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  1. I have wmc channels edited and unchecked all but 52 of the channels I watch. In serverwmc I can see just the 52 channels, but in envy when I ended the guide or channels I get all 800 and it is very slow to load and open ... Several minutes. How can I ensure that envy only loads the 52 active channels that I want to help improve the experience? Thanks
  2. I am having a very similar issue to @@bsetnick (see post from Nov 2016). My Emby and ServerWMC appear to be configured correctly, everything is working in windows media center, but I am not getting any content when I attempt to view LiveTV from any device. Emby dashboard shows my tuner as "Available." Under external services, it shows ServerWMC, status "ok." I've tried rebooting and restarting service and the server machine without luck. Emby, ServerWMC and WMC are all located on the same machine. Please advise...thanks! Andrew
  3. thespot84

    no guide info

    I have an HDHR T1 that required WMC and serverWMC to get running in Emby. I can currently browse the channels directly and watch them via chromecast on my tv, which is awesome, however I cannot get either Schedules Direct or zap2xml to populate my guide, it shows all my channels, but there's no program data, and the channel mapping list is blank. I succesfully downloaded xml data from tvguide.com, so I know the data is there, but even pointing emby to that file on my server doesn't fix anything. Any help is very much appreciated. Log.txt
  4. mpodval

    Cannot view liveTV anymore

    Hello, I have an HDHomerun Prime setup with WMC on a windows 8 machine running ServerWMC and Emby. As of last week I can no longer watch LiveTV through Emby (phone app and PC). WMC works fine. ServerWMC shows one of the tuners in red and channel says <unknown channel>. I tried disabling all antiviruses, updated to the latest versions of all apps and still no luck. Please help!
  5. The Schedule tab under Live Tv is blank. This happens on both the Emby app for iOS and all browsers. I believe 3.0.8100 had this problem as well. If I pick a series from the Series tab and scroll down, the scheduled recordings for that series are shown, so I can confirm Emby is getting the series and scheduled recordings from ServerWMC. ServerWMC service and plugin are up to date, and I have tried a clean reinstall of Emby server.
  6. jj-99

    Error: Live TV with ServerWMC

    Hi - I just recently "caught the bug" and added Emby to my HTPC with External HDHomeRun EXTEND tuners set. Everything is working OK when using Emby's built-in tuner support. However, when switching to ServerWMC (plug in added, "built-in" (now duplicate) tuner disabled) Live TV is not working (Windows Explorer and Chrome Clients). Please find attached combined log files from Emby, User GUI Error Message, and ServerWMC). Help is appreciated! On a separate (possibly related) note on the HTTP Server tab on ServerWMC the service has not been enabled (also see attachment) - currently have a port conflict. However, is this optional? Does it affect performance/features? Additionally, best with by tuner setup to have at least the video portion not transcoded (H.264) - presuming the client of course can accept natively. Will the latest and greatest Emby server support this? Any particular settings to make sure happens? (Tuner Transcode Configuration attached) Thanks, Joe ServerWMCandEmbyLogs.log
  7. jason66048

    Encrypted Live TV Cable Options

    Just wondering what the best option is when dealing with encrypted LiveTV cable? Been running WMC since the XP era for LiveTV and Kodi for the media library. For the past few months been exploring options and Emby seems like a great one source solution that is wife friendly. Would it be better to use Emby for WMC, pull media from server, and continue to run Live TV though WMC since I have encrypted Live TV? Or should I consider another option using ServerWMC as I understand the Emby Server along can’t decrypt encrypted LiveTV cable? Any incite would be great. Thanks.
  8. btgerold

    Missing 1 Channel Guide info

    I'm missing Guide info in 1 Channel... 5.1 WFRVHD. This info is in WMC. This causes me to be unable to view this channel within emby. Web app and adroid app just spin when you select the channel. Roku dumps you back to the main menu unceremoniously. Screen shots of the WMC and Emby guides below. Log files in a separate post.
  9. iamjen023

    i need info on embytv and serverwmc

    hi i need some info on the live tv. i love the built in life tv support, but i lick to watch/record the stars and encore channels. i know embytv doesnot do drm, but windows media center does. now what i need to know is a few things. 1. can i turn off embytv and just use a 3rd party plugin like serverwmc 2. could i have it so emby does non drm channels and wmc does the drm stuff 3. does emby prioritizes serverwmc over its own tv service also is there going to be a way to use the dvr part of the hdhomerun software
  10. theniteow1

    No Direct Stream Live TV

    Here is my setup: HTPC Server ----------------- Windows Media Center 7/Server WMC v1.0.0.58 Build 1199 installed on one computer 2 Hauppauge Digital DCR-2650 (CableCARD) 2 ATI Theater 650 (OTA) Emby Server is installed on a separate box and I have the new FireTV 2015, as well as 2014 version. I am able to Direct Play all my media, TV Shows movies, etc which is on another NAS Box. However, I am unable to get the Direct Stream of Live TV working. The only way I am able to get it to work is to turn off Direct Stream Live TV on my Fire TV, then it will transcode the TV just fine. However, this is horribly inefficient, as this server will be hosting the whole house, with multiple people watching TV at once. Transcoding just isn't realistic. I would really like to get Direct Stream to work. Has any body got this successfully working? I've attached my ServerWMC logs and Emby logs. I appreciate any help you guys can offer.
  11. krustyreturns

    ServerWMC pre-release now available

    We have decided to make pre-releases of ServerWMC available for manual download. These versions will have bug fixes and new features as we implement them, but they may not be tested in some cases. If you find bugs with these builds please reference the build number when you report it. You can get the pre-release from the link below. http://bit.ly/ServerWMC
  12. krustyreturns

    WMC in Windows 10 - how to

    Thought this might be of interest here. Haven't tried it yet, but I plan to soon. http://www.windowscentral.com/install-media-center-windows-10
  13. omerome

    Unable to Watch TV

    I have installed ServerWMC version build 1199 on my HTPC and I have Emby version 3.0.5724.3 installed on my FreeNAS server. When I click on the Live TV tab on the left side of the dashboard, it seems to recognize everything properly like below: Also when I go to try and watch a live tv feed, it shows all of the channels and guide information on the interface like below: However, when I click on "play" after selecting a channel, the only thing I get is a spinning (loading icon) and I am unable to watch anything. I am including my log file if this helps. server-63577062861.txt
  14. I got the Nexus Player last night and hooked it up to Emby, and this is an awesome solution to my media center needs. I'm sure I'm just confused about this... but when I go to Live TV, I see a row for "Latest Recordings"... But I don't see an option to see *All* Recordings. Am I missing that in an obvious place? How do I see my non-latest Recordings from my Recorded TV? Like, I have 6 episodes of Hannibal recorded, but I can only see the most recent one. I'm using ServerWMC if that is relevant.
  15. joegoldade

    Emby Roku consuming all tuner resources

    I've tried using Emby for my Roku 3, both version 2.09 and 2.10, and while watching Live TV does work, the stream always continues to stream even long after I've exited the Emby channel on my Roku. Additionally, when I change channels, Emby always opens the live stream on another Tuner instead of the one it was using before. In other words, I have a CableCard and 6 tuners available. I can start a live tv stream in Emby on the Roku, change the channel 5 more times, and I've now consumed all my tuners. Upon changing the channel one more time, no tuners are available and the Emby channel on my Roku crashes. Is anyone else having this issue? It seems the Roku Emby channel is not telling the server to end the stream and stop using the tuner after I stop watching Live TV... I'm using ServerWMC (latest version as of this post), a Ceton InfiniTV 6 (6 channel CableCard tuner), Emby Server on my Windows 7 machine, and my Roku 3 running both the 2.09 and 2.10b of the Emby channel. What's even more interesting: Watching live tv through the Emby web portal always will end the stream and release the tuner once I change the channel/stop watching live tv in the browser. Anyone care to cuss/fuss/discuss?? Thanks!
  16. lja

    ServerWMC-Live TV

    After watching a channel, the tuner continues to show watching in the server. Is there a way to automatically clear the tuner after watching a channel in Live TV? If so how can it be done?
  17. rgatze

    Can't change Channels on Tuner

    I searched around and couldn't find anything on this issue, so hopefully I'm not repeating something. I am running a i7 machine with WMC, MB3, ServerWMC, Hauppauge Colossus, and using ROKU3. I just downloaded the new MB3 BETA, after dealing with the Norton Security issue, but still have this issue where when I try to change channels via my ROKU3, it reverts back to the home screen. When I check the Servers, the previous channel is still streaming. I don't have logs right now, but can add them later. I was hoping, though that someone knows how to deal with this. If I reset the tuner via MB3 and WMCServer, it becomes available again. After this, I can then choose any available channel. The log basically shows that the tuner is not available. Thanks for any help. Bob
  18. archangelz

    LiveTV favorites list truncation

    When using the roku app, the favorites list in the LiveTV section drops channels a lot of times. On the web guide I'll have maybe 14-16 channels, 12-13 of these channels will show up on the favorites list on the Roku. Most of the time the channel at the end will be missing from the favorites list. Logging out and logging back in sometimes fixes the problem. Say I have 516-530 favorited, 530 will likely be missing as well as one or two channels in between from the Live TV stripe. Web view of EMBY will be fine though in browser. Roku 1.96 Server tried 3.0.5572.0 as well as 3.0.5582.2 beta HDHomeRun prime ServerWMC build 1190 Not sure where to begin with a bug report like this. Which logs need to be provided? I can dump the server logs for sure... not sure how to get records from the other systems if required. Anyone else have an issue here or know how to fix this? EDIT: Found how to enable development mode on the Roku, will try to get some paired server and roku logs if a dev thinks this is required.
  19. I previously went through and added channel logos to each channel in windows media center and after installing and configuring servers mc and the server plugin, all of the logos transferred offer perfectly. However, now every channel shows the FoxHD logo.. I've tried manually changing them in the metadata manager on the server, but the next time serverwmc updated, it changed all the logos back to FoxHD.. The channel numbers ang guide listings are accurate, but the logos are driving me nuts! Any suggestions?
  20. I am trying to get live tv working and am running into trouble: The channel guide loads fine (see channel guide.jpg below) When I click on play to play a live tv stream absolutely nothing happens. (see Play.jpg below) I would appreciate any help you can give me. Getting frustrated spent way to much time on this. I like mediabrowser a lot just need to get it working properly. Previously used Mediabrowser theater and classic on a Windows 8 machine. Trying to down size to a lower power consumption box and a firetv box. Serverwmc is a new for me previously used Media Center when I wanted to watch tv. Setup: ZBOX-BI320-B/E/U/J/TW-W2 Intel Celeron 2957U (dual-core, 1.4 GHz) WD My Book 4 TB external hard drive MediaBrowser server Version 3.0.5518.7 ServerWMC Server version, build: 1175 Clients: 1) local MediaBrowser Theater 2) Firetv KODI Helix (future client will try to get this working after I can play live tv locally in the browser) 3) MediaBrowser Browser Player serverwmc current log http://paste2.org/D2Fm5p3p Additional Information: 1) Tuners work fine in Windows Media Center 2) Media Library seems to work okay (See library structure.jpg used below) 3) Shared folders as shown below (Recorded TV permissions.jpg) 4) ServerWMC structure should be okay (see serverwmc structure folders.jpg below)
  21. First off: MB is great, and thank you to all involved for the great work. Reason for the post: I watch recorded TV remotely via multiple devices and it works great, save one issue. Many of the recorded programs lack seek functionality when played through MB (on any client, including browser). It could be the same show recorded in the same time-slot and one episode will have it displaying the current incrementing position and the total duration. While another episode will only show the current incrementing position with no total duration indication --> for these episodes seek does not work. On some clients the seek bar will show NaN/NaN as the end (vs 1:02 for an hour long show with recorded with 2 minute pad). All of these play nice and seek fine in WMC and any extenders, they also seek in Kodi. My theory is for some reason MB didn't get complete meta-data for those files from the wtv, but that's just a theory. Not sure what the root cause would be. Anyone have any ideas why this might be occurring, and if there is knob I can turn to eliminate the issue? It seems to impact at least half of the recordings. HDHomerun Prime -- WMC -- ServerWMC -- MediaBrowser Server Thanks PL
  22. jlachesk

    Chromebook LiveTV Performance

    I have a feeling this is a bit of a long shot, but I figured if anyone knows they're probably in this forum. I've got a pretty standard set up: - HTPC running Win7 and ServerWMC - Server running WHS and MediaBrowser Server - Cable via InfiniTV tuner and FIOS CableCard (it's an InfiniTV4 in the HTPC, actually) - Acer C710 Chromebook w/ 6GB RAM - A variety of devices (Macbook, Fire HD7, iPad, FireTV, etc, etc) My issue is that LiveTV performance on the Chromebook is awful. Even at the lowest quality setting, playback stutters and freezes (worse at higher qualities, but even at the lowest it's frequent enough to make actually watching TV impossible). The odd part is that the problem only exists on LiveTV (well, LiveTV and recordings) on the Chromebook. All other media (even 1080p rips) play perfectly fine on the Chromebook, and LiveTV works fine on the Macbook in Chrome (I haven't tested all of the other devices yet, since the Chromebook is my primary device). I'm wondering if anyone has run into this issue. Is there any difference in how MBS/SWMC handles transcoding (my understanding is it's .wtv to .ts?) vs how SWMC handles transcoding other media types? Is the output of SWMC's transcoding some format that just isn't well handled by ChromeOS (or my particular hardware)? I've tried toggling hardware acceleration in chrome://flags, but I don't see any observable difference one way or another. If this is the root cause, would an HDHR Prime potentially solve this problem via DLNA? I've monitored load (CPU and network) on the HTPC and Server and I haven't seen any observable difference between loads streaming to the Chromebook (poor performance) and Macbook (excellent performance) with LiveTV. I also haven't seen any difference in performance on the Server between LiveTV and other media. In all cases, CPU usage tops out at ~60%, network at ~2%. That's further fueling my suspicion that this comes down to ChromeOS and/or Chromebook hardware. If folks feel there is potential value in reviewing logs, I can work on gathering them up (probably take me a day or so due to work schedule). So there ya have it. Anyone have any bright ideas? Am I overlooking something trivial? Am I doomed? Edit: Forgot to say thanks to the amazing devs creating and supporting MB and SWMC. Seriously, I can't imagine my media setup with out it.
  23. krustyreturns

    ServerWMC info

    ServerWMC is a windows program that allows a Windows Media Center (WMC) installation on one machine to act as a PVR backend for Emby. This enables Emby to provide live tv and PVR functions to its client apps that support it. To set it up, you need ServerWMC installed on the machine that has WMC installed and configured. Then in Emby you need to install and configure its ServerWMC plugin. ServerWMC can be downloaded from here: http://www.serverwmc.com The ServerWMC plugin for Emby can be found in the Emby plugin catalog. A quick setup guide (courtesy of mediaputer) can be found here: http://mediaputer.com/guides/2014/06/stream-live-tv-media-browser-serverwmc/ Please post bugs, questions, and new feature requests to this sub-forum.
  24. Krusty, I have multiple UNC shares across multiple hard drives that hold my Recorded TV files. ServerWMC only seems to report the number of files that are located on the same drive as my Recorded TV folder. I have all shares set up to be viewed in Windows Media Center. I have the Network Path set up for my Recorded TV location. ServerWMC shows all Watched 'Recorded TV' Folders in the Folders tab of the application, but only the files located on the same drive as my Recorded TV folder are found and then displayed in the Recordings section of MB Clients (WebUI, Android). Any thoughts as to why ServerWMC sees files on one shared drive, but not the others? They are all set up as shares with full access privileges.
  25. I'm running into an issue with HLS support and LiveTV. Using the Android client (2.0.85) on my Nexus 5 (Kitty Kat 4.4.4) I have HLS support turned off due to a nasty stuttering issue. When I attempt to view LiveTV it hangs the Android app -- I press the "View Now" button. I see the white circle (which isn't spinning) and that's it. It hangs the client app pretty hard. If I turn HLS Support back on, it exhibits the stuttering issue after viewing for a short period of time (8 to 10 minutes). Can ServerWMC and LiveTV plugin work without HLS support? I sure would be nice if Google would fix their HLS so it doesn't have the stuttering issue -- apparently affects Android 4.4.3 and 4.4.4, and I've even heard rumors Android L continues to be broken). Some details: Mediabrowser Server 3.0.5395.0 Mediabrowser ServerWMC plugin ServerWMC build 1167 Android Mediabrowser App (2.0.85) Nexus 5, running Kitty Kat 4.4.4 Thank You for all the awesome work you guys have been doing.
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