plot in my collection to merge the files. I'm good with renaming some files or manually editing my NFO files after scraping the normal episode data to make it happen. But while I don't mind renaming a few hundred files to make it happen across my library as I could do that on a couple days I'm not busy, drawing it out to one every hour or something while my computer processes videos for months would be an insurmountable barrier to doing it. So like: https://thetvdb.com/series/stargate-atlantis/seasons/official/1 If I go to shuffle Stargate Atlantis, as I often do - Emby would ideally treat "Rising" 1 & 2 as just "Rising" (in playlists, in playback, in season view), and then I could just use the metadata from "Rising (1)". Is there a way to do that through Emby in 2022, or is that still unsupported?
  16. Hello As stated in the title the playlist function in the Roku app gives no indication whether the item is played or not, unlike the web, windows theatre or android versions. Please could this be included when the app is next updated?
  17. I restored my emby backup that was created via the server configuration backup plugin. Playlists are there, but empty which was not the case when it was backed up (first image). I'm also getting two different sets of playlists. One set are .m3u files that exist on my server and appear when ai click Home > Music > Playlists (Second image). These are properly populated. The second set (empty as described in the problem above) is reached from the Home Screen > Playlists. (First and second image) . Does anyone know what is going on?
  18. wakirk2002

    Playlist and Users

    I have Emby installed from Standalone and setup to run as a Service, that's all working fine. Emby is installed on a D: drive because I didn't want to fill my SSD with emby stuffs, not knowing how big it could get. I live with Me and Two housemates, and have 4 users setup, an Admin user, My user, and my two mate's users. Now, I am referring to Emby users, NOT windows users. The issue I am having is when I create a playlist under my user all the users see it and can edit it. All google shows me are posts on how to actually share playlists, when in actually, I don't want to do this. What I am trying to do is have each of us (on our own Emby user) have our own private playlists. How do I do this? Thanks.
  19. Hi, I have two questions about playlists; 1. Is it possible to block playlist creation by regular user but keep admin powers for the feature? 2. Is it possible to make the playlist only visible to the creator user? Thank tou so much.
  20. Hawkwinter

    Emby shuts off when I'm not home?

    Maybe this is a bug, maybe it's a setting that's causing me problems. I don't know. Hopefully someone can lend me a hand. So - often when I am going to be gone for several hours, I turn the Android TV on for my dog. He stays more calm if I leave the TV running. I've got several playlists that should each take several days to complete, full of reruns, or movies, or what have you. But sometimes, (like today) I come home, and everything is just *off*. I have no idea when it suddenly shut off, or how long he was sitting here agitated and the like - but it does explain why when I checked in on the pet camera while I was in the maternity ward with my son a few hours ago, it looked like he had gone to sulk by the door or something rather than relaxing on the bed like he usually does when the TV is on while I'm out. He may have also howled bothering the neighbors, that's been a thing that happens when I dont run the TV when I'm gone for a while in the past. Hopefully not this time - but in other houses I've had neighbors complain about him howling when I leave him alone without the TV on. I tried to access the android logs per the instructions, but I hit an access denied when I went into Android/data. So I don't have any logs at the moment. If it's a bug and you need the logs to help figure out why it's happening... I dunno. I guess I'll have to get an old laptop hooked up to the TV and set up a network share and use VLC or something for the rest of the week and try to fix it before the next time I need the TV to work when I'm not home I guess. But I would prefer to not have the dog panicking in the house while I'm at the hospital. So if there's a way for me to fix whatever is going on and make it stop happening on my end and you know the cause (like if it's some sort of Netflix style awful-shutdown-timer - but one I can disable) - please let me know how to fix it. Thanks
  21. chenglee

    Emby Playlist Maker

    Hey guys, Adding and creating playlists in Emby is a long and nerve-wrecking process, but with this tool you can add m3u8 playlists made with other media players (e.g. VLC) to Emby. I'm not a good coder and this tool is in an early state, if you could give me feedback, that would be great. To get the tool working, read the Readme and if it still doesn't work, you can ask me here and I try to answer. I hope someone will find a good usage in this. Playlist Maker.zip
  22. I have a playlist with a lot of video music in it, and from time to time new video music is added to the playlist. Now I want to start playing from the end of the playlist and then play the second to last. Hope to add reverse order play to the playlist.
  23. I have created some playlists of music and downloaded them to my android phone for when I am not at home. When outside of the server"s network the music is there, but the playlist is not accessible. What am I doing wrong here? Thanks
  24. Hi, In order to find easily an item in our large librairies, it could be great to have the possibility to import a playlist from imdb/trakt. This way we could easily create playlists like 10001 movies to see before you die or Academy Award for Best Picture for our current movies in our libraries. Bonus : List all missing movies for a specific playlist I found a script doing this for Plex but can't find how to adapt it for Emby or a way to import Plex playlists to Emby I hope someone will find this useful and want to help implementing this.
  25. I have just started using the Emby apps installed both on the Chromecast with Google TV and 4K Fire Sticks and am loving not having to cast from my iPad anymore! However, I'm still trying to figure the best way to organize all my various content. Upon reading through the forums about collections within collections and how it seems like that may never happen (no idea WHY that would be so hard....), I found some other users that were assigning Playlists to Collections as an alternative and have done that a LOT. Unfortunately, when I browse the Collections and pull up a Playlist --- the playlist has no content -- there is nothing there to select/play. If I go directly to the Playlists tab to open the playlist it works just fine. This totally defeats the point of using the playlists as sub-collections and, thus, puts me back at square one. Is this expected behavior? Is there any chance it would ever be fixed? Thanks!
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