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  1. Is there a way to enable subtitles.so remote clients that use ROKU/APPLE TV/GOOGLE TV and choice to use subtitles.I really don't want to download .srt files for every movie I have... On the server side. I have enable OPEN SUBTITLE and signed in. and checked open subtitles for the library. I have done the subtitle scan as well. On Roku emby side..ONLY the .srt files for foreign languages are showing up on certain movies, which I have added my self. On the web version.. I can click on the three dots and edit subtitles and do a search What else needs to be done?
  2. nicholas_davies

    Update the Apple TV Emby App

    I know this is easier said than done, but could the Apple TV app for Emby get updated so it’s like the Emby app on the Fire Stick. It's specifically lacking the option to see when the movie will end while you’re playing the movie. You also can’t see the cast of the movie while playing the movie like you can with the Fire Stick. There are other options missing but those are the most important two that I think would be very beneficial.
  3. nishwahareesh

    TV theme songs not playing on apple tv

    The tv theme songs don't play in any tv series despite going by the provided "Media Preparation" format
  4. Hi, I ran into an issue where when playing a video (movie or tv episode) only the audio is played and the video is not. Obviously I tested it on several videos and all in standard .mp4 format with 2 channel audio. It turns out that if the video is started in any other Emby app or even in a browser, when pausing and continuing watching on Apple TV, the problem does not happen even if the video is restarted from the beginning. Thanks in advance for any advice.
  5. Patrick21

    Movies not playing on Apple TV

    Hello, I'm facing a problem on my Apple TV app since yesterday, I have some (many) movies not starting ... The browsing is ok, everything is fine when I enter the movie screen, but whe I hit the play button, the screen turns black and nothing happens. The counter remains blocked on 0:00 ... I have to add the playing works fine for some movies, but fails for other ones. I tryed to move the file to another location to get rid of a disk problem : I still have the issue when playing from this other location I tryed to play the same failing movie from the web interface : OK I tryed playing it with dome other apps : OK too. I ffprobed the movie : h264. I updated the server to last version (I noticed the problem on v4.7.6.0) : v4.7.8.0. On Apple TV, I see I have v1.6.4 (dated Oct 13, 2022) - a few days ago, maybe the update broke something. I see nothing special in the server logs whith the last version : When starting : a5efc768&StartTimeTicks=0&IsPlayback=true&AutoOpenLiveStream=true&MaxStreamingBitrate=140000000&X-Emby-Client=Emby for Apple TV&X-Emby-Device-Name=Apple TV&X-Emby-Device-Id=A80BD1B6-A21F-487E-BDA6-C5FD97C2C3EB&X-Emby-Client-Version=1.6.4 (1)&reqformat=json 2022-10-15 10:47:17.001 Info Server: http/1.1 GET http://<200c><200d><200d><200c>:8096/emby/videos/452012/stream.mkv?DeviceId=A80BD1B6-A21F-487E-BDA6-C5FD97C2C3EB&MediaSourceId=ad1371f7c3a70250e00951a4cac43a4f&Static=true&PlaySessionId=23c57f7daa4447098b600c64b0951f36&SubtitleCodec=subrip. Accept=*/*, Connection=close, Host=, User-Agent=libmpv, Range=bytes=0-, Icy-MetaData=1 2022-10-15 10:47:18.017 Info Server: http/1.1 GET http://<200c><200d><200d><200c>:8096/emby/videos/452012/stream.mkv?DeviceId=A80BD1B6-A21F-487E-BDA6-C5FD97C2C3EB&MediaSourceId=ad1371f7c3a70250e00951a4cac43a4f&Static=true&PlaySessionId=23c57f7daa4447098b600c64b0951f36&SubtitleCodec=subrip. Accept=*/*, Connection=close, Host=, User-Agent=libmpv, Range=bytes=2137266289-, Icy-MetaData=1 2022-10-15 10:47:18.022 Info Server: http/1.1 Response 206 to <200c><200d><200d><200c>. Time: 6ms. http://<200c><200d><200d><200c>:8096/emby/videos/452012/stream.mkv?DeviceId=A80BD1B6-A21F-487E-BDA6-C5FD97C2C3EB&MediaSourceId=ad1371f7c3a70250e00951a4cac43a4f&Static=true&PlaySessionId=23c57f7daa4447098b600c64b0951f36&SubtitleCodec=subrip 2022-10-15 10:47:18.027 Info Server: http/1.1 Response 206 to <200c><200d><200d><200c>. Time: 1026ms. http://<200c><200d><200d><200c>:8096/emby/videos/452012/stream.mkv?DeviceId=A80BD1B6-A21F-487E-BDA6-C5FD97C2C3EB&MediaSourceId=ad1371f7c3a70250e00951a4cac43a4f&Static=true&PlaySessionId=23c57f7daa4447098b600c64b0951f36&SubtitleCodec=subrip 2022-10-15 10:47:18.039 Info Server: http/1.1 GET http://<200c><200d><200d><200c>:8096/emby/videos/452012/stream.mkv?DeviceId=A80BD1B6-A21F-487E-BDA6-C5FD97C2C3EB&MediaSourceId=ad1371f7c3a70250e00951a4cac43a4f&Static=true&PlaySessionId=23c57f7daa4447098b600c64b0951f36&SubtitleCodec=subrip. Accept=*/*, Connection=close, Host=, User-Agent=libmpv, Range=bytes=6781-, Icy-MetaData=1 2022-10-15 10:47:18.124 Info Server: http/1.1 POST http://<200c><200d><200d><200c>:8096/emby/Sessions/Playing?X-Emby-Client=Emby for Apple TV&X-Emby-Device-Name=Apple TV&X-Emby-Device-Id=A80BD1B6-A21F-487E-BDA6-C5FD97C2C3EB&X-Emby-Client-Version=1.6.4 (1)&reqformat=json. UserAgent: Emby/1 CFNetwork/1391.3 Darwin/22.0.0 2022-10-15 10:47:18.125 Info Server: http/1.1 POST http://<200c><200d><200d><200c>:8096/emby/Sessions/Playing/Progress?X-Emby-Client=Emby for Apple TV&X-Emby-Device-Name=Apple TV&X-Emby-Device-Id=A80BD1B6-A21F-487E-BDA6-C5FD97C2C3EB&X-Emby-Client-Version=1.6.4 (1)&reqformat=json. UserAgent: Emby/1 CFNetwork/1391.3 Darwin/22.0.0 2022-10-15 10:47:18.133 Info Server: http/1.1 Response 204 to <200c><200d><200d><200c>. Time: 8ms. http://<200c><200d><200d><200c>:8096/emby/Sessions/Playing/Progress?X-Emby-Client=Emby for Apple TV&X-Emby-Device-Name=Apple TV&X-Emby-Device-Id=A80BD1B6-A21F-487E-BDA6-C5FD97C2C3EB&X-Emby-Client-Version=1.6.4 (1)&reqformat=json 2022-10-15 10:47:18.135 Info SessionManager: Playback start reported by app Emby for Apple TV 1.6.4 (1) playing ******. Started at 0 ms 2022-10-15 10:47:18.136 Info Server: http/1.1 Response 204 to <200c><200d><200d><200c>. Time: 12ms. http://<200c><200d><200d><200c>:8096/emby/Sessions/Playing?X-Emby-Client=Emby for Apple TV&X-Emby-Device-Name=Apple TV&X-Emby-Device-Id=A80BD1B6-A21F-487E-BDA6-C5FD97C2C3EB&X-Emby-Client-Version=1.6.4 (1)&reqformat=json 2022-10-15 10:47:18.140 Info PlaybackReporting - EventMonitorEntryPoint: _sessionManager_PlaybackStart : Entered 2022-10-15 10:47:18.140 Info PlaybackReporting - EventMonitorEntryPoint: Adding PlaybackInfo to playback_trackers : A80BD1B6-A21F-487E-BDA6-C5FD97C2C3EB-ae1dde9e986942abb6c97c3ba5efc768-452012 2022-10-15 10:47:18.140 Info PlaybackReporting - EventMonitorEntryPoint: Saving PlaybackInfo to DB The movie won't start, so I stop it : 2022-10-15 10:47:25.325 Info Server: http/1.1 Response 206 to <200c><200d><200d><200c>. Time: 7285ms. http://<200c><200d><200d><200c>:8096/emby/videos/452012/stream.mkv?DeviceId=A80BD1B6-A21F-487E-BDA6-C5FD97C2C3EB&MediaSourceId=ad1371f7c3a70250e00951a4cac43a4f&Static=true&PlaySessionId=23c57f7daa4447098b600c64b0951f36&SubtitleCodec=subrip 2022-10-15 10:47:25.788 Info Server: http/1.1 POST http://<200c><200d><200d><200c>:8096/emby/Sessions/Playing/Stopped?X-Emby-Client=Emby for Apple TV&X-Emby-Device-Name=Apple TV&X-Emby-Device-Id=A80BD1B6-A21F-487E-BDA6-C5FD97C2C3EB&X-Emby-Client-Version=1.6.4 (1)&reqformat=json. UserAgent: Emby/1 CFNetwork/1391.3 Darwin/22.0.0 2022-10-15 10:47:25.792 Info SessionManager: Playback stopped reported by app Emby for Apple TV 1.6.4 (1) playing ******. Stopped at 0 ms 2022-10-15 10:47:25.794 Info Server: http/1.1 Response 204 to <200c><200d><200d><200c>. Time: 6ms. http://<200c><200d><200d><200c>:8096/emby/Sessions/Playing/Stopped?X-Emby-Client=Emby for Apple TV&X-Emby-Device-Name=Apple TV&X-Emby-Device-Id=A80BD1B6-A21F-487E-BDA6-C5FD97C2C3EB&X-Emby-Client-Version=1.6.4 (1)&reqformat=json 2022-10-15 10:47:25.794 Info PlaybackReporting - EventMonitorEntryPoint: _sessionManager_PlaybackStop : Entered 2022-10-15 10:47:25.794 Info PlaybackReporting - EventMonitorEntryPoint: Saving final duration for Item : A80BD1B6-A21F-487E-BDA6-C5FD97C2C3EB-ae1dde9e986942abb6c97c3ba5efc768-452012 2022-10-15 10:47:25.818 Info PlaybackReporting - EventMonitorEntryPoint: Removing Old Key from playback_trackers : A80BD1B6-A21F-487E-BDA6-C5FD97C2C3EB-ae1dde9e986942abb6c97c3ba5efc768-452012 Anybody else facing the same issue on Apple TV ? Best regards ! Patrick
  6. Hi all, As the title suggests, I am trying to get the best compatibility out of the Apple TV app but having a few issues. Using the native tvOS player (MPV unchecked) 5.1 surround audio works great, with a wide variety of formats (AC3, AAC, Dolby, etc). I would be happy to use the native player all the time, but unfortunately this forces transcoding sometimes as it appears to have limited video codec compatibility. As a result, once in a while I switch on the MPV player in the client app settings in order to prevent transcoding, but none of my 5.1 audio works when I do. The server dashboard doesn’t suggest any transcoding or downmixing to stereo, is there anything I can do to fix 5.1 audio with the MPV player enabled? thanks, AK
  7. I'm trying to watch Live TV (via Emby's native Hauppauge device support) with closed captions (ATSC Closed Captions, NOT subtitles) in the Apple TV client but I can't seem to find any combination of settings that cause them to appear. I don't even get a "Subtitles" option from the top pull-down menu. Even more perplexingly, they appear and work just fine when playing back recorded content from the same tuner and channel. (The content was recorded by Emby) When playing this back, I DO get a "Subtitles" option from the top pull-down menu which gives me the selections: "Off", "Auto", and "CC". I have attached ffmpeg logs of the Live TV transcode that fails to provide captions and the recorded content transcode that succeeds. They seem to be nearly identical. I also have attached the general server log. Additionally, if I get the transcoded Live TV stream from Emby's logs and play it in VLC while Emby is playing it, VLC allows me to enable closed captions just fine. So it appears they they are NOT lost in the transcode and, for whatever reason, the Live TV player is incorrectly forbidding me from enabling closed caption display. I believe Apple's player handles CC natively so I would hope that this is just a matter of not forcing captions to be disabled. As a side note, captions only work properly with the "Standard" deinterlace mode, the bob-and-weave mode causes the caption contents to 'double-up' in a peculiar way. I don't think this is your fault (or anyone's, really). The way the bob-and-weave deinterlace yields two frames per interlaced frame seems to duplicate the caption data, as it is encoded into the frames themselves somehow. Worth knowing if you're trying to reproduce and see wacky looking captions. FFMpeg With Captions.log FFMpeg No Captions.log emby.log
  8. jrcorwin

    UI Bug (Apple TV 4/4K)

    There is some sort of UI bug with posters on both my Apple TV 4 and my Apple TV 4K. This only happens via the Apple TV's...not via the web portal or my iPhone X. Look at the outline around the cases on some of these... Apple TV 4K screenshot taken via Xcode: Some of those same collections look fine via the web:
  9. captainchadl

    Apple TV App blank without internet

    Hello all, This is my first post to the forum. I have had my Emby server up and running in a jail in FreeNas for about 2 months now (Emby Version Last week the internet went out for an entire day, but I was not able to watch movies from the server on the Apple TV. I could however view them in my web browser on my laptop by going to the local IP address of the server. The problem was when I tried to open the Emby app on the Apple TV the screen was just white. I assume that this application loads from the internet, so that is why the screen was just white. Although I could be wrong. Is there any device I can purchase that will run the Emby application when the internet is out other than my laptop? I tried a Roku Ultra, but It would not connect to the server when I disconnected the modem to simulate an outage, but I could still access the Emby server through the browser on my laptop. Thanks in Advance, Chad
  10. I have an apple tv 4k, and using emby with the free liscence I'm having an issue where I'm trying to play my Emby files on Apple TV and it doesn't even want to play. I'm thinking now is it because I have to own Emby Premiere?
  11. Sofasogud

    Mark Played Icon

    Hi, I’ve been using Emby for about a month now and love it since moving from Plex. Plex is more polished I’m not going to lie but Emby is built around its users and I’d rather my monthly subscription go somewhere I know it’ll be well spent. Hopefully with some fresh eyes on the apps I use, (which are already really great looking) I can add some request to how it can be polished. So with that, my first request would be about the ‘mark played’ button you get when you are on a film or a tv season or episode. Across the iOS and tvOS, UI you get the green tick to show its watched, or a green circle with a number to show the number of episodes you’ve got left to watch. If you select a season or film, you have a mark played button. If you want to mark it as played on iOS you get a red tick, (why red?) and in tvOS you don’t get an indication that anything has happened until you move off the ‘mark watched’ button to see that it’s red. I’d suggest this be inline with the rest of the UI and be a bold green tick either for the icon (if that’s possible) or the text for the icon alternates between ‘mark all as played’ if there are episodes unwatched, or ‘mark all as unplayed’ if everything has been watched. With the latter suggestion, the indication would then be on a green tick icon on the tv or movie poster. Thanks again for the awesome work you guys are doing. Loving Emby life so far!
  12. Hi, I have my Apple TV HD set to play Dolby Digital 5.1, and am trying to play media ripped from DVD into mkv h264 ac3. It is playing back as PCM. I have tried playing Dolby content from the Apple TV+ app, and it works fine. I believe this to be an issue with the Emby Theatre app. I am aware that mp4, mov and m4v are natively supported by the Apple TV. Emby Server is direct streaming to mp4 from what I can see. ffmpeg-directstream-b9a0b094-32e1-4d53-997b-8328c1cd5e67_1.txt
  13. Hello! My wife and I just got a brand new Apple TV 4k! We have downloaded the Emby app and we are having trouble accessing our server. We have a specific domain and port and I can only add the domain. Since the port does not match, we cannot login. Please let me know what I need to do in order to have access to my Emby library. Thanks!
  14. Hello, in July last year you’ve promised us an “internet free” Apple TV iOS version. As we use our Apple TV often in our camper, it’s not always possible to watch our movies because we don’t always have an internet connection available. Can you tell us when we may expect an new iOS version that doesn’t require internet? Thanks a lot !
  15. clakulus

    Various Apple TV Bugs

    Hi there. New Emby user for the sole purpose of music and having a few issues with the Apple TV client, mostly cosmetic. I've noticed there is an issue with track numbers in that they do not display unless you scroll down, then back up again. The numbers do not correspond to the tracks (which are in the correct order despite this). Please see the image attached - note the missing track numbers, which change each time an album is selected. The web client is fine. I've also noticed that I cannot skip through some tracks, which display as streaming 'live'. Is this a file format issue? Kind regards
  16. Quick question that I hope someone can answer: How do you skip chapters when playing a video using the emby app on an Apple TV 4K? Is there some secret double or triple tap on the remote that I'm missing? Info: Apple TV 4K Latest version of emby app installed Using standard Siri Remove that came with the device When viewing movie info, chapter images are shown, and I can select any random chapter to start playing video from that point Video files are stored on NAS as .mkv files I've searched the internet and see people suggesting that you swipe down to see "Info", "Subtitles", "Chapters"... However, when I swipe down I don't see the "Chapters" option. Thanks!
  17. justwondering

    Subtitle text is huge when italic

    .SRT subtitles work fine most of the time (although they still don't respect the system subtitle settings) but they become unusably large when there are formatting tags, like <i> for italics. For example, here are some subtitles from season 4 episode 1 of Paw Patrol: 209 00:10:10,043 --> 00:10:12,010 (Kitty and sheep yelping) 210 00:10:12,012 --> 00:10:14,145 <i> Marshall, Rubble, Rocky, Zuma</i>! And here's how line 210 looks on screen: The exclamation point at the end, outside the <i> tags, is the normal text size. If a fix for this is possible that would be awesome. Thanks!
  18. Hi all.Emby on my apple TV home screen (not the Emby home screen ) doesn't refresh the "next up", "Continue" and "New" section. It shows content from an earlier Emby server I had.Is there any way to change this or clean they Emby library on apple TV? As you can see from the included pictures there are no images in the thumbnails and if I press the program that it shows I get an error message.My version of Emby is en-GB Thanks.Hope someone can help.
  19. EatonFamily

    Music Playback Randomly Stops

    I have Emby server (version running on a Synology DS216play (DS version DSM 6.2.2-24922 Update 3). Our primary client is the Emby app on our Apple TV 4K (both running most recent versions). When playing music, we generally select Songs and Shuffle, allowing it to cycle through our entire library (about 4500 songs of various formats). We have a Weimaraner who has a bit of separation anxiety so when we are gone and leave her crated we leave music playing in the background to help calm her. When I first switched from Plex to Emby, we could gone several hours, as much as 6 hours, and get home to find the music still playing. Even now, there are times my wife leaves it on while she is home during the day and it plays 7-8 hours without stopping. However, over the past two weeks, we periodically come back into the livingroom to find that the music has stopped. There is no outward sign of a problem... the Apple TV screen saver is on (it comes on after 2 minutes so it's not that interrupting the music) and when we clear it the Emby "now playing" screen is up with the latest song displayed but stopped. There is no error message and if we hit Play it starts playing again just fine. I have not tested to see how long it might go when restarted. Generally, it seems like it stops after 1-3 hours. There appears to be no commonality in terms of which song it stops on. I've checked the Emby logs and, while there are some errors here and there, since I don't know exactly what time it stopped playing I can't tell whether any of them have anything to do with the issue. Since many are in periods that it appears the music was playing ok, I suspect they are minor issues that have nothing to do with playback stopping. I've enabled Debugging on the log page and am playing music now while we are home, hoping to catch when it stops and be able to check the logs in that time period. This is exactly why I left Plex as we had a similar problem with it that I never could solve (nor could the Plex support people). Given it was happening on Plex, too, I have to wonder whether it is an Apple TV issue but, if so, assume the problem is surely in the Emby app on Apple TV (and the Plex app before it). Hopefully, even then whatever happens would show up in the Emby logs. I searched the forums and don't see anything quite like this. Any suggestion? Thanks, Nathan
  20. If I'm watching something on emby through my apple tv and I close my laptop the movie keeps playing for a few minutes then stops playing and closes. Is this normal? Do I have to be connected to the server through my laptop to play things on my apple tv? I'm really new to emby so sorry if this is a dumb question.
  21. @@Luke @@ebr @@corey When can Emby Premiere users finally enjoy BASIC Emby Functionality, for the paid feature of Live TV, on the Apple TV app ? The INFO tab for Live TV is crippled/broken for more than a year already
  22. Apologies if this is an obvious/newbie question... During playback on an Apple TV (all, including 4th gen) or older FireStick, I will frequently have issues with the video stuttering, or flat out pausing randomly. This happens whether on WiFi or hardwired. I've read a lot of similar posts, particularly regarding the Apple TV, but the difference for me is that so far, reducing the maximum bitrate seems to resolve the problem. My question is, is there a down-side to reducing the max bitrate? Does a lower bitrate translate to lower video quality? Thanks!
  23. Apologies if this is an obvious/newbie question... During playback on a (hardwired) Apple TV or older FireStick, I will frequently have issues with the video stuttering, or flat out pausing randomly. So far, reducing the maximum bitrate seems to have fixed the problem. My question is, is there a down-side to reducing the max bitrate? Does a lower bitrate translate to lower video quality? Thanks!
  24. Hi, I'm an Emby Premiere customer, currently experiencing an issue with playback on Apple TV. Playback of Direct Streaming media (no transcoding) on Apple TV (4th gen) is not working correctly. Video pauses for ~10ms every ~10 seconds. Audio is unaffected. This is happening on in an iocage running on FreeNAS 11.2-U3. It was also happening on I updated to yesterday, but the problem persists. This appears to be happening due to repeated 'HTTP Response 204 messages in the logs. I should mention that this server has been running flawlessly for around 1 year. This issue has been happening for approximately 2 weeks. I have the server logs here, and will be happy to share them via DM (logs are littered with my server's URL). I hope someone can assist with this. Thanks.
  25. Embury5000

    Empty Library

    On my Apple TV, after the update to v4 of Emby, I am no longer able to see the content of my TV Shows library. I have tried rebooting the server, reinstalling the server, removing and reinstalling the app, removing and recreating the TV Shows library, and still cannot see anything. I am able to the content of a library if I choose the TV Shows and give it any other name.
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