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  1. Loki93

    Next episode not playing

    Hi there, I'm experiencing some issues when watching a series on my LG BluRay-Player via DLNA. It often happens that playback of the next episode doesn't start. I nearly always have to start the first next episode manually on my Android tablet. All following epsiodes (second, third,...) will then start playback automatically. Watching series on that tablet or on my PC via browser works fine with automatic playback of the next episodes. I couldn't find a particular log to provide but I will share as much information as needed. Emby Server on Ubuntu Server 18.04.2 LTS Emby for Android 3.0.68 LG BP620 BluRay-Player All connected via 1Gbits Ethernet Thanks for help :-)
  2. Firstly, awesome work on Emby. I had tried it way, way back and found it interesting but not quite usable for my needs. This past week I've given it another go and glad to say it's working great and convinced me to go premiere. Having moved from another media server, I've noticed some weird quirks with the Automatically merge series that are spread across multiple folders option. I had a search on this forum but couldn't find any related to these, so apologies if it exists. In Upcoming, a duplicate entries are shown for each spread-folder. For example, If I have a TV show spread over three drives (or three folders, if I have separate foreign and local language, for example), I see three identical entries for that TV show in this section. It'd be great if it just showed a single entry for all merged folders (one per TV-show). Similarly, if you turn on Display missing episodes within seasons there are multiple small, red Missing entries per-folder. Unlike above, it tends to show lots more missing because of how it's detecting the episode as missing (missing from that single folder?). If episodes 1-5 are in one folder, and 6-10 are in the other, all 10 are shown as missing. I know that my setup is maybe not ideal in terms of storage solutions (For reasons I won't get into, I have an array of large USB drives that I've slowly filled up and added to over the years), but with Emby supporting merged series, and other media servers having similar features, it'd be great to have it work seamlessly.
  3. Hello, I’ve searched the Emby forums and have found very similar postings but without the clear answer I am searching for. My TV library stores each episode into a separate season sub-folder. So my library folder structure is similar to what is shown below. The parent series folder (Star Trek) has no actual episode files directly in it. Instead, the season sub-folders (Season 1) contains the individual episodes. When Emby goes to work on scanning the library: nfo files (i.e. tvshow.nfo) and image files are populated within the season sub-folders (Season 1). There are no nfo or image files in the parent series folder (Star Trek). As a result, Emby does not display the series folder art work for the series (Star Trek). ☹ As an experiment and to prove my theory: I manually copied a single episode from one of the season folders into the parent series folder and rescanned. Bingo, I got folder art work. So either I’m missing an important setting/configuration or Emby doesn’t support folder artwork for series and season sub-folders. I’m hoping someone can point out the missing configuration or tell me “No, your out of luck” so that I can stop spinning my wheels. TV Library ....Star Trek The Next Generation .......Season 1 .......Season 2 ......etc.. ....Star Trek .......Season 1 .......Season 2 ......etc.. As Always Thank you in advance, Julie
  4. I'm running an Emby server on a Shield TV Pro with Emby Premium. I'm trying to setup a recording of a series ("Bull") but am running into difficulties. I had it scheduled and wanted to make a change but now I just get a looping circle and can't change or delete the program. It's a little hard to see in the screenshot. Emby version is Version My impression is some sort of database corruption but not sure how I can tell or troubleshoot.
  5. Original source Unix.stackexchange.com Thx to Adrian for this amazing script Since Emby doesnt have a proper scraper this will help to "fix" that Files to be renamed are all of the form [<tag>] <name> - <serial> [<quality>].mkv. Each anime has a lookup file called <name>.lst, listing the episodes in serial order, e.g. One Piece.lst contains: S01E01 S01E02 ... S01E08 S02E01 ... You use a bash shell at version 4 (minimum). #!/bin/bash # USAGE: canon_vids <dir> ... # Canonicalize the filenames of all MKV vids in each <dir> # All the anime lookup tables are in the lookup subdirectory # where canon_vids is stored lookup_dir="$(dirname "$0")/lookup" log_skip() { echo "SKIP ($1): $2" } find "$@" -name \*.mkv | while read f; do # Check filename against our desired pattern # (We don't want to rename what's already been renamed!) if [[ $f =~ /(\[[^]]+\])\ (.*)\ -\ ([0-9]+)\ (\[[^]]+\].mkv) ]]; then # We've now split our filename into: prefix="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" name="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" serial="${BASH_REMATCH[3]##0}" suffix="${BASH_REMATCH[4]}" # Some sanity checks if (( serial <= 0 )); then log_skip "$f" "Invalid serial# '$serial' for $name"; continue fi # Let's look up the episode episode="$(sed -n ${serial}p "$lookup_dir/${name}.lst")" if [[ -z "$episode" ]]; then log_skip "$f" "Can't find serial# '$serial' for $name"; continue fi mv -vn "$f" "${f%/*}/${prefix} ${name} - ${episode} ${suffix}" fi done And here's a bonus script that generates those lookup files, given the number of episodes in each season: #!/bin/bash # USAGE: generate_series <#eps> ... while [[ $1 ]]; do ((s++)) for e in $(seq "$1"); do printf "S%02dE%02d\n" $s $e done shift done Example: $ ls canon_vids generate_series # Create One Piece lookup table $ mkdir lookup $ ./generate_series 8 22 17 13 9 22 39 13 52 31 99 56 100 35 62 49 118 33 96 > lookup/One\ Piece.lst $ tail -n lookup/One\ Piece.lst S19E92 S19E93 S19E94 S19E95 S19E96 $ wc -l lookup/One\ Piece.lst 874 lookup/One Piece.lst # Create fake One Piece MKVs (adding a couple more to trigger errors) $ mkdir op $ for i in $(seq 0 876); do touch "$(printf "op/[TAG] One Piece - %02d [quality].mkv" $i)"; done $ ls op | wc -l 877 # And now, the moment of truth... $ ./canon_vids op renamed 'op/[TAG] One Piece - 724 [quality].mkv' -> 'op/[TAG] One Piece - S17E97 [quality].mkv' renamed 'op/[TAG] One Piece - 86 [quality].mkv' -> 'op/[TAG] One Piece - S06E17 [quality].mkv' ... renamed 'op/[TAG] One Piece - 819 [quality].mkv' -> 'op/[TAG] One Piece - S19E41 [quality].mkv' SKIP (op/[TAG] One Piece - 00 [quality].mkv): Invalid serial# '0' for One Piece renamed 'op/[TAG] One Piece - 52 [quality].mkv' -> 'op/[TAG] One Piece - S04E05 [quality].mkv' ... renamed 'op/[TAG] One Piece - 865 [quality].mkv' -> 'op/[TAG] One Piece - S19E87 [quality].mkv' SKIP (op/[TAG] One Piece - 875 [quality].mkv): Can't find serial# '875' for One Piece renamed 'op/[TAG] One Piece - 295 [quality].mkv' -> 'op/[TAG] One Piece - S11E69 [quality].mkv' ... renamed 'op/[TAG] One Piece - 430 [quality].mkv' -> 'op/[TAG] One Piece - S13E49 [quality].mkv' SKIP (op/[TAG] One Piece - 876 [quality].mkv): Can't find serial# '876' for One Piece renamed 'op/[TAG] One Piece - 655 [quality].mkv' -> 'op/[TAG] One Piece - S17E28 [quality].mkv' ... renamed 'op/[TAG] One Piece - 93 [quality].mkv' -> 'op/[TAG] One Piece - S07E02 [quality].mkv' renamed 'op/[TAG] One Piece - 278 [quality].mkv' -> 'op/[TAG] One Piece - S11E52 [quality].mkv' # OK, but what happens when we run it again? Will our files be further renamed? Will Luffy find One Piece? $ ./canon_vids op SKIP (op/[TAG] One Piece - 00 [quality].mkv): Invalid serial# '0' for One Piece SKIP (op/[TAG] One Piece - 875 [quality].mkv): Can't find serial# '875' for One Piece SKIP (op/[TAG] One Piece - 876 [quality].mkv): Can't find serial# '876' for One Piece # Of course! Those files were never found in the lookup table, so they're still # candidates for renaming. More importantly, no other files were touched. Little explanation: ./generate_series 8 22 17 13 9 22 39 13 52 31 99 56 100 35 62 49 118 33 96 > lookup/One\ Piece.lst Extra: If u want to automate create a line at crontab. canon_vids.txt generate_series.txt
  6. Hi, happy new year to everybody I was just wondering, how do you guys manage shared universes/series cross overs in your library? For example DCs Arrow-Universe. I've all the shows in my library, but currently I've to manually look up in which order I've to watch them. Is there a feature in emby that can help me with that? Can I merge these shows together in a set like I can with movies? Can I create a smart playlist based on the air date of the episodes? Is there any other way to watch spin-offs/crossovers in the correct order? How do you do it in your private library? Has anybody developed a system/workflow for this?
  7. I like how Emby keeps track of watched status on a user basis. I think it would be great to expand this. This is pretty complicated so I'll try to break it down by areas... --Client-- Series: -Allow users to mark if they're interested in a series. -Allow users (this would require permissions) to lock a series so it can't be deleted until someone clears the lock. A reason for locking would be if it's a recording or series the user doesn't want accidentally or systematically deleted. Episodes: -Allow users (this would require permissions) to lock an episode so it can't be deleted until someone clears the lock. Guide: -Next to the recording symbol (or when you open info on the program itself), show icons of who is interested in the program so if it gets bumped or canceled, you can easily see who would be disappointed. --Server-- Schedules: -Add a timer (disabled by default) to clear watched episodes. This goes through everything that doesn't have a lock on it and if everyone that's interested in it has watched it, it deletes it. Series/Programs: -It would also be nice to have a rule on the above timer to only delete episodes over a specific number of days old. I would default this to 30 days. -Allow admins to check/uncheck user interest in each series/program, delete series/program timers, and add/remove system locks. This should be very similar to "Series" in the web app already but with more options horizontally. I suppose you could add this functionality there too but permissions based on what users can edit. General (not a category, just in general): -If the storage media runs out of space, you can use this information (interested, watched, locked, as well as the age of the recording) to determine what recordings should be deleted first to make room for new recordings. The first thing to delete would be the oldest, unlocked, watched, with no one interested in watching it. In conclusion: it's hard for admins to figure out who watched what to know what is safe to get rid of without asking individual users. Emby should be able to help admins clean up old content that won't be missed.
  8. AxelAxel3

    Schedule/Series Access

    I gave someone access to Live TV just so they can see the guide. My upload speed is not good enough to allow streaming. I locked down everything I could, but the user can still see Recordings/Series tab and see what has recorded and what is scheduled to be recorded. How can I lock this down further?
  9. Please add a count on each of the series cards to show how many upcoming recordings are in the schedule.
  10. I've read other posts about Football, NASCAR, and other sports, where you want a series recording only for certain teams, NASCAR Series, etc. This is not the same as being able to search, but more like a filter in the series settings. I don't feel you would ever get it right, trying to parse the "Title" and present a list of options. My request is to simply allow a filter to be applied to the "Title" of the series. That way, we can control what gets recorded as a user based on what our chosen provider is putting in the title. Having said that, it might be useful to have filters for other data as well. Maybe this could also be used to implement recording some future show that's not in the guide yet, by allowing a filter on the show's name itself. Each of these types of recordings would show under the "series" tab. You could even have a check box to say that the filter is a regular expression, or simply use basic wildcards.
  11. On the series tab, need the ability to order them so that when the DVR finds more episodes than you have tuners for, then it will know which ones are most important. Additionally, on the day before, send a notification of any conflicts as well as always show the conflicts on the Schedule tab.
  12. Catsrules

    News series not recording

    I just setup my Live TV on Emby. I am trying to record the news series however it doesn't seam to work. It appears to only record 1 episode a week on a random day of the week. All other episodes are marked as not needing to be recorded. (Gray circle.). I have tried multiple news programs at different times and on different channels with no luck. I thought it maybe something to do with recording a daily program, so I tried recording talk show series and that work just fine. Any idea what could be going on? I have opened up the series setting as much as possible. Record:All Episodes Unchecked: Don't record episodes that are already in my library. Channels: All Channels Air Time: AnyTime Keep up to: As many as possible. Nothing has helped. The news is the only show that is currently being recorded so there is no conflict with another show. Any ideas? I am using Xml TV for my TV Guide Running Version of Emby. Linux OS HDHomeRun for Tuners. Thanks
  13. Hi all, I have been using the Emby DVR with Schedules Direct listings for a few weeks now. All has been working well until I found a series I had set to record appears not to be scheduling or recording new episodes. Is there a log I can check to determine why the new episodes are not recording? As far as the UI goes, I can see the series recording icon in next weeks listing and the episode is definitely new but here is no icon indicating the episode itself will record, nothing in the Scheduled list and nothing in the Series scheduled list. The episodes from previous weeks did record correctly.
  14. Hi, I am testing this as a possible replacement to my current Plex server. However I notice on my series that if there are more than once series by a name, it downloads the meta-data of the oldest. My example is Poldark. There is an old series and a 2015 series. Emby downloads data for the old one, even though the epiosode names are in format: Poldark.2015.S02E05. Can Emby not rather lookup the latest, rather than first. The Americans series does the same. Thank you. Warren
  15. lloydcodrington

    TV series are playing in random order

    Hi Emby Team, I am not sure when it really started happening, but guess it was since the 3.3.x.x.x update. When I select a TV series and decide to play from the beginning, a complete or partial season or a few episode of a current season through to the end it ends up playing in a random order. When I check the Kodi playlist it displays the remaining shows in a random order. When I play direct from the Kodi menu system it plays in the correct order. So let's say that I've not watched the last three more more episodes of a particular series I would normally go to the next episode to be viewed and press play. With 'Auto play next episode' activated it use to continue in proper order but now it randomises the order playing each, once. So it's just the order of play that is wrong. Has this issue been raised before and are there any ideas on how to overcome this issue? Lloyd
  16. Configurei o Idioma do Metadados para Português Brasil e o País como Brasil. Porém algumas temporadas de séries estão em inglês. Algumas tentativas frustradas: - Forçar o metadados em português brasil por temporada e por episódio, não funcionou. - Excluir os arquivos nfo, e atualizar novamente os metadados, não funcionou. Séries com problemas: - La casa de papel, - Narcos (2. temporada). Obs: Narcos 1 e 3 temporadas está normal em Português. O que fazer?
  17. Hey everyone. New to EMBY everything has been good so far happy Premier user. Just getting into the details of setting up Live TV-Recordings and noticed or possibly missed a way to search the guide for shows to record. Did a search and found a thread from 2014 saying it's coming so i'm hoping it's just something I am overlooking. I am moving from KODI/NEXTPVR as our LiveTV and PVR setup to EMBY "hopefully as a complete solution". Is there a way to search for shows in the 14 day schedule and set new episodes of those shows to record? If there is no option in the EMBY LIVETV/DVR is there a way to use NEXTPVR as the backend like i was with KODI and just use EMBY as the front end to watch and schedule through the NEXTPVR backend? Also is the NEXTPVR plugin preferred by most to the Emby side or was it just available first?
  18. I just installed Emby on a Windows system and added several libraries. Somehow one of the libraries received an auto-generated a poster (or primary) image with a tile of several movie posters. It was very nice, but I have no idea why this happened only to one library. Is there a way to do it for all libraries (I can re-create them if needed). Also, is there a way to generate poster images for videos that are not movies, TV series, etc? Like, say, home videos or custom tutorials? It generates a poster for each file (I assume from some random video file snapshot), but how do I get them for the series or seasons? Thanks.
  19. Good day, I apologize if this is a dupe, but seeing that there are 84 pages of FRs... I was hoping to see a feature added to playlists where i can add a bunch of series' and when it is played, it will play the next "newest" unwatched episode in the series with out having to map out hundrends if not thousands of episodes to play in order. What I am ultimately looking to do is to make a list of say anime series' that i could play at random or in a "scheduled" order all in episodic order similar to how a tv network would run. if this is already available either thru a plug-in or somewhere in the playlist menu, please point me in the right direction! Many thanks!
  20. I have tried searching for this and have come up empty. This is the scenario: I have set up a show to auto-record (let's use Blue Bloods for an example). I set it up to keep 7 shows. All 7 shows record and I keep them all. When it comes time for the 8th show to record does it Not record itor 2. Delete the first one (of the seven that are there) and record the 8th episode This is an option I would like to set in the series record options. Thank You, Mike
  21. softworkz

    New Plugin: TV Maze Metadata Provider

    Hi, this is a new metadata provider plugin for Emby, supporting TV Series, Seasons and Episodes as well as Season-Images. The data is retrieved from http://www.tvmaze.com/ The plugin should operate pretty stable, I've been running the code for a few months now without problems. But what's the benefit, now? Well, you got to make your own decision about how useful that additional data could be for you! Metadata handling in Emby is not a very transparent process. To compare the different metadata retrieved by the installed providers, it's probably best to use the Metadata Viewer Plugin (http://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/32984-new-plugin-metadata-viewer/). After installing, you need to check your metadata settings for Series, Seasons and Episodes. You should choose the priorities based on your experience from comparing metadata results as described in the previous paragraph. If you're already satisfied with your current metadata retrieval or just don't want to make a significant change at this time, I recommend the following: Disable TV Maze for Series and Episodes (Emby already comes with 3 built-in providers for those) But enable TV Maze for Seasons (and Season images): The reason: Currently, there's only one provider for Season data and there are many cases where TV Maze has some season descriptions when the other (MovieDb) doesn't Download: https://github.com/softworkz/Emby.Plugins/releases/tag/TvMazeBeta1
  22. Is there a way to record the same series on 2 separate channels, but not on all channels? I am catching runs of The Big Bang Theory on a local Fox station have it set to One channel, but would like to record the new episodes from CBS, but it seems to be limited to one or the other or all channels Unless I schedule the new episodes individually. Thanks for reading and any help!
  23. blind

    Mixing Series

    Hi, me and my friend just trying Emby, to switch from plex. Amazing stuff u made here, keep it going! Good job, Now i'm gonna ask u how to split series, i leave u some screens, u will see what im trying to do xD I got 1 extra different series, inside a series, so inside "Les revenants" i got first season of "The Returned" and 2 seasons of "Les Revenants". Thx very much!! Kind regards, blind
  24. Version 3.0.6060.0 Windows 7 Pro x64 SP1 I am seeing some odd behavior when scheduling series recordings. I am using schedules direct for my EPG data and I have had to make use of the new guide mapping feature to get the correct info displayed for each channel. This is all working great. I became a Premiere member as well. What I am having problems with is series recordings actually getting recorded. I am just testing so these recordings not happening is not critical. But what I am seeing is not all the series I have set to record are showing up on the recordings tab (see attached screenshot). Some are, some are not. I had setup a test with MASH, NCIS Los Angeles, Star Trek The Next Generation and Miami Vice and as you can see in the attached screenshot only two of those showed up. Does not seem to be any logic to the missing ones - like a specific channel or what have you. I followed the exact same steps for setting each up. I can say that for the series that do not show up I do not get the red series recording icon when I set them up and for the ones that are working I do get that icon immediately after I complete the setup. I can record these missing programs as individual (non series) recordings. I have duplicated this problem several times using web UI via chrome v51.0.2704.84 and IE v11 and via the android app. So I am at a loss as to what is going on. I have attached the latest log. If I can provide any further info I am happy to do so, Testing I am happy to do that as well. server-63606626166.txt
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