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  1. Issue Emby Theater is running, but no longer visible. Clicking the Window in the Taskbar does not restore the window. How-To Resolve 1. Close Emby Theater 2. Delete the windowstate.json file in the following (default) location on Windows: %APPDATA%\Roaming\Emby-Theater\data\electron 3. Restart Emby Theater
  2. DragonSkills99

    Playstate filter not working in Folders-View

    Hey, I tried to use the "Playstate" Filter from within a directory, but it does not work. It does not matter if I try on Android, Windows or Web, the behaviour is wrong on all platforms. When I select "Played" every entry will be hidden. If I select "Unplayed" no entry will be hidden. And yes there are entries fully marked as watched and some not even watched once. @LukeThis is definitely a bug, a dev has to fix Best Regards DragonSkills99
  3. Beginning with updating Win11 on my machine yesterday, I can't connect to my server WITHOUT changing the Windows firewall app setting for EMBY server to public. It has nothing to do with the clients, routing or further circumstances. The whole profile is still set to "private", but "embyserver.exe" MUST be set to private and public, to connect from my LAN /24. Nothing changed on the machine but KB890830+defender update, KB5045935 (net-fw) and the KB5046633 patch. The background is yet still to be examined. The reason I write this topic is that I find myself wondering why I'm the only one with this problem as far as I can see. Anyone else?
  4. This guide will explain how to setup a Windows Server instance of Emby server with IIS as full transparent reverse proxy with SSL offload and auto-renewing certificates via Lets Encrypt. First, What is IIS? IIS or Internet Information Services is the web server service provided with Windows and Windows server installations. It is industry standard technology and is widely supported and regularly maintained by Microsoft. Second, What is a reverse proxy? A reverse proxy will take requests coming into your server (in this case HTTPS on port 443) and route them to a backend application (in this case Emby Server on port 8096 on the same box or another). Reverse proxies are very useful if you only have 1 public IP and multiple services you would like to run on a single port (443, for example is standard secure web traffic) or multiple servers that need to appear as one. Third, Why do I want a certificate for my site from Lets Encrypt? Well, most sites now days are secure (read they encrypt your traffic to prevent people from seeing your data), browsers these days flag sites that are not using properly signed certificate chains or run on insecure ports. If you use a self signed certificate in Emby, you may have difficulty getting things like the iOS app or Roku app to work properly outside your home. (Not sure about the rest of you, but Emby on the kid’s iPad is a life saver for long car rides). Let’s Encrypt provides free SSL certificates that are signed by certificate authorities that will be recognized on all devices and platforms. I will be using Windows Server 2019 with IIS 10 and AAR 3. All of this should work with Windows Server 2012R2 and Windows Server 2016 as well as Windows 10, however there may be some differences. You can use either stable or beta version of Emby Server, however in this guide we will use the stable version. At the time of writing, this guide will get you a full A+ rating from SSLlabs.com security test. (For comparison purposes, Facebook’s rating is a B.) In this guide we will: Install Emby Server Move Emby Server Installation to a non-user-locked location Setup a service user to run Emby Server as Configure Emby Server to run as a service Configure Windows Firewall Install IIS Install AAR Install IIS Rewrite module Configure AAR Configure IIS as a reverse proxy for Emby Configure SSL cypher suites for the server Install the Certify the Web client. Configure Certify the Web for auto-renewing SSL certificate for your domain Note: To be externally accessible, you will need to configure your route/modem to port forward 80 and 443 to your server. Pre-reqs/Assumptions: A physical server or VM running Windows Server An Internet Connection A DynDNS/No-IP URL (or similar routable dns name pointed at your router’s public IP) You have port forwarded ports 80 and 443 through your router to the machine you will use as a reverse proxy (in this guide we will use the same box for the reverse proxy and Emby server, but these can be run on different hosts). You have installed Notepad++ on the machine you will be setting up. Install Emby Server Download Emby Server Run the Installer Click Run when prompted If prompted by smart screen, click run anyway If prompted to install Visual C++ runtime, click install It will install to default location of %APPDATA%\Emby-Server. Move Emby Server to Non-User Locked Location Ensure that Emby Server is not running (right click icon in system tray if present and click Exit) Navigate to default location of %APPDATA% (%userprofille%\appdata\roaming) Right click the folder and click "cut" Navigate to C:\ (or root of the drive you wish to have Emby run from) Right click in the whitespace and paste. (if prompted to provide administrator permission, approve) Create a Service Account to run Emby as Note: Instructions show how to do this using local users and computers, you can also do this with Active Directory Users and Computers if your server is running that role. Right click on the start button (Windows flag) on the left side of the task bar Click Computer Management Expand Local Users and Groups on the left side Click Users Right click the whitespace and click new user Complete the new user dialog as shown (make sure you save whatever password you use as you will need it later, ProTip: don't re-use passwords) Click create Click close Close the computer management window Setup NSSM NSSM (Non-Sucking Service Manager) is needed to run Emby Server as a service as Emby Server does not include the nessicary components to run as a Windows service by default. Download here: https://nssm.cc/download Double click downloaded zip to open it in windows explorer Navigate to /win64 folder inside zip Copy/extract 64 bit version of the file to C:\Emby-Server Setup Folder Permissions Navigate to C:\ Right click the Emby-Server folder Click Properties Click Security tab Click Advanced Click Disable Inheritance Click Convert to Explicit Select CREATOR OWNER Click Remove Select Users (special) Click Remove Click Add Enter SvcEmby in the dialog Click OK Click Full Control Click OK Click Change next to owner at the top of the box Type SvcEmby in the dialog Click OK Check the Replace owner check box Check the Replace permissions checkbox Verify the dialog window looks similar to this (computer name will be different) Click OK When prompted if you want to replace permissions click Yes Verify security tab looks like this Click OK Setup Emby as a Service using NSSM Right click the start button on the left side of the task bar Click Windows Powershell (Admin) Type: "cd C:\Emby-Server" and press enter Type ".\nssm.exe install Emby" and press enter The install service dialog will launch, fill out as follows: Application Tab Details Tab Logon Tab (note, if you are using active directory it should be: YOURDOMAIN\SvcEmby) Exit Actions Tab Click Install Service Click OK Config ure Windows Firewall Click Start Click Control Panel Click Windows Defender Firewall Click Advanced Settings on the left hand side Click Inbound Rules Click New Rule on the right hand side Click Port Click Next Type 80, 443 in the ports box Click Next Click Next Click Next Name it Web Server Ports Click Finish Install IIS (Internet Information Services) Click Start Click Server Manager Click Add Roles and Features Click next on the Before you Begin page Click Role Based install Click Next Verify you are installing on your local server Click Next Check the box for "Web Server (IIS)" When prompted to install management tools Click Add Features Click Next Under Features, click Next Click Next again to get to role services Check the boxes for all of the following role services Make sure you check the box for web sockets under Application Development, this is needed for various features of Emby to work right. Click Next Click Install Once installation completes, click close Install Web Platform Installer add-on Download from: https://www.microsoft.com/web/downloads/platform.aspx Run the Web Platform Installer add-on installer Click Install Click Finish Install AAR (Advanced Application Routing) Download from: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=47333 Run the Request Router installer Click Install Install IIS Re-Write Module Click Start Click Administrative Tools Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager Click the name of your server on the left Double Click on the Web Platform Installer In the search box type "url rewrite" Click Add Click Install Click I Agree Click Finish Configure AAR Click Start Click Administrative Tools Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager Click the name of your server on the left Right Click Server Farms Click Create Server Farm Name your Server Farm Click Next Enter the IP address of the server or "localhost" Click Add Click Finish Click No in the dialog that pops up Expand your newly created Server Farm Click Proxy Configure settings as shown Click Apply Click your Server Click Application Request Routing Click Server Proxy Settings Configure settings as shown Click Apply Click Your Server Configure IIS Server Variables Click Url Re-Write Click View Server Variables Click Add Type "HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING" Click OK Click Add Type "HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_ACCEPT_ENCODING" Click OK Click Add Type "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR" Click OK Click Add Type "HTTP_X_REAL_IP" Click OK Click Your Server Create Emby Site Expand Sites on the left hand side Right Click "Default Web Site" Highlight "Manage Website" Click Stop Right Click the white space in the Sites list Click Add Website Click the "..." button to the right of Physical Path Browse to C:\inetpub\wwwroot Click it Click Make New Folder Call it Emby Click OK Under Binding Fill in with your public host name (see dynamic dns mentioned in pre-reqs) Click OK Configure Logging Click your server Click Logging Click Select Fields Click Add Field Configure as shown Click OK Click OK Click Apply Install and Configure Certify The Web client Download From: https://certifytheweb.com Run the Certify the Web installer Click Next Click Next Click Next Click Install Click Finish Click New Certificate Click on on Contact Prompt Fill in your contact email Click Register Contact Click New Certificate again Select Emby from the sites list Name and domain will populate automatically. Click Deployment Configure as shown Complete certificate verification process Click your site in IIS manager Click Bindings Verify there is an HTTPS binding and that it looks similar to this (with your domain information) Edit Web.Config for Emby Site Click HTTP Response Headers Click Add Configure as show (we are just creating a header to get the web.config to exist, we will paste in a premed one below, so these values dont really matter) Click OK Open an Explorer window and Browse to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Emby Right click web.config and Edit with Notepad++ Replace existing content with web.config below <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <configuration> <system.webServer> <rewrite> <rules> <clear></clear> <rule name="Redirect to https" enabled="true" patternSyntax="Wildcard" stopProcessing="true"> <match url="*" negate="false" /> <conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAny"> <add input="{HTTPS}" pattern="off" /> </conditions> <action type="Redirect" url="https://{HTTP_HOST}{REQUEST_URI}" redirectType="Found" /> </rule> <rule name="Proxy to Emby" stopProcessing="false"> <match url="(.*)" /> <serverVariables> <set name="HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_ACCEPT_ENCODING" value="{HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING}" /> <set name="HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING" value="" /> <set name="HTTP_X_REAL_IP" value="{REMOTE_ADDR}" /> </serverVariables> <action type="Rewrite" url="http://localhost:8096/{R:1}" logRewrittenUrl="true" /> <conditions> <add input="/{R:1}" pattern=".well-known" negate="true" /> </conditions> </rule> </rules> <outboundRules> <rule name="Add Strict-Transport-Security when HTTPS" enabled="true"> <match serverVariable="RESPONSE_Strict_Transport_Security" pattern=".*" /> <conditions> <add input="{HTTPS}" pattern="on" /> </conditions> <action type="Rewrite" value="max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload" /> </rule> <rule name="Proxy to Emby" preCondition="ResponseIsHtml1" enabled="true"> <match filterByTags="A, Area, Base, Form, Frame, Head, IFrame, Img, Input, Link, Script" pattern="^http(s)?://http://localhost:8096/(.*)" /> <action type="Rewrite" value="http{R:1}://media.example.com/{R:2}" /> </rule> <rule name="Restore-AcceptEncoding" preCondition="NeedsRestoringAcceptEncoding"> <match serverVariable="HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING" pattern="^(.*)" /> <action type="Rewrite" value="{HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_ACCEPT_ENCODING}" /> </rule> <preConditions> <preCondition name="ResponseIsHtml1"> <add input="{RESPONSE_CONTENT_TYPE}" pattern="^text/(.+)" /> </preCondition> <preCondition name="NeedsRestoringAcceptEncoding"> <add input="{HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_ACCEPT_ENCODING}" pattern=".+" /> </preCondition> </preConditions> </outboundRules> </rewrite> <caching enabled="false" enableKernelCache="false" /> <httpProtocol> <customHeaders> <add name="X-Frame-Options" value="SAMEORIGIN" /> <add name="X-Xss-Protection" value="1; mode=block" /> <add name="X-Content-Type-Options" value="nosniff" /> <add name="Referrer-Policy" value="same-origin" /> <add name="Feature-Policy" value="sync-xhr 'self'" /> <add name="Cache-Control" value="no-cache" /> </customHeaders> </httpProtocol> </system.webServer> </configuration> Save changes (if prompted to restart Notepad++ in admin mode allow it and then try saving again) IIS will now be properly configured as a reverse proxy for Emby. Under IIS Manager > Rewrite you should now see the following rules: Configure Server Cyphers Download here: https://www.nartac.com/Products/IISCrypto/Download (GUI version) Run the IISCrypto too Click Templates In the template drop down box, select PCI 3.2 This will disable IIS from being able to serve via SSL 2.0, 3.0; TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1. This will leave just the industry standard TLS 1.2. Click Apply Click OK. Reboot your server. Emby Internal Settings Navigate to your server via the localhost:8096 address Click the gear in the top right corner Click Network from the list of tabs on the right Configure as shown (use your hostname in the external domain box) Conclusion Upon rebooting your computer will start IIS services and Emby server as a service. Traffic coming in on port 80 (if someone just types your url without HTTPS in their browser's address bar) will be automatically redirected to port 443 and the HTTPS:// version of your host name. Your certificate will auto-renew every so often and re-bind to the site in IIS without any interaction on your part. This allows for a server that you can for the most part setup, and forget about and just manage your Emby installation via its web ui. There are a lot of ways to set up Emby server depending on your environment and other factors. For my environment this made the most sense and since large portions of this took quite a bit of digging and research to get working just right, I figured Id make someone else's life a little easier if they were trying to do something similar. These instructions can be adapted for Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016, Windows 8 and Windows 10. In the end browsing to your domain should look like this in the browser Additional Information for Updating When Updating your Emby installation. Simply stop the service for Emby, install like you normally would, then just cut the system folder inside the %appdata%\emby-server folder and paste it into the C:\Emby-Server folder. When prompted replace all files, then start the service again once the copy completes. Additional Information about Connecting with Emby Apps When connecting to your Emby installation remotely with Emby apps remember to prefix your domain name with https:// and use 443 for the port number. <Edit> Additional Information about changing Emby Server Title: For those users who wish to change their page title in browser (as discussed here), here is additional Web.Config information that will let you do just that! Using IIS Re-Write rules to change the page title means, you don't have to edit files to reset it every time you upgrade your Emby Server! Add these 3 rules at the bottom of the rules list, replace whole <preConditions> block too.: NOTE: Make sure you replace ALL 4 instances of NAME_OF_YOUR_SERVER with what you want your server to display in the tab bar. <rule name="RewriteTitle" preCondition="ResponseIsHtml1" enabled="true"> <match filterByTags="None" pattern="&lt;title>(.*)&lt;/title>" /> <action type="Rewrite" value="&lt;title>NAME_OF_YOUR_SERVER&lt;/title>" /> </rule> <rule name="RewriteAppHeaderJs" preCondition="ResponseIsJS" enabled="true"> <match filterByTags="None" pattern="document.title=&quot;Emby&quot;" /> <action type="Rewrite" value="document.title=&quot;NAME_OF_YOUR_SERVER&quot;" /> </rule> <rule name="RewriteAppHeaderJs2" preCondition="ResponseIsJS" enabled="true"> <match filterByTags="None" pattern="title.Name||&quot;Emby&quot;:&quot;Emby&quot;" /> <action type="Rewrite" value="title.Name||&quot;NAME_OF_YOUR_SERVER&quot;:&quot;NAME_OF_YOUR_SERVER&quot;" /> </rule> <preConditions> <preCondition name="ResponseIsHtml1"> <add input="{RESPONSE_CONTENT_TYPE}" pattern="^text/(.+)" /> </preCondition> <preCondition name="ResponseIsJS"> <add input="{RESPONSE_CONTENT_TYPE}" pattern="application/javascript|text/javascript" /> </preCondition> <preCondition name="NeedsRestoringAcceptEncoding"> <add input="{HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_ACCEPT_ENCODING}" pattern=".+" /> </preCondition> </preConditions> </Edit>
  5. So, I built a new Emby server, Version, on a Windows 11 VM, Running on HTTP port 8096, and HTTPS port 8920. This was to fix a problem with existing music/artists not storing metadata in the Artist folders. After Emby scanned my Libraries, my Movies aren't disapplying Cast or crew or only some. Searches aren't displaying all people. It seems no matter how I try to correct, For example removing movie folder from library then adding back. Refreshing metadata, nothing works. I am not sure that doing a metadata refresh is even going to the internet. If, however I add a new movie which has never been seen by Emby, after sometime it shows in the library complete with all cast and crew images. Movie library is set as follows Enable real time monitoring = Enabled TheMovieDb = Enabled The Open Movie Database = Enabled Metatdata Savers = NFO Movie Image Fetchers TheMovieD = Enable FanArt = Enabled Image Capture = Enabled Save artwork into media folders = Enabled Download images in advance - Have tried with this enabled and disabled In case it helps. Whilst not a practical option. If I remove a movie from Emby, rename the movie files from say "Ultraviolet Unrated x265 (1080p) (2006)" to "Ultraviolet (2006) Unrated (1080p) x265" then add back to Emby, it does go to internet and all all cast/crew images . At least on the one movie I have tried Noticed this error in logs when I tried to refresh metatdata for a movie does help? 2024-08-17 15:03:55.520 Error Server: Error processing request *** Error Report *** Version: Command line: C:\embyserver\system\EmbyServer.dll Operating system: Microsoft Windows 10.0.22621 Framework: .NET 6.0.30 OS/Process: x64/x64 Runtime: C:/embyserver/system/System.Private.CoreLib.dll Processor count: 4 Data path: C:\embyserver\programdata Application path: C:\embyserver\system MediaBrowser.Common.Extensions.ResourceNotFoundException: MediaBrowser.Common.Extensions.ResourceNotFoundException: Resource not found. Type: LibraryItem, Id: 114858 at Emby.Api.UserLibrary.UserLibraryService.Get(GetItem request) at Emby.Server.Implementations.Services.ServiceController.GetTaskResult(Task task) at Emby.Server.Implementations.Services.ServiceHandler.ProcessRequestAsync(HttpListenerHost httpHost, IServerApplicationHost appHost, IRequest httpReq, IResponse httpRes, IStreamHelper streamHelper, RestPath restPath, String responseContentType, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Emby.Server.Implementations.HttpServer.HttpListenerHost.RequestHandler(IRequest httpReq, ReadOnlyMemory`1 urlString, ReadOnlyMemory`1 localPath, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Source: Emby.Api TargetSite: Void MoveNext()
  6. Hello, Lately when I add new media, it takes a long time for it to identify it and pull the metadata etc. This is because in the logs I can see the Info QuickSingleImageExtractor: ProcessRun 'quick-extract-image' running. It's running through evey movie I have even though I've had them for years and they already have such images. I've attached the server log, if anyone could tell me why this is happening. Thanks embyserver.txt
  7. This certificate was specifically created to use Emby through the Microsoft Edge browser over HTTPS on port 8920, eliminating the "connection is not secure" warning. It is important to note that this certificate works properly in Edge but not in Firefox. For the certificate to function correctly, it must be installed both in the Windows Certificate Manager and on the NAS where the Emby server is hosted. Note: The domain names and IPs used here are examples (, ) and must be replaced with those corresponding to your network.example.domain.lansubdomain.local.domain 1. Generate the .crt and .key files Open the Windows terminal: Launch a terminal (Command Prompt or PowerShell) and navigate to the folder where you want to generate the files. Choose the appropriate command based on your needs: For a single domain (single SAN): openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -days 3650 -nodes -keyout example.domain.lan.key -out example.domain.lan.crt -subj "/CN=example.domain.lan" -addext "subjectAltName=DNS:example.domain.lan" For multiple domains and IPs (multiple SANs): openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -days 3650 -nodes -keyout example.domain.lan.key -out example.domain.lan.crt -subj "/CN=example.domain.lan" -addext "subjectAltName=DNS:example.domain.lan,DNS:subdomain.local.domain,IP:192.168.1.xx" Verify the results: The files and will be generated in the specified folder. example.domain.lan.crt and example.domain.lan.key 2. Create the .pfx file for Emby Use the following command to merge the and files into a file: .crt + .key = .pfx openssl pkcs12 -export -out example.domain.lan.pfx -inkey example.domain.lan.key -in example.domain.lan.crt -name "example.domain.lan" Set a password for the .pfx file: You’ll be prompted to enter and confirm a password. You can leave it blank or assign one. Note: If you assign a password, remember it, as it will be required in Emby’s settings. The file will be generated in the same folder. example.domain.lan.pfx 3. Upload the .pfx file to the NAS Transfer the file: Copy the file to a folder accessible on your NAS. example.domain.lan.pfx Ensure that Emby can access the path where the file is stored. 4. Install the .crt certificate in Windows Open the .crt file directly: Double-click on the file . example.domain.lan.crt Click the Install Certificate button. Follow the installation wizard: Select Current User as the target location. Choose Place all certificates in the following store. Click Browse and select Trusted Root Certification Authorities. Click OK, then Next, and finally Finish. Confirm the installation: A confirmation message will appear asking if you want to install the certificate. Accept to complete the installation. 5. Configure Emby with the certificate Log in to Emby and navigate to Settings → Network. Locate the section Custom SSL certificate path. Enter the path to the file you uploaded to the NAS..pfx If you set a password for the file, enter it in the corresponding field. If you left it blank, leave the field empty..pfx In Secure connection mode, select: "Preferred, but not required" (this allows connections via both HTTP and HTTPS). Click Save and restart the Emby server to apply the changes. Important Notes The domain names (, ) and IP () are examples. Replace them with the actual domains and IPs of your network.example.domain.lansubdomain.local.domain192.168.1.xx If you need to include more addresses or subdomains, add them to the field when generating the certificate. For example:subjectAltName -addext "subjectAltName=DNS:example.domain.lan,DNS:subdomain.local.domain,DNS:extra.domain.com,IP:192.168.2.xx" Credits This guide was completed with the help and insights provided by @Lessajwhose expertise made this task much easier. Thank you for your support! Final Note If there's anything I missed or ways to improve this guide, I’d greatly appreciate your feedback and insights. Sharing your knowledge or suggesting adjustments would not only help refine this guide but also assist others who might face similar challenges. Feel free to share your thoughts—I'm always open to learning and improving. Thank you in advance!
  8. pegasuspc


    does anyone know if i can backup my emby database in windows and then transfer it to a emby linux install. Will this work or do I need to start with a fresh on Thanks Michael
  9. joekingcool

    what happen to xml guide data?

    i use to have the option like it says in this article https://emby.media/support/articles/Xml-Tv.html but now it just gives only the option to search by zip code. using emby
  10. RafaG

    Subtitles out of sync

    Hi, I have the same problem. I use VLC without problems with the same file, but in emby http app. I try to uncheck "Allow subtitle extraction on the fly" without results. Any idea? ffmpeg-directstream-fb10667e-d804-4c8a-9bdf-684252fb7642_1.txt
  11. randyc53

    Server Not Sleeping

    Hi, I have an opposite issue, my emby server is preventing my Win 10 pro 22H2 pc from going to sleep. I've set the windows power plan to sleep after 30 min. But sleep never triggers at 30. I can't even press the sleep button to make it sleep. I have to access the PC and select sleep from the shut down menu. I'm running v. . I don't know when this issue started, it used to work. If I run the command powercfg -requests, I see that the server is keeping it awake (see attached). If I restart the server, then the PC goes to sleep as specified in power plan. Previous post on this topic "the server checks for any active sessions within the last 15 minutes, which yes there have been because the server has only been running for one minute. This check happens every five minutes, so try starting up the server, then not using any apps to connect to Emby Server for at least 20-25 minutes. ". I waited for 40 min. The only apps I have accessing the server are Roku emby (I tried reboot of Roku) and the web browser. Attached are the log files and screenshot. Thank you, Randy Emby Server Logs 020119.zip
  12. as per title said, since the app on windows is based on electron (AFAIK it's chromium based), i think it's possible to made pip function, since some of browser already implemented this (atleast in youtube), and it's helped a lot, for watching something while doing works the challenge might be, displaying subs in those pip (softsubs), also just FYI the pip in ios (tested in ipad) is great already, we just need it on windows app now

    Subtitles out of sync

    Hi guys, Loving the work you’ve done. Is there any update on the discussion around the subtitle delay setting? My subs are fine, they play correctly in VLC locally. But when I cast to my tv, all subs play ahead of audio by 4 or 5 seconds. If anyone has any input that’d be appreciated too. But yeah keen to hear what’s happening with the prospect of subtitle delay settings. Thanks.
  14. Is there a spot where I can tell a library (or libraries) that they should show unplayed shows/movies only? I would almost swear that there was once an option, but for the life of me I can't find it! thanks in advance
  15. swallman

    Emby reinstall

    So I had a hard crash in Windows and had to reinstall OS from scratch. To reinstall Emby, I have this folder structure still available (along with all the files inside). Would there be any other folders I'm missing? I do have backups so should be able to pull anything back. (My media is fine and on different drives).
  16. Hi everyone, I've been using Emby Server on my Windows system, and I've noticed an issue with its performance. After running for more than 24 hours, my client devices experience significant lag when connecting to the server. Content takes a long time to load, and sometimes, playback is not possible. I have to exit the Emby server on the Windows machine and restart it to restore normal performance. However, the issue reoccurs after 24 hours or even less. I don't think my Emby server has been the target of a recent hack or attack since I've checked the system files and found no anomalies, and the server hasn't completely stopped running. Can anyone help me troubleshoot this issue? I'm not sure what's causing it, and I've tried searching for solutions online, but I haven't found a definitive answer. Any suggestions or advice on how to solve this problem would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  17. As there are apparently no keyboard or remote keys for being able to change channel (as mentioned by Luke on this thread: https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/79408-what-are-the-keyboard-shorcuts/ ) Can I please request that these be added as a matter of urgency. Theater for windows/xbox does not have a guide overlay and without being able to use channel up and down buttons means you have to back out of the stream, back to the guide and then select a channel from there and wait for it to start. Basic 'feature' that any set-top box should have is a up/down channel button. Whilst you are there can a shortcut be made to quickly switch users, or at least bring up the settings strip menu you normally get when you navigate and click your profile picture. At the moment to switch user you have to have a minimum of 5-6 click of a remote or keyboard to be bale to navigate there.
  18. Mixed content does not have a default screen option, it keeps defaulting to folders but i want TV 2 (mixed content) to default to shows. actually i would like to choose to default to shows or movies.
  19. Hey guys, This has happened a few times. Streaming to TV via Android app to Chromecast. Windows PC. I hit play, it loads the artwork, progress bar comes up. Then it fails to play and returns to splash screen. Next attempt I actually get the no valid streams error. File plays perfectly in vlc and media player on the computer. Logs attached. Thanks in advance. embyserver.txt ffmpeg-transcode-014ac1d7-0a7c-4c9d-bd6a-3abcf6d92615_1.txt ffmpeg-remux-fc3dabd5-5a4f-423c-bec5-fbb1281ef482_1.txt hardware_detection-63812178566.txt
  20. Hello, Since some days, I see on some of my movies this strange behaviour (see attached). On some movies, it occurs at every subtitles displayed. Other times, only 1 subtiles per 3 or 4. I always use SRT format. Occurs on my Samsung SmartTV. Any idea ? Thanks
  21. We have a couple of Samsung TVs in the house, which are not very "smart" out of the box. To solve that problem we have installed nVidia Shield devices for each of these TVs. This solved the problems with the built in functionality. Streaming apps are working perfectly now ... with the exception of Emby. The problem is that the Emby client for Android TV cannot manage a server that is in the Sleep State. I'm respectfully requesting for a feature that can manage the sleep/wake state of the Emby Server (in my case the host is Windows 10). This can be done by: - Sending a WOL magic packet to the server when a client requests a video to be streamed (and the server is in the sleep state). - Keeping the server awake during streaming. Really love the Emby server, as it provides many benefits over its competitors, like Plex, but the absence of this feature really limits its usability in the Android TV space.
  22. The mixed libraries of TV Shows and Movies do not work. So I would like to understand if you can force a collection of only movies (from a "movies" type library) into a TV Show library, WITHOUT having to add a TV series from the TV Show library into the collection. Unfortunately, the old "collection.xml" file is no longer created, now you find the .nfo with fewer settings (like the one where the various paths are). Opening the Database, in MediaItems, you find the collection but no value that tells the paths or in which libraries it is to be shown. If anyone has a solution (like: open the db and do this and that... or edit that .xml in that path). Unfortunately, mixed libraries don't work for me. They create "shows" for me that cannot be associated and become useless folders in the library view (besides the fact that there are 450 shows and redoing the library from 0 is a problem). All this mess because you can't hide Seasons 1 of series with only 1 season.
  23. This is my very first post / issue out here, so apologies if I miss something while reporting it. So far a simple google search solved all issues Since the latest update (Currently on Ver., for some odd reason the TV Shows are not displaying the unwatched / latest episodes when the particular show is opened up. I have to specifically go to Show >> Scroll to Season >> Scroll to Episode, to see this episode which has been added in case I want to refresh its metadata or watch it specifically. Previously the latest / unwatched episodes would get displayed above the seasons list and below the tv show info. I tried checking the settings to see if anything had changed, but nothing was changed and couldn't find anything in the changelog regarding the episode display change. Is this an intended change or bug? embyserver.txt
  24. I have Emby working well on a Windows x64 system. It is on a local network that does not get connected to the internet. I would appreciate direction on how to update the existing Emby installation on this offline computer. I have the recent embyserver-win-x64- downloaded and unpacked, but it is not clear to me how I update the existing installation.
  25. Hi, I thought to give another try to Emby after 1 year Question: is possible to arrange Home screen ? meaning Latest TV Show Up (want to put it above Latest Movies, see picture Question: why after 1 year of absence when navigating to right and down will go as far as he can, still no fix, i posted this issue before
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