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  1. I am still fixing the catastrophic results of (temporarily) enabling moviedb as a music videos md provider. When I go to the music videos library, I have 3 tabs on top; Videos/Artists/Folders In Videos, it tells me 1.8k media, which sounds about right. In Artists view, 500 on the counter, which is dead on. In windows file explorer, I have created artists folders (yes, 500 of them). In Folder view, I was seeing 500 items, so everything is cool. 500 artists, 500 items in folder. But... I have only 74 items that actually are artists folder. The rest are individual videos. Why show them as Folders is beyond me. At first I believed it was because of some flattening of folder happening with "one hit wonder", that is artists I have only one MV of. Even if it were true, why does Emby take the initiative of displaying files when asked to display folder. If I want to see individual videos, I will go on Videos views. Right now this is a mess. But I discovered another problem. About half of those videos were of artists I had more then 1 videos of. They were "versionned" by Emby. For instance, I have 6 music videos of Alanis Morissette, but could only see 1, when I select it, it shows the versions button, which if clicked on, displayed all 6 different songs. Why this happens is again beyond me. Fortunately, the Split versions button unexpectedly worked. After checking all videos one at a time, I got rid of nonsense versioning. I was expecting Emby to realize, "hey in Folders view, I am displaying 6 individual videos of a same artist, so I am going to show an artist folder instead, but no, it did not happen My Folder views now shows 800 items (74 artists + 726* individual videos), when it should show 500 artists folders. *of those 726, maybe 200 are "one hit wonder" artists, the rest are multiple videos of same artists. If someone can explain the apparent lack of logic behind this, I would be curious about it.
  2. I recently switched over to Emby from Plex and while me and the households of my siblings are perfectly fine with having Emby in English our parents don't speak any English at all, so we had to find a way to have the metadata on Emby in Hungarian as well. Since you can't have multi-language libraries where users can just switch to another metadata language on the client side, I've tried to create new libraries with a different metadata language but with the same folders, and then I would hide the English libraries from my parents' user accounts. This is how my Plex was set up and this setup worked fine on Plex without issues, but for some reason on Emby my new Hungarian language libraries didn't want to switch over to Hungarian, no matter what I did. I've double-checked the library metadata settings multiple times, I've restarted Emby, I forcefully refreshed all the metadata for my new libraries, but nothing worked. I noticed that when I was refreshing the metadata for my new libraries the percentage icon also appeared on top of my old English libraries that were sharing the same folders with my new libraries, which made me think that because these libraries happen to share the same folders for some reason Emby treats them as if they were actually the same library, and that's why it was refusing to switch over from English because that's the metadata language of my old library. I've tried searching the Emby forums and Google, but I couldn't find anything about this issue. But I did see a comment that said that having libraries with the same folders can cause issues and bugs, which further confirmed my suspicion that these different libraries were treated by Emby as if they were the same library. As a temporary solution to this issue, I thought that for my new Hungarian libraries, I had to have new folder paths that differed from the ones that the old English ones use. Since making copies of my video folders, which take up multiple terabytes, would be a waste of space and time, I thought of creating Symbolic Links at a different location that point to my video folders, and using the folder path of my Symbolic Links I would be able to trick Emby into thinking these are different folders. Since I host my Emby server on Windows I used an app called Link Shell Extension to create the Symbolic Links. For example, this is the folders of my old English movie library: And this is the new folder path I made using Symbolic Links: After I did this Emby finally switched over the metadata language of my new libraries to Hungarian. I wrote this all down not only just to report this issue, but also help those who might encounter this same issue in the future.
  3. PS when I say folder I mean folder / library. I have 1 folder per library. So yes, I know there's already 1000 of threads about this exact error. But mine seems to be different. First of all, I recently had this exact error with some new movie files, which had really really long titles (and the folder where the file was in, had the same super long title). It gave me this same error every time, until I shortened the folder and video file. Strange, but okay, solved easily. Now I have this same error, but a different issue, with my 1 folder of HDR demo files. They're all short 1/2 minute files, all in the same folder. All stopped working. They worked before. I don't think I've changed any setting on my demo folder. BUT when I take one of these files, and move it to my movie folder, then play it from Emby, it works. BTW the demo folder hasn't worked in months, but they worked before that. I just want to fix it now. So I guess it must be somehow setting related. So I compared the settings for both folders. And as far as I can see, they're exactly the same. Strange, right? Any ideas? Can it somehow have to do with the fact that the files are short in time? I think the demo folder is set up as a TV show library, but I can't find where I check that. It does have some other tv-show related settings which my movie folder doesn't have. Could that be it? I looked at other threads with this error but it looks like 10 different issues all gives this same error, and also many people said: do: "PKG install ffmpeg" but I'm pretty sure that's not a thing on a server running windows, right? And yes I can probably fix it by making a new (movie) library for this folder and solve it that way, but I rather know what is happening for next time.
  4. Hi, I want to know if there is a way to show Music CoverArt in correct ratio (i.e. other than forcing 1:1) in the folder view or in player. I have recently updated from 4.6.xx to 4.7.xx version. In the previous version, although Music CoverArt in folder view will be forced in 1:1 ratio, in player view, the art will be shown in correct ratio. However, I noticed that the player cannot show the Music CoverArt in correct ratio anymore in 4.7.xx version, after adding lyrics function and some changes on the buttons. For example, the song "to the beginning" is forced to show its CoverArt in 1:1 in folder view. The cover is actually 1710x1920. In the previous version, when I click the bar in the bottom, the player will show up and I cannot see the art in correct ratio. In this version, even after closing the playlist view and have the screen only display the CoverArt, it is still 1:1. Sorry I couldn't provide the screenshot that the player showing the art in correct ratio in older version. Is there any way to display the CoverArt in correct ratio? (Music Folder OR Music Player) Thank you!
  5. Would it be possible to have a default display setting for picture folders? I already organize my picture folders by date and event. Each time I open a picture folder, all pictures have "2021" as title. With every folder, I have to open the folder settings, and select "filename" as field to show, and untoggle "year". Could this be made into a default somewhere?
  6. when i add some library to scan, it looks only set primary by default. Is any to set folder default view to thumb for all folder default? if i one by one set, it can save the config, but i have 3000 folder... does anyone can help me?
  7. al92780

    User custom Recording Folder

    With a custom recording folder for each user, does a user see their folder only?
  8. Bonjour, Je suis nouveau sur l'utilisation d'Emby, mais c'est un logiciel puissant et qui répond parfaitement à mes attentes. Cependant, j'ai essayé de chercher un peu comment faire pour faire ce que je souhaite, mais je n'ai pas réussi à trouver de réponse efficace. En fait, j'ai un dossier qui contient tous mes films et mes séries, un peu en vrac, certains films sont dans des dossiers, d'autres non, etc... Quoiqu'il en soit, Emby reconnait bien tout et me les affiche correctement. Ce que je souhaite faire c'est créer une médiathèque Films et une médiathèque Séries. Et que ce soit filtré automatiquement. Le but est que je ne me retrouve pas avec tous les épisodes de toutes mes séries affichés en même temps que les films. J'ai essayé de suivre ce tuto pour voir si cela fonctionne (ce qui m'obligerait à reclasser les éléments dans mes dossiers, mais au pire je peux le faire ça) : https://support.emby.media/support/solutions/articles/44001159110-tv-naming Mais même en créant un dossier TV et une médiathèque TV, un dossier avec la série et Season, les séries ne sont pas reconnues donc pas affichées. Il y a certainement quelque chose que je fais mal, mais je ne sais pas quoi... Merci d'avance pour votre aide ! @cayars
  9. Hi
  10. Hello, I'm having a problem with the display in the Metadata Manager for "Movies" media libraries. Indeed, for these media libraries, the variable " serveritemtype " is set to " Movie ", while for media libraries of the " TV " type , the display is in " Folder " mode eg: " Films " type media library : <li role = "treeitem" serveritemtype = "Movie" collectiontype = "undefined" aria-selected = "false" aria-level = "2" aria-labelledby = "8_anchor" id = "8" class = "jstree-node jstree -leaf "> " TV " type media library : <li role = "treeitem" serveritemtype = "Folder" collectiontype = "undefined" aria-selected = "false" aria-level = "2" aria-labelledby = "8_anchor" id = "8" class = "jstree-node jstree -leaf "> The fact is that when a media is not correctly detected by the scrapper, it is very practical to be able to find it thanks to the Metadata Manager (I think, moreover, that is its function). Display in " Folder " mode is therefore necessary. On an Emby server, in the latest stable version (, which I upgrade from version to version since version 4, I don't have this problem, the display is in " Folder " On a freshly installed Emby server (, I have this problem. For information on configuration, the 2 Emby servers are installed on an Ubuntu 18.04 server 64bits (up-to-date) with an Emby Premiere LifeTime license each. Is there the possibility to force the display in " Folder " mode in the Metadata Manager ? Thanks for your help. Mick @@neik @@Happy2Play @@arrbee99
  11. In my music collection I have albums that start with "..." For example, the Britney Spears album "...Baby One More Time" or the Phil Collins album "...Hits" Recently I've noticed that those albums no longer appear in Emby. I have tried removing the three dots at the beginning of the folder name and then Emby sees the folder again. I know it has not always been like this but I also don't know when it first began. My guess it was with the release but I can't say for sure. My folder structure is Music>Album Artist>Album I am currently running Emby
  12. Hey there, i ran into a weird problem with my emby setup on my windows 8 computer. I was running the beta server for years but downgraded last week to the stable version. Since then one of my Documentary folders is showing up as a TV show with the actual shows showing as seasons. I have a Documentary TV Show library with several parent folders on multiple devices. Only my "Doku TV" parent folder is making problems Path to the mount of the parent folder from the windows 8 pc is "I:\Documentaries Platte\Doku TV" with network share path "\\\Titan\Documentaries Platte\Doku TV" Within the folder "Doku TV" i have my Documentary TV shows - example path "Titan/Documentaries Platte/Doku TV/Earth from Space/Season 1/Earth From Space S01E01 1080p.mkv" So naming should be fine, it was working for years like that. The other three folders of that library show up correctly and just display the tv shows within. The only thing that changes was the downgrade. I tried deleting the parent folder and readding it with the same result. I also deleted all the nfo-files within the directory but nothing changed. Then i tried adding the folder to a new test library but it still is the same. Here are some screenshots so you know what i mean. I attached a log from just now trying to fix it by deleting and readding some folders. Thank you for the help! Log
  13. Would it be possible to have an option in the settings to select which NPVR folder to record a series or episode into? I have folder aliases set up for News, TVShows, Movies, etc. I rarely use the default folder I have set.
  14. Bonjour, bonsoir, je cherche un moyen de "débloqué" l'accès au dossier embyserver sur DSM via OSX, de base on ne peut pas, les dossiers système sont masqués, je ne maitrise pas encore le NAS à fond, si quelqu'un a une solution ça serait sympa. Merci. Hi i'm looking to access to the folder embyserver on DSM Synology with OSX, does anyone have a solution. Thanks.
  15. I currently use Plex and considering switching to Emby. I see that Plex uses a single movie folder with all the movies in it whereas Emby prefers separate folders for each movie. Can someone please elaborate on these two approaches and suggest if I should convert my existing library to separate folders for each movie?
  16. KillyKillKill

    Dynamic Folder Images

    Hi! I have just recently this month made the leap from Plex to Emby, and it has been a breeze. I've been very impressed! The whole thing works like a charm, and is beautiful to boot! Except for one glaring exception: these auto-generated dynamic folder images. I'm sure for some people they look great, but to me it's sort of tacky and out-dated looking. Is there a simple way to turn these off? I've tried simply deleting them, and it looks great for a time, but eventually they just reappear again. I've combed through a few other posts on this issue, and haven't found a simple way to turn them off, only real suggestion was to make and upload my own image files, which seems cumbersome and unnecessary, but if that's what it iz, then I guess it iz what it iz. Just curious! Thanks in advance. KillyKill my ideal emby server look (before the dynamic folders spring back):
  17. Hi folks, I have two Media Maps in Emby (both with sub folders). One for my daughter and one for myself. We both have made Collections. I hope you can add some extra functionality to the Collections option. It would be very nice that the Collections can be separated per Media Map, otherwise we see each other collections and we really don't want that. Because I don't want her to see the movies that I watch By the way the folder view option is not working correctly on the Nvidia Shield (in the sort menu you can not select folder view) so all movies are displayed on the screen. On my TV (LG) however this function is working correctly. I hope you can also made this possible very soon on the Nvidia Shield because I prefer the Shield app above the LG App. Many thanks in advance. Nighthawk
  18. I would like the ability to group multiple libraries together so they appear as a single library from the main screen, but allowing me to dive down into the different libraries. For example, I have 3 music libraries - mine, my wife's, and kids music for the kids. I don't want all 3 visible from the main screen, but I would like a single entry called 'Family Music' or 'Music' that allows me to drill down into the different libraries. It would be helpful for seasonal libraries, like my Christmas and Halloween libraries.
  19. hugo.lapointe

    Emby Server 3.4 - Collection Folder

    Hi! First, thanks for this new release. With this last update, it seem the collection folder doesn't manage pages... thus, if you have more than 300 collections (like me), each time you load the collection folder, the server has to pull all image and that create a delay. Maybe it will be a good idea to manage page in this folder. Again, thanks for this new release. Hugo.
  20. DPBWT

    Casting to multiple devices

    Currently I’m trying to get a media server set up to play corporate messages and videos around the plant. I’ve managed to set up Emby a powerful Intel Xeon PC, and I’ve been able to cast a video file to one of our Panasonic smart tvs. However, this is not exactly the ideal situation. Ideally I want to be able to play a single folder, with multiple video files inside, and play it on a constant loop to the 8 TVs around the plant. Is this possible in Emby? Currently I’m only able to cast one file at a time, to one TV at a time...
  21. I noticed the server wasn't able to successfully scan the library for the past 2 weeks now. It gives me the error A child with the Id xxxxxxxxxxxxx already exists. Digging in the logs it told me the error came from my Doctor Who folder. Apparently the media folder 'Specials & others' got duplicated somehow in the library. See attached image from the metadata manager. Strangely enough I haven't touched that series in a long time, so it couldn't be a PEBKAC issue. It seems like the problem started around the time I updated Emby Server to version on my Synology DS918+ about 2 weeks ago. Unfortunately I don't have the logs of that time anymore. This raises 2 questions 1) How is it possible the server duplicated a media folder by itself that I haven't touched in ages? 1a) Could it be the version that may be buggy regarding this issue? 2) How can I remove one of those folders so that my library will scan again? I don't want to physically delete anything from the server. Thanks in advance.
  22. Ceten

    Small bug in setup wizard

    Hi I'm just going through the setup of a new Emby server on my Synology DS918+. The package installed just fine but while going through the setup wizard I noticed the dropdown for adding a folder to my media library didn't work. After selecting one of the folders on my NAS it just closes the dropdown without selecting the chosen folder. Not a big problem as I could just enter the path manually but I thought I'd let you know
  23. I have a couple of folders, some of them contain 1 video and have a thumbnail, and some contain more than 1 video and are simply colored blocks. Is there a way to change this, and automatically let Emby do this?
  24. mireki1975

    Emby movie Download location

    Hi there, i have a small question, when i go to the emby server, select a movie and click on download the movie will be Downloaded on my local machines Download folder. is it possible to change this location? keep on the good work
  25. Hi, I will like to know if in future updates you guys could add this feature "password for a specific folder" I have one folder with wallpapers: nature, cars, but also adult one.. so... will be nice to have a password. So everyone will see the general folder "wallpapers" and access to all sub-folders (cars , nature etc. , except "Adult" folder where you need a password.) Regards, Spirit
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