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  1. ziga.zajc007

    Options to fix movie duplication

    As you can see in this image, we can now see duplicates of the same movies. Duplicated movies are located in both Movies and Movies SLO library. Options to fix duplicates: 1. In library settings allow us to disable those movies to be searchable. (So I could disable searches in Movies SLO library) 2. Prioritisation. In each library settings we could set prioritisation. By default it can be the same as in all other libraries (so by default it would show duplicated movies - like it does now), but if you set priority in Movies SLO library higher than in Movies library, than the search would only return Kung Fu Panda from Movies SLO and skip the one in Movies. Second option would be in my opinion the best one as it would return user in searches the movie from library with the highest priority. Movies SLO in my case are movies that are synchronised in Slovenian language. So if I give certain user (Slovenian users) access to Movies SLO library, than I also want in their searches for available searched movies to come from Movies SLO library.
  2. Hey, the search function on the Emby Android TV app makes it difficult to distinguish between different quality versions (1080p, 4k, etc.) of the same content without clicking into each search result. It would be much better if a single result was returned and then a list of different qualities was presented to the end user. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reproduction Steps Things Necessary for reproduction Hardware: Nvidia Shield Software: Install Emby for Android TV Storage: Have a movie/series in different qualities, e.g. 1080p, 4k, 4k Dolby Vision Steps to take Open Emby for Android TV Without entering any repository on the server, use the search feature, enter Lord of the rings (for example) Notice that three results are fetched, all with the same box art, with no indication as to the quality of each returned entry ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Expected Results: An end user would expect to be able to tell which version each result is that was fetched, without having to click into each entry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Actual Results: An end user needs to click into each entry returned to determine the quality of each returned entry ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Why this is an issue: To avoid transcoding for saving server resources, then when using Emby on multiple different OS/Hardware, sometimes 1080p is only possible, but sometimes 4K would be preferred. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Potential Fixes: Return one result, when the single result is selected show a list of different qualities to choose from Sort returned results by quality (highest to lowest) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. Did a quick search and did not find a specific feature request to this functionality, so if one exists, I'd like to apologize in advance. On AppleTV, I would like to request the ability to select user upon app opening. This would be the same as going to the "switch user" menu or force closing the app and re-opening it. This functionality would behave like other streaming platforms, like Netflix, Disney, etc, that allow profile selection. I believe this doesn't function the correct way now due to the background refreshing of the app. This is particularly important in cases of shared devices that have other users, such as child accounts, logged in.

    UI and double tap to seek issue

    Request to move the settings bar/quick settings back to the lower side of bar so that the brightness bar can be usable like in the old UI(pic1). Also, request to add back double seek if it has been removed, if not, it's not working. (taken from celsian post) New UI
  5. nicholas_davies

    Update the Apple TV Emby App

    I know this is easier said than done, but could the Apple TV app for Emby get updated so it’s like the Emby app on the Fire Stick. It's specifically lacking the option to see when the movie will end while you’re playing the movie. You also can’t see the cast of the movie while playing the movie like you can with the Fire Stick. There are other options missing but those are the most important two that I think would be very beneficial.
  6. Hello all, My request is an option in the settings to change the behavior of the OK button. Similar to SmartTubeNext, where you can change the button to Pause playback, Bring up UI, or BOTH Thank you and I appreciate your hard work
  7. It would be nice to be able to see which character the actor played in the movies / tv shows view when clicking into an actor. Currently, it only shows the movie / tv show name and year. The data should already be there since when you click into a movie / tv show, the character name already shows under the actor's name.
  8. I would like to submit the quality of the trailers as well as the mapping of the trailers to the respective national languages as a request in order to increase the priority. Please vote with "Like". Many thanks Seger
  9. Would be nice to show file size in the movie details screen near path to the file See screenshot as an example (highlighted with yellow)
  10. Hi! This is my trakt config: With this, I would have expected to only have the scrobbler active: POST https://api.trakt.tv/scrobble/start POST https://api.trakt.tv/scrobble/stop But when I mark something as watched in Emby, it sends a history event to trakt, and adds a play in my history: POST https://api.trakt.tv/sync/history Would there be way to disable this? It particularly bit me when I imported my watch history from plex and inserted thousands of watches in trakt
  11. So, my workcenter is manned 24/7/365, but we do have dull periods of time, like weekends, holidays, midnight hours, etc. For this reason, I created a shared account for us to watch movies and TV shows so that we can keep our sanity. However, people have been using the login on their TVs at home as well, and have even been sharing the credentials with their families. I want to prevent that from happening. What I imagine is in the User Setting settings page for an account, there are two fields called "Remote IP Address Filter" and "Remote IP Address Filter Mode", which work exactly like the two fields that already exist in the server settings page, except that these apply only to the specific user. This way you can set up basically kiosk-type accounts that can only be used on specific networks.
  12. Mobile android app only has seeking, with just the chapter name above where you tap. It would be really useful to have a list of chapters displayed. Maybe a button for this, or a hamburger menu with this chapter selection button on it. Or even holding the next/previous or skip forward/backward will be an option to being up the list of chapters screen Otherwise it's hard to go precisely to start of a chapter
  13. Will the live tv guide at some point have the additional details such as HD, Live, New, Repeat and show if a program has been set to record? The example given here is from Windows but it's also on android and Roku etc. Currently on apple tv the guide does not show them. Thanks in advance for any feedback!
  14. noahkiss

    Add Sorting to the "Photos" tab

    It would be nice to have the same sorting functionality as the "Videos" tab brought to the "Photos" tab. Hopefully the two tabs are alike enough that it would be a relatively easy ask. Thanks for the consideration!
  15. nusuzst


    Media Player - copy/move/transfer or any of this to move movie/tv series/folder to a differentiation location would be so helpful. I always have to go back to my PC to make changes. Doing this on my TV/ Phone app would be more convenient. Player: EQ visualization would be nice something simple. 50% of my tracks don’t have label Visualisation would be nice. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
 Favourite songs: when pressing “sort by Date Added” it's not when it's added to the Favorite but added in general. This one is very important for me - I really like to listen newly added song to my Favourite list. Reminder: All my playlists are gone because I started using Emby full-time instead of Qmusic. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ FIX: Pressing Shuffle or Play All - always start from 1 track. 

 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ FIX: Size of the control buttons resizing all the time - defence from the Image cover resolution or something. You can hold the mouse in one place to press the “next” song because the next button is changing position every new song (cover) is loaded. 

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ You can sort by PLAYS buy there is no count number - please add it @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Missing: sort “never played” @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ “View Artis” should be pop-up after pressing “cover” There is so much information about Artists! and there are so many artists that I don't know much about. I think Easy access to this information would be very beneficial for any Emby user @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ TV - PLAYER - WEB OS

-Player should remember chosen language 
additional: If it’s a Series or Multiple parts - should auto-select the desired language for all the parts/files in the folder. -Sort by: LANGUAGE is missing. I’m using 3 languages and I have Movies/TV Series in different languages. Last week I was looking for only English-speaking movies but there was no option like this. -No option to delete folder - just single movies/videos 
 -No option to see the size of the file/movie/ (and especially) FOLDER 

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Upgrade to my last idea: Playback Error - track should be flagged @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ UNDO DELETE FILE !!! I just deleted a very important track 

or something like “Recently deleted” ◊

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I have so many music copies, something like "Show Duplicate Tracks" would be very very useful!!! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 

Randomise Movie Iconwould be amazing. In the “Mia” folder there is 100+ cartoons but from day 1 we see this pic. Player - Play ENGLISH - if can’t find English use a second language xxxx
  16. Since there are official playback speed options, I think it would be better to show the time when playback finishes accurately. Currently, the two numbers at the end of the seek-bar show time left in the current video and the time on a clock when that time has passed from now (i.e. `time_done = now() + time_remaining`). I think it would be better to show it as `time_done = now() + time_remaining / playback_speed` such that it is closer to now when playback speed is greater than 1, and further away when speed is less than 1. Maybe the same could be done with the time remaining in the video, but that may be confusing if that changes based on playback speed.
  17. So far as I can tell, there is no way to identify TV Shows that are jo longer being watched. I am able to see what individual users are watching via the statistics plugin but there is no way to look at when a TV show was last watched. This would be useful in my case for the purposes of removing shows that are no longer watched so that I can free up space for newer media. The report might list each show, when it was last watched and how many users have watched, maybe even who has watched it.
  18. Feature Request: Add TV Series Content Rating (TV-7, TV-14, TV-MA, etc) on the Series selection screen. This information is already available on the Movies selection screen. I can also see the rating info on the web browser view as well. If not possible on individual clients, adding the the Cover Art plugin would be an option as well.
  19. joncy92

    Upgraded movies list

    When I replace a movie with a new version, perhaps an extended cut or in a higher quality, I can either rename the current nfo and Emby will treat the movie as existing or I can delete the nfo, scrape again and it will show in the new movies list. Sometimes I upgrade a bulk of movies in one go so the latest movies list gets cluttered on the homepage. It would be good if there was a widget which displays "recently upgraded movies" so that they're differentiated clearly Thanks
  20. First of all,i am not a native English speaker.Please forgive me if my content has grammatical errors. Here are some of my suggestions for the download function. Lyric tags lost after transcoding Want to automatically download my favorite songs and albums For 1, it is actually very simple, that is, most of the downloaded music will lose the lyrics file. At first, I downloaded the music in the original format, and the lyrics can be displayed normally, but I am testing now, even if I select original when downloading, it cannot be displayed correctly,I don't know what the problem is, if you need any information please contact me and I will do my best to provide you with the information you need to identify the problem. For 2, we can choose to automatically download a playlist or a certain folder, but we can't automatically download our favorite music and albums. I think this is a pity, and I hope to support automatic download of our favorite music and albums. (At the same time, I hope that the red star(like button) can be placed in a place where you can directly click instead of the secondary menu on the mobile phone. If you think this will be more cluttered, I hope you can provide an option to choose whether to display it in the playback interface.) I used cloudbeats before, which is also a good music software, but its interface is too old and does not support dynamic lyrics, so I migrated to emby.As a user from the East, I like your software very much, thank you for developing such a useful media library software, which greatly improves my multimedia experience, but in use, I have encountered some that I think are not very good Perfect place, hope you will notice these issues.
  21. Auto hide top menu bar when scrolling on desktop and have the ability to show/hide middle header. When scrolling on desktop web browser view is obstructed by both menus.
  22. here is my list for ios build (ipad) Picture in Picture support please Media remote support (other player non media server player, such nplayer or apple music native support this without trouble), currently i only can play/pause, increase/decrease vol with my BT remote in emby Anime scrobble please (myanimelist / kitsu / anilist) Option to "auto hide" skip intro button, like setting for how much second it'll stay there, like 10s or something, customized preferable Fast seek via swipe (without touching the progress bar), make it an option is preferable so far everything is good, the only hassle that i got is point number 3 (trakt integration was superb tho)
  23. Preamble / Background: I have a ton of Audiobooks, mostly Audible, but some not. But None of my options are any good at organizing them, and having them on multiple platforms is a nuisance, as is not being able to stream them from my media server. So - I tried making an "Audiobook" Library, but that was a big sea of files (or folders) and the audiobooks had the metadata fields of a song and I couldn't structure my collections into series, all of which was really not great. In a Stroke of 'What If' - I thought - "Maybe I can import them all as a TV Series instead?" So I tried it. I renamed the m4a files to mp4. And then I tested it on web. And it worked perfectly. ff/rw/pause/resume/continue. And then I tested it on Mobile. And it worked perfectly there as well. I know it's kind-of off-label , but Audiobooks-As-TV-Series is perfect interface-wise. I made the audiobook into a 'season' within the overall series, and that let me have individually sectioned chapters (as episodes), and jump between them easily. I also tried converting the same audiobook to a single m4a/mp4 with 'chapters' and Emby detects those correctly as well - though only accessible on Web, no mobile. If you could access the chapters on Android when opening it as a TV-Show, all-in-one, All-In one would be ideal, organizationally - but I can manage with many short episodes instead - that's not the reason for this thread. https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/288765161_868742904085050_4858505779076026758_n.png?_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=ae9488&_nc_ohc=BVfNNBZabnQAX9cbNly&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-1.xx&oh=03_AVIjvEAgPwfankfz-LOLbPy_tyjcgti5CyCiZanXT4_hLQ&oe=62F059D2 I mean - I had to populate the metadata myself, but that's not so hard. Mostly copy paste. And I've gotten pretty good at it at this point. It's a bit rough looking and only partly filled in, but it is a test. With this working - I would / will be able to neatly insert my "The Clone Wars" audiobooks (Ahsoka, and the Ventress novel) where they fit into "The Clone Wars", which would / will be ideal. -------------- The Problem: It does not work on the TV. The TV says "Too Many Errors, Giving Up", rather than playing the audio over a black screen with controls like I expected after seeing it work flawlessly on web and mobile. --------------- The Request / Bug Report / Whatever this is: I would really like it if the TV Client handled such files the same way mobile and web do, by playing the audio and not freaking out about the lack of a video track. Then I can import the rest of my audiobooks (many of which are Forgotten Realms Novels written by a dozen authors, that I would like to add to my media library in chronological order making up one giant forgotten realms "show" with like 50 "seasons" (that I own). I can manage without being able to use it on my TV, but being able to use it on my TV would be very helpful. ----------------- Aside: Feature Request Being able to access video chapters on mobile would be handy. ------------------ Thank you for your time.
  24. Hawkwinter

    Feature Request: Chapters on Android

    Feature Request Being able to access video chapters like you can on web, but on android, would be handy.
  25. Mujahid3121

    New Feature

    sir please add two main feature in emby app 1. first is please add expiry date to create a new account. admin can add expiry date to create a new user 2. second is please add admin create a new account can be used in one device one mac address but admin can change user can use account one device or more device please sir that is very important feature. please add these main feature in emby app. Thanks
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