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Metadata refresh / setup / missing images (corrupt People image)
mandalareopens posted a topic in General/Windows
Hi there. Many of my movies have missing cast members (image 1). I can manually get them to load (image 2). Is there a way to force Emby to reload / refetch them? If there already is a thread explaining this, please point me there, as I couldn't find one. Thanks in advance. -
Changed from no hash matching to match, refresh? 2nd lang sub pref?
olehj posted a topic in General/Windows
I decided to go for hash matching for subtitles instead of leaving it off, but a bunch of subs are already downloaded. Is there a way to clear all non-matched subs, or refresh them all to follow what's saved for the library? Right now it seems like it will keep the non-matched subs regardless.. Feature request: Also, having a 2nd language preference for subs would be nice, I usually always use english subs, unless the thing I watch is in my native language, so I would rather then use that if available. -
Emby doesn't refresh the "next up", "Continue" and "New" section on Apple TV home screen
Simon Kelly posted a topic in Apple TV
Hi all.Emby on my apple TV home screen (not the Emby home screen ) doesn't refresh the "next up", "Continue" and "New" section. It shows content from an earlier Emby server I had.Is there any way to change this or clean they Emby library on apple TV? As you can see from the included pictures there are no images in the thumbnails and if I press the program that it shows I get an error message.My version of Emby is en-GB Thanks.Hope someone can help. -
Hello everyone, I'm asking for some help Before, I was using Emby with 1 disk installed on 1 storage pool and 1 volume (SHR). After setting up all my librairies, I did a backup with the emby plugin. Then I splited my datas on 3 different disks, on 3 different storage pools, on 3 different volumes: I did a fresh install of Emby after removing/swapping the disk where Emby package was installed at the first place. Finally I loaded the backup previously done. I created 3 shared folders, one on each volume. With read/write authorizations for embysvr package. I also created sub-folders in each share folders with the same names: Then I setup my movie library like this: My problem is that Emby is only displaying movies in the Volume 2... I did other libraries, and same problem, emby is getting only files from the second volume, from Emby-2 shared folder. I disabled IPv6 in my synology settings: I'm sorry for the size of the log attached, I think it's because I activated the debug function.. Thanks in advance for your kind help, Max. Log.txt
Hi, First of all, I tried using newest Beta and newest Release. I've added a new Music library with 3 FLAC songs to Emby and refreshed the library multiple times. Now, it shows me all songs correctly. Well almost, see yourself: The third song, which I'm playing right now has the Artist tag "SYML; Lily Kershaw". It shows correctly on bottom, so where it shows what I'm playing. But on the Songs Overview it just shows "SYML". So that's the first problem. Now, when I click at the artist at bottom left, it opens the "SYML" artist overview. But never the artist overview of the other artist, it just doesn't exist. And yes, Emby recognizes her as an artist, see here: I also want to add that you can't open the specific artist Overview from the Artists tab, just from songs. And now comes the biggest problem. The SYML artist overview, which is the only one which exists, looks like this: I don't think it should be completely empty... Oh and I tried setting it up multiple times, and the first time I did it with Emby, it wasn't empty. But it put every single song from SYML into a single album, even though they all have different album tags. Here's the metadata of one file: It is correctly set in the metadata manager btw. I wanna swich from Plex to Emby because Plex doesn't support multiple Artists, but apparently Emby does. Developers here don't seem to be so ignorant to user feedback like Plex is, so I'm asking here if you could do anything about this problem. I've added the server log file if it helps. Thanks a lot! embyserver.txt
how do i stop metadata refresh from re-selecting poster images?
mrb002 posted a topic in General/Windows
i'm wondering if i'm missing something or if this feature is working as intended. does the "replace all metadata" with "replace existing images" selected also refresh metadata and images on items marked as "lock this item from future changes" ? my goal is to set some movies to have custom poster images and/or custom sort titles, lock them, and still be able to refresh the rest of the library, but right now my custom selections are getting wiped out. how do i set my server to really and truly lock metadata and/or images on an item? -
Hello, I just wanted to know how can I get my library updated automatically when added a film to it, I have the real time monitoring enabled, but when I tried copying a file inside the library, the movie is not appearing without doing a manual refresh of it. Any idea? Kind regards, Pedro
Hi, After few weeks of introducing myself to emby environment and after I successfully but incompletely migrated from Plex (looking for ways to migrate plex 1000+ collections to nfo tags or whatever) I collected some opinions and thoughts on all that... so here it's part of it concerning emby app for Apple TV. Miss... Refresh I miss some way to refresh active page/app so changes made on server could be seen on Apple TV without having to restart the AppleTV app. Also missing in iOS app. Searching persons I am aware that searching is ongoing feature you're working on to improve so at this point I just want to point out I miss searching for actors in addition to only title searching on Apple TV. Since this is available on other clients and server. Year & Director in movie info pull down while playing movie Though sometimes there is year shown but wrong and it doesn't correspond to date added o release date from metadata, I can't figure out what is it. Show all titles by/with person selected Clicking on person (actor or director) shows is limited titles (around 20) although in some cases there is a lot more and there is no other way to get to them Number of items listed in a library I miss number of items in active library. Filtered or not filtered, favourites or collections. Thumbs View I miss at least an option to view library items as thumbs (fanart/backdrop/backround, whatever it is called). It is somehow supported (unintentionally it seems to me) in mixed libraries but only when primary image is thumb image. So I guess that implicates that it is possible to show movie/tv show images as thumbs and since it is supported in emby server (and it looks great there). The two main reasons I always like to see thumbs rather than posters are: When you browse your libraries "to be inspired" and then to choose a movie to watch thumbs always look more inviting and "describable" than posters. There is just too many cases when there is no posters available or posters look bad or you have to use same DVD collection poster for bunch of Charlie Chaplin short movies for example because individual posters differ so much in quality, design, size and type and that looks strange. And at the same time you can always find or easily make movie background/fanart/thumb which is unlikely with posters if you want it looks decent. Fix... Favorite on/off button does not respond until exit and re-enter Wouldn't it be good....? Collections view When showing different types of collection items inside a collection there is no more info preview feature available because other types are shown as other items below first, main, row. I stumbled upon some discussions about that and it seems that someone had idea to show all mixed up in main row. I don't know about that. It's not bad idea to overcome this problem but I would always rather give up on info preview for usual item list as in emby server and not all in one "endless" row... Titles centered I love centered items list in emby server. When you have 2-3 items listed it looks way better. Especially in mixed content libraries, subfolders etc. Showing collections movie belongs to I think it is already mentioned somewhere as feature request or something. That would be definitely useful: in movie details page, beneath similar/recommended movies, a list of movies from collections a given movie is also part of. Thanks for reading.
- 12 replies
Sorry if this is a repost, but I haven't been able to find an answer anywhere.... All I need is a simple explanation of how to refresh my entire database in one go (if possible), and whether this can be achieved by a simple restart, an option in the menu, or by deleting a cache folder? Clean install? Or other method? Obviously I'm new to all this... My problem arises from originally having MB set up wrong, and now that it's configured the right way, I'm still left with some oddly incorrect metadata and am trying to find a way to simply refresh (rewrite) it all. For example, all of my "sort name" metadata in my television folder is missing key episode information: 'Adventure Time - S01E20 - Freak City.mp4' is labeled under sort name '001-Freak City' (missing episode info) but a quick manual refresh gets it correctly to '001-0020 - Freak City' I save it and all is good. Except, I really don't want to do this for EVERY SINGLE EPISODE, because that would be mad. Any help would be beyond awesome.
Hello experts, I'm a KODI user, with Emby for KODI addon installed (LibreELEC / KODI 17). I have an external usb disk, which isn't always plugged, plus it's on a remote computer (another room). If this usb disk is plugged on the remote computer, a script mounts it in LibreELEC as a network cifs share (if unplugged, it's unmounted). But, it seems Emby doesn't detect the changes : - it doesn't appear automatically in library sources if i try to add a new folder (seems normal). - if i try to restart Emby (i did a "systemctl restart service.emby.service"), I notice Emby restarts itself, then i see the mountpoint's path created, but without any subfolders from the share. Folders are accessible in LibreELEC after the mount. How can Emby detect changes in mount points ? Thanks for your assistance. Regards,
Hi, since a few week I noticed my library is not syncing anymore: when new movies or episodes get added I have to perform a manual refresh to get the changes pushed through. I tried reinstalling after doing a library purge (erasing all emby addon settings) and also tried on a completely differnt system. Kodi is OSMC (latest build) Any help is appreciated !
Is there anyway to refresh entire collection in the media library using media manager? Metadata manager allows you to do a full refresh on the entire folder but this does not work. Refresh on individual titles however does work but very tedious to do this on 400 movies? Thx Bw
Hi, I have some problems with LIVE TV. 1º - If i add a channel to a local iptv list (m3u) i cant get channel in my server until i remove and add again. Is that correct? Is that the only way yo refresh a m3u list? 2º - I have a list like this: #EXTM3U #EXTINF:-1 channel-id="100" channel-name="channel ABC" tvg-logo=""group-title="groupA",channel name http;// #EXTINF:-1 channel-id="101" channel-name="channel DEF" tvg-logo=""group-title="groupA",channel name http;// #EXTINF:-1 channel-id="102" channel-name="channel GHI" tvg-logo=""group-title="groupA",channel name http;// and so on..... In live-tv section on web-browser, in channels tab, the channel 101 and 707 are displayed before everything else (see image). Is any reason that happen? I did a new installation of emby-server on my local machine and the list is displayed correctly. I did a clean cache in the server, remove and re-add, refresh channels, change name of the list from aaa.m3u to bbb.m3u, change the link of the channel, remove the lines of that 2 channels e re-add. The result is all the same, if the channels are in the list the order in web-browser is that one. In the emby add-on for kodi its even worst, because the order is by name and not by the number. I have a lots of channels, they all organized in the .m3u file, they are ordered properly. I think if the order in the web-browser, and in the order apps by the way, should be the order of the .m3u file. Or in alternative, it should be possible to order manually or by other criteria. If i add a xmtv file the order in the mapping list is the order in the files, so i cant understand way the view of the daily basis its not the same thing. I think this problem should be resolved if i do a clean install, but since i have the server running on a slow machine and i have a lots of media added to him, the reconfiguration will be a nightmare. I moved the data folder to a backup (to do a test) and start emby-server, its basically a new installation because all the settings are gone, i added the list and everything is fine, so i assume that its somting wrong with my db. 3º - In other scenario if i add the list with tvg-id tag, the names of every channel appear 2 times like 101 101, i don't understand why too. Maybe because the tvg-id is used to get the number and the name, but if that's the case the interface should display only one of them, even if i use the tvg-id and the tvg-name, the interface shows the same and complitly ignore tvg-name. 4º - Last but not least Its a suggestion. Would be awesome if the emby deal with the time-in xmltv, like, my xmltv have channels from different countries, and the hours are displayed like 201609011200 -0200, in this case the program is start 10:00 UTC, so if i am in UTC +1 in my time should be 11:00. _______ To all developers a huge thank you for this awesome media server.Keep up the good work!!
Relink people to movies... I have a lot of movies where the link between the actors and their movies got broken. I did many manual corrections but the problem keeps coming back, even on the ones that had a manual correction. People do exist in the Metadata/People folder but their names do not appear in the People Section of the movie. After a refresh of that particular movie the link comes back for that one movie. Refreshing People via dashboard does not help either. Is there a way to refresh the full database in one operation?
Is it possible to, when you're in metadata manager, if you change some settings in a media folder, it appplies on everything inside the folder during refresh? e.g. I have set english and USA as my default language and country for metadatas. While everything is in english, I like to get the overviews in a different language (french) for my movies. To do so, I go to metadata manager, click on the movie folder, change the language for "french", uncheck name and genre (because I want to keep english genres and english titles) and I click save. Then, I refresh. The expected result should be that only titles and genres stay in english while everything else is in french on all movies inside the folder, which is not the case right now. As of now, doing this would just ignore the specific selections and modify everything in french. It would be awesome to have this feature!
Hi, I have set english and USA as my default language and country for metadatas. While everything is in english, I like to get the overviews in a different language (french) for my movies. To do so, I go to metadata manager, click on the movie folder, change the language for "french", uncheck name and genre (because I want to keep english genres and english titles) and I click save. Then, I click on refresh. I also tried advanced refresh. The expected result should be that only titles and genres stay in english. By clicking on the movie folder in the manager, it should apply the refresh the same way on all movies right? But no, instead, it changes everything in french and ignore completly my unchecked selections. Is it a known issue? Does the manager folders work that way? Is "Emby Kodi SyncQueue" has something to do with this issue? By the way, by unchecking title and genre on an individual movie, it WORKS. But that would take ages doing it that way. My emby server is actually on raspbian jessie but I remember having this same problem on windows few months ago. TLDR: In metadata manager, I want that when you apply modifications in metadata settings on a media folder, everything inside is affected during refresh.
Can anyone help me understand how exactly Emby decides whether to pull or not metadata from a provider? Scenario: - After noticing that a parental rating for a movie PG-13 was incorrect, I went to TheMovieDB and discovered that parental metadata for my country wasn't there, so it was returning the fallback English. - In TMDB I inserted the parental rating BR-14 for Brazil, and saved. - When trying to refresh metadata for the library or movie, it hasn't updated the rating as expected. - Turned on "debugging log" in Emby. - In logs, even after full refreshed, TheMovieDB wasn't being queried. - Removed alternative providers for Movies. Didn't work. - Reestarted server. Didn't work also. - Erased the .nfo file in the folder. Full refreshed. Worked. I began to think that if NFO exists... it would ignore Intenter provider querying.... but then I remembered that when I update some info as description in TMDB, sometimes it gets automatically, after a simple refresh. So... what happended in the ratings case? What is the priority (internet, nfo)? Tnx
Hello All First of all, Emby is turning out to be a pretty amazing application... Very glad I found it. I have attempted to find the answer to my problem, before posting, without a clear answer. So, here goes: Due to inconsistencies and mis-matched identification, I have disabled all metadata services and authored a script to publish my own "People" data to the emby metadata location ( /var/db/emby-server/metadata/People/*/* ). The problem is, the updated images "poster.jpg" are not being picked up on a "Scheduled tasks >> Refresh people" ... Rather, I have to manually "Refresh", from the context menu, for each Person. Obviously this is not going to work for the long-run. I have found a workaround, if I delete these two files: "library.db" and "refreshinfo.db" ... I can rebuild the complete database and start over. Also a pain in the ... but better than manually refreshing through the GUI. Any recommendations? Cheers!
Is it possible to "reset" ONLY the music library to restart with a clean fresh one? I'm having different and strange problems with my music library and I would like to do a complete refresh of it, starting with a cleant and empty one. Would removing the music library, and adding it again achieve this? I'm open to do some sqlite "surgery" with the proper guidance. I'm running Emby server 3.0.5724.6 on CentOS 7. Thanks
I refresh a item and i just see the spinning wheel on the page but nothing is happening. As im writing this post the wheel has been spinning for 10mins now. All im trying to do is fix the missing episode and season numbers and this is proving to be a very painful process... Log : Refresh should be towards the end of log
Hope this is the correct area to post this. I was editing my music collection today and getting it a little bit more organized and I noticed some weird behavior when changing genres of tracks and albums. I typically use Mp3Tag to do any tag editing, then I refresh the library using the web interface in MediaBrowser (Version 3.0.5518.7). In order for all the tracks and the album itself to be properly marked with the right genre, I have to refresh the album twice or three times, depending on the level of the change. Steps to reproduce the error: 1. Change the genre on all the tracks in an album using Mp3Tag - All embedded tags are now up to date with what I want 2. Refresh Album within MediaBrowser 1st time. - All individual track metadata has correct genre in mediabrowser, the album does not. 3. Refresh Album within MediaBrowser 2nd time. - Album now has correct genre, everything is as I expect it to be. Similarly, if you change all the tracks under an artist with multiple albums to a different genre (as I did with Harry Chapin, from Ballad to Folk), you must refresh the Artist 3 times until the correct genres are applied at each level. I'm pretty sure I just didn't give it enough time to sort through the entire refresh process, so mark this as solved/not an issue.
Server - A Suggestion on Cues and UI pertaining to Identification
ginjaninja posted a topic in Feature Requests
A Suggestion on Cues and UI pertaining to Identification... It seems that Identification of albums is only performed once on initial ingestion....maybe thats the same for all media types? It seems If no ID (MBZ?) is attributed to the album during initial ingestion, then no amount of scans or refreshes, advanced or otherwise would ever check the ID is correct, or try to fetch a missing ID. If a primary ID provider is down during initial ingestion, doesn't the user need a way to bulk identify objects? If the user has gone to the trouble of clicking refresh ... would it not be good for MB3 to retry to retrieve a primary identification for objects that do not currently have case the provider was down during initial ingestion (or some other issue)? might it not be good for the user to be able to ask that content already with ids is reevaluated..(because the current identification is known to be false or the providor has changed their ids)? might it not be good for the user to be able to check that IDs are correct (eg for when matching logic has improved or the provider has changed their master info), so that mismatched IDs are included in reports for manual correction when required? It was not obvious imo in the current interface that refreshes do not attempt primary identification... Would there be a downside to identification being part of the default refresh for objects without primary id? Could the other options be added to the advanced refresh ui? Perhaps MB3 could beef up the remedial UIs (perhaps accessible from the quick overview pane in dashboard ui) Red Exclamation (as is current) for not identified - launch UI to choose correct match (or allow manual/null/give up) - (Identification Results could be presented more clearly and searches could be more targeted when possible e.g.. include artist in album searches) Amber Exclamation - A (potential) mismatch, worthy of further investigation..the providers name for ID does not match the library's name, or The ID no longer exists on providor. For casual users for something as critical as identification, and fuller more accessible remedial interface to identify/correct the outlying cases would make the ui more informative and immersive imo. -
Advanced Refresh Refresh All Data Image Refresh Mode None - Change detectd to images
ginjaninja posted a topic in General/Windows
2015-02-12 15:19:08.7384 Info - App: HttpClientManager GET: 2015-02-12 15:19:08.8384 Info - App: HttpClientManager GET: 2015-02-12 15:19:08.9960 Debug - App: Running FanartSeriesProvider for \\Q6600\TV1\Prime Suspect 2015-02-12 15:19:08.9960 Debug - App: Running MovieDbSeriesImageProvider for \\Q6600\TV1\Prime Suspect 2015-02-12 15:19:08.9960 Info - App: HttpClientManager GET: 2015-02-12 15:19:09.1790 Debug - ProviderManager: Saving image to \\Q6600\TV1\Prime Suspect\backdrop2.jpg 2015-02-12 15:19:09.1790 Debug - LibraryMonitor: Changed detected of type Changed to \\q6600\tv1\Prime Suspect\backdrop2.jpg 2015-02-12 15:19:09.1790 Debug - LibraryMonitor: Ignoring change to \\q6600\tv1\Prime Suspect\backdrop2.jpg 2015-02-12 15:19:09.1790 Debug - LibraryMonitor: Changed detected of type Changed to \\q6600\tv1\Prime Suspect\backdrop2.jpg 2015-02-12 15:19:09.1790 Debug - LibraryMonitor: Ignoring change to \\q6600\tv1\Prime Suspect\backdrop2.jpg 2015-02-12 15:19:09.1790 Debug - LibraryMonitor: Changed detected of type Changed to \\q6600\tv1\Prime Suspect\backdrop2.jpg 2015-02-12 15:19:09.1790 Debug - LibraryMonitor: Ignoring change to \\q6600\tv1\Prime Suspect\backdrop2.jpg Is it to be expected that MB3 seems to fetching images and the library monitor is detecting changes for images with image refresh mode=None? Version 3.0.5520.642-
- advanced refresh
- refresh
(and 1 more)
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I noticed that if I changed (edited) by custom 3D overlay in coverart, that the overlay did not update in MBC. It did update in MBS. Specifically, I changed to use the build in one and that did update correctly, but when I switched back to my custom 3D overlay, it did not show my newly edited overlay, it kept going back to the old one. The only way I got the overlay to update in MBC was to delete the image cache in "C:\ProgramData\MediaBrowser-Classic\ImageCache". Is this something that we can force? I tried the usual things such as CTL + R, but that does not refresh the 3D overlay.. Which also bring another question, is it a performance requirement that MBC caches the images locally?
Hi, I've been using MBT for a while since support for MB2 was winding down and I've been enjoying it. However, one thing that I've noticed that I can't do anymore is to force a refresh of a show's metadata. For example, MBT sees the episode but it has no metadata and the name is the usual S01E01.mkv format. Normally this fixes itself but the time frame that it does this is beyond me. Sometimes it's quick and other times it takes days. MB2 used to have a refresh option where you could force it to refresh the metadata for whatever episode or movie you were currently in. Does MBT have this option buried somewhere or is it still to come and how long out is it? Thanks! Lobo