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  1. Hello together, i want to switch from plex to emby, bought a life time premiere pass to make sure not to miss anything. Now i want to import my directories. I added emby user to the old plex directories on the synology level. So far so good. I am able to import all files. But, right now, i really have problems with my ripped audio books and cds. In all imported directories i added cover.jpg files. But somehow, especially with audiobooks, the images are not detected or at least not shown in my library. For showing audiobooks i open my audiobook library and switch to the books panel. Here i dont see any images. On the other hand: if i switch to the folder/diretory tab, there i see the directories with images. Here are some examples: Also in the music libs there are some pictures not detected or shown. Here its only 10%, Audiobooks are 95%. I tried to play with the settings of the lib, but actually i dont know with setting is the best. I assume, usually images in the directories should be taken first, only if there is no image it tries to look up in the internet? Is it a problem if the albums are not detected? But again, i would assume, it would take local pictures first. Additionally it seems like the feature for saving images in the media folder doesnt work. I tried to upload images in the emby gui but the uploaded images didnt show up in the local media folder of the album. I read the naming convention stuff, i waited until the scan was complete (no green bar anywhere anymore). Maybe someone is able to help here?
  2. A sleeptimer function for audiobooks and music would be great (also for tv series, but thats a different thing). For audiobooks its actually quite essential to be able to set a timer to not have to struggle to find the point of falling asleep again the next day... Without that the audiobooks function seems quite useless to me atm. It's nothing else than just playing one long song atm. For music it would be a nice additonal feature too.
  3. Latest Release: MUMC v3 Multi-User Media Cleaner MUMC (pronounced Mew-Mick) will go through movies, tv episodes, audio tracks, and audiobooks in your libraries and delete media items you no longer want taking up disk space. Getting Started: Cool! How Do I Use This? New MUMC Features - Introducing Filter Statements; A simple way to configure the script to find and delete the media items taking up your disk space: Delete movies played at least 60 days ago with a play count == 1. Delete movies created at least 365 days ago with a play count <= 1. Delete episodes played at least 30 days ago with a play count not > 1. Delete episodes created at least 180 days ago with a play count < 2. There are many possibilities! - Keep a minimum number of played episodes to remain in all tv series' - Fix configuration editor to allow editing multiple existing users during a single run - All max_age configuration variables have been removed The same behavior can be achieved with Filter Statements, using created statements - Decided if media items are deleted when ANY or ALL users meet the play count - Media item play count shown for each user - Update console output to show version number and timestamp - Usernames added to user_bl_libs and user_wl_libs config variables - Updates to debug logging History & Origin
  4. Hi everyone We are looking at getting a dedicated audio playing app for Emby up for closed testing on PlayStore shortly, and was wondering if people might be interested it trying it out and providing feedback? Features: Android Auto support Chromecast support Download media onto device via WiFi/Mobile for complete offline support - can search, mix and play content without access to your server Filter content, such as genres, artist albums, album artists by years and genre Playlists - create playlists, automatically download new content added - in the case of offline playlists. Resume playback of last positions in playing queues, audiobooks and albums, etc. Open to any suggestion for other features.... Please note: This will not be a free app - it will be a full featured trial, which upon expiry will require a once off purchase At this stage the app will be Android only, no iOS just yet unfortunately Alpha version will be available shortly, pending interest in testing and feedback.
  5. What is EmBook? EmBook is a combination of server plugin and app to improve the AudioBook experience. Note that the app will not work properly unless you install the server plugin as well. The app is a dedicated AudioBook player with the interface and features you'd expect from such an app. Emby does have AudioBook support on the paper, but if any of you tried to use it, you'd probably know that it's not really usable in most cases. Here's the app icon: App NOTE: The app is currently unavailable, while I am completing a full rewrite. You might still be able to get it on some platforms, but the current version does not work so DO NOT BUY IT as of yet. The app is being developed simultaneously on Android, iOS and Windows. The app is not free, since I spent many hours developing it, and even took several days off work to finish it. I may at some point release a free ad-supported version. But currently I want to focus more on adding new, awesome features, than spending time implementing ads. Please be aware, that due to problems with how Emby core handles resume settings for AudioBooks, the apps will not save resume state in a way that lets you resume in any official Emby apps (including web interface). If you're interested in a more technical explanation, you can read this post. App Store Links Android: Play Store. iOS: App Store Windows: Temporary Windows Store Link Features Browsing only AudioBook libraries on the server Auto pre-cache files for playback Settings to pre-cache next X minutes or audio-files Setting to auto-cleanup files that are earlier than current progress Saving progress on Emby server Resuming from Emby server progress (so resume on different device) Media notification with play/pause Showing cover and description of book from Emby metadata Multi-server support Control Playback from Android Wear TO-DO List Adjust media notification buttons to forward/rewind X seconds instead of their current unreliable skip skip/back file functionality. Option to automatically rewind X seconds when resuming (to catch up on last sentence from your last listening session) (already started research how to do). Sleep timer (stop playing after X minutes) Tap notification to go to "Currently Playing" in app. Show a "mini" version of "Currently Playing" on all pages of the app. Play/pause, seek, name and possibly cover. Tap to open full "Currently Playing". Cast to Google Cast (Chromecast etc). Mark files as "watched" in Emby when you've listened to a file. See and open ebooks (likely in external app designed for it) Open for more suggestions Server Plugin The server plugin provides some webservices for the app, to allow saving of progress on the book (so you can continue where you left off on any device). It also automates grabbing of metadata for your audiobooks from Google Books, so you get covers, descriptions and more. This is done by a scheduled task. Metadata grab is temporarily disabled. Stay tuned for updates. How to use Server Plugin? Download and unzip EmBook.ServerPlugin Install the plugin on your server, by copying EmBook.ServerPlugin.dll to %AppData%\Emby-Server\plugins Restart Emby Server After installing the plugin, you will see a new task called "Grab audiobook metadata" in Scheduled Task in you Emby Server settings. Running this will start the process of downloading metadata for your audiobooks. Some things to consider: A folder that contains audio files, is considered an AudioBook. Keep all audiofiles for a book in a single folder It will only look for metadata if the containing folder doesn't have the tag "EmBook Metadata". After searching for metadata, that tag will be added to prevent searching the same book on every execution. If you want the plugin to relook for data, just remove the tag in Metadata Manager. It will use folder name for search title. You can also include year (e.g. "The Invisible Man (1897)". If the plugin finds a wrong match, you can override it by placing a file called isbn.txt that contains the ISBN number of the book. Make sure to provide ISBN for the textbook version of the book, since Google Books does not have any entries for audio books. You can provide your own cover, by placing cover.jpg in the audio book folder. You can exclude a book from metadata search, either by putting a value in Sort Title, or by putting the number 0 in isbn.txt After adding new books, make sure to do metadata refresh in Emby first, so the folder is added to the library. Then run the "Grab audiobook metadata" task afterwards. Known Issues There are some known issues. These do not hinder usage of the app, and are generally just minor things I noted that I want/need to fix at some point. (General) Buttons to rewind/forward 10 seconds wasn't working too well. They've been removed until I make a better implementation. (General) Items may in some cases be queued in the wrong order (fixed in (General) Possibly an Android problem: Only current cache will be played. Either new items aren't being cached during playback, or they aren't queued properly after caching. (fixed in (Android) when app launches it is briefly white. Should see if it's possible to change so you won't get blinded by a bright color when launching app. (Android) Tapping a list item, gives an orange highlight. Would be nice with Emby green instead. (Android) When you lock the screen, it will only play back the current file, not the whole queue. (iOS) When app launches it is briefly bright blue. Should see if it's possible to change so you won't get blinded by a bright color when launching app. (iOS) Status bar text and icons (clock + battery etc) are black on a dark background. Should be white for better visibility. (iOS) Play/pause on lockscreen doesn't work (iOS) Artwork is not shown in media notification (iOS) Lockscreen shows currently playing file. Files are saved with obscure names, so it doesn't look pretty. (iOS) Lockscreen current playback position and total duration is for current file. Consider changing to show for whole book. (iOS) Tapping a list item, gives a white highlight. Would be nice with Emby green instead. (Windows) Artwork is not shown in media notification unless it is embedded into the mp3 files. (Windows) When app launches it is briefly bright blue. Should see if it's possible to change so you won't get blinded by a bright color when launching app. (Windows) Browsing server and folders, list items are very short, making it hard to tap the right one. (Windows) After tapping an item in the menu, the menu disappears and there is no way to bring it back. This might not be the case for mobile, but it is so for desktop. This may cause delays for Windows release.
  6. When playing an Audiobook the playlist will have every track of the audiobook twice. See screenshot. Is this a bug or are qny of my settings just wrong? The audiobook looks fine and has every track just once.
  7. MuadDib999

    Audiobook Metadata Issues

    I'm working on setting up an Audio Book library and it is not pulling in the embedded metadata, specifically the images, correctly. When pulling in multiple books in one "Album", I would expect to see each book's individual cover. Instead I am seeing all books with the cover image of the first one. (Image: Wrong.png) I have found a workaround by removing the file's Album metadata tag (I use Mp3tag), loading the books into Emby, and then manually changing the Emby Album tag for each book. (Image: Right.png) However, this is a very tedious process with hundreds of audio books. Not to mention that if I accidentally hit "Refresh Metadata" or need to redo my Emby server for some reason, then it would take hours of work to get it back to where I want it. Thank you for looking into this.
  8. MuadDib999

    Audiobook Image Tagging

    For audiobooks, I organize each series as an album. So for example, Harry Potter would have seven books within the series. However, when the Album tag is read by Emby, it gives each book the same cover image regardless of the image metadata on each file. I would like to see each file's metadata be utilized individually instead of just the first one when it comes to the cover image as well.
  9. Preamble / Background: I have a ton of Audiobooks, mostly Audible, but some not. But None of my options are any good at organizing them, and having them on multiple platforms is a nuisance, as is not being able to stream them from my media server. So - I tried making an "Audiobook" Library, but that was a big sea of files (or folders) and the audiobooks had the metadata fields of a song and I couldn't structure my collections into series, all of which was really not great. In a Stroke of 'What If' - I thought - "Maybe I can import them all as a TV Series instead?" So I tried it. I renamed the m4a files to mp4. And then I tested it on web. And it worked perfectly. ff/rw/pause/resume/continue. And then I tested it on Mobile. And it worked perfectly there as well. I know it's kind-of off-label , but Audiobooks-As-TV-Series is perfect interface-wise. I made the audiobook into a 'season' within the overall series, and that let me have individually sectioned chapters (as episodes), and jump between them easily. I also tried converting the same audiobook to a single m4a/mp4 with 'chapters' and Emby detects those correctly as well - though only accessible on Web, no mobile. If you could access the chapters on Android when opening it as a TV-Show, all-in-one, All-In one would be ideal, organizationally - but I can manage with many short episodes instead - that's not the reason for this thread. https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/288765161_868742904085050_4858505779076026758_n.png?_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=ae9488&_nc_ohc=BVfNNBZabnQAX9cbNly&_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-1.xx&oh=03_AVIjvEAgPwfankfz-LOLbPy_tyjcgti5CyCiZanXT4_hLQ&oe=62F059D2 I mean - I had to populate the metadata myself, but that's not so hard. Mostly copy paste. And I've gotten pretty good at it at this point. It's a bit rough looking and only partly filled in, but it is a test. With this working - I would / will be able to neatly insert my "The Clone Wars" audiobooks (Ahsoka, and the Ventress novel) where they fit into "The Clone Wars", which would / will be ideal. -------------- The Problem: It does not work on the TV. The TV says "Too Many Errors, Giving Up", rather than playing the audio over a black screen with controls like I expected after seeing it work flawlessly on web and mobile. --------------- The Request / Bug Report / Whatever this is: I would really like it if the TV Client handled such files the same way mobile and web do, by playing the audio and not freaking out about the lack of a video track. Then I can import the rest of my audiobooks (many of which are Forgotten Realms Novels written by a dozen authors, that I would like to add to my media library in chronological order making up one giant forgotten realms "show" with like 50 "seasons" (that I own). I can manage without being able to use it on my TV, but being able to use it on my TV would be very helpful. ----------------- Aside: Feature Request Being able to access video chapters on mobile would be handy. ------------------ Thank you for your time.
  10. Generally I am only listening to a single AudioBook at a time. In addition, many of the fantasy/ sci-fi books I read have titles that are difficult for Google Assistant to interpret. I would appreciate the option to to simply ask Google Assistant "Ask Emby Home to resume my audiobook" and Emby would begin playing my most recently played AudioBook . At it's core I want a way to resume my AudioBook without having to speak the title. I think the simplest way to accomplish that is to default to resuming my most recently played book. I know there is the command to ask "what (show/movie/audio book) was I in the middle of?" but when I use that I just get a list of all of the media that I've listened/ watched recently. I really hope this can be added. Thanks.
  11. Can you add an option, when resuming an AudioBook, to rewind playback (ex: 3-30 seconds) depending on how long the pause was? (Without rewinding beyond the beginning of a chapter) My favorite audiobook app does this and it greatly improves the listening experience. When I am repeatedly interrupted, and need to repeatedly pause my book, I'm not resuming in the middle of a word (3 second rewind). When I'm resuming after a long pause I'm given a few sentences to remember where I'm at in the book (30 second rewind). I would love for these values to be adjustable at the library level, or perhaps a few presets. ex: no rewind, short [up to 15 seconds], medium [up to 30 seconds] Thanks.
  12. TXK57

    Audio Books not Joining

    I'm hoping you guys can shed some light on why some of my audio books are not combining. It seems to be pulling the metadata it just isn't joining them into one. It keeps separating them by disc. Here is an example, Both of these are by the same author and named in the exact same format.
  13. fetty651

    Audio book files not opening in app

    I'm currently having an issue with opening my audiobooks on my Android app. When I sort by folders, all of the files show, but when I click on one of them, I get what is essentially a black screen (image attatched). This isn't an issue on my computer, however. All files are still accesable there. Also, some files on my phone work, while others don't. The audiobooks are even playable without opening them completely. If I hold down on the cover and hit "play", all files will still play. It just fails to open to the list of tracks. Hasn't been an issue until recently, probably 1 month.
  14. I found a couple posts on audio-book support and I'm sure this isn't a very popular request; so I was wondering if it would be possible to save playback position in playlists? I know that music is handled very differently, but I was hoping that the resume playback feature that is alive and well in the video section could somehow be applied to playlists therefore creating a pseudo-audio-book player? This would make it one of the few ubiquitous Audiobook players that I know of.. Thanks again.
  15. Yodikko

    Audiobooks not showing properly

    The structure is /Audiobooks folder/Book name/ and here the files are 1- Book name - Chapter 1 2- Book name - Chapter 2 ... 8- Book name - Chapter 8 What am I doing wrong here? As you can see the chapters are not showing up, and it looks like it is reading just the chapter 8.
  16. I'm using emby Version atm, still quite new to emby but I'm testing out the features one after one by time. I'm on the Audiobooks section now, playback works fine, but I noticed the "recently added" section doesn't seem to work "correctly" for these. Ofc it links to the newest added file, but not to the newest added Audiobook, which would be much better. If I click on the recently added audiobook, it opens either the last or the first track of that audiobook, but only that. If I then manually click on go to album, then I can listen the whole album from the beginbning to the end, but that step seems unnessesary to me. It would be better if it wouldn't open the last added file, but the last added album. Can I somehow fix it myself or if not, can I completely remove the recently added section only for audiobooks by css editing maybe? Regards
  17. hello, i created an AudioBook library and i added a folder with multiple mp3 files. when i click this folder from the homepage, i will see the Suggestions tab. how can i configure to go direct to Folders tab ?
  18. Version OS: Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS hosted in Hyper-V I created audiobook library using Books type for NFS mounted directory with books in m4b format. (NFS is shared from ReadyNas) Books are displayed and i'm able to play them via Chrome and IOS app. ArtWork (visible in iTunes) is not displayed for most of the m4b: niether in chrome nor in IOS app. The only ArtWork is visible is when m4b has more then 1 video stream, which is used for ArtWork. (Those were actually created by mistake). For files with single video stream (as it should be normally) This is confirmed by multiple sample, all audiobooks with 2 and more posters are visible, with one regardless if it's mjpeg or png stream are not visible. I tried to do full rescan of the library - no result. P.S. Sorry, my audiobooks in Russian, not sure if it causes an issue.
  19. Version OS: Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS hosted in Hyper-V Chome: Version 71.0.3578.98 (Official Build) (64-bit) Audiobook created in m4b format created with ffmpeg using -movflags +faststart After requesting playback embyserver.txt: 2019-01-07 22:19:01.437 Info HttpServer: HTTP GET,mp3|mp3,aac,m4a|aac,flac,webma,webm,wav&TranscodingContainer=ts&TranscodingProtocol=hls&AudioCodec=aac&PlaySessionId=1546897003224&StartTimeTicks=0&EnableRedirection=true&EnableRemoteMedia=false&SegmentContainer=ts&AudioBitrate=384000&TranscodeReasons=ContainerNotSupported,AudioCodecNotSupported.UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.98 Safari/537.36 2019-01-07 22:19:01.444 Info HttpServer: HTTP Response 200 to Time: 1141ms (slow). It seems that brawser just did not pass m4b as supported container. Transcoding log attached. Assuming that m4b is the same format as m4a, it should be played without forced transcoding, even if there is a need for transcoding then -a copy should be used instead of force reincoding to higher bitrate. Please also note flags passed to ffmpeg "-strict experimental -ab 384000" are not accurate, as ffmpeg does not require -strict experimental any longer (aac is quite stable) and bitrate is hardcoded as orginal bitrate was lower, thus probably should be just omited. P.S. Attached the file m4b-transcoding.txt
  20. Schimi


    It´would be cool if MediaBrowser (i don´t now it´s a Server side think or a Plug-In thing) could Play Audiobooks "seperatly" If i set a folder only for Audiobooks, i only can choise "music" as "Collection type"... but if i like to hear music. MediaBrowser use the Audibook files to play as "music" It´s not so funny if you hear David Guetta and the next "Song" is a Part of Dieter Nuhr Audiobook ;-) I hope anyone understand what i try to explain...
  21. daedalus

    audiobook support any?

    may i ask what audiobook support is currently implemented? all i see is my folder structure, no artist page, no album view, no album resume am i missing anything? setting up my audiobooks as 'music library' brings up a proper appearence kind of but also some wired (random?) album sort orders on album page: and in 'more of' @ bottom they suddenly get sorted descending incl some quirks @ end: metadata of albums are all like this, empty except for title and 'date added'
  22. Is there any information about how the structure should be for audio books? I've tried, but it just shows up in web interface like the folders. Resume doesn't work, and no automatic queue of next file. I've seen Luke post that resuming does indeed work for AudioBooks now, so I must be doing something wrong, and this is my first guess as to what it could be. I even started development of my own Plugin for AudioBooks, but if it's already working well enough, I won't waste time with it. I am running Version beta
  23. Letters

    Audiobook resuming

    It seems like audiobooks don't resume properly on the app, however accessing the server through Safari works. I can see the saved progress through the app, but when I select it, it starts the file from the beginning. I hope audiobook support gets some more development in general, there aren't many polished server-client solutions to personal audiobook collections yet. I hugely appreciate the team having support at all though
  24. liberdiko

    Resume audiobooks doesn't works

    Resuming audiobooks doesn't works on the Android app, unlike the web fronted. On Android I can see that I have already started a book, but when I touch the menu "Resume at 2:14:20" I get straight back to the begin of the book; of course the bookmark of my precedent position in the book is lost. This behavior appear when I access the server directly or through a reverse proxy. With this bug fixed I would happily ditched the dedicated audibook app on my phone and the fuzzy workflow to add manage books which came with it. This has already been reported on Emby Server/Linux.
  25. Haplo164

    Audiobook resuming issue

    I've been trying to get audiobook resuming to work, with today's update I actually see the resume button and I can skip forward via the progress bar. The thing is regardless of which button I hit, play or resume the book starts at the beginning. When I stop the book it fades out and the progress bar shows up on the book, and gives me the resume button. but when I press it it jumps back to the start. On the android app it asks if I want to resume at the correct spot, but then jumps back to the start anyway. embyLog.txt
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