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  1. I recently switched over to Emby from Plex and while me and the households of my siblings are perfectly fine with having Emby in English our parents don't speak any English at all, so we had to find a way to have the metadata on Emby in Hungarian as well. Since you can't have multi-language libraries where users can just switch to another metadata language on the client side, I've tried to create new libraries with a different metadata language but with the same folders, and then I would hide the English libraries from my parents' user accounts. This is how my Plex was set up and this setup worked fine on Plex without issues, but for some reason on Emby my new Hungarian language libraries didn't want to switch over to Hungarian, no matter what I did. I've double-checked the library metadata settings multiple times, I've restarted Emby, I forcefully refreshed all the metadata for my new libraries, but nothing worked. I noticed that when I was refreshing the metadata for my new libraries the percentage icon also appeared on top of my old English libraries that were sharing the same folders with my new libraries, which made me think that because these libraries happen to share the same folders for some reason Emby treats them as if they were actually the same library, and that's why it was refusing to switch over from English because that's the metadata language of my old library. I've tried searching the Emby forums and Google, but I couldn't find anything about this issue. But I did see a comment that said that having libraries with the same folders can cause issues and bugs, which further confirmed my suspicion that these different libraries were treated by Emby as if they were the same library. As a temporary solution to this issue, I thought that for my new Hungarian libraries, I had to have new folder paths that differed from the ones that the old English ones use. Since making copies of my video folders, which take up multiple terabytes, would be a waste of space and time, I thought of creating Symbolic Links at a different location that point to my video folders, and using the folder path of my Symbolic Links I would be able to trick Emby into thinking these are different folders. Since I host my Emby server on Windows I used an app called Link Shell Extension to create the Symbolic Links. For example, this is the folders of my old English movie library: And this is the new folder path I made using Symbolic Links: After I did this Emby finally switched over the metadata language of my new libraries to Hungarian. I wrote this all down not only just to report this issue, but also help those who might encounter this same issue in the future.
  2. Emby has still problems with german Umlaute in file or folder path. Emby server runs on linux/synology nas and is missing these files and folder after scanning. Example: Browse by Folder, Artist "Motörhead", "Marius Müller Westernhagen" "Ärzte" Emby Version on Synology 918+
  3. Bonjour, Je suis nouveau sur l'utilisation d'Emby, mais c'est un logiciel puissant et qui répond parfaitement à mes attentes. Cependant, j'ai essayé de chercher un peu comment faire pour faire ce que je souhaite, mais je n'ai pas réussi à trouver de réponse efficace. En fait, j'ai un dossier qui contient tous mes films et mes séries, un peu en vrac, certains films sont dans des dossiers, d'autres non, etc... Quoiqu'il en soit, Emby reconnait bien tout et me les affiche correctement. Ce que je souhaite faire c'est créer une médiathèque Films et une médiathèque Séries. Et que ce soit filtré automatiquement. Le but est que je ne me retrouve pas avec tous les épisodes de toutes mes séries affichés en même temps que les films. J'ai essayé de suivre ce tuto pour voir si cela fonctionne (ce qui m'obligerait à reclasser les éléments dans mes dossiers, mais au pire je peux le faire ça) : https://support.emby.media/support/solutions/articles/44001159110-tv-naming Mais même en créant un dossier TV et une médiathèque TV, un dossier avec la série et Season, les séries ne sont pas reconnues donc pas affichées. Il y a certainement quelque chose que je fais mal, mais je ne sais pas quoi... Merci d'avance pour votre aide ! @cayars
  4. I added a mislabeled Album(now that's 80's-Dance) and it made a mess of my music and my Emby layout! So I deleted the music folder, cleared all the music to another temp location. I added a new Music Folder in Emby Server, I then after pains takingly manually updated all the albums to be correct put them back 1 at a time verifying as i went along. However, 1 album is showing the Folder location, instead of the Artist name or Album name, it shows as folder name, and it is causing sorting issues, such as putting album under e, instead of A for Aerosmith I double checked and removed the nfo files, i even totally deleted and re - added back the album, but, still has folder location as part of the name See Screenshots attached PS, I changed the name and hit save, both with lock on and off,as well as, manually creating and updating a new artist nfo and Album info. it will not update! I checked the server metadata folder and did not see an Aerosmith location with details either, I am Stumped!!! Please Help! I have another 35 albums to add Thanks in Advance!
  5. In both Home Videos & Photos and Mixed Content libraries if a folder is named "Extras" they do not appear in Emby.
  6. Hello Team Emby, Could you add the ability to use the name of the folder, containing a single file, to identify a media file? Figured it's something Plex does, which makes some steps way easier for me and I miss that feature. Cheers
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