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Found 6 results

  1. eph77341

    Download with disconnected HDD

    Hello! I have a question about the download function and synchronization with an external HDD. I have set up the download for unseen media, which works fine so far. However, the HDD is not always connected to the server, but synchronization is a scheduled task. I now had the problem that the system partition was full. Is this due to an incorrect configuration of the download or does the problem always occur when no medium is connected? The HDD is also smaller than what is to be synchronized... My solution to the problem was to delete the files manually with SSH access, but I would like to avoid this in future...
  2. I´m using Raspberry pi 4 B with Raspbian with a Samsung external HD with 1TB. I have installed Emby Server and it runs well. But I can´t add library on external HD. I tried many ways to fill the Add Library field unsuccessfully. I tried enter the path manually or searching by the "lens" until the folder that I want. In this case: /media/pi/10F9-2FC8 or /media/pi/10F9-2FC8/series I know that I need to change the permissions of folders so: pi@raspberrypi:/media/pi $ sudo chmod 777 10F9-2FC8/ pi@raspberrypi:/media/pi $ ls -l total 64 drwxr-xr-x 7 pi pi 65536 Dec 31 1969 10F9-2FC8 It cannot change the "w" permission for group and all. But I think that´s not necessary because I´m using alone the server! So when I tried to add library I get the error: "The path could not be found. Please ensure the path is valid and try again." Someone can help me? Hugs!
  3. buddyweiser

    Server on Raspberry Pi 3B

    Complete Linux noob here. I am trying to learn a bit about raspberry Pi and linux, linux based file systems, permissions, terminal commands etc, and decided the project I want to start on is a emby server on a raspberry pi I can use for travel, that will be attached to a 2tb external hdd containing a small portion of my home media library. However I am encountering numerous issues. I was wondering if someone has possibly made a guide on getting Emby Server up and running on a Raspberry Pi? I am encountering all sorts of issues that I am fairly certain have to do with file permissions. This is what I have so far: most recent version of Raspbian Buster installed and fully updated at time of writing; newest stable version of Emby Server( for armhf); small test library(2 movies and 2 shows with a couple episodes and all images and metadata from my home server)located at home/pi/embymedia/(i tried to connect the ext hdd but emby server would not see it when adding library folders, i think maybe because it is NTFS file system but not sure). If there is a guide somewhere can someone please direct me to it? If not, these are some of the issues I am currently experiencing: 1- When browsing library in server dashboard, no images display for my media, even though they are located in the appropriate folders. 2- Playback Error- No compatible streams are currently available. Please try again later or contact your system administrator for details. 3- Cannot get Emby server to recognize usb hdd when adding folders to library At the completion of this project i hope to upgrade my status of linux noob to halfway novice but any help will be appreciated in my endeavor!
  4. Hello, I am hoping someone can help me out. I've been using Emby for quite a while and rarely have any issues, but I've been having one that i just can't seem to figure out. I need more space on my internal drives for games. Since I had a nearly empty external drive attached to my PC I figured I could just move my media files to it. So i moved some of the files, added the new locations to the library and thought nothing of it. The rest of my library that is on my internal drive works fine on the server. A couple of months have passed since then and I didn't realize there was an issue. Now I'm trying to watch my movies and shows but can't seem to do it. Any ideas how I can fix this?
  5. Ciao, oggi ho installato tantissimi media manager e Emby mi sembra quello più completo. Spero che possa soddisfare anche una mia necessità specifica: la mia collezione video è distribuita su più hard disk esterni (che non sono collegati al PC) e ogni volta che voglio guardare un video non ricordo mai su quale hard disk si trova. Mi piacerebbe che Emby, al momento di importare i file video dall'hard disk esterno, tenesse in memoria la label dell'hard disk o almeno che mi permettesse di assegnare un tag o un campo custom a tutti i file importati da uno stesso hard disk. Ovviamente non posso basarmi sulla drive letter perchè è possibile che sia la stessa per due hard disk differenti. È possibile fare qualcosa del genere con Emby? Grazie mille.
  6. Hi every one, I really hope you'll be able to help me. I just installed an Emby Server on my RaspBerry 2 with RaspBian OS with ethernet connection. The server just works fine. I plugged an External HDD in NTFS format, I'm able to see it and its content on my RaspBerry with SSH, but when I want to add my movies, which are in my HDD, I choose "add libraries" on Emby, go to "/media/pi/HDD" and it shows me a blank space, like nothing were in it. I try to change permissions, try to "mount" my hdd, try to download some drivers for NTFS support, but nothing works yet. I'm starting to losing my head, is there anyone who could help me ? Thanks a lot
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