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  1. When I play a transcoded video, after a couple of minutes the video starts stuttering more and more and finally the app hangs. The whole android system stops to respond for half a minute before you can get back to the leanback launcher. The old developer me gets the feeling that the memory fills up until the system cant handle it no more. I have used the 'send logs' feature in the app (around 20.38 CET 2018-03-05), around the same time the app hanged and hopefully you could see something in there. I cannot find the android tv logs using ES file explorer as i cannot find the emby application folder for some reason. transcoder and system log attached. I am using a 2016 philips android tv with android 7.x Please get back to me if you want me to look into something more. server-63655874584.txt ffmpeg-transcode-a7b495be-0e27-4737-8ba9-4a20df131258.txt
  2. justinglock40

    Emby Transcoding 4K HEVC

    Can't get 4K UHD to playback on Xbox One S. Sound plays in the background but the screen is green the entire time. It keeps transcoding. Any ideas why? Log.txt
  3. Hello emby team, Thank you so much for an awesome product. I left Plex a few years ago and have never looked back again. My main clients until rather recently have been x2 Minix Android devices running Emby for Android TV. These have been playing all of my content (besides H264 High 10) without any need for transcoding of the video stream. However since I swapped them out for Apple TV units it seems that all of my media requires transcoding. My initial concern regarding this was my h265 content but unless I am reading the logs incorrectly it would seem that even h264 content is being run through ffmpeg. In the H264 sample I've attached, the subtitle is not supported by the apple TV unit but it would seem that in addition to this the server is recoding the video stream as well? Stream mapping: Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (h264 (native) -> h264 (libx264)) Stream #0:1 -> #0:1 (copy) Also for your information. Regarding the h265 content, I have run some tests with ffmpeg rewriting the tag with "-tag:v hvc1". This has allowed me to stream the files through iTunes (In mp4 format). Server & Client versions Emby: Server: Debian 3.16.51-3+deb8u1 Client: Apple TV 4K - tvOS 11.2.5 Thank you for any assistance you can provide! MKV-H264-Server.txt MKV-H264-Transcode.txt MKV-H265-Server.txt MKV-H265-Transcode.txt
  4. Pfalznase

    Transcoding abschalten

    Hallo Leute, ich habe ein Problem mit dem Software Transcoding, ich möchte gerne das Transcodieren komplett abschalten damit Emby die Filme unverändert Streamt, denn seit der Version 3.2.50 habe ich das Problem von Block Bildung, Bild rucklern, Ton Spüngen und Abrüchen in verschidenen Serien und Filmen, reproduzierbar. Ich hatte gehofft das sich das mit der Version 3.2.60 bessert , leider habe ich auch mit der neuen Version noch Probleme. Ich habe die Synology DS418j (die wie bekannt keine Transcodierungsunterstüzung hat) in Betrieb mit der Nvidia Shield TV , davor hatte ich einen Raspberry PI 2 mit Librelec, bevor Fragen auftauchen ja das Problem hatte ich auch auf dem PI und ich kann es auch mit Emby Theater auf meinem Windows PC reproduzieren (es scheint also ein Server Problem zu sein). Wenn ich die selben Filme, Serien mit einem Mediaplayer auf dem PC direkt von der DS-418j im Ordner starte habe ich keine Probleme, also kann ich das Netzerk ausschliessen (Netzwerk upload ca 40MB/s Download ca 100MB/s. Hat noch jemand ein ähnliches Problem? Ist das Problem Bekannt? Logs könnte ich wenn benötigt am Wochenende liefern. Danke im Voraus
  5. Today I noticed that some episodes my wife was watching in ET were all transcoding instead of Direct Playing. It turned out that the only thing making them transcode was the fact that they had external ASS subtitles. I converted the subs to SRT and (after a rescan) the video now direct plays. Considering that the subs in both cases are being rendered by XySubFilter why is it transcoding? This displays in the log when ASS subs exist: isEligibleForDirectPlay: False, isEligibleForDirectStream: False But after changing them to SRT this displays: isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
  6. Nisten

    Intel QuickSync - Repeated Playback

    Issue: Once I finish playing a movie or a tv show on the roku, the app goes back several minutes and replays a part of the movie/show that we've already seen. Findings: This doesn't happen when "hardware encoding" is turned off but only seems to happen when its turned on. Is there a way to stop this from happening and still leave hardware encoding on or is it out of Emby's control? Reason I ask is because i can leave "hardware encoding" off for mpeg-ts transcoding but for high profile h264 transcoding (due to low bitrates), "hardware encoding" is a must for my mini-pc. One of the moderators, i think @@Happy2Play, said that H264 decoding wasn't actually working due to a bug with ffmpeg but i think that was pre-netcore so i don't know if it still applies post-netcore
  7. Ola, alguém saberia informar se existe alguma forma eficaz para evitar a transcodificação, ou quais formatos de vídeo e áudio devo usar para não ocorrer tal processo. Se alguém puder ajudar, ficaria agradecido. ----- Hi, could anyone tell me if there is any effective way to avoid transcoding, or what video and audio formats I should use to avoid such a process. If anyone can help, I would be grateful.
  8. Hi I tried to search if this has been requested before, but wasn't sure what to search for. I would like to see an addition bar in the stream indicator to show the amount the client has downloaded. So there would be a green bar to indicate the amount played, red for how much has been transcoded and a different colour to show the amount the client has downloaded. This is based on my assumption that clients cache the video in advance. The indicator i'm referring to is attached. Hope that makes sense.
  9. Hi, I've installed my emby server on a open hour chameleon device (arm based with a rockchip rk3288) the server is running fine (lubuntu based) - after some problems with SMB / NTF. (I can post a howto later) My target is to transcode my 1080p mkvs also for chromecast, iphone etc. is that possible? ist the rockchip cpu fast enough? (quad core 1.8ghz) when I run a video in the browser I always get the could not play error (html5 player, android device with vlc etc) where do I find the logs on the emby server? (/var/log/emby.log has no entries) Cheers
  10. jort

    Performance issues

    I have a server consisting of the following hardware: Asrock N68C-GS FX AMD fx 4800 8 GB of Dual Channel DDR3 1600 RAM A generic usb 3.0 drive as boot drive A seagate barracuda 3TB HDD for media storage Ubuntu server 16.04.3 as OS playback on Chrome on a windows 10 pc When playing videos, the playback seems to drop very often and buffering seems to take forever. However when looking in the dashboard I often see that the server is either direct streaming or transcoding at over 60 frames per second. I also notice that when playing media firstly the process takes up around 60 to 70% of the cpu, at which point the playback is fine. However after some time the process disappears, and the playback stop, it then takes about a good 5 minutes for a new process to start streaming the media again. I have tried reinstalling emby-server as well has tried multiple versions of ffmpeg, however nothing seems to work. I hope someone else can spot the issue and bring me the sweet joy of smooth video playback GeneralLog.txt transcodingLOG.txt
  11. Gaspar Filmes

    STRM suddenly transcode

    Hi everyone, how are you? first, thank you for this wonder tool called Emby. So, reckoning about 1 week to the present time, my .strm files with the links in the format (H264 with AAC audio) that does not transcode, started suddenly to transcode and use my upload band, with that, all my clients were having problems of recurrent slowness. I imagine it should be in a possible update / maintenance of the Emby player that affected this, can you check? I am urgently needed due to completing 1 week of rework on account of this. Thanks for your attention, thank you in advance for your cooperation.
  12. Xenosis

    Transcoding on virtual machine

    Hello Is it possible to get H/W transcoding running on a ESXi virtual machine? I have just installed Emby on a Ubuntu 16.04 server VM, but it runs terrible when I stream to browser or kodi. I've tried updating ffmpeg to 3.4 and installing i965-va-driver, but when run vainfo I get this: error: can't connect to X server! error: failed to initialize display Aborted (core dumped) I don't have a dedicated graphic card, so it possible the use the servers Intel Core i7-3770 onboard on the vm? If so could anyone help me getting this running?
  13. NattyMan0007

    WD TV Live - EAC3

    Hi all, I just switched from Plex to Emby just to give it a go. I have a WD TV Live that I'm using in the lounge however EAC3 audio isn't supported by WD and I can't for the life of me get Emby to automatically transcode it like Plex does. Here is a screenshot of the media info: https://imgur.com/fJXyJx4 Thanks in advance Nathaniel
  14. Hello All Starting with stable release (released today), Emby Server now includes improved h/w transcoding support for platforms that support Intel's VA-API. For some recent background, take a look at this thread: https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/48771-va-api-pixelation-on-ds416play/?p=505088. Any questions, issues or comments please post them here... Best - James
  15. I looked and couldn't find this request requested and i'm not sure if this is already a feature. I often have a least a couple of versions of my movies, say a DVD rip and a BluRay rip of the same movie. The server and client should be able to auto negotiate what the client can handle and automatically send the correct version. For example, lets say I have Captain America converted to h264 in mp4s. \\Server\Movies\Captain America (2011)\Captain America (2011) [PG-13][1080p].mp4 \\Server\Movies\Captain America (2011)\Captain America (2011) [PG-13][720p].mp4 \\Server\Movies\Captain America (2011)\Captain America (2011) [PG-13][480p].mp4 If i'm watching it on my TV through my Roku it would use the 1080p version. If I'm watching it on my phone locally it would use the 720p versionm but if remotely the 480p version. Given that direct play is now enabled, this should allow even less transcoding which in turn allows lower-specc'd proccessors to be used in servers.
  16. I found a number of other threads with similar symptoms but not quite the same hardware; The closest being https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/45550-transcoding-performance-vs-that-other-server/ I have a no-name i7 mini PC ("Intel® Core i7-7500U CPU @ 2.70GHz") running Ubuntu 17.04 Recently installed Emby (release) next to Plex and paid for Premiere because it seems like a right thing to do. Anyway trying hardware transcode with the default ffpmeg fails: [AVHWDeviceContext @ 0x50d4520] No VA display found for device: /dev/dri/renderD128. [vaapi @ 0x312f1e0] Failed to create a VAAPI device But using the system shipped one (/usr/bin/ffmpeg) works OK, in ubuntu 17.04 is claims: ffmpeg version 3.2.4-1build2 Copyright (c) 2000-2017 the FFmpeg developers built with gcc 6.3.0 (Ubuntu 6.3.0-8ubuntu1) 20170221 Hardware transcoding works, CPU usage is reasonable (70-80% of one core) but playback stutters - play 10 seconds, stop 5, play 10 seconds, stop etc. Not sure what this means (yet), but the only noticeable errors in the log are: [h264 @ 0xc6763beea0] Hardware accelerated decoding with frame threading is known to be unstable and its use is discouraged. Input stream #0:0 frame changed from size:1920x1080 fmt:yuv420p to size:1920x1080 fmt:vaapi_vld Unrepairable overflow! I've changed the CRF to 19 (from 23) with no difference, I've set the temporary path to a local scratch SSD with lots of space, turned off throttling. No effect. I have yet to try one of the custom ffmpeg builds, but looking at the log it's not the conversion performance that's the problem: frame=10024 fps= 67 q=-0.0 size=N/A time=00:06:58.34 bitrate=N/A speed=2.81x frame=10047 fps= 67 q=-0.0 size=N/A time=00:06:59.30 bitrate=N/A speed= 2.8x frame=10073 fps= 67 q=-0.0 size=N/A time=00:07:00.39 bitrate=N/A speed= 2.8x On the other hand, looking a bit more manually I *think* the stop/start is every time the m3u8 file is updated but "tail -f" doesn't work on that file for some reason, so it's hard to visually sync the changes to the display - just lots of repeated "ls -l" I also tried the beta but with the .net install it seemed to not quite work so I hurriedly backed out deciding that a pre-release of a new system is not quite the right thing to do just now. Any immediate suggestions and/or which logs would be useful? Peter
  17. Nisten

    Constant "Loading" when Transcoding

    I was trying to watch a blu-ray mkv file yesterday from yesterday at 6:58pm til 7:08pm (tried starting and restarting the movie at different transcoding settings) but the loading screen kept appearing during playback. Also got a http request error when trying to watch a dvd mkv file around 711pm Lastly, does Intel QuickSync still have an issue with transcoding timestamps? since i'm forced to transcode without HA currently. server log 9-25-2017 (12am).txt server log 9-26-2017 (12am).txt transcode log 9-25-2017 (701am).txt transcode log 9-25-2017 (707am).txt transcode log 9-25-2017 (709am).txt transcode log 9-25-2017 (710am).txt transcode log 9-25-2017 (712am).txt
  18. I have emby setup, have a test folder, have firetv, and have allot of mp2, mp4, files. I did setup the nfs to network storage. My questions are does the trial version of the amazon firetv app allow play by VLC and directplay? Can I turn off all transcoding and only if a file would not play I would then process that file through handbrake. Yes or no, I guess what has now started to frustrate me is a poorly documented process that has tiers of support and feature and no real answers. But again what i want is: Nas to feed the nfs path Artwork at the storage folder location Let fireTv do the transcoding use the VLC player or native codec to fire run from Ubuntu server finally the emby software seemed to require that VLC cache the password to a shared drive While no password was required for the alternate path Again, want no transcoding, can it be done? Just serve up the library and art from a server, yes or no?
  19. spiritwarrior

    When 2 users view the same video

    Hi, I don't know how this works so please forgive me if I'm wrong. If 2 or more users play the same video , let's say that first user already have the full movie trans-coded and buffered, when second user play the same video why have to trans-code again the entire movie if is already trans-coded by the first one ? Maybe is just a dumb question All I want to know is a little bit more how it works
  20. lol

    Chromecast audio cutting out

    Hi folks, Since a few days ago we've noticed the audio sometimes cuts out on our Chromecast. I've done some testing and found the following: It only cuts out when transcoding and the audio is mapped to AAC, MP3 works fine. It will cut out within the first few minutes. Usually between 1 and 3 minutes. Stopping and restarting playback fixes the problem for a few more minutes until it cuts out again. I've rolled back the server version to a time I knew it worked OK yet the problem remains. Can anyone replicate this problem for me, just so I know I'm not going crazy? Cheers,
  21. Hi ! I have a screen attached to a Chromecast v2. I have a Raspberry Pi 2, with Emby server with DLNA support. From my iPad, with the Emby official application, I can stream all my movies. But, for each video, there is transcoding, my CPU is > 99% even for videos that don't require transcoding because the Chromecast v2 support it. If I use a simple iPad application to play a DLNA video to my Chromecast (without any transcoding), I can play the same video with less than 5% of CPU usage. So, I suppose this could be fixed if I create a ChromeCast profile to skip some supported audio/video codecs, to be in direct play, but it's really complicated for me to do this because there is a lot of informations to known, and my knowledges are too limited to fill this correctly. I would like to known if someone have already created this DLNA profile and could share it please? Best regards,
  22. Hey guys, Running Emby Server on my Synology DS216j and a client on a nvidia Shield (Android TV) I am wondering why some files are having to be transcoded (see attached log) The same file seems OK when running in Emby Theater (on my PC) Anything I should be doing different? Any way you guys can help? Thanks
  23. /usr/bin/ffmpeg -ss 01:34:18.000 -i file:"/srv/b2e24e20-856e-4b9e-9fa5-c504efb2b7cc/Media/Movies/Ratatouille (2007)/Ratatouille (2007).mp4" -map_metadata -1 -map_chapters -1 -threads 0 -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -map -0:s -codec:v:0 libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -preset veryfast -crf 23 -maxrate 2871711 -bufsize 5743422 -profile:v high -level 4.1 -x264opts:0 subme=0:me_range=4:rc_lookahead=10:me=dia:no_chroma_me:8x8dct=0:partitions=none -force_key_frames "expr:gte(t,n_forced*3)" -vf "scale=trunc(min(max(iw\,ih*dar)\,1920)/2)*2:trunc(ow/dar/2)*2" -copyts -vsync -1 -codec:a:0 copy -f segment -max_delay 5000000 -avoid_negative_ts disabled -start_at_zero -segment_time 3 -segment_time_delta -5658 -individual_header_trailer 0 -segment_format mpegts -segment_list_type m3u8 -segment_start_number 1886 -segment_list "/var/lib/emby-server/transcoding-temp/3b94f4fbda40e23c54cb9833a1b959d6.m3u8" -y "/var/lib/emby-server/transcoding-temp/3b94f4fbda40e23c54cb9833a1b959d6%d.ts" I am trying to figure out if my system is using quicksync. If I am reading that line correct, it isn't telling FFMPEG to use hwaccel. Is that normal for the transcoding with hardware acceleration? Emby Version Logs: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AtItXRNac1nKhfBw9ih_VuIY2XJFJA Emby Version
  24. mattenderle

    Live TV not streaming

    I just reinstalled emby, long time user and premium. I recently purchased an HDHomeRun CONNECT, Model: HDHR4-2US, and I can't get any thing to play through emby. I can use VLC and connect and view channels through it but through the web, TV, android i get the spinning wheel. Are there any good troubleshooting steps to try besides resets and re-configs. Fresh Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and emby Version Also I did get it to play once but I left it sit for an hour before it started playing.
  25. ThermoDust

    Can't Switch FFMpeg Version

    I am trying to switch to the system install version of FFMpeg and it won't let me. Every time I refresh the page after saving changes it goes back to custom.
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