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  1. I've recently come across a bug in the new Emby windows when downloading music using playlists. Context: I have a music playlist with a few hundred songs in it. If I use the three dots on the playlist to download the playlist, after it has downloaded the tracks I will find that the music in my playlist is now randomized. The playlist will still appear the same, and will still list the songs in the correct order. But selecting a song to play will result in another song from that playlist playing while the UI is telling me it's playing the song I selected. Testing I've done: So I have uploaded a photo of a test I did to recreate this bug. In the screenshot I show the test playlist I created and in red next to each song is the song that ACTUALLY plays when you select that song. For example if I select "Killing me softly" it will tell me it is playing "Killing me softly" with the appropriate graphics and details such as duration. But in actuality the song coming out of my speakers will be "A thousand years" which is several tracks below it in the playlist. How to recreate/test: Create a small playlist with easily identifiable tracks Play through tracks normally This works fine Click the ellipsis on the playlist page and select download. After the playlist has successfully downloaded, navigate to the playlist and begin playing tracks The names and icons will (often) no longer match up with what track is actually being played If you go to the item page directly, or get to it through another page like the album, artist, or even another playlist it will play fine. Issue only happens when playing it from the downloaded playlist. Go to App Settings >> Downloads >> Manage downloads >> ellipsis next to playlist >> remove download Navigate to playlist and begin playing tracks The song and details on the UI will now perfectly match what is actually being played.
  2. XtreamDownloader, a direct DOWNLOAD and EXPORT tool (Win7-Win10) for IPTV VOD, to be used with IPTV providers who uses Xtream Codes. Especially made for users who want to use IPTV VOD DIRECTLY in Emby, so they can use all the library options in Emby, like WATCHED status and RESUME points with Video On Demand from their IPTV provider. UPDATE: Until further notice, this tool is end of life. https://torrentfreak.com/xtream-codes-iptv-system-targeted-in-massive-police-operation/
  3. eph77341

    Download with disconnected HDD

    Hello! I have a question about the download function and synchronization with an external HDD. I have set up the download for unseen media, which works fine so far. However, the HDD is not always connected to the server, but synchronization is a scheduled task. I now had the problem that the system partition was full. Is this due to an incorrect configuration of the download or does the problem always occur when no medium is connected? The HDD is also smaller than what is to be synchronized... My solution to the problem was to delete the files manually with SSH access, but I would like to avoid this in future...
  4. Hi guys, One of my user notice me that when he goes to MOVIES - SUGGESTIONS and he clicks on the download button near LATEST MOVIES, he had access to the DOWNLOAD TO page and he can push everything he wants to any device registered in the server. is there a way to mask the DOWNLOAD TO options to users or anything else to force user to synchronize, if we wants to, only on his own device ? webapp seeams to be the only bug, on the iOS app the same download button send to the DOWNLOAD page thx
  5. mbfubu456

    How to add a download device?

    Sometimes, I need to download a media (say, a movie) in advance but whenever I click the "Download to...", the drop down list only shows my phone but not the device I'm trying to download to (and that I'm actually connected to for the download). For example, I connect with my admin account on Firefox on my mac, choose a media and when I click "Download to...", I can only choose iPhone rom the list. Tried to click "Download" so it might trigger something and add the current device in the Download to list but no joy. Can you help?
  6. Hi Please, it would be great to be able to limit download speed (of offline playback) without affecting streaming speed. I found more than one topic talking on this feature from a long time ago but unfortunately not implemented yet ... so I post it here in " Feature Requests" section. It would be a very nice if you can add this feature as soon as possible as @FredMuppeteer said on other topic: Also in the same feature it needs to control/limit how many download the user can do on the same time. I hope the other users agree with me and make voting for the feature Many thanks --------- here some topic about these feature:
  7. Hey, i'd like to suggest a button which offers the functionality to copy the download/stream URL of the current video file. This can be pretty helpful for different cases like direct play in VLC or i personally also spend a lot of time in VRChat, video players exist there too and it would be nice if there was a way to playback personal media. Inspiration S1, S2
  8. Hi all, I would like to say that this is a server-side issue, not sure how this comes about. I did check for prior reports of this issue, but did not find any. I have a small (sub-)set of my movies that get their subtitles downloaded again and again every morning when the scheduled task kicks in. It happens on less than 1% of my movies. I don't know what makes these stand out. This is how I located them on the filesystem (disregarding srt-files with low numbers up to "2"): find /full/path/to/movies -type f \( -name \*.[3-9].??.srt -o -name \*.[1-9][0-9].??.srt \) -print It is not critical since I can easily nuke the extra files. Just thought it was worth mentioning. Maybe someone else can confirm. I would love to capture a log right now, but I got "viewers" that are constantly showing in the log, and no testing system to turn to. Anyone else can confirm the issue (or point me to prior reports of the problem that I did not find... again...)? Cheerios, Roodee
  9. using Emby with profiles... myself/wife/kids.. as many folks, we each have our own devices too.. we're all able to stream from our own tvs/phones, but when we try to "download" content, the server seams to think all our devices are the same.. when i go to emby > manage server > devices - i see my device there, and each of theirs, but when on their devices and request to download a show, it shows up under my device, under manage downloads (and then shows up on my phone) i've tried deleting all our profiles from the devices section of manage server, uninstalled/reinstalled the app in their phone. when i choose content from the server, select download to.. > son's phone, it shows up under manage downloads on his phone. but then when i look at my phone, it shows up there now too.. it seams that deleting all the profiles from the server, and then testing with his phone, now we're all using his profile for managing downloads.. are we not each able to have our own downloads?? Emby Server Emby for Android 3.2.82 Emby for iOS 2.2.5
  10. millsaccount

    Downloads on Android not deleting

    Hi all, When I delete a file on the Emby Android app, it seems to delete from the app but when I inspected storage on settings it still showed the downloads as on my device (confirmed via DiskUsage app) and I have to clear data for Emby in order to actually delete them. Has anyone else experienced this / know how to fix this? Thanks!
  11. dylan62370

    Download movies fail

    Hello! I can't download any movie by clicking on the download button of any movie. As soon as I click on download on the movie of my choice, I go to the "manage" tab to follow the progress and after waiting 30 min it remains on 0%... all users have the same problem including me who is the administrator. I am Emby first and my Emby is on Linux. Can you help me? Traduit avec DeepL (https://www.deepl.com/app/?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=app&utm_campaign=share-translation
  12. andrew207

    Sideload latest release of app?

    I've got a Telstra TV (Roku 2), in Australia these are running firmware 8.0.3. I've currently got this installed: https://github.com/MediaBrowser/Emby.Roku It works fine (1080p no worries), but I'd like to update to the new version. In Australia our Telstra TV branded devices don't have access to the full app store so we can't "add the channel" for the latest version. Is there any chance you can release a ZIP we can sideload like you did with the old version? Thanks
  13. Controlar las descargas en Emby con Nginx como proxy inverso
  14. I have created some playlists of music and downloaded them to my android phone for when I am not at home. When outside of the server"s network the music is there, but the playlist is not accessible. What am I doing wrong here? Thanks
  15. Hi there, I wanted to ask whether it is possible for users to use "download to" but not be able to download the original file? I want users to be able to download to their devices, but I don't want users to get the original file. Thanks!
  16. Unfortunately the update to removed all downloaded music from all devices. "manage downloads" list everything with 0 tracks now.
  17. Title basically says it, I'm trying to download a movie to my Ipad Pro 3rd gen. (iOS 13.5). If I play it online, it works, but as soon as I download it to my Ipad it doesnt have sound. This doesn't happen with the same movie on my Android Tablet when doing the same thing. Other movies have worked as intended on the Ipad. The movie in question is in German, but also has English audio bundled (both 6-channel DTS). The movie uses .mkv format. Any pointers to fix this? Unfortunately I don't have a huge database to test, but atm one movie works for download, the other doesn't. On the Android, or while playing online, both work. Greetings
  18. francoisp

    Download vs Streaming

    Sorry if this question has been asked before. I'm looking at getting Première and I am trying to figure out how playing downloaded music versus streaming music works in relation to each other. By this I mean, if I downloaded a bunch of songs to my phone, will the emby app ever try to stream music that may not have been downloaded while playing a playlist or randomly playing a genre? I hope this question makes sense. I don't mind streaming on wifi but I want to avoid it on cellular.
  19. I hope one day Emby can play music from downloads if a download exists for that song (especially when I only downloaded the songs from within the playlist and don't have all the songs from that album downloaded). So if i am in the playlist view and the download button is ticked (highlighted blue) because i have downloaded that playlist, I would like it to play from the downloaded file. That way when I drive through a dead-zone my music is not interrupted.
  20. Hi, I want to download a video from my server (for offline viewing) that has external subtitles (srt). From my web browser, I navigate to the video, go to "...More" > Download. Video file is downloaded just fine. However I cannot find anywhere how to download the srt subtitles from the server. Am I missing something here or is not really possible?
  21. Hi everyone. I have found a (Issue and this needs enhanced) because i have a friend who have downloaded a whole TV show to my mobile because both of us have the same Phone name and looks like than emby allow to see everyone devices as connected to emby through the list of downloads to device option let me explain in other words How I supposed to know wish iPhone is mine and the other 2 is my friend, as you can see there are 3 iPhone in the list because the devs don't have isolated it. I'm my moms tv with her accounts same thing (all device is listed) As you can see in above picture, I can allow to download my movies to any device from other users, it should have a isolated device list per users Like my computer and my smartphone and etc (My own devices only) .. But not showing me the device from others like my mom devices, it should be isolated between accounts (My user can download to my own device) (My moms can download to her device) I really don't understand why the devs don't have isolated the list by user. Like I have described above. Hopefully this will be fixed soon because is a security issue user may not be able to view devices from other users. Resume to do. Isolation between device account to don't allow users to download by mistake to a device from other users, so by this way the device is isolated by accounts and the retrieved(return or resulted) list was only the device from that user and not from the other. Kind Regards Enjoy? VOTE WITH LIKE NOT WITH +1 COMMENT Sent from my VOG-L29 using Tapatalk
  22. Hi there, a request for Emby Server. I have been using Download and Sync very much lately to minimize transcoding, the only thing I don't seem to find is an option to convert the movie/episode with multiple audio tracks and keeping their metadata so one can select the transcoded version and different languages within the transcoded version. This feature would be greatly appreciated.
  23. marcsimus

    Delete all downloaded music (Android)

    Thanks in advance for the help. When downloading music, the app offers to automatically download new content (sync) added to the folder you just downloaded. I foolishly chose to enable that option. Now, I'd like to disable that sync in an effort to more tightly manage the stuff that I download to my phone. Unfortunately, with that sync enabled it won't just let me remove the downloads. If I do, they just download again right away. In an effort to disable the sync, I went into Manage Downloads (both in the Android app and on the Windows server), clicked into one of the downloaded albums and deselected the "Automatically download new content" option, and then tried to remove the download. I even verified the deselection of that option on both my phone and on the server before removing the download, but of course that still didn't work. The album still just downloaded itself again right after removing it. I've since discovered that there seems to be at least 7 entries for every album, playlist, or whatever that I've downloaded. So I assume that when I disable the sync and removed the download for one of those entries, one of the other ones is causing it to sync again. That leads me to believe that I would need to click into every single entry (and there's a lot of them) in Manage Downloads to uncheck that stupid box before even trying to remove the downloads (again, 1 at a time). This already daunting task is made even more painful by the fact that whenever you click the save button after removing that option, the list gets reloaded and things move around. So keeping track of which entries you've disable and which ones you haven't becomes near impossible. I think I would also need to uninstall the app from my phone before doing any of this to make that it doesn't it doesn't check in with the server and sync again while I'm making my way through the list. Can anyone help me? There has got to be a better way to get rid of your downloaded music and start over. Where is this setting stored behind the scenes? Is there a file somewhere where I can more easily disable the sync option in bulk? Is there somewhere I can completely wipe everything out that's listed under Manage Downloads (just called Downloads on Emby Server)? The method I've described above is immensely infuriating, enough to make me question whether I really want to continue on using Emby as my media server. I am using the latest versions of both the Android app on Android 10 and Emby Server on Windows 10.
  24. So I have a couple of playlist downloaded but if I do disconnect and go to downloads the playlist doesn’t show up. It just downloads the songs, but it would be nice if we could just have the playlist ready to be played and not have to go through all the albums to the songs just to add them up next
  25. Hi, I've set up the most recent version of Emby with the google drive plugin and premier enabled so I can sync to it. I can convert/sync one time without issue to google drive. However, anytime I try to convert for a different quality it fails. Is it only possible to convert for 1 quality? Here's a picture of my "Movies" library that has 1 file in it. Here's my downloads tab where you can see that 1 job worked fine, but the other failed: The mobile 4Mbps found the file and converted it fine: And you can see the file in my google drive in the expected place: As you can see there's only the 1 file (the Mobile 4Mbps). If you look at the download settings for the mobile 1.5Mbps, you can see it didn't do anything: I'm wondering if this is a file name issue? The mobile 4 Mbps file has a name of The.Life.Aquatic.with.Steve.Zissou.(2004).mp4 with no mention of the quality. I've also attached the server logs from when I deleted the mobile 1.5Mbps download job thing and then re-added it. Nothing jumps out to me when skimming it. embyserver.txt
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