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  1. No up next option on Apple TV. When using the web version I have it. Can this be fixed
  2. Feature request for Auto Box Sets & the Emby server to show missing collection items / placeholder images for what we don't have that is part of a collection. http://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/22732-auto-box-sets-show-missing-collection-items/ Thanks, hoping to see it worked out.
  3. Hi, I hope someone can clarify the problem. I have the TV show "Sliders". On the TV show page the cast/actors are listed: When I switch into an episode there is no cast/actor although there should be according to TheTVDB. I have configured the library like this: I am using only TheTVDB. If I use another primary service the actors get mixed up because the other services have the wrong order (airing order). Is that a problem with TheTVDB or is my configuration wrong? Best regards Goran
  4. My mothers old samsung recently died. They bought a new one, nothing fancy, a Samsung UN43DU7200F (or UN43DU7200FXZA) Version XB01 from Best Buy. Emby is not available in the app store? Can it be loaded via USB? I thought that all of the newer TVs had it available so a but suprised it is not. Any ideas?
  5. Bingegang

    IPTV channels missing

    Hi there team. I have an issue with IPTV. Before yesterday I could see all my IPTV channels but since yesterday I have channels missing. For example, all the amazon prime channels are missing and everytime I read my m3u file with VLC, I see all the channels. With names. Flag. Image. When I look for them on Emby... Not even one single channel. Only, studios, films, épisodes and only one program: Amazon the lost world. And of course is the same file. I tried to refresh guide. Did the updates. Took out the file and put it on again and refresh again. Nothing changed. Still zero Amazon prime (so I can't watch the Clássico)
  6. Having the exact same issue in 4.7.11. Ubuntu 22.04, 13700k Happens in both native install and in a docker (with /dev/dri passed as a device). Emby user is in video and render groups. Everything works fine for both Plex and Jellyfin. Emby used to work, not sure when it stopped.
  7. Hi all, I have run into a rather weird issue this evening after reviewing my hardware encoder options. After seeing a remote user connecting and playing a media file that needed to be transcoded due to global bit rate limitations, I noticed that it was streaming at a rather low bitrate of ~900kbps when the global limit was set to 2.5mbps. My upload speed is more than capable of achieving this and has done so without issue in the past. I hopped onto DSM to see what was up and found my CPU usage was spiking to 99-100%, which was causing the slow down. This has never happened before and I would typically only see CPU usage of 10-20% while transcoding any file, so I thought to check my hardware acceleration options, as per the wiki suggests, to ensure nothing was switched off. I found that I still had hardware acceleration set to 'Advanced', but weirdly enough, no options appeared under 'Preferred Hardware Encoders' as they had just a week ago. See the screenshot. It is almost as though it no longer recognizes any of the hardware options for hardware acceleration on my NAS. I am stumped as to what has caused this sudden switch. My only inclination would be that it has to do with my recent upgrade from Synology DSM firmware 6.2.3-25426 Update 3 to version 6.2.4-25554 last evening. That upgrade went smoothly and nothing indicated there was an error, but this is the only major change from last week to today. I have confirmed that this occurs both for remote users and myself while local. This issue occurs on a variety of different platforms including Amazon Fire TV devices, Firefox, etc. I also confirm that the spikes completely subside once I stop playing/transcoding of media files. Direct play files are seemingly not causing spikes of this nature. My Emby Premiere license also appears to be correctly input and resolving fine. I am also running the official package, not within Docker. Any help would be appreciated so I can adjust my hardware acceleration options to not cause spikes. Included is the server, hardware, and transcoding log of a problem file. Thank you. Server Specifications: Synology 920+ 8GB Memory Firmware: 6.2.4-25554 Emby:
  8. A couple weeks ago I noticed a bunch of missing cast and crew data completely missing on a bunch of newly added movies. I figured it might just be some temporary glitch so I manually selected "refresh metadata" which did not retrieve the cast and crew so I selected "Identify" and that did add the cast and crew info. A week or so later I looked at a few of the movies I "identified" and the cast and crew were missing again. I looked at my settings and thought I would try UN-checking the option "Automatically refresh metadata from the internet" AFTER I manually updated the titles missing cast and crew. It's a week later and the same titles are missing cast and crew again. Upon further inspection many (70-80%) of my movies are missing cast and crew and it seems all the new titles I have added in the last 1-2 weeks are missing cast and crew. A day or two ago I "identified" a few titles and then chose "Lock this item to prevent further changes" from the edit metadata section, so far those titles have retained their cast and crew data. Any ideas/suggestions? I have thousands of movies and would like to find a way to correct this other than manually going through every title. Any ideas? Log attached.
  9. I used to be able to delete multiple recordings at the same time... a feature that seems to be missing for me the past few weeks (probably since most recent update). Current Server Version: ... with an Emby Premier subscription Below is a screenshot where I selected all the episodes of a series. Clicking the three dots in upper-right corner I expect to see the option to "Delete" but all I see is: Add to Collection Add to Playlist Download to... Mark Played Mark Unplayed Refresh Metadata I don't believe it is a permission issue because I can delete the files individually. Probably should also mention that the user I am using does have permission within emby to delete files: -Dave
  10. I'm having a strange. I have a copy of a Dick Tracy tv show from the 30s. Its a 15 episode series and it shows that it has 15 episodes on the main icon for it but when I go into the show folder in Emby it only shows as having 12 episodes. It's the same for mobile and PC web. Originally the naming of each episode was labeled as chapter 1, 2 etc. I changed that to s01e1, etc to see if if this was a fix. It was not. Any suggestions or advice?
  11. Hey Guys, I am still trying out emby and in the middle of changing over from plex. my question is to find out why my libraries are not showing up properly. i have 2 main folders (movies) and (tv shows) these both work fine how ever i have another folder within my movies directory (movies 4k) which isn't working properly, no movies are showing up but the folder icon on the top show there are movies there. really stuck on how to fix this as i want 1 main library for all movies and then sub folders to other types like 4k movies etc. any help would be grateful. thanks guys
  12. Is there a way to fix these two eipsodes? more episodes are there but form some reason they are missing.
  13. In the least couple weeks my Skip to Next or back to Previous file buttons have gone missing on all file types. Both in Chrome and Firefox, and both on this PC and on the host PC when I test playback. I have tried to install on top with a fresh copy of Emby with no changes. How can I get my buttons back?
  14. I'm having trouble getting Dukes of Hazzard s01e12 added to emby. All the rest of the episodes display fine, just this one episode won't Here is what I see in Emby & the folder structure: Link for nfo file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/67ee7eyiztaf59c/The%20Dukes%20of%20Hazzard%20-%201x12%20-%20Route%207-11.nfo?dl=0
  15. In my music collection I have albums that start with "..." For example, the Britney Spears album "...Baby One More Time" or the Phil Collins album "...Hits" Recently I've noticed that those albums no longer appear in Emby. I have tried removing the three dots at the beginning of the folder name and then Emby sees the folder again. I know it has not always been like this but I also don't know when it first began. My guess it was with the release but I can't say for sure. My folder structure is Music>Album Artist>Album I am currently running Emby
  16. monkeyslapper

    Missing Feature / Little Tweak

    Hi There guys. I am try you android tv version of emby. I am actually enjoying it. Thanks for this great product. I am not sure if this a feature or not. Favorites on the Home screen? Either on Android or Emby home screen? IS here a way to turn off the side bar on the left screen. It seems redundant. Search for emby tv works well, but it seems to show Actors first then / tv / movies. Can we have it show Movie / TV / Actors? One off question. Whats happening with 4K HDR Transcoding. Do we have resolution to this or this one of the situaton that its just not going to happen?? Once again guys. WELL DONE! thanks Monkeyslapper
  17. I've just installed Emby for WMC on a new build and all of the free themes are gone? Well, apart from Chocolate anyhow. The only themes available are the Premier ones at $10 a pop. What happened, are you giving up on WMC users? If anyone can upload their free themes from their Computer it would be most appreciated!
  18. Hello, since 4.0 I am missing the ability to filter for missing episodes in the TV-Episodes-Search... Has this been removed? If so, I would like to request, re-adding the feature. Using the Reports plugin for finding missing episodes is possible but the sorting for dates is totally useless (sorting by D M Y, and in that order). greetings ben
  19. wrkilu

    Multi-part items

    Hi, I have video files in some folder which are in fact different series files. There are exactly 42 video files but in collection there are only 40 First from below it is but second not. -rw-r--r-- 1 loocek loocek 63326208 lis 8 2007 'camera.cafe.II.02a.[dvb-RIP.by.Brzydal].(osloskop.net).avi' -rw-r--r-- 1 loocek loocek 66660352 lis 8 2007 'camera.cafe.II.02c.[dvb-RIP.by.Brzydal].(osloskop.net).avi' The same here, first it is , second not -rw-r--r-- 1 loocek loocek 734334976 sty 4 2008 big_cd1.avi -rw-r--r-- 1 loocek loocek 733626368 sty 4 2008 big_cd2.avi Why ? I tried everything, rebuilding, recreating from different folder - nothing. I check logs even and what is interesting there isn't completly any information about missing files... like they weren't added or touched at all... This is Emby Server v.4.1.1 on Ubuntu 18.04.
  20. I've noticed in the last couple of days that the Live TV section on the home screen doesn't display. The Live TV library icon under "My Media" shows but I have Live Tv set to show in Home Screen Section 3, but its showing the "Latest Channel Items". I don't see the Live TV section no where at all. Note: I do have a thumbnail scheduled task/job that is still In Progress (in case that's making a difference) server log 12-6-17 (12am).txt server log 12-7-17 (12am).txt server log 12-7-17 (859am).txt
  21. Good morning, after updating from 3.3x to 3.4 via dpkg I am missing several pictures. There are some folder pictures missing and a lot of pictures from media inside of all folders. Never had this problem before after an update. How to proceed from here? EDIT: Testet via different browsers and accounts, cleared cache of all testet browsers. EDIT2: Found several "Error ImageProcessor: Error encoding image" in server log. See attached. included server log.txt (changed url, private and public ips). Thanks in advance Soki Log.txt
  22. Hello, new to Emby and I added a folder of photos (in sub folders) to my photo library but many of the sub folders' images are not showing. The folder names are shown and when I go into them I see placeholders for each image but no images. If try to open an image, I get the broken/missing image icon. Some folders seem to show all of the images just fine. I cannot seem to figure out a pattern as some some old and some new images appear and both JPGs and CR2 (Canon RAW) images appear. Thanks!
  23. naeyaert

    Emby Theatre Tiles Missing

    Hello Emby I started to notice something weird over the past few weeks with tiles on my home screen missing on each library. The weird thing is, the missing tile is always the 4th image from the left. I have uploaded two screen shots of my setup, one on the "MY Movies" screen and one on "KIDS Movies" which shows the missing tiles in the yellow outline. It is ALWAYS the 4th tile on the screen. When I select the movie and the exit out, the image loads fine. It's almost like I need to refresh just that image on the 4th movie. Can you please let me know how to fix this as it's slightly annoying having to refresh the image to see what the movie is. Many thanks for your help in advance. Rob
  24. jasonwilliams

    Ghost Playlists?

    Hello Community, The drive in my server recently crashed, but thankfully I have been using the Backup plugin, so restoring my config was easy. Everything is working perfectly, but I panicked when I went to play a music playlist, and they were all missing. I created a new playlist, and suddenly all the playlists reappeared. Relevied, I deleted the playlist I just started and all the playlists disappeared again. When I create a new playlist, the others appear, but only when I navigate to Music --> Playlists. If I use the hamburger menu and navigate directly to Playlists, they do not appear. Is there a glitch here or something I can do to make them work properly? Thanks, Jason
  25. Hello, As you can see in the screenshots below, something goes wrong with the ID3 tags when browsing the Emby server using UPnP/DLNA. The song artists are interpreted as album artists, and for the songs some ID3 tags are missing. The tags are correct on the server though. Thanks in advance!
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