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  1. It took me too long to find the answer, so I am resharing so it is hopefully more prominent. OP did it with Mulvad, I use Surfshark, but doesnt seem like your VPN provider should be a factor: op: https://emby.media/community/index.php?%2Ftopic%2F108801-emby-metadata-will-not-load-with-split-tunneling%2F=#comment-1145985 Fix for Emby not collecting metadata with VPN on, even with split tunneling: Go to C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\system Edit EmbyServer.runtimeconfig.json Under configProperties, go to the end of the last existing line and type a comma "," press enter and paste "System.Net.DisableIPv6": true Example: { "runtimeOptions": { "tfm": "net6.0", "includedFrameworks": [ { "name": "Microsoft.NETCore.App", "version": "6.0.29" }, { "name": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.App", "version": "6.0.29" } ], "configProperties": { "System.Reflection.Metadata.MetadataUpdater.IsSupported": false, "System.Net.DisableIPv6": true } } }
  2. cant connect over remote unless on the internal via tailscale or something like that. realistically want it linked to my domain and be able to remote connect safely without other clients needing anything but emby. i have port forwarded all relevant ports to the correct internal ips. tried mullvad and proton for vpns but they dont offer a dedicated open port for me to use. using canyouseeme to check if ports are open shows nothing but either refused or time outs on the ping. thanks for reading
  3. I have used a OpenVPN split tunnel previously without issue, post a hardware failure I have moved to WireGuard and now having some issues with Remote Media playback Full Tunnel Wireguard playback works fine in all circumstances with the Tunnel subnet specified as a remote connection whitelist. Once i configure split tunnel the EMBY iOS app can still browse the media but cannot play the media On the same device I can use all features in the Safari browser without issue (including playback) - so the tunnel is working and media playback works, but the iOS app is not playing the media There is some difference in how playback is handled for Safari vs the iOS app inbuilt I have attached the debug log of both playbacks from the same device. The APP just spins and never loads, SAFARI is basically instantaneous embyserver-63859004586.txt
  4. Hello everybody, I have installed Emby on my Synology. When listening to music in my car, I open the emby App on Android Auto Wireless using a Wireguard VPN. I am able to connect to the server and also to play songs etc...However, the entire Artwork (Albums, Artist etc.) is not showing up...When I turn off the VPN, the Album Covers will show up in Android Auto. Album Covers will also show up when I use the "normal" Android App on my Phone (not using Android Auto) with VPN... So it looks like it is an Android Auto - VPN Problem only....Any idea how to fix that problem? Android Auto using VPN: Android Auto without VPN: Thanks a lot! Best, Benny
  5. I am trying to use Emby (tunneled through OpenVPN) on the iOS App. and I'm able to add the Emby Server (Windows) successfully using its local IP address, log in and see my library with no issues. When I try to stream media, however, I am getting just the blue spinning circle for video and correct album art for audio, the timeline bar with correct track length, but zero progress in playback. If I open the web interface on the same device in iOS Safari, still connected through the OpenVPN tunnel, media streaming works fine. Is there some limitation with the iOS App that would allow for a successful connection to the Emby server over VPN tunnel, but not allow for successful media transport? Does any further configuration need to be done to allow this?
  6. I have my emby server on a LAN network in my home ( lets call it) , I have a VPN Server running on another network in my home to make the media server available for remote users ( lets call it). I can see my VPN Clients connecting to the server from the embyserver.txt log, but clients are getting the error that the server needs to be updated leaving me unable to use the server. The server works just fine on the same devices connected to the LAN via wifi. I'm running Version emby lifetime on a fully patched windows 10 box.
  7. I'm running into an issue getting metadata and images for content being added to my library. The short-short is that it works fine when I first start emby but at some point, the indexer (such as Fanart.tv, TMDB, etc.) starts blocking ("connection refused") the requests. Most of the time, powering off the box for a couple minutes and then bringing it back up clears the problem for a time. Sometimes connections are still refused and the restart process has to be repeated. The frequency in which this happens ranges from hours to days and I'm struggling to catch a correlation between the incidents and library change volume. This seems like a threshold issue in that my configuration is generating too many requests, but I'm not seeing it. Libraries are configured for real time monitoring with advance pulls. Looking at scheduled tasks status' I see they are only firing when content is added. In reviewing my configuration it also raised a question or two. So, here I am, asking for advice from those who love and know emby on what I'm missing and how to correct this. For the questions, the 2 biggest are; 1) How does emby generate/maintain API keys for the various indexers? In looking at several generations of the server logs I see that the key is consistent for each indexer. Is the key unique to each emby installation or shared by all installations? The latter could be significant in my configuration as I route most all of my internet traffic, emby and otherwise, through a commercial VPN. My ISP knows enough about me and my family. They don't need to know more. 2) Is it possible to use my own api keys for the indexers? If so, how? NOTE: I'd really rather not have to go this route. SERVER INFO: NOTE: All external requests do go through a VPN Thanks in advance for any assistance you all can offer.
  8. Following the update to 4.7.60 Emby can no longer connect to the internet to collect metadata or core file checks whilst my VPN is on. Prior to the update this was never an issue. Turning my VPN off immediately solves the problem, Emby can connect with no problem. My VPN (Mullvad) software has not been updated since March this year (no updates are available, I'm on the current version) so I know the issue is not with that. I have Local Network Sharing on and Emby is split-tunnelled. I've not installed any new software nor changed any settings on Windows. I've also lost access to the 'Server' menu in the left hand main menu. I can still access it via the cog icon top right but I'd like it to be back where I could access it instantly. I have tried restarting Emby, restarting my VPN, trying to manage the server in different browsers and rebooting the PC. Nothing works. Whilst connected to the Internet via my VPN Emby cannot reach the Internet. Log file is attached. embyserver.txt
  9. Hey all, I'm trying to get my Emby behind my PIA VPN. This way it can be connected to via the VPN IP and it be tunneled and not just widely available for the ISP or whomever to peep in. I've been grinding on this for a bit, and have scoured through forums and what not trying to find out how to do this and I can't seem to figure it out. I've tried running it on my router, and using VPN fusion to host the VPN and run it that way, I've tried utilizing the APP, I've tried getting my own dedicated IP for it and port forwarding. I'm at a loss. The dashboard will read the VPN IP for WAN, atleast when running via the Application, but fails when trying to connect to it. I can however still bypass it and connect my true IP. Anyone have any ideas?
  10. Hi all, For the Mullvad people I see their Windows beta allows for split tunneling. Instead of port forward nightmares you can let your Emby Server ride outside of the VPN. In Mullvad scroll all the way down in Advanced you'll see it. In the beta Mullvad you'll have to add Emby Server to excluded yourself since EmbyServer.exe is installed in AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\system Working great for me even though I rarely watch outside the house but might do it more often now for the music part. I'm just so excited I can't hide it. Have a good one.
  11. I could not get a file to download. Was stuck in "ready to transfer" mode. After spending a bunch of time reading threads about why downloads are not working for some people, and also noticing my camera had not been uploading, I finally found my answer just as I was about to give up. Neither of these features will work if you are running a VPN. Well, maybe it is safer to say it will not work with Torguard running on "my" android device.
  12. Yodikko

    VPN and LiveTv, a few questions

    Hello. I'm actually running an Emby server on my Lubuntu laptop with a VPN always on. So with all the device i connect remotely, with the TV too. I was wondering if I watch live TV on the TV (without VPN because my TV doesn't have any softwere to do it, but still the VPN is on on the laptop/server) is safe? I mean do i "send" the ip of the server to the providers or the ip of the television? Do I have to turn on VPN on all devices I want to see live TV on to be safe and mask my ip or my server with his VPN mask already. It maybe is a super dumb question, I know.
  13. I know VPN & Emby remote access is not a new topic. I'm looking into a secure way to provide VPN for my home and still ensure Emby remote access works while providing the best security possible. I have Emby remote access currently working on my NAS by providing a Google Domain (https://mydomain.com), SSL/HTTPS, and Reverse Proxy. I tried installing OpenVPN on the NAS, but Emby remote access was not accessible; as OpenVPN doesn't support Port 443. I have a 30-day trial version of ExpressVPN currently installed on my NAS and individual devices (LAN connected & WiFi where possible), but I still encounter the same problem; Emby remote access / support for Port 443 doesn't appear to work. ExpressVPN supports VPN Split-Tunneling if installed on a VPN Router, which would provide security for my Home devices, NAS, and allow Emby to bypass VPN for remote access. Since I have a Google Domain (https://mydomain.com), SSL/HTTPS, and Reverse Proxy for Emby remote access, I'm "thinking" this might be the best overall solution. I'm definitely not an expert with VPN, all secure network solutions, etc., so I would definitely appreciate any guidance. Note: If you recommend running VPN via home router, which VPN Router would you recommend?
  14. Directormmn

    Cannot connect Android app to server

    I really hope someone can help me get this app set up to access my server because I just cannot get it to work. And please, for the love of god, is there an easy way to explain it? I'm pretty comfortable on a computer but I'm not an expert coder or anything, so some of these instructions are going way over my head. I'm running the Emby server off an old iMac with a VPN. I connected my Fire TV to the server without any issue, but the Android app on my phone keeps insisting that it cannot connect to the server and asks me to check if the server is still running. I tried following instructions on port forwarding, but that's not working either. I've also had to sign in a bunch of times and I even made a new user account just to use on my phone (because I couldn't sign in with my server account) and it STILL won't connect. Is there anyone out there who can walk me through how to do this, in simple terms? I really wish I could talk to a real person about this but unfortunately the forum is all we have. I jumped ship from Plex because it was too complicated, but I'm sorry to say that if Emby isn't as easy to use as they claim then I will probably stop using it. Thanks in advance for any help!
  15. GiGo

    Setting up a VPN

    Hey all, I'm hoping someone can help me, I've Googled, I've watch YouTube videos, I've read many a posts, articles etc.... but my mind is mush and incapable of processing the required knowledge of how to setup a VPN on Synology NAS and how it all works. So I'm hoping the kind helpful people of the Emby community would be able to offer some assistance. I'm wanting to use the VPN Server app by Synology via OpenVPN. Im struggling with how it actually works..... If I enable the VPN, copy the IP address etc...to the opvn file but then I'm confused. I'm on a dynamic VPN, so my IP address changes, will I need change the opvn file each time? I'm also wanting to be able to access my NAS via the DDNS (servername.synology.me) and of course be able to use Emby remotely. At the moment I'm working remotely so I'm guessing setting up the VPN is harder (or impossible). Really just wanting the VPN setup so any traffic from my NAS is private. The articles I've read say I need to use a VPN app to connect to my NAS afterwards, or it's the way I've interpreted it which gets me even more confused So what do I need to do to get my NAS private and me to be able to connect via the DDNS, really hoping someone can give me a fairly plain english answer. TIA
  16. I am trying to set up Emby to be accessible behind my VPN on pfsense. I have setup the VPN on the router and it seems to be working, I am trying to follow https://blog.linuxserver.io/2017/05/01/how-to-run-pfsense-with-pia-vpn-but-still-use-plex-remote-access/ as a guide, I know its for plex but I assume the principle is the same. However when testing I cannot access the server remotely when the VPN is on. Any assistance with this would be very appreciated
  17. Guest


    Ok so my problem is my server uses usenet and I need/want to use a vpn so that makes me use a vpn on my emby server due to them being on the same pc. Now when using a vpn (nord) I cant connect directly to my server and remotely on my devices. Any thing i can do?
  18. Hi guys. I am looking for a vpn for kodi that is absolutely free and works very well with kodi. Can you guys recommend any?
  19. Hi, I've been having a issue with Emby lately, It's working perfectly through OpenVPN, but not on IPsec. With IPsec I can connect to Emby through the browser (Chrome and Firefox), but the Android app doesn't connect at all, after opening the app It stays on the loading screen for a while and shows the screen to select servers, Also shows Failed Connection. With OpenVPN, Emby loads on both browser and App correctly. This isn't a configuration issue with IPsec, since I'm routing everything to my gateway (, Emby even loads normally with the browser. Is there anywhere I can get the logs to known why It isn't connecting? Thanks.
  20. kpkimmel1983

    ExpressVPN and server

    Hello I use ExpressVPN because for some reason comcast blocks me from watching IPTV. I'm not even sure how to configure this for outside access. I have my vpn setup at the router because if i do it just on that computer it gets blocked. Anyone use this vpn and get this working? Thanks. PS I don't think WOW blocks anything so i might try them out after i get this working.
  21. The PC that I have set up an Emby server on uses Mullvad VPN often, but not always. My goal is to be able to watch the server's media files through other devices, no matter if the VPN is active or inactive. When the VPN is active, the connection fails. When the VPN is inactive, the connection succeeds. Mullvad allows port fowarding, and I've read a few guides on that, as well as the Connectivity Wiki for Emby but am still having trouble, either because I don't quite understand how it works or because the guides weren't specific enough for my issue. So far, I have only tried to connect through a Fire Stick and it works only when the VPN is inactive. If the VPN is on, entering either the LAN and WAN address still gives a connection error. Emby Connect has connected my user account to the server, but the server still does not show on the app after entering the pin. I appreciate any suggestions that you can give.
  22. I've seen some helpful posts regarding this by some advanced users, notably @@skidmarks and @@Tur0k but I'm having no luck. Anyone else successfully doing this with PIA? My setup is: * Emby server on MacOS 10.12.6 Sierra and also running PIA 1.1.1 * Internet is cable to an ISP-supplied modem, WAN port to Asus RT-AC68U, ethernet to the Emby server. * Emby server has a manually-assigned IP via the Asus GUI to its MAC address. * Emby remote port is 8096 via http When my server is not connected to the PIA VPN, I can scan the server's public-facing IP (from another computer) for open ports and I see 8096 is indeed open. When I connect the server to the VPN and scan the server's new public-facing IP, 8096 isn't open. These are the things I've tried and have all failed: 1. Forward 8096 to the server's local IP address via the Asus GUI. 2. Enable port-forwarding in the PIA VPN client; change the Emby server remote http port to the port the VPN is forwarding (this is a read-only assigned port in PIA); forward the new port to the server's local IP address via the Asus GUI. Scanning the new public-facing IP shows the new port (and 8096) is not open. 3. Same as #2 but leave the Emby remote port as the default 8096. 4. In the Asus GUI additionally specify the destination local port as 8096. 5. All of the above with different PIA VPN locations among the ones that support port-forwarding. 6. All of the above with MacOS firewall disabled. Thanks!
  23. Pseudomax

    Selective VPN for Emby

    Hi I have an HTPC that drives all the media in my home. It is connected to a QNAP NAS where the media is stored. I try to run most apps behind a VPN for a variety of reasons, but that then causes some problems with streaming for example BBC iPlayer (which does not work if it detects a VPN is switched on). I have added a second NIC as I thought I might be able to bind the traffic of one app to one and another to the other and then select the IP of the NIC I want to protect via an OpenVPN client on the router. However, having asked the question on AskUbuntu I did not receive any suitable answer, and therefore I am wondering if there is a way that I can do this within Emby itself? Suggestions welcome ...
  24. hooray4me

    Sync 2 emby servers across VPN

    We are moving soon and will have gigabit internet. I have an emby server and so does my buddy. We have a vpn connection between our houses so our connections appear "local". I'd like to find a way to sync or media libraries so we can be "fail-overs" for each other to our friends and family. I know there isn't an official supported method to do this, but I wanted to ask the minds in this forum for suggestions. We both run emby server on Ubuntu server 18.04 with similar storage capacities.
  25. mahican

    Mullvad VPN remote access

    Hi, I've been trying to get Mullvad working with Emby but so far no luck. I have a port forwarded through Mullvad (eg 12345), which I have checked is definitely open when connected to the VPN. So in Emby settings I have changed the public port to "12345". Also Emby doesn't seem to automatically pick up the new VPN IP address, so in the 'External Domain' setting I have put the new IP. So far this hasn't worked for remote access (in home streaming works fine). Is there anything else I need to change? I've also tried forwarding the VPN port on my router but still nothing. Thanks
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