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  1. Since the last update or two I've been having issues with using Emby Windows app to play music. Background: I use emby on my work PC to play music while I'm working. Normally this consists of just picking a playlist and clicking the "shuffle" button for that playlist, then adjusting the emby player volume to a rather low volume. After that I leave it playing in the background (window open on an extra monitor, but not in focus). Occasionally I'll use the basic play/pause and skip buttons on my keyboard as needed, but I haven't noticed any correlation between this and the issues I'm having. Admittedly because I'm just using it for background music, I don't always notice right away, so I can't confidently say how many songs it gets through. But it is a very regular occurrence for me to realize my music is no longer playing, and when I check the emby app it either paused exactly at the beginning of a song, or the player has closed altogether (leaving my back on that playlist page). If it is just paused, I can get the next song to start by manually hitting play and it will work like nothing ever happened, but that solution is only temporary until the next pause or crash. Interestingly enough, I don't recall that I've ever had it happen when I manually skip a song, only when a song finishes and it goes to start the next one. On some rare occasions it does do the random pause in the middle of a song, but those are much more rare. The above issue seems to be limited to the Windows app, I don't experience this problem in the browser interface, android app, or roku app.
  2. No up next option on Apple TV. When using the web version I have it. Can this be fixed
  3. I've recently come across a bug in the new Emby windows when downloading music using playlists. Context: I have a music playlist with a few hundred songs in it. If I use the three dots on the playlist to download the playlist, after it has downloaded the tracks I will find that the music in my playlist is now randomized. The playlist will still appear the same, and will still list the songs in the correct order. But selecting a song to play will result in another song from that playlist playing while the UI is telling me it's playing the song I selected. Testing I've done: So I have uploaded a photo of a test I did to recreate this bug. In the screenshot I show the test playlist I created and in red next to each song is the song that ACTUALLY plays when you select that song. For example if I select "Killing me softly" it will tell me it is playing "Killing me softly" with the appropriate graphics and details such as duration. But in actuality the song coming out of my speakers will be "A thousand years" which is several tracks below it in the playlist. How to recreate/test: Create a small playlist with easily identifiable tracks Play through tracks normally This works fine Click the ellipsis on the playlist page and select download. After the playlist has successfully downloaded, navigate to the playlist and begin playing tracks The names and icons will (often) no longer match up with what track is actually being played If you go to the item page directly, or get to it through another page like the album, artist, or even another playlist it will play fine. Issue only happens when playing it from the downloaded playlist. Go to App Settings >> Downloads >> Manage downloads >> ellipsis next to playlist >> remove download Navigate to playlist and begin playing tracks The song and details on the UI will now perfectly match what is actually being played.
  4. Hey @Luke, after some fiddling with downloaded episodes I've found some behaviours I strongly believe are bugs (all tests were done with a series with all episodes downloaded): 1. When I open a series throug the Library or "Continue Watched" and directly hit play on the episode, it's no starting the downloadedd version, but streaming it. 2. When I open the episode it may start this one episode as the downloaded version, but the next episode Emby will stream instead again 3. Only when I go through the downloaded entries it will not fall back to streaming, but whenever a episode is played back from the downloads "Skip Intro" will not be available. It would be nice if the skip intro meta data could als be downloaded along with the episode (should not even be a kilobyte) so that feature also is available offline. 4. When an episode has multiple versions (e.g. a different video-file for different language dubs) it's not possible to choose, which version to download and it's not rare for emby to choose the wrong one. Best Regards and a Happy New Year DragonSkills99
  5. screen goes black after Picture in Picture on iPad and iPhone.
  6. Subject: Bug Report - Incorrect Subtitle Language Selection during Transcoding in Emby Dear Emby Team, I am writing to report a bug I encountered while using Emby. When transcoding a HEVC MKV file with multiple language subtitles (including Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese) into an AVC MP4 format on the Emby server, the extracted subtitle is not in my preferred language. I prefer Simplified Chinese, but after transcoding, only Traditional Chinese is provided. This issue affects my viewing experience, and I believe it would be beneficial to have the option to select the desired subtitle language during the transcoding process. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to a resolution in future updates. Best regards, jacksen168 Original (Chinese): 主题:错误报告 - Emby 转码期间字幕语言选择不正确 我写信是为了报告我在使用 Emby 时遇到的一个问题。当在 Emby 服务器上将内封有多国语言字幕(包括简体中文和繁体中文)的 HEVC MKV 文件转码为 AVC MP4 格式时,提取出来的字幕不是我喜欢的语言。我更喜欢简体中文,但转码后只提供了繁体中文。 这个问题影响了我的观看体验,我认为在转码过程中增加选择所需字幕语言的选项会很有帮助。 感谢您对此事的关注。我期待在未来的更新中能解决这个问题。
  7. While playing content, you can exit the app and the media will move to a picture-in-picture player. When returning to the Emby app by either reopening it or pressing the return button on the PIP player, the media continues playing, but the screen is black.
  8. Screenshots attached. iOS v2.3.33 doesn’t show other media featuring the person, but the webui in Safari does
  9. Just noticed this today, most recent non-beta windows server and android tv (Shield) client. I added the most recent episode, did the TV library scan and the episode shows up as the next to play. However, as you can see in the screenshot, it shows that episode as missing. I looked at this about 30 minutes after doing the scan. Not sure if this is a bug or just some scheduled task needs to run and pick it up.
  10. tmurphy2792

    Continue Listening Bug

    I hope you guys aren't getting sick of hearing from me, but I'm trying to do my part by reporting small bugs as I see them. Also, going by my posts you'd probably be lead to believe I mostly use emby for listening to podcasts. But I promise that's not the case. It's just that emby seems to work so smooth for movies and tv so there's nothing to report, and after I finally got used to having to manage music/audio books through tags, that one is fine as well. My current bug is only semi-related to podcasts this time at least. Context: For the context of this explanation, there are only two libraries involved, an Audiobooks library, and the Podcasts library that appears from using the podcast functionality. Under Home Screen in the app settings both the audiobook library as well as the podcast library are checked to "Display in secondary home screen sections such as latest media and continue watching". But, depending on the device I'm using they may or may not show under continue listening. While playing with this to try to understand and troubleshoot before making this post, I found the behavior shifted on me and certain devices started working as they should. So apparently there is some way I can trigger it to behave correctly, but I don't know how I did it. Roku TV (last night): Only podcasts appeared in continue listening Roku TV and Roku stick (today): Both libraries correctly display in continue listening. FireTV Stick: Only the audiobooks library displays in continue listening Android smartphone app: Only the audiobooks library displays in continue listening Windows (microsoft store) Emby Theater (multiple PCs): Only the audiobooks library displays in continue listening Browser UI (Chrome, multiple PCs): Only the audiobooks library displays in continue listening What lead me to discover this was last night I went to turn on an audiobook on the roku tv in my living room, but when I got to the emby homepage there I noticed the "Continue Listening" section only contained the podcasts I'm currently listening to. I can't say for certain if it's always been like that or if this was a one off as usually when I turn this roku tv on it's so my wife and I can catch a tv show or movie. Anyway, I decided to manually go find my audiobook and resume it. Upon navigating to it and specifically navigating to the chapter I knew I was on, the roku did not show a continue play point on the track like my android app did. So I had to check where I was at using the android, then manually fast forward to the appropriate point. My guess is doing this might have kicked it into gear because the roku is now working perfectly with the continue watching for audiobooks and podcasts. That being said, I started paying more attention to it and realized the rokus are the only devices that actually show my podcasts in the continue listening. Everything else (including the android app I use for doing 99% of my podcast listening) only shows the audiobooks section. If it wasn't for the fact that my roku devices initially showed ONLY podcasts and now show both libraries, I would have put this in as a bug with podcasts not appearing in continue listening. But I truthfully think there's more at play here than that. To test if playing the podcasts on one of these devices would suddenly get them to start populating in continue listening, I went to my windows emby theater and found a podcast/episode I knew I was partway through. Again, it didn't show on this device that I had any continue point, but when I hit play it automagically jumped to the point where I last left off. I played this podcast for a good 30 seconds then stopped it and closed and reopened Emby theater, but no dice, this trick did not seem to resolve it for me like it did on the roku devices. Sorry that's a long wall of text, it's sincerely my hope that giving a detailed background of what I've seen and experienced can be of help for troubleshooting this. Either way here's the TLDR: Certain devices only show certain libraries in the "Continue Listening" section, and while I've accidentally fixed some devices, it's not repeatable. Also there doesn't necessarily seem to be any correlation to which device was the one that did the previous listening that needs to be continued and whether or not said device can see said "continue listening" on the home screen. If there's additional specific tests anyone can think of to have me run, feel free to mention them and I'll be glad to do what I can to help troubleshoot this.
  11. Hello I am running into this issue again that the GPU is recognised by Emby but the options for hardware transcoding are not showing. This issue was previously fixed with Version but appears to be happening again. Just to be clear, Passthrough available (non-NVIDIA) is selected from TrueNAS. Hardware logs attached: hardware_detection-63867970936.txt
  12. Hello, This is most certainly a very annoying bug. Emby client (Android TV) on Nvidia Shield Pro 2019 is skipping lines from srt file while Emby for Android on Shield and Emby for Android on an Android phone is not doing that. Maybe this will help you in debug: In additional tests, Plex client on Shield is having the same bug! Haven't find the time to test Jellyfin but why 2 different media servers' clients having the same bug on the same place. (Skipped lines from srt files are at the same place for both clients) From the attached subtitle. 87 is missing from video screen: There lots of missing lines on screen from subtitle file from now on. It begins with this line. Sharing screenshot from Android client and AndroidTV client: Jujutsu. Kaisen. S01E01. 1080p. WEB-DL. x265. 10Bit. 2CH. HEVC-sLaX.srt
  13. Basically what the title says and I've attached the logs. Any ideas? embyserver.txt
  14. CodesWScissors

    macOS Download Page Title Error

    Hi- I couldn't figure out a good place to put this, so if it should have gone somewhere else, let me know. I just wanted to let someone know that the title of the macOS download page (https://emby.media/emby-theater-macos.html) says "Emby Theater for Xbox One" - that's basically all.
  15. I have some converted blu-ray files in AV1 and Opus surround sound on my Emby server, they play fine on my PC, through the web app or on a Samsung smart TV, however when trying to use the app on my LG smart TV the audio tries to play, but ends up sounding corrupted and unintelligible. Forcing Emby to transcode by setting a lower resolution or bitrate makes it transcode to AC3 after which it works fine. Stereo Opus files seem to work fine, it is just the surround sound ones that the LG app doesn't seem to like. Obviously forcing it to transcode both audio and video to a lower resolution isn't great, so would ideally either fix the issue or just find a way to force it to transcode Opus for the LG app?
  16. So for the last few days, no matter what I play, the next episode won't play automatically like it usually does. I will set certain series to shuffle while I'm working or sleeping. I went into my settings and everything is correctly set to play automatically. Maybe a bug? Any help appreciated
  17. arrbee99

    Scrolling all the way down

    In TV mode, latest beta, windowed not full screen (not tested full screen) when you scroll all the way to the bottom, should the grayed out effect stop where it stops ? Also, when you're at the bottom (as above), and you click outside Theater on the screen, so Theater is behind something, if you click on the Theater icon in the taskbar to see it again, theater automatically scrolls to the top of the item you're looking at. This is in a details view. Should it ?

    UI and double tap to seek issue

    Request to move the settings bar/quick settings back to the lower side of bar so that the brightness bar can be usable like in the old UI(pic1). Also, request to add back double seek if it has been removed, if not, it's not working. (taken from celsian post) New UI
  19. Description: Hello! I have an iPhone 7 running iOS 15.8.2 (latest supported version). Emby runs very well when watching movies and TV shows. For some reason, it plays MP3 music fine, but M4A encoded music sometimes plays, but usually fails spectacularly. Sometimes it will play just fine, but usually it will just not play anything. If I shuffle my whole music library, I can sometimes see it flash through hundreds of songs until it hits the MP3 audio I downloaded onto my device. If I load my server up in Safari, M4A audio plays just fine. Debugging information: Phone model: iPhone 7 iOS: 15.8.2 Emby app: Emby for iOS 2.2.17 Emby server: Problematic codecs/containers: M4A (mpeg-4 audio) Additional information: When I have time to test, I will report whether or not newer versions of iOS and Android are affected. As mentioned, using the web app in Safari doesn't have any problems like this.
  20. I added a new movie to my library in a new folder called "Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour (2023)". It seemed to add successfully, but all of the images showed up as broken and the movie won't play. When I tried to play the movie I got "No compatible streams are currently available." When I opened the broken poster image in a new browser window it showed this error: Could not find a part of the path '/volume1/@appstore/EmbyServer/ The Eras Tour Taylor's Version (2023)/poster.jpg'. It looks like the file name in the error message is missing everything up to the | character. I removed the | from the folder name and rescanned the library, and now everything works. So it seems like an issue with the pipe character specifically. It's pretty small potatoes but it would be nice if this was fixed so pipe characters are supported. Or if that's not possible, perhaps Emby could give a warning when a movie has an incompatible character. It's easy to just remove the | from the name, but first you have to know that's the problem. I'm running Emby, which shows as the current version for Synology. DSM version is DSM 7.2.1-69057 Update 5. Thanks!
  21. My children have Emby accounts with "Maximum allowed parental rating" set, and the Live TV guide data is clearly filtered by this rating, which is good. However, this does not prevent their accounts from simply tuning to those channels. This behavior is the same on the web app and the Apple TV app. Here are screenshots from my account, viewing one of my children's accounts as well as a Live TV guide entry with an R-rated movie: And here is a picture while logged in to one of the child accounts, able to tune this channel (1076) (I won't upload a picture, but the Play button does work)
  22. strugglez


    Hi there, I've just recently discovered a non admin user can go to /web/index.html#!/dashboard once authenticated and essentially reload the page with the URL and still shutdown/restart the server and see active streams. Am I missing something? I've disabled admin and remote control for this user.
  23. GRS1077


    Hello, I am not usually one to ask questions however; I seem to be having an issue here that I can't wrap my head around. For the live recordings/DVR, they never seem to complete. After the recording, anything from say 2 minutes up to 15 or 20 is usually saved, rarely the whole entire recording that I schedule. Funny thing is I have sat here and looked at the dashboard and watched where it showed when they stopped, but it also showed that some complete as well but yet when I go to play them back, they are only 2 minutes to 15 or 20 in length and part is missing. What am I missing here? I have the recordings scheduled to start 1 min before and 1 min after, pretty cut and dry with that. Is there maybe some kind of conversion setting that I have turned on or something that needs to get turned off?
  24. Hi, After I update my Emby iOS app last week the plus button on “edit image” screen disappeared. Would it be possible to recover this?
  25. I have C# code that runs the RefreshGuide scheduled task, then waits for it to complete by making this call every 5 seconds until it sees a Idle status. that I deserialize into this class public class Root { public string Name { get; set; } public string State { get; set; } public double CurrentProgressPercentage { get; set; } public string Id { get; set; } public LastExecutionResult LastExecutionResult { get; set; } public List<object> Triggers { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } public bool IsHidden { get; set; } public string Key { get; set; } } but CurrentProgressPercentage always seems to be at 15% from the start until it finishes. I have noticed that the server dashboard also seems to always be at that percentage as well, probably due to this.
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