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  1. Im running emby on ubuntu server and have pro trakt account it scrobbles movies but not TV shows and tv shows isnt excluded should it do this or is this a know bug or something i can do to fix please Wayne
  2. Requirements for media server: -Emby Server within docker -File sharing/NAS -RDP or VPN access -Secure I'm a newbie linux user. My main box is a win 10 anniversary update, so I have bash. What do I need on my freshly installed headless Ubuntu server? 1. NFS or Samba? 2. xRDP or SSHFS or VNC? Not sure which ones I need or if I need all of them. Recommendations? 3. SSH keys? fail2ban? 4. Emby server 5. Docker 6. Bash on windows 10 (SSH) What else? I hear a lot of buzz words but not sure which ones I should be grabbing or exactly why to be honest.
  3. Just coming off a day or so of research on the topic, I am wondering whether this setup would work. I have no windows boxes in my network, so all of the existing PVR stuff doesn't apply (and I have no real interest in trying the Tvheadend "beta" that's floating around out there, unless it's nearly bulletproof by now)... Does anyone have any experience with this setup? Basically I'm thinking I would have MythicalLibrarian (no idea how well it works, just came across it an hour ago) do the meta lookup and naming, stick it into my existing Emby TV directory with the proper folder structure/naming convention, and let Emby scan, handle the indexing and serve it up. Would I then be able to use the standard MythTV plugin for Kodi to watch Live stuff, and rely on Emby/Emby Plugin to handle watching recorded stuff? Conceptually I feel like this would work, but I'd like some feedback. Keep in mind, this needs to be 100% wife friendly.
  4. curtisghanson

    High CPU Usage when idle on 3.0.7200.0

    Hi all, Is anyone else experiencing unusually high CPU usage on 3.0.7200? It started on 3.0.71 but has not gone away since. It is extremely high even when nothing is going on, no users accessing the system, no scheduled tasks running, and no hung processes or transcodings found using 'ps aux |grep emby'. Here is a screenshot of htop: As you can see from the log, no activity is being logged. The only entries are me viewing the web interface. Anyone got any ideas? Mono Sgen: Ubuntu: 14.04.5 LTS emby-server-log.txt
  5. robello84

    Port 8920 ssl problem

    Good evening guys, is from about 1 week that the ssl connection on port 8920, does not work anymore. I try to restart emby, and it works for about half an hour, then do not work anymore. I have the latest version of emby installed. It works via http. Using the certificate of let'sencrypt from 6 months is it always worked. Can someone help me? The only mistake that I find in the log is this. Thank you 2016-09-15 14:30:14.1333 Error ServiceStackHost: Error occured while Processing Request: Access token is required. *** Error Report *** Version: 3.0.7100.0 Command line: /usr/lib/emby-server/bin/MediaBrowser.Server.Mono.exe -programdata /var/lib/emby-server -ffmpeg /usr/bin/ffmpeg -ffprobe /usr/bin/ffprobe -restartpath /usr/lib/emby-server/restart.sh Operating system: Unix Processor count: 8 64-Bit OS: True 64-Bit Process: True Program data path: /var/lib/emby-server Mono: 4.4.2 (Stable Tue Aug 30 15:48:05 UTC 2016) Application Path: /usr/lib/emby-server/bin/MediaBrowser.Server.Mono.exe Access token is required. MediaBrowser.Controller.Net.SecurityException at MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.HttpServer.Security.AuthService.ValidateSecurityToken (IServiceRequest request, System.String token) <0x413e2870 + 0x00107> in <filename unknown>:0 at MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.HttpServer.Security.AuthService.ValidateUser (IServiceRequest request, IAuthenticationAttributes authAttribtues) <0x413e0eb0 + 0x0007b> in <filename unknown>:0 at MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.HttpServer.Security.AuthService.Authenticate (IServiceRequest request, IAuthenticationAttributes authAttribtues) <0x413e0e80 + 0x00017> in <filename unknown>:0 at MediaBrowser.Controller.Net.AuthenticatedAttribute.RequestFilter (IRequest request, IResponse response, System.Object requestDto) <0x413e0de0 + 0x0007a> in <filename unknown>:0 at ServiceStack.ServiceStackHost.ApplyRequestFiltersSingle (IRequest req, IResponse res, System.Object requestDto) <0x41324b60 + 0x0029e> in <filename unknown>:0 at ServiceStack.ServiceStackHost.ApplyRequestFilters (IRequest req, IResponse res, System.Object requestDto) <0x41322590 + 0x000d5> in <filename unknown>:0 at ServiceStack.Host.RestHandler+<ProcessRequestAsync>d__13.MoveNext () <0x4131d1d0 + 0x00595> in <filename unknown>:0
  6. I am on Emby Server 3.0.6400.0. Upgraded today and this problem existed before the upgrade. I upgraded thinking it might have been related, but I guess not. Essentially, during playback the video pauses itself every 10 - 20 seconds. It's not just a freeze. If I look at the video status it is truly paused. Then it plays itself again. I have tried wireless and over Ethernet. Same result. I don't notice any difference between playback client (AndroidTV via Nexus Player / Nvidia Shield, Android, or PC Browser) I have included the logs but i'm not seeing anything very telling. Please let me know if there is anything else I can pull to investigate. I have included several logs. The only error I'm identifying regularly is pasted below. Parse error, at least 3 arguments were expected, only -1 given in string ''frame= 1872 fps= 11 q=21.0 size= 76759kB time=01:19:00.97 bitrate= 132.6kbits/s speed=27.9x frame= 1872 fps=8.1 q=-1.0 Lsize= 77770kB time=01:19:01.01 bitrate= 134.4kbits/s speed=20.5x video:74608kB audio:3085kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB muxing overhead: 0.099379%[libx264 @ 0x43d72e0] frame I:955 Avg QP:17.45 size: 62770[libx264 @ 0x43d72e0] frame P:372 Avg QP:14.28 size: 31913[libx264 @ 0x43d72e0] frame B:545 Avg QP:16.86 size: 8404[libx264 @ 0x43d72e0] consecutive B-frames: 54.0% 19.1% 7.7% 19.2%[libx264 @ 0x43d72e0] mb I I16..4: 48.7% 39.8% 11.5%[libx264 @ 0x43d72e0] mb P I16..4: 12.7% 9.8% 1.1% P16..4: 37.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% skip:38.9%[libx264 @ 0x43d72e0] mb B I16..4: 2.4% 1.2% 0.1% B16..8: 18.4% 0.0% 0.0% direct: 8.8% skip:69.2% L0:39.4% L1:50.8% BI: 9.8%[libx264 @ 0x43d72e0] 8x8 transform intra:39.8% inter:66.6%[libx264 @ 0x43d72e0] coded y,uvDC,uvAC intra: 51.7% 47.5% 24.5% inter: 7.4% 12.1% 0.3%[libx264 @ 0x43d72e0] i16 v,h,dc,p: 63% 15% 14% 8%[libx264 @ 0x43d72e0] i8 v,h,dc,ddl,ddr,vr,hd,vl,hu: 24% 18% 21% 6% 5% 7% 5% 7% 6%[libx264 @ 0x43d72e0] i4 v,h,dc,ddl,ddr,vr,hd,vl,hu: 30% 20% 9% 7% 6% 7% 6% 7% 6%[libx264 @ 0x43d72e0] i8c dc,h,v,p: 58% 18% 19% 5%[libx264 @ 0x43d72e0] Weighted P-Frames: Y:0.0% UV:0.0%[libx264 @ 0x43d72e0] kb/s:7827.81[aac @ 0x46ecc40] Qavg: 378.515 Parse error, at least 3 arguments were expected, only -1 given in string ''frame= 1872 fps= 11 q=21.0 size= 76759kB time=01:19:00.97 bitrate= 132.6kbits/s speed=27.9x frame= 1872 fps=8.1 q=-1.0 Lsize= 77770kB time=01:19:01.01 bitrate= 134.4kbits/s speed=20.5x video:74608kB audio:3085kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB muxing overhead: 0.099379%[libx264 @ 0x43d72e0] frame I:955 Avg QP:17.45 size: 62770[libx264 @ 0x43d72e0] frame P:372 Avg QP:14.28 size: 31913[libx264 @ 0x43d72e0] frame B:545 Avg QP:16.86 size: 8404[libx264 @ 0x43d72e0] consecutive B-frames: 54.0% 19.1% 7.7% 19.2%[libx264 @ 0x43d72e0] mb I I16..4: 48.7% 39.8% 11.5%[libx264 @ 0x43d72e0] mb P I16..4: 12.7% 9.8% 1.1% P16..4: 37.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% skip:38.9%[libx264 @ 0x43d72e0] mb B I16..4: 2.4% 1.2% 0.1% B16..8: 18.4% 0.0% 0.0% direct: 8.8% skip:69.2% L0:39.4% L1:50.8% BI: 9.8%[libx264 @ 0x43d72e0] 8x8 transform intra:39.8% inter:66.6%[libx264 @ 0x43d72e0] coded y,uvDC,uvAC intra: 51.7% 47.5% 24.5% inter: 7.4% 12.1% 0.3%[libx264 @ 0x43d72e0] i16 v,h,dc,p: 63% 15% 14% 8%[libx264 @ 0x43d72e0] i8 v,h,dc,ddl,ddr,vr,hd,vl,hu: 24% 18% 21% 6% 5% 7% 5% 7% 6%[libx264 @ 0x43d72e0] i4 v,h,dc,ddl,ddr,vr,hd,vl,hu: 30% 20% 9% 7% 6% 7% 6% 7% 6%[libx264 @ 0x43d72e0] i8c dc,h,v,p: 58% 18% 19% 5%[libx264 @ 0x43d72e0] Weighted P-Frames: Y:0.0% UV:0.0%[libx264 @ 0x43d72e0] kb/s:7827.81[aac @ 0x46ecc40] Qavg: 378.515 Log-transcode.txt Log3.txt Log2.txt Log1.txt
  7. I've noticed an odd occurence with my emby server. Which is running on Ubuntu server 16.10. It seems fine for days, then suddenly you can't connect to it remotely via the app or web. It says server may be offline. Well, if I log into the server from home, it shows as being active for a week or two weeks, for example. If I try to select the remote link in the manager server window however, it won't come up. But, of course, the service shows up locally no problem. I've tried finding anything in the logs, but nothing seems out of place. I've been into my router and nothing is seemingly blocking those ports. I just am at a loss as to why the remote access decides to drop every so often. I could be watching it on break at work for days, then suddenly, it's unavailable. Any ideas where I can go with this? It seems restarting the service fixes it.
  8. I migrate from W10 to Ubuntu 16.04 without important problems. but tha machine only runs with Q6600 and 8 GB Ram so I move this to a new machine with Xeon 5650 and 12 GB Ram. The new emby is unstable, I can not browser and it usually crash, so I have to restart it from ubuntu. I have a continuis leak of this error Error SsdpHandler: Error in SendUnicastRequest What I have to look for? I started with missin folders, but I think is not related. Edit: I have checked my firewall and I have found this How can I disable the UPnP? UPnP IP I found it: last tick at expert-> advanced-> ports automatic but stills try to use UPnP, the same error: and in the log appers something Thanks emby Error SsdpHandler Error in SendUnicastRequest.zip emby Error SsdpHandler Error in SendUnicastRequest2.zip
  9. jacobroecker

    Seasons Load Slowly

    When I click on a show the season icons take three minutes to load. This didn't used to happen, but I was so far behind on upgrades I'm not sure which upgrade did it. Reading through other posts I attempted to resolve the issue by deleting the database file (http://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/35590-seasons-missing-after-server-update/page-3 Post #54). This was a fun thing to do, but not effective for the issue. I really enjoy the software and am hesitant to post any criticisms due to the number of great folks who've made it work so well. I've created a video that shows the duration in real time. There has been no editing to the following: Please let me know what other information you may need to confirm and/or address this issue. Also, please understand I may need help following the instructions.
  10. I currently have Emby Server running on Ubuntu Server 16.04. The main problem is that i am able to access the Emby sever on my LAN yet when I attempt to connect to the server for outside of the LAN I get the error "We're unable to connect to the selected server right now. Please ensure it is running and try again". I have read the Wiki of networking and have configured everything as suggested. I have already told my router to port forward port 8096, I have opened the port already through Ubuntu, and I currently have a static IP address for my server. Yet this error continues to show for all devices (Iphone, Laptop, Android) that have attempted to connect from outside of the network. Where I am having trouble with trouble shooting my problem is with how my home network is set-up. I currently have ATT Uverse which forces me to use their router, a Motorola 5268AC, which is a very poor device, so I ended up shutting down the wireless features of this modem/router to behave as a modem only, then routed my personal router to modem. When attempting to set up port forwarding on the Motorola device I have to write a new rule which allows me to select the port ranges which I set to 8096 , then application type with the choices of: FTP, DirectX Game, IRC, PPTP, SIP, or H.323. So my question would be what setting would describe Emby server best. Also there is a list of pre-created rules on the Modem yet none of these allow for the port number of 8096. I know this seems more like an ATT question, I have already contacted them multiple times and none of the Techs could help me with this set-up due to their lack of knowledge of Emby itself. Thanks in advance!
  11. I'm as green as you can be for a linux user but eager to learn. I'm also a general newbie regarding setting up media servers. I just upgraded my PC so I can finally start a home server setup. Requirements: +TV live streaming (ota) +Local/remote media streaming +..possible web hosting in the far future Hardware +AMD Phenom II x4 955 +...other leftover pieces I'm trying to weigh the advantages and disadvantages.... Should I use my Ubuntu server as a NAS with something like SAMBA or should I just grab my buddies QNAP NAS? Is there something better than SAMBA? What setups/apps should I be considering for backing up my drives on my NAS? My sense from reading is there's a preference for dockers over VMs since you can share OS resources. Assuming I'm using my Ubuntu server as a NAS...What would my docker setup look like? Would I have a separate container for NAS, emby server and web hosting. Which container would I keep apps like Sonarr? I'm still confused how all these pieces fit together let alone listing out everything I need. Any kind of information would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  12. Prior to running Emby full time, I tested it out on a machine running CentOS. As soon as I pointed it to the music files, every last one populated no problem. Since then, I installed Emby to Ubuntu Server 16.04 and only a miniscule fraction of that music collection shows up. 370 Artists showed up fine before, but on Ubuntu Server, only 27 show up. Can anyone illuminate the differences that may have caused such a major issue?
  13. I'm not sure if this is a known issue. I am running elementary OS, which is based on Ubuntu 14.04. After installing, attempting to play transcoded streams gave me: The logs told me FFmpeg had exited with error code 1. When I attempted to run the ffmpeg command myself, it turned out to be a symlink to avconv, which gave me: I found the solution on this forum. Apparently Ubuntu 14.04 includes libav instead of the original ffmpeg, and they are not 100% compatible. I had to install the original ffmpeg from a PPA to fix the issue. I am posting it here because this likely affects all Ubuntu 14.04 installs. For reference, this was the log output: 2016-07-03 16:26:58.1187 Info App: /usr/bin/ffmpeg -fflags +genpts -i file:"/media/data/somefile.mkv" -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -codec:v:0 libx264 -force_key_frames expr:gte(t,n_forced*5) -copyts -avoid_negative_ts disabled -start_at_zero -pix_fmt yuv420p -preset superfast -crf 23 -b:v 7026752 -maxrate 7026752 -bufsize 14053504 -vsync vfr -profile:v high -level 51 -filter_complex "[0:3]format=yuva444p,scale=1920:1080,lut=u=128:v=128:y=gammaval(.3)[sub] ; [0:0] [sub] overlay" -map_metadata -1 -threads 0 -codec:a:0 libmp3lame -ac 2 -ab 128000 -af "aresample=async=1" -y "/var/lib/emby-server/transcoding-temp/42e6e4097c3e1841e03b65e72f16bab9.mkv" 2016-07-03 16:26:58.1895 Info App: FFMpeg exited with code 1 2016-07-03 16:26:59.2427 Error App: Error streaming media. The client has most likely disconnected or transcoding has failed. *** Error Report *** Version: 3.0.5973.0 Command line: /usr/lib/emby-server/bin/MediaBrowser.Server.Mono.exe -programdata /var/lib/emby-server -ffmpeg /usr/bin/ffmpeg -restartpath /usr/lib/emby-server/restart.sh Operating system: Unix Processor count: 4 64-Bit OS: True 64-Bit Process: True Program data path: /var/lib/emby-server Mono: 4.2.1 (Stable Thu Dec 3 04:04:55 UTC 2015) Application Path: /usr/lib/emby-server/bin/MediaBrowser.Server.Mono.exe One or more errors occurred. System.AggregateException at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.WaitAll (System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] tasks, Int32 millisecondsTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken) <0x7f7c4df83110 + 0x005a9> in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.WaitAll (System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] tasks, Int32 millisecondsTimeout) <0x7f7c4df830b0 + 0x00028> in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.WaitAll (System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] tasks) <0x7f7c4df83020 + 0x00016> in <filename unknown>:0 at MediaBrowser.Api.Playback.Progressive.ProgressiveStreamWriter.WriteToInternal (System.IO.Stream responseStream) <0x4189b910 + 0x000e4> in <filename unknown>:0 InnerException: System.IO.FileNotFoundException Could not find file "/var/lib/emby-server/transcoding-temp/42e6e4097c3e1841e03b65e72f16bab9.mkv". at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean anonymous, FileOptions options) <0x7f7c4e03f060 + 0x005cd> in <filename unknown>:0 at System.IO.FileStream..ctor (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize) <0x7f7c4e03ed20 + 0x0004d> in <filename unknown>:0 at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.IO.FileStream:.ctor (string,System.IO.FileMode,System.IO.FileAccess,System.IO.FileShare,int) at CommonIO.ManagedFileSystem.GetFileStream (System.String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Boolean isAsync) <0x414a90c0 + 0x000bd> in <filename unknown>:0 at MediaBrowser.Api.Playback.Progressive.ProgressiveFileCopier+<StreamFile>c__async0.MoveNext () <0x4189bfe0 + 0x000d6> in <filename unknown>:0
  14. GeorgeGibson

    Emby only plays one song

    I have an Emby server setup on my Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial) machine. The machine is a Lenovo B560 and has decent specs. I have an extensive music library which is fully indexed by Emby (~1500 albums). When I click on an album to play it, all the songs will be put in the queue and Emby will play the first song fine. However, after that, it will refuse to automatically play the next one, despite it being 'Up next'. If I look at the queue, it will show the first song as playing, even though it is long finished. When I eventually give in and press the button to play the next song, it does so fine. This is annoying, as it means I am unable to play more than one song when I am driving, and it's frustrating enough in the house. So what is the reason for this strange behaviour? Is it a misconfiguration issue? If not, how can I fix it?
  15. rowdybeans

    Can't do initial library scan OSMC Kodi

    I have a ubuntu 15.10 vm running on esxi which is running emby. When I try and get my raspberry pi 2 running osmc to sync it fails and reboots itself. I did notice an issue with some of the files not looking at the right destination, they were looking for /mnt/media. I have mounted my synology nfs shares to the ubuntu vm. They have a path of mnt/media. I have set path substitution to nfs:// I have attached the logs from the emby server. Not sure where else to test? I posted this originally in the wrong forum. Log.txt
  16. rowdybeans

    Can't do initial library scan OSMC Kodi

    I have moved this post to the kodi app section. Not sure how to delete this one. I have a ubuntu 15.10 vm running on esxi which is running emby. When I try and get my raspberry pi 2 running osmc to sync it fails and reboots itself. I did notice an issue with some of the files not looking at the right destination, they were looking for /mnt/media. I have mounted my synology nfs shares to the ubuntu vm. They have a path of mnt/media. I have set path substitution to nfs:// I have attached the logs from the emby server. Not sure where else to test? I have moved this post to the kodi app section. Not sure how to delete this one. Log.txt
  17. chiefnerd

    Ubuntu 14.04 Configuration Backup Fail

    Sorry if this is in the wrong place but I couldn't find a dedicated forum for it. Simply cannot get the Server Configuration Backup Plugin to work, get an error trying to create a profile and immediate fail when trying to run it. I'm guessing it's a permission error of some description but the backup path is owned by emby user and group so I'm at a bit of a loss. Any help appreciated as I need to upgrade Emby but very reluctant to without a working backup of all userdata and config.
  18. TechDragon

    Unable to upgrade (Ubuntu 15-10

    Emby seems to want things it cannot have. iB --\ emby-server +5,659 kB 3.0.5879 3.0.5970 Description: Emby Server is a home media server. It is built on top of other popular open source technologies such as Service Stack, jQuery, jQuery mobile, and Mono. It features a REST-based api with built-in documentation to facilitate client development. We also have client libraries for our api to enable rapid development. Priority: optional Section: misc Maintainer: HurricaneHernandez <carlos@techbyte.ca> Architecture: all Compressed Size: 11.5 M Uncompressed Size: 50.5 M Source Package: emby-server --\ Depends (22) --- libc6 (>= 2.21) | libc6.1 (>= 2.21) | libc0.1 (>= 2.21) (UNAVAILABLE) --- libmono-corlib4.5-cil (>= 4.0.0~alpha1) --- libmono-microsoft-csharp4.0-cil (>= 1.0) --- libmono-posix4.0-cil (>= 4.0.0~alpha1) --- libmono-security4.0-cil (>= 3.0.6) --- libmono-system-configuration4.0-cil (>= 4.0.0~alpha1) --- libmono-system-core4.0-cil (>= 4.0.0~alpha1) --- libmono-system-data-linq4.0-cil (>= 1.0) --- libmono-system-data4.0-cil (>= 4.0.0~alpha1) --- libmono-system-drawing4.0-cil (>= 3.0.6) --- libmono-system-io-compression4.0-cil (>= 3.2.1) --- libmono-system-runtime-serialization4.0-cil (>= 4.0.0~alpha1) --- libmono-system-servicemodel4.0a-cil (>= 3.2.3) --- libmono-system-transactions4.0-cil (>= 1.0) --- libmono-system-web4.0-cil (>= 2.10.3) --- libmono-system-xml-linq4.0-cil (>= 3.0.6) --- libmono-system-xml4.0-cil (>= 3.12.0) --- libmono-system4.0-cil (>= 4.0.0~alpha1) --- libsqlite3-0 --- lsb-base (>= 4.1+Debian11ubuntu7) (UNAVAILABLE) --- mono-devel (>= 1.0) [1(1)/...] Suggest 140 removals, 2 keeps e: Examine !: Apply .: Next ,: Previous I've not done anything special with my setup. Its a normal 15.10 install. I'm at a loss to why the 15.10 version of emby wants a version of lsb-base that just doesnt exist for my version of Ubuntu. Has something been broken for 15.10 while trying to build the new 16.04 packages?
  19. antoigl28

    export configuration files

    Hi, I have my Emby server on a Windows pc and now I want to have the same server in a ubuntu pc. How I can export the configuration files from my server Emby a windows pc to another pc ubuntu? Thanks.
  20. masterxilef

    Question about RAM usage

    Hello all, I'am running emby-server on an old netbook I had laying arround with an atom N450 processor and Ubuntu Server 14.04 32bit, as I have no need for transcoding atm it is perfect for my needs right now. Been running it for a couple of months as a backend for Kodi and working great. However, yesterday I upgraded the 1GB stick of RAM with a 2GB stick, the max the processor/mobo is capable. So because I upgraded the RAM I had a question, would I benefit from upgrading to a 64bit os, seeing as the processor is capable of it, but I was running 32bit ubuntu because of the low RAM. To find out, I decided to install a spare hard drive so I could install 32bit ubuntu, install emby-server, see cpu/ram consumption, then do the same with 64bit ubuntu and compare. However, as I was doing that with 32bit ubuntu I encountered something peculiar that I don't know if it's normal. I installed emby-server but haven't set up anything on the web ui just to see how the process acts with htop and discovered that after it starts it begins to consume more and more RAM till it's about 900MB, and then kinda restarts the process and begins doing it again. Because of that, I haven't tested 64bit ubuntu. So my question is, is that normal behavior for emby-server, maybe mono on linux, or maybe there's something wrong with my setup altought it's a fresh installation. I attached what I think it's the latest log at this moment, and I think it's showing an error but I don't really know. Thanks. Edit: What would you recommend, use 64bit ubuntu or stick with the 32bit? server-63593298069.txt
  21. Hi, In the last few days I have been receiving the following error notification: Scan media library failed. 7 minutes ago Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute. This doesn't happen on every scan and content still seems to be added without issue. I initially thought it may be due to auto box sets so i completely removed all colelctions, removed the plugin and re-added but the issue persists. log extract: 2016-02-26 09:56:52.8388 Error TaskManager: Error *** Error Report *** Version: 3.0.5871.0 Command line: /usr/lib/emby-server/bin/MediaBrowser.Server.Mono.exe -programdata /var/lib/emby-server -restartpath /usr/lib/emby-server/restart.sh Operating system: Unix Processor count: 4 64-Bit OS: True 64-Bit Process: True Program data path: /var/lib/emby-server Mono: 4.0.3 (Stable Thu Aug 13 12:46:26 UTC 2015) Application Path: /usr/lib/emby-server/bin/MediaBrowser.Server.Mono.exe Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute. System.InvalidOperationException at System.Collections.ArrayList+ArrayListEnumeratorSimple.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.IO.InotifyWatcher.StopDispatching (System.IO.FileSystemWatcher fsw) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.Stop () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.set_EnableRaisingEvents (Boolean value) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.IO.FileSystemWatcher:set_EnableRaisingEvents (bool) at MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.IO.LibraryMonitor.Stop () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at MediaBrowser.Server.Implementations.Library.LibraryManager+<ValidateMediaLibraryInternal>c__async2.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ValidateEnd (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable+ConfiguredTaskAwaiter.GetResult () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at MediaBrowser.Common.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.ScheduledTaskWorker+<ExecuteInternal>c__async2.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Is anybody else seeing this? Full log is attached but zipped as its large server-63592075765.zip
  22. BinaryShrub

    Latest Release Not Work with IFrames

    I have changed system.xml and set <DenyIFrameEmbedding>false</DenyIFrameEmbedding> but I am still seeing the error refused to display in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'SAMEORIGIN'. Can anyone verify if this is working for them or not? Was there a code change recently that might of affected this? Version 3.0.5821.0 | Ubuntu Logs: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bzjt-xqPcZoYdG56eU1tSWtGdTg/view?usp=sharing
  23. EsDeeEm

    Emby server on Pine64?

    I have backed the Pine64 Kickstarter and want to deploy it as an Emby server as soon as it arrives. I tried to do it on a Raspberry Pi, but the memory seems to be insufficient to run properly. So I ordered the heaviest Pine they had. It can run Ubuntu Snappy, so I would presume it will run Emby server on that platform. Did I guess right?
  24. Agyy

    Ubuntu Server Error

    Hello, Im currently running server version 3.0.5786.0 For some reason I´ve started to get a error messages yesterday. Error getting channel itemsSystem.IO.IOException: Corrupted data ReadInternal at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Object:__icall_wrapper_mono_delegate_end_invoke (object,intptr) at (wrapper delegate-end-invoke) <Module>:end_invoke_int__this___IAsyncResult (System.IAsyncResult) at System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream.EndRead (IAsyncResult async_result) <0x41641320 0x000ab> in <filename unknown>:0 at System.IO.Stream.<BeginEndReadAsync>m__4 (System.IO.Stream stream, IAsyncResult asyncResult) <0x7fd3ada54770 0x00019> in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory`1 FromAsyncTrimPromise`1[TResult,TInstance].Complete (TInstance thisRef, System.Func`3 endMethod, IAsyncResult asyncResult, Boolean requiresSynchronization) <0x7fd3add64e90 0x0005d> 24789 in <filename unknown>:0 --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () <0x7fd3ada8b6d0 0x00029> in <filename I don´t know what causing it but I know it seems to be with some regularity and Ive got it three times today. I did the update to the latest version five days ago so it dosen´t seem to be a failure in the installation. I have already checked the scheduled tasks but I diden´t find any that did match the timeframe for the errors. If anyone could provide me with some help where to look or any other useful information i would be glad. If you need any logs I will provide them just don´t know what would be useful. Kind Regards!
  25. Guardian Hope

    Codecs on VMWare for Ubuntu Server

    This is a strange question for me to ask considering that I work with enterprise servers everyday although they are almost always exclusively RHEL or Windows based (you wouldn't believe how many times I typed "yum install" rather than "apt-get"). In any case, I was sort of forced to abandon native Windows version of Emby Server for Ubuntu Server 15.10 with Emby Server installed due to issues with Emby not staying bound to the specified ports in Windows. What I am trying to figure out is what, if anything, do I need to do to make sure that Emby can natively transcode H.265/HEVC and other content when a device doesn't natively support it which is a rarity. Is there any particular codec packages for Ubuntu Server (and I do mean the server version; I don't need the GUI overhead) to get everything working within VMWare Workstation 12 or is everything packaged up in a neat little bow?
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