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  1. Hello Emby My interface has a lack of a “next” “previous” when playing a tv series in shuffle mode. Please see photo and you’ll notice the progress bar but no controls. If I want to skip an episode I need to exit play and find “shuffle” and hit that which never used to be the way for “next” Can this be fixed please? Thank you. Rob
  2. With the latest version installed on a dedicated Emby server, after i finish an episode of a serie, the next episode is being shown as 'Continue Watching' but it has not started yet. Now i read that this has to do with the Next Up option but i have not chosen that in the menu. Please advice
  3. I have an issue with TV Shows not moving to the next episode or playlists playing the next item. It is not all of the time and it is only with mkv files. Items that I have as mp4 files seem to always go to he next thing. Because I've only seen this with mkv files, I assume it has something to do with the files themselves. I need to know what to fix or change in how I burn discs. Attached are my logs. I did a Castle episode (mkv) which did not go to the next one, a MASH episode (mp4) which did, and two playlists that working great right now (of course when I want an error thrown!). It's much more common on files burned from DVDs than from Blu-rays which again leads me back to it being an issue with the mkv file. I have noticed this happening on the LG app and on our Roku. I saw what you need to troubleshoot on the Roku, but like I said, I think it has to do with mkv files so until I've discounted that I really don't want to fight with the Roku stuff. One of my kids has noted that this also happens on the Windows app sometimes. Play next episode automatically and enable are you still watching prompts are both checked. I've been using MakeMKV to burn my discs. There isn't much I can change on the settings there, but if there is something I need to fix on the files I'll try. Any thoughts or help is appreciated. THANKS!! embyserver.txt ffmpeg-transcode-1c9ef6c4-3f71-4a25-acd4-bb1dab1591cb_1.txt ffmpeg-transcode-9a1226a1-df8c-4925-8516-dc381516ca96_1.txt
  4. Latest Stable version of Server and latest version of Theatre Title says it all really - I was watching the TV Series Grantchester and this has a Christmas Special at the end of series 2/start of series 3. The special episode is stored in the specials folder and if you navigate to the season folders under the TV series - the episode is displayed in the both the specials season and at the start of season 3. However, if you use the Play Next Up button, the special is not listed - it jumps from season 2 episode 6 to season 3 episode 1. the episodes are all correctly identified and labelled, it's just an inconsistency between the season view and the play order for Play Next up
  5. Hi all.Emby on my apple TV home screen (not the Emby home screen ) doesn't refresh the "next up", "Continue" and "New" section. It shows content from an earlier Emby server I had.Is there any way to change this or clean they Emby library on apple TV? As you can see from the included pictures there are no images in the thumbnails and if I press the program that it shows I get an error message.My version of Emby is en-GB Thanks.Hope someone can help.
  6. arrbee99

    Continue watching / Next up

    Am just sitting here wondering, as I apparently have nothing better to do - Continue Watching seems to be for listing stuff that you're in the middle of watching and Next Up seems to show the next item in a series - should they be separate lists or would they be better combined ? I do seem to spend (a bit of) time looking for Episode 6 in Next Up forgetting I didn't actually get to the end of Episode 5, or of course, looking for Episode 12 in Continue Watching forgetting that I actually did get to the end of that one and should be looking for Episode 13 in Next Up. So any thoughts ? Also. while I'm here, why does some stuff show in both...
  7. Can we have either admin or user options for controlling HOW MANY ITEMS that appear on homscreen for: LASTEST MOVIES BECAUSE YOU WATCHED BECAUSE YOU LIKE NEXT UP LATEST EPISODES I'd like to reduce the count so the homescreen is even snappier on LG APP/Samsung APP and also to make it more family friendly as not too many things being shown with large sections of content between the other different sections.
  8. conrad784

    Playing next up in... not working

    Hi I am using Emby in Docker on Debian Stretch. Since the last update the Playing next episode feature is not working. I only found a topic for nvidia shield, somewhat describing this problem: https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/68427-play-next-episode-automatically-not-working-anymore-on-shield/page-2?hl=%2Bplaying+%2Bnext+%2Bepisode&do=findComment&comment=684502 * The feature is enabled for my user and the popup is showing. * If I click on the popup "start now", it will work, if I wait for it to do automatically it will end in a never ending loading circle. * I disabled hardware transcoding, still no difference * Does not work for both old and freshly imported files. * Switching to an older docker container still exhibits this behaviour How can I debug this further? Best Conrad embylog_sane.txt
  9. I did a search through the forums and couldn't locate anything about the "Next Up" section. I'm wondering if there's a way for a user to remove a television series entry from the Next Up listing while leaving the watched/unwatched status of each episode as-is. For example, let's say my wife watches 3 episodes of "Firefly" and decides she doesn't enjoy it (which would, of course, mean divorce, but let's keep going for the sake of the question...). So, for her account, she no longer wants to see Firefly under the Next Up section at all, but also doesn't want to mark the whole show as watched in case she ever decides to take a look at it again. Is there a way for her to remove that show from her Next Up list? I've tested the drop-off and jump-on function of that list, and it seems to track the last 24 shows that aren't completely watched - even pulling shows back on to the list that have fallen off once you're fully caught up on one that was currently on there. This question falls firmly into the realm of inconsequential convenience, but I thought I'd ask it anyway in case someone had an idea.
  10. Hi, With the progression of Emby I am surprised there is still no function to set a TV series as currently being watched/followed. This is a much needed function. This would also tie in with the watched function, so only unwatched items from series currently being watched would appear in Next Up. To vote for this feature, please like/upvote this post.
  11. Hi all, Hope you're well Thanks for software I use the "Next up" (NU) feature/section to balance my consumption habits across all the series I have - variety's the spice of life, right? However, there's one drawback - new series' first episodes don't appear in NU As a result new series are staying unwatched unless I navigate into the library folder and suffer the time consuming task of pruning unwatched series / first episodes I don't necessarily agree with how NU currently works but I understand the logic[0] and I would prefer NU *did not* include first episodes than have to bother with marking a bunch of new series with a forget feature[1] If you, too, have this first episode niggle then hopefully this thread generates some discussion or even better a solution In the meantime may I suggest a simple enhancement to the episode counter Before: x After: x/y x = total episodes remaining / to watch y = total episodes If anyone else reading this agrees please up-vote or reply "+1" Let me know if you have any issues - happy to help Hope this is clear/useful and to hear back Cheers [0] https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/47729-latest-episodes-limited-to-single-series-and-next-up-issue/?p=451716 [1] https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/35883-forget-a-series-in-next-up/
  12. This is a thing that always kinda bothered me. I tend to delete episodes after I watch them if they are huge in filesize to make space for new things. But doing that also removes the show from the "Next Up" section on the start page. I installed plex a few days ago just to look if it can handle nfo metadata the way I liked (it can't) and noticed that after I set up trakt I got shows "on deck" which where even pulled from trakt as not completed. Which is amazing and would be a great feature to emby too. But even just keeping a show in "Next Up" after deleting the last watched episode would be a great improvement. So here the current behaviour - Watch Episode 1 - You will see Episode 2 in the Next Up section - Delete Episode 1 - Episode 2 will be gone
  13. Hello I am using the web interface. I use the next up feature all the time but have notice that for some reason only the TV show The Flash 2014 doesn't appear on there, as pictured below. As you can see The Flash S03E13 isn't there. As you can see if I open The Flash 2014 TV folder in Emby it shows the episode The Flash S03E13 is there.
  14. AFFASocial

    Next Up

    after the update yesterday Next up INFO now shows on the Next Up page, but when you select play it just sits with a the colored circle and does not PLAY FYI its still Borked/Broke
  15. The home button in upper left not upper right has never worked in netx up , for some time neither did netx up. FYI since update its borked
  16. LurchZA

    Next Up problem

    I have noticed since I had the problem upgrading to that the Next Up is not working on my admin account. Currently running, and have run almost every release since with the same issue. I see is out so will update to that shortly. The main Next Up feature shows that I have not started watching any shows, but if I go into a series then it shows me the next episode there (I've done this from all my devices with the same result so felt it was an account issue) I have 3 other users and I checked all of their accounts (all non admin accounts) and this feature works fine. As I do not have a huge amount of content I thought I would just create a new admin account and mark what I have viewed. When I created the new account to test with, I took a random series and ticked the first episode to mark as viewed. The second episode did not show up in the Next Up feature. I then let the episode play through the web browser I was logged in via, and only then did the next episode show up in the Next Up. Has anybody else encountered something like this? Any quicker fix than actually letting the episode play through? Will adding my log files be of any benefit in a case like this?
  17. I've used the cinema mode's automatic pre-show trailer settings before. And I've seen the settings for theme songs, but have never wanted to try that. Similar but different, and growing in popularity are after-the-show special talk shows. Like Talking Dead and After the Thrones. If there was a setting near cinema mode to auto queue these specials, we could specify which show we want to follow up The Walking Dead by typing the IMDb/tvdb code or otherwise link the after-show. Then the queueing features would work identically to existing ones, like showing the "next up" info 30 seconds or whatever before your show is over. Then proceed into the after party. Auto queue would parse the specified supplementary show for an episode with the same premiere date (+ one day for flexibility on 11pm TV shows and 12am after shows). If enabled it should warn users if their desired after show is missing before starting the main program.
  18. wrapmaster4500

    Next Up - Possible to Increase Limit?

    Hi Guys, I'm sure this has been asked before, but I can't find it now. Is there a way to increase the number of items displayed on the Next Up view? The Samsung App and W8 App show around 100 items, but the web client seems limited to about 20. It's not a big deal, but thought I'd ask to be sure. Keep up the good work, great product
  19. v.523 (I think, downloaded yesterday) The Samsung client is marking partially watched tv content as watched. All the other clients do not seem to set the watched flag until the content is fully watched. Consequently, partially watched tv content on Samsung, does not show on tv next up (on any other clients).
  20. 3.0.5502.3522 Specials (S00E01 tested in particular) have a propensity to appear too soon in the next up calculation. Assuming, for testing, saved changes to the attributes - airs before/after season/episode, are reread after a library scan I have an S00E01 which i can not get to NOT appear 1st for a completely unwatched show under next up...The correct location should be at end of season 1. But S00E01 stubbornly shows up in next up. Possibly related to this http://mediabrowser.tv/community/index.php?/topic/13324-special-watched-status-is-affecting-series-next-up-presence/?hl=%2Bspecials+%2Bnext&do=findComment&comment=150785 From TVDB Wiki FWIW my expectations as a user would be Specials with [airs before season]=blank,[airs after season]=blank, [airs before episode]=blank - would never appear on next up...they are special interest episodes that dont form part of the flow of watching eg. making of show type specials, as opposed to a Christmas Special which should be marked to appear in the order of watching...as it forms part of the story. Specials with either [airs before season] or [airs after season] - would appear on next up in the order of [Airs after Season]=1 would Come before [Airs Before Season]=2 so Season 1 Episodes < Airs After Season 1 Episodes < Airs Before Season 2 Episodes Airs before episode is a bit of a mystery as to what is being referenced to..to avoid ambiguity it presumably means for eg Airs Before Season=2, Airs Before Episode=5.... of all the specials that are tagged as such ( [air before season]=2), the position of this special is AFTER those specials with [Airs Before Season]=2 and with [Airs Before Episode]<5, and BEFORE specials with [Airs Before Season]=2 and with [Airs Before Episode]>5. It should not be allowed for two episodes to have the same Airs Before Season/Episode Pair. It also shouldnt be possible for Airs before Episode to be populated and Airs before Season to not be populated, but if this was the case, then I think MB3 should not consider the episode part of next up in any case (The metadata needs correcting on tvdb).
  21. My request is for semi watched first episodes to be part of next up. Currently if you watched S01E01 half way through..it will not appear on next up. (next up only seems to kick in on S01E02 and later.) thanks for considering..
  22. IMO it is undesirable and counter intuitive that if i start (for example) S01E03 of Modern Family, Stop half way...and close start a client (eg Roku) the next day....look at tv 'next up' (aka suggested) and see S01E04 as 'suggested' not S01E03 (with the default option of resume from where i left off) yes S01E03 is under resume...but wouldn't users prefer S01E03 under 'suggested' in preference to S01E04 so the feature request is an option (possibly the default option/or indeed just the default with no option) that resume tv content is part of next up/suggested (and resume is the default play action in clients). And of course if there is a resume episode in suggested then the next episode of the show...would not show, Im trying to think of a reason why people wouldnt want this as default..but cant... but if there were any naysayers, an option on clients to mark resume content as either complete/watched or not watched/not started) in a simple way...would probably handle them..which i think has its own feature request. although a side issue to this feature request...such client functionality (to easy manage watched status) might become more useful once a feature to sync content offline becomes available..a although a native client would presumably sync watched status on recconnection, its not 100% guaranteed that synced content would be watched using the official client? one question..if 'resume' is a subset of 'next up' then why have 'resume'..... maybe its not required... one use may be people who do not want tv shows added to next up if they haven't completely watched 1 full episode.. imo it would be better to remove resume....and add such half watched content/shows to next up...safe in the knowledge the client can tag an episode unwatched (and if its the oldest episode (S01E01), then remove the show from next up suggested entirely). thanks for considering.
  23. Version 3.0.5434.27057 (although not peculiar to this version) I have a series 'toast of london' that would never show up on next up despite watching episode after episode of series 00 then 01.. I have Season 00, 01, 02. turns out that if i set the watched status of the single special episode S00E01 to unwatched, then the next episode in season 01 would appear on next up. With S00E01 set to watched, no episode from season 1 would ever appear on next up With S00E01 set to unwatched, any of the episodes after the last watched from season 1 would show up. ie the issues is 100% re-reproducible, as i flag s00E01 watched/unwatched and test. The only thing i can forsee as being unusual about S00E01 is that TVDB has it marked to air before S01E01. indeed S00E01 shows up under season 1 in the webclient (maybe thats expected now?) tested from web client. any ideas? the other strange thing...having deleted all the XML from the media collection folders for this series, no amount of scans will fetch the xml back...although mb has no trouble knowing what it is. (under details of the show the tvdb metadata/links are all there) completing removing then readding the show seems to get the show and season (but not episode) xml back again... turns out the logs report a problem, even though there is nothing wrong with the tvdb get, and the show is indeed found 2014-11-17 21:07:38.4081 Info - App: HttpClientManager GET: http://www.thetvdb.com/api/GetSeries.php?seriesname=Toast+of+London 2014-11-17 21:07:38.8402 Info - App: TVDb Provider - toast of london did not match toast of london 2014-11-17 21:07:38.8402 Info - App: TVDb Provider - Could not find Toast of London. Check name on Thetvdb.org. even after a complete show removal, rescan, show re-add to library and rescan..the watched status of s00E01 still controls whether the show shows on next up.
  24. This feature request was brought about by the fact that the Roku TV Suggested/Nextup is limited to less than 10 objects. I regularly can not find the show series/episode i am after in the suggested view. Request 1 - Increase size of Suggested View to 20 episodes. Request 2 - Tweak the logic of Suggested to alter priority. (To Ensure the most useful entries in the constrained suggested view). Next Episodes of the shows that i have watched the previous show's most recently should be highest. (If i have just watched episode 3 of show X then episode 4 of Show X should go straight to the top) Next Episodes of a show that i have watched in the past, but am not currently watching a great deal, should not push out episodes of shows that i am currently watching/have just watched. Perhaps there are two types of usage of the suggested view, a) - the users that want to see the next unwatched episodes of the the shows they have most recently watched b ) - the users that want to see the oldest unwatched next episodes episodes of shows that they have ever watched. an option to prioritise for use case a) is requested. but perhaps just increasing the length of the list on the Roku is all thats really required. thanks for considering.
  25. Server Version 3.0.5264.17006 What info are "Next Up" and "Upcoming" (on .../Dashboard/index.html) supposed to display? What actions are necessary to have them begin to show data? (I have enabled downloading of internet data). Thanks
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