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  1. I recently switched over to Emby from Plex and while me and the households of my siblings are perfectly fine with having Emby in English our parents don't speak any English at all, so we had to find a way to have the metadata on Emby in Hungarian as well. Since you can't have multi-language libraries where users can just switch to another metadata language on the client side, I've tried to create new libraries with a different metadata language but with the same folders, and then I would hide the English libraries from my parents' user accounts. This is how my Plex was set up and this setup worked fine on Plex without issues, but for some reason on Emby my new Hungarian language libraries didn't want to switch over to Hungarian, no matter what I did. I've double-checked the library metadata settings multiple times, I've restarted Emby, I forcefully refreshed all the metadata for my new libraries, but nothing worked. I noticed that when I was refreshing the metadata for my new libraries the percentage icon also appeared on top of my old English libraries that were sharing the same folders with my new libraries, which made me think that because these libraries happen to share the same folders for some reason Emby treats them as if they were actually the same library, and that's why it was refusing to switch over from English because that's the metadata language of my old library. I've tried searching the Emby forums and Google, but I couldn't find anything about this issue. But I did see a comment that said that having libraries with the same folders can cause issues and bugs, which further confirmed my suspicion that these different libraries were treated by Emby as if they were the same library. As a temporary solution to this issue, I thought that for my new Hungarian libraries, I had to have new folder paths that differed from the ones that the old English ones use. Since making copies of my video folders, which take up multiple terabytes, would be a waste of space and time, I thought of creating Symbolic Links at a different location that point to my video folders, and using the folder path of my Symbolic Links I would be able to trick Emby into thinking these are different folders. Since I host my Emby server on Windows I used an app called Link Shell Extension to create the Symbolic Links. For example, this is the folders of my old English movie library: And this is the new folder path I made using Symbolic Links: After I did this Emby finally switched over the metadata language of my new libraries to Hungarian. I wrote this all down not only just to report this issue, but also help those who might encounter this same issue in the future.
  2. Hello, I have a Emby Server instance running on Debian 11 with my libraries on a Synology NAS connected by NFS shares. After upgrading my Synology NAS to DSM 7.x my Emby server can no longer read nor write to the NAS libraries. Emby log attached. Oddly, Emby does not seem able to connect to either SiliconDust network attached tuners which may imply the issue is not NAS permissions related but something with Emby Server itself. Debian Ver. = 11 Emby Server Ver. = Synology DSM Ver. = 7.1.1-42962 embyserver.txt
  3. I would like to have the option to view and play the Libraries as they are stored on the server: by Folders. It seems that it would be a great feature. I would prefer to use it. I've made also a similar request for the Android app.
  4. Hi all I have a huge library of around 2400 movies. I experienced that, if presented with many results, scrolling through the library stops after a few pages (hard to count but for sure it stops like somewhere in the first quarter, eg. only goes up to titles starting with F but not more when sorting by title). With the search function it seems even more limited, as the results are arranged hoizontally. Is there a hard-limit on this I am not aware of or is this a bug by chance? Thanks!
  5. Hi there, for several reasons, I would like to restructure my Server, meaning I would like to rename and / or move paths/folders/directories that are (partly) related to emby’s library. For example, I would like to rename the folder "Media" to "Video" (as I d like to split up audio and video into separate folders). I am supposing, such an action would have an impact on emby’s library, meaning media would no longer be found, etc. But my question is, if I could fix this by just renaming/adjusting paths within the library/libraries or if this would lead to data/media no longer being found or any other impacts such as metadata being lost, etc. In other words: - Can I adjust a media path within a library in emby? (for examle from "/Media/Animation/" to "/Video/Animation/"? - What impact will such an adjustment have? (f.e. Meta-Data and / or Images being replaced, watch-states getting lost, … Thank you in advance for your kind support. Best regards, hi2hello
  6. EDIT To clear things up: The title of my post is the feature request itself, while the bulleted content is one proposed solution that I’ve come up with to achieve it. It doesn’t have to be “solved” that way. Seeing as how many Emby users value customization, a different proposition could be the following. Allow users to chose navigation styles on all clients by giving the option to utilize a navigation drawer (like the web app already has). The point of this request is to accomplish exactly what the title says because, at the moment, different clients offer exclusive, different options that can lead to discrepancies described later in the thread. END OF EDIT ————————————————————— In order to streamline, modernize, and overall enhance library navigation through all of the clients, I propose the following changes: Completely remove the "My Media" and "My Media (small)" options from the Home Screen personalization. Utilize the navigation drawer approach (as seen in the web app) to display all of the library links. Examples of apps and services that utilize this approach on TV clients: All of these services offer an easy-to-use navigation menu for library links on the left-hand side of the screen. On the contrary, Emby's Android TV, Roku, etc apps lack this menu and rely exclusively on the users having "My Media" somewhere on their customized homescreen. As for mobile devices: In the Emby iOS app, there are multiple ways of getting to the same "Settings" menu; selecting the icon in the bottom-right or the profile picture in the top-right. As both of these icons are always on the screen at the same time, one of them is undeniably wasted space. Changing the bottom-right "Settings" icon to "Libraries" would replace the no-longer present "My Media" sections. This icon would slide up a small submenu of all libraries, or even a full-page list that blurs the background. Quick mockup: While customization - including the Home Screen section settings - is usually welcomed and praised, streamlining this particular aspect of the server across all clients should prove to be cleaner and more intuitive.
  7. Hello everyone Last Friday I restarted my Docker Emby container on Unraid. I lost all my libraries. I had the "Server Configuration Backup" extension, but no restore worked. I was using this Emby package, so I thought that this one had a problem. So I installed a new package at the end of the day. Everything was working until today when I had no cover image on my libraries. I restarted my container, and I lost all my containers. I also tried a restore but nothing worked. Also, it deleted my old Emby log files... However, I found an error in the little log file : When I look in my system, all the metadatas are deleted... ! Do you know can i fix it and restore my metadas ? Thanks a lot embyserver-63765654731.txt
  8. BruceDavid

    One File in Two Libraries

    Hi, I am using Emby on Win 10. I have several libraries created. One of which is Movies which uses as a content type, "Movies." Another is Music Videos which uses as a content type "Mixed Content." I have a directory on my computer called "Movies" and the content from there is showing-up nicely in the Movies library. I have another directory on the computer called "Music Videos" and the content from there is showing-up nicely in the "Music Videos" library. This content is mostly short form music videos. But, there is some content that I would like to have in both libraries. This would typically be music movies such as "The Last Waltz," "Let It Be, " Stop Making Sense," etc. I know that I can have a library pull content from multiple directories so i created a new directory on my computer called "Music Movies" and put the music movies in that directory and set each of the "Movies" and "Music Video" libraries to pull content from that directory. That is working fine with one caveat. The content from the Music Videos directory and from the Music Movies directory, while both in the same "Music Video" library, are in separate directories. For example, in the Music Videos directory on the PC, I have a directory called Beatles and in that directory I have a number of short-form music videos. In the Music Video library on Emby, I have a directory called Beatles and the short-form Beatles videos are in there. But, "Let It Be" which is in the "Music Movies" directory on my PC, while in the Music Videos library on Emby, is not in the Beatles directory in the Music Videos library. Ideally, the Music Videos library would be arranged by artist, with each artist having its own directory and in that directory would be all of the videos related to that artist, both short-form and movies. The issue that I face is that I don't know how to do that while at the same time having the music movies ("Let It Be" in this example) also show-up in the Emby Movies library. Is it possible to achieve what I want (which, to put it succinctly, is have a single video file (rather than a directory) populate two libraries)? If so, how? Thanks, I appreciate the help. Best, Bruce
  9. I’d like to be able to set a library to filter its contents, rather than including everything in a folder. in particular I’d like to be able to filter by language, so I can have one library that contains only TV shows with English audio, and another that has only shows with Russian audio, and I can have both pointed at the same folder (containing some English, some Russian, and some dual audio). In another topic Luke confirmed that filters for language will be in the next release, but as far as I know there’s no way to permanently set a filter for library contents. Searching with filters is ok when I’m looking for something, but way too cumbersome for my wife and kids. A solution that lets them just open the Russian library (without keeping duplicates of all my dual-audio content) would be really cool. Thanks!
  10. Currently I have my categories broken down into reasonable settings, but it would be nice to be able to put libraries into folders, especially for content that doesn't match/fit Emby's expectations of particular content, such as wrestling. For example my current libraries would be: 4K Movies Kung Fu Wrestling It would be cool to be able to have: Movies -4K -Movies -Kung Fu Wrestling -Documentaries -Shows -PPV
  11. Hey Guys, I am still trying out emby and in the middle of changing over from plex. my question is to find out why my libraries are not showing up properly. i have 2 main folders (movies) and (tv shows) these both work fine how ever i have another folder within my movies directory (movies 4k) which isn't working properly, no movies are showing up but the folder icon on the top show there are movies there. really stuck on how to fix this as i want 1 main library for all movies and then sub folders to other types like 4k movies etc. any help would be grateful. thanks guys
  12. dhenzler

    Permission ?

    I've been playing with FreeNAS and Emby now for a week. I had a NAS booting directly on BSD, and then had to use another computer to manage that. How rediculous! So after making it work, and installing Emby on my Media Center box, I knew enough about it to play with some ideas. So I installed a new SSD and loaded Linux Mint. Installed Emby Installed VMware Installed FreeNAS on BSD connected my 4 drives Created a pool called nasty Setup Samba sharing And could find and read and write to smb://freenas.local/nasty However Emby doesn't recognise the samba share... so I figured it was because of Emby not being created under dhenzler, but under emby. I have yet to get it working, but I think this is the issue. If I create a user dhenzler will that user have the rights to the samba share just like Linux Mint does? Anyone ? @@makarai @@MRobi @@bizarro252 @@FreeBSD_Lover
  13. Hello all. I updated Emby Server today (or installed on top of it since i had the most current version but i was troubleshooting something i had asked in a previous post). My library is devided into 4 sections: Movies HD, Movies SD, Series, Trailers Web app shows the library correctly. However, Emby Theater shows 3 "Movies HD", 1 "Movies SD" and 1 "Series". Meaning 3 times the HD movies one. How do i troubleshoot that? Thank you in advance. Dimitris
  14. As i just lost my entire typescript -- Emby server is quite often sluggish and unresponsive. May show libraries on the home page of the web app, but nothing else. If it shows the libraries, it will show nothing inside them more often than not. Lots of time with the spinner. Similar issues with the Roku, iOS, and Android apps. I've very occasionally been able to watch or listen to things, but even when I can get into a library and get it to display items, the library is usually incomplete. Artist sorts in music return either endless spinner, or very partial results. As I recently added two libraries, I'm loathe to execute a restart (it's grindingly slowly towards 100% on those two.) If I can get a response on the web app or the iOS or Android app, I can sometimes cast to the Roku app on the TV. embyserver.txt embyserver-63671356800.txt
  15. levander

    Bug (?) creating libraries

    Hi, It happened to me several times while creating a new library in emby server : if I click OK button (confirming creation of library) more then once there will be duplicate libraries created with exactly the same name with numbers 1,2,3... (depends how many times I clicked OK) at the end. I just delete the duplicates and there doesn't seem to be any further problems but it is a little bit confusing/annoying. (OK doesn't respond promptly when clicked the first time, that is why I was clicking it more than once)
  16. Hello! I could have sworn the other day that it was possible to group multiple libraries together in the library view, but now I'm finding myself insane, as it doesn't seem to be the case. I've got an interesting layout that seems necessary for my wrestling. What was originally a Mixed Content single library called Wrestling I have reorganized into 3 separate libraries: Wrestling - Documentaries Wrestling - Shows Wrestling - Misc I would like these to appear in the main libraries list just as "Wrestling" with the sub-libraries then being listed when one enters the initial Wrestling library. Is this possible or am I nutty? Wrestling is an odd thing.
  17. deimos3@yahoo.com

    Missing videos

    I have the latest version of Emby server installed on my computer. I also have the Emby app installed on my Amazon TV Fire Stick. I've divided my videos into separate folders so they would be individual libraries and entered these as instructed via the Emby server dashboard. However, when I go to my TV and select the Emby app and libraries, in the libraries only a few or none of my videos are present. Even doing a name search won't bring them up. I use the "scan library" feature every time I put a new video in my libraries, so that's not the problem. Why can't I see my videos on my Emby app on Fire Stick?
  18. LurchZA

    Moving libraries

    I have an existing Emby instance running on Windows 10 Professional. The machine has multiple hard drives with a basic structure replicated across them. For example: C:\ - OS D:\Movies D:\TV E:\Movies E:\TV I've now added an additional drive. Created the same folder structure and obviously added it to the Emby I would like to move some of the content from the other drives to the new one because they're filling up. I moved one TV show to test. When I moved it, it no longer showed that I had watched any of the episodes. The question is, is it possible to move content to a new drive with a different drive letter and have the server remember what has been watched? If not, it's not the end of the world, I'll only add new content to the new drive.
  19. All my libraries had disappeared after this Version update. I hadn't used it for a while, i started emby server, it auto-updated, i restarted it and now there's nothing. None of the libraries are listed in the dashboard. But the library titles are listed on the 'Home' left-hand slide-in menu when you click the 'Home' burger button.
  20. Hi guys... I was wondering if there's any plans to make users on a server have the ability to set per library permissions. For example on my Music folder I might want some users to be able to stream/listen to the library, but not be able to download them. Others I might want the other way around. But at the same time. I may want them to not be able to encode/stream video to their devices but instead download the full file and play it locally. (Guests for example who are not in my network.) Where as another user I might prefer that they have the ability to stream or download video but have no download access to a single library. Basically I would like to see/have per library permissions for each user if possible. (Maybe adding group permissions might make more sense if you have to go down this road?) Hope that makes sense? If it needs further clarification or a flow chart or something let me know. Thanks! -Phantom
  21. Windows Server: Version 3.0.5781.8 Hi Forum - I have been looking at Settings>Home Page>My Views to solve a "wish list" item that I brought up quite a while ago. Historically, I have organized my TV Series collections by container format, for example: TV Series (AVI) \Series A \Season 01 \Season 02 TV Series (MKV) \Series A \Season 03 \Season 04 When I add both of these folder paths to a library I get a duplication of the series rather than merging/displaying all seasons under the single series. I thought by selecting TV Series in My Views (Automatically group content from the following folders into views such as Movies, Music and TV:) that this would be negated. Have I misunderstood the setting or is there another way to avoid the duplication other than mixing season container formats under the same "Series A" folder? Thanks, @Tanamur
  22. Was wondering if there is any chance of being able to hide specific libraries from specific clients. Currently I see we can hide libraries from specific users but I'm more after not having games,books,comics,music show up in my MBC setup or whatever client you want to avoid showing this content in.
  23. Hello - newbie here I have setup a library for my films and a movie library for my kids films. In the now tv app I only seem to be able to see movies. Should I be able to see them listed separately?
  24. Blue Kachina

    Default Library Plus Others

    Hopefully this is a simple request, and one that others will see the merit in too. Essentially, the media center users in my home will typically all be sharing the same "Movies" and "TV" libraries, and only our "Music" libraries will be different. Because of this, I think it would probably be ideal if the server allowed for all users to use the Default Library (which I would define to include "Music" and "TV") and then be able to add custom libraries on top of that. I do see that this has been requested by one other (jj12345) as well, but it was in a post that included multiple items, so could have been overlooked. http://mediabrowser.tv/community/index.php?/topic/1452-media-library-management/?hl=default
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