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  1. Hello, I am following this guide to tweak some settings in my server, and I've run into a question. How can I verify the size of library.db. I'm using Synology DSM 7.0. Tagging @Happy2Playfor visibility, as he created the original guide. Thanks.
  2. blairmc98

    TV database sources

    I am curious as to the full list of online TV / movie databases Emby can query. In the documentation, I only see references to IMDB, TheTVDB and TheMovieDB. I am currently adding Star Trek The next generation and all episodes have been picked up properly with no issue. TheTVDB shows only 2 specials, although there are MANY more throughout the discs. https://thetvdb.com/series/star-trek-the-next-generation/seasons/official/0 Following the recommendation here: https://emby.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/44001904299 I named a special from the first season as Star Trek - The Next Generation (1987) S00E50 Energized! Taking the Next Generation to the next level.mkv. The title in the filename is displayed at the start of the video and in the navigation of the disc. However, when scanning library files, it comes back with "Archival Mission Log: Year Four - Selected Crew Analysis". I tried other various numbers and seem to get all the rest of the specials, so it looks like someone has done the legwork of naming them all, but where is the list of all these specials it's pulling so I can name everything properly? External IDs in metadata view are both blank for this file, see below. Thanks for a great product!
  3. G1zm0

    Performance Improvements

    I'm using EmbyServer on my Synology (DS1815+ with 6GB RAM ). So far so good. But my database is getting bigger as time progresses. I was wondering if I can improve the performance. Just opening "Home screen" on one of my devices takes a long time. One tip once mentioned is placing the db on a SSD. My library.db is 261.452 KB For my synology I was thinking placing this on an external usb stick. When looking through the folders I saw all the data in the folder /volume1/@appstore/EmbyServer/var/data/. Is it wise and will it improve the performace if I place this folder with a symlink on an usb stick?? Thnx
  4. Hi all, I'm in the process of setting up a custom API for personal use and I noticed that there are some tv shows that do not have the genre information on the database, even though the information is displayed on the apps. Here's an example: Did not notice this behavior with movie files. Does Emby store genre information on another column/field other than this one?
  5. I added a mislabeled Album(now that's 80's-Dance) and it made a mess of my music and my Emby layout! So I deleted the music folder, cleared all the music to another temp location. I added a new Music Folder in Emby Server, I then after pains takingly manually updated all the albums to be correct put them back 1 at a time verifying as i went along. However, 1 album is showing the Folder location, instead of the Artist name or Album name, it shows as folder name, and it is causing sorting issues, such as putting album under e, instead of A for Aerosmith I double checked and removed the nfo files, i even totally deleted and re - added back the album, but, still has folder location as part of the name See Screenshots attached PS, I changed the name and hit save, both with lock on and off,as well as, manually creating and updating a new artist nfo and Album info. it will not update! I checked the server metadata folder and did not see an Aerosmith location with details either, I am Stumped!!! Please Help! I have another 35 albums to add Thanks in Advance!
  6. Important Update Vacuuming is built into newer server versions. Please see here: https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/75510-42032-vacuum-database-config-switch/ So I recently had the problem that Emby took forever to show any Channels when switching to Live TV and was generally slow. I'm using a HomeRun Expand with approximately 350 channels. Keep in mind I have already tried disabling any plugins I'm not using without any success. Reading through some forum posts I fould a fix that has seemed to improve the performance of the loading by quite a bit. Thank you kjp4756 https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/47386-extremely-slow-web-ui-performance/ His solution was intended for a Linux installation, but that's not a problem. On https://www.sqlite.org/download.html you can get the sqlite3 utility seperately. You can find it under "Precompiled Binaries for Windows" under sqlite-tools-win36-x86-xxxxxx.zip So what you can do is just run that command in a cmd. The easiest way to do this is to shift+right-click in the folder you extracted sqlite3.exe to and klick "Open command window here" and running the commands as following: Make sure to stop Emby before executing the query! sqlite3 %AppData%\Emby-Server\programdata\data\library.db "VACUUM" sqlite3 %AppData%\Emby-Server\programdata\data\library.db "ANALYZE" sqlite3 %AppData%\Emby-Server\programdata\data\library.db "REINDEX" After that you can restart the server and hopefully enjoy some faster browsing. I have also created a script that automatically stops, cleans up the database and starts Emby again. Useful if you want to create a scheduled task that does the work. Make sure to put both scripts as well as sqlite3.exe in the same folder or alternatively adjust the Parameters in the reindex-embydb.ps1 file. And keep in mind to run the script with the user Emby was installed with. I'm stopping and starting the server using these functions (it's also creating a logfile in the specified directory): # Shutdown Emby function Emby-Shutdown { param([Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,Position=0)]$Hostname, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,Position=0)]$Port) $Url= "http://" + $Hostname + ":" + "$Port" + "/emby/System/Shutdown" $Status = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Url -Method POST -Body ($params|ConvertTo-Json) -ContentType "application/json" if ($Status.StatusCode -eq 204){ LogWrite "Emby is shutting down..." } } Emby-Shutdown -Hostname localhost -Port 8096 # Start Emby function Emby-Start { $ProcessActive = Get-Process EmbyServer.exe -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if($ProcessActive -eq $null) { LogWrite "Emby is starting..." & $env:APPDATA\Emby-Server\system\EmbyServer.exe } else { LogWrite "Emby was already running!" -ForegroundColor Red } } Start-Emby reindex-embydb.zip
  7. SpaceCabbi

    Considering Emby can it...

    Greetings been using a alternative media server for years, But now i finally need to find something better. Looking at Emby looks nice but from a technical point i have a few questions if i may. Emby uses sqlite3 afaik this is really troublesome for large media servers (12TB) even with db on dedicated zfs pool no compression etc. it still is shaky at best imho, mind you this all from experience with my current server wich might be just using sqllite3 wrong not an expert on DB's. How is the performance/stability on emby with large db's, And are there alternatives mysql ? How does Emby deal with meta data ? (large directory structure ? Or more centralized) Can it handle unlisted extra's ? ea: \series\show\season 1\extra Just map and load the files matching them would be nice but since the almighty tvdb rarely matches is not a req. backup for just server/metadata not media files ? Thanks for any input or details it would be helpful.
  8. SilentDis

    Episodes Present - Show as Missing

    Emby Server Ubuntu Server 20.04.1 TV show library has decided that Season 4 of Scrubs mostly doesn't exist, except episode 4. These files are very much present, permissions are good, Emby can write to the directory, and it's even indexing things; populating .nfo files in-directory fine. Things I've tried: Removing directory from server, deleting everything but the .avi files, converting said .avis to h264 MP4s with AAC audio, refreshing library, moving folder back to server with a different name (Season 4, rather than Season 04), and rescanning, did not help. Moved folder, hosed metadata for season, deleted everything but the MP4s, renaming folder back to "Season 04", moving it back to server. Did not help, same situation. At this point, I'd be fine with just filling in the path to each of these files by hand if it helps, but can't find a way to do so from the metadata manager or the like. I am not having any problems with any other series, and there are hundreds up there, all working fine. Any suggestions?
  9. Netfool

    Vanishing Collections

    Problem on an Nvidia Shield Pro running Emby Server Sometime over the past 72 hours all of the collections on my Emby Server webUI and TV UI disappeared: While they are missing from the UI, they are still in the "internal storage": The highlighted collection.xml file is attached, and the paths it contains appear to be correct: How do I get the server to recognize the collections again? collection.xml
  10. I'd love to figure out a way to solve a problem with scraping in Emby. I am finding that Emby never scrapes all of the actor images for movies that I import. And I'm not talking about indie movies, I'm talking about AAA movies with big name actors. It will always find some, but never a complete list. So part of my work-flow for importing a movie is to go back through and manually search for actor images and cards and fill them out myself. I'm a completionist, and having gray cards for actors is a no-go for me. Hopefully I'm not alone in this though. I think that the issue is that the current databases that Emby can scrape are limited. We can't scrape IMDB, so we're left with databases that are incomplete. How about we create our own Emby database and leverage the work that people like me are already doing? What I'm envisioning would be an opt-in sort of thing. I realize that not everyone would necessarily want to share their custom images and/or metadata. But for those of us that would be comfortable doing that, we could create a new Db to potentially fill in the gaps. Over time it could become much more complete than what's currently offered. I'm not talking about replacing the TheMovieDb or Open Movie Db. This would be something to compliment those and to fill in what they lack. It could even be something like this: You upload an Actor Picture and you're presented with a checkbox to add it to the Community Database. You check it and that image is uploaded and connected to the profile in the database for that actor. The same could apply to any Metadata that is currently scraped in Emby. Anytime someone creates something, they get a checkbox to add it to the Community database. By default the Community Database could be the last option for scraping data for content. So if it's not found in the official databases, then the Community database is scraped. I hope this makes sense, and I'm hopeful that I'm not the only one that would be interested in contributing to something like this.
  11. Hi to everyone. I moved my media to a new server and i followed the migration guide linked on github. On my old server was running emby, the same that i installed on the new one. I made a manual backup and it was all ok until i tried to restore the usaerdatas table from the old library db to the new one. The problem is that the old db has more columns that the new one in the userdatas table (14 vs 12) There is a way to fix this problem? Thanks in advance for your answers. @@Happy2Play @@arrbee99 @@chef
  12. I have a bunch of media and they got other genre names than I want. Emby used SQLLite so I assume I can use "DB Browser for SQLite" to update the genres to move them into the same Genre. Right? Here is the steps I did: 1. Shutdown the Emby Server (right click on tray icon and exit) 2. Start up the program "DB Browser for SQLite" 3. Open %AppData%\Emby-Server\programdata\data\Library.db 4. Click the tab "Execute SQL" and type: update MediaItems set Genres = replace(Genres, 'Science Fiction', 'Sci-Fi') where Genres like '%Science Fiction%' 5. Press F5 to execute the statement and the entries get updated. 6. Click on "Write Changes" 7. Click "Close Database" 8. Start up the Emby Server / restart my computer (should have the same result that Emby Server is running). However the media is still in their original genres. I even tried to "Refresh Metadata" -> "Search for missing metadata" in the hope that would do anything about this. Nothing changed. Next I tried using the API to update it via a C# console application, but I gave up after some hours setting it up and trying to understand how to get genre and items and how to update genre on items without messing up the items. I would rather use the sqllite database to update than the API... or using the web interface if there is a way to mass update... http://localhost:8096/emby/Items?api-key=secret&Recursive=true&Genres=Sci-Fi results in 0 items, but should have resulted in many items. http://localhost:8096/emby/Items?api-key=secret&Recursive=true&Genres=Science%20Fiction results in many items, but should now have resulted in 0 items. So, how to I make the emby server understand that I made updates to the library.db database ? Thanks in advance
  13. ZardoZ

    Web site broadcast

    Hi All! We are a cinema museum in Canada. We have a Mediaroom where researchers can screen our collection of films using Emby. we hace an account for visitors wher the librairian gives the access codes. We would like to integrate the videos on our in Emby server to our website, for the broadcast of movies that we have the rights for web broadcast. This will prevent the duplication of movies for web broadcast on a separate server, but rather have Emby to broadcast at a lower resolution the videos we have in our Mediaroom for our web sites. We have a museum database software that contains all the information regarding the films and all the elements linked to this film. (written scenarios in PDF, photos, audio files, etc...) . This software has a lot more metadata for research than Emby. Also it contain informetion to both film in stock and not. The Research on our website will be conducted through this software and upon the user's decision, It will dictate to Emby to play this perticular movie the user want to see if is is in our server. Emby is a very good software for the individual broadcast, but not for intensive research on the internet. Our expectations are to have the museum database software to offer the elements and metadata that Emby does not control very well yet. (scenarios in PDF or electronic book) and be completed by Emby to broadcast the audio files, pictures and on our websites. Is such a thing possible? What would be the best way to acheive it? can we prevent the login and password? Thanks a lot for your help. ZardoZ
  14. Let's talk about a real full migration and the separation of metadata and mediafiles. I know i know, you system architects of emby have had discussions and thoughts about this topic enough i guess...But i want to ask you to maybe rethink one or two things about the structure of emby. But hold on, before you think: great, another non-programming average Joe who thinks he knows things better than we do... just let me explain. The fact that i am here right now, writing this post about emby is because: i love it As a long time kodi-user i instantly fell in love with emby the moment i installed it and started using it. I mean, kodi gives me some more options and fine-control on how I want to structure my library where emby is limiting me, and emby has some little flaws here and there. But the overall feeling about emby is just awesome! So, i ditched Kodi for emby and never looked back...until now. I'm in a similar position as @@Kirk137 in his post https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/61721-best-migration-strategy/ or like @@flort in this post https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/47767-manual-backuprestore-userdata-and-changed-paths/ Due to some hardware and software-changes, i'm in the process of having to migrate from a emby macOS installation to a Ubuntu-based Linux installation. Even though my case is about macOS/Linux-migration, my problem is related with the general migration-process and metadata-management, and therefore belongs in the "general"-forum. So, as besides of the root-path from my mediafiles, nothing has changed and i thought: this won't be a big deal...just copying the database, correcting the rootpath for the mediafiles and boom it's done. Should only take one hour at best. But this was thought too short. I followed the instructions from https://github.com/MediaBrowser/Wiki/wiki/Backup and was a little shocked when i read this in the documentation: How can it be that a software like emby, so powerful and well written/supported, has no proper 100% backup/migration-process? I followed the instructions for a manual backup anyway and now i have a "partially" migrated/backed up new database. After the re-indexing scan of 1-2 hours, the files are there and users and everything else - but the manually edited, handcrafted movie-entries are ALL gone. And this is a huge bummer as i putted in A LOT OF TIME identifying the movies/videos/shows by hand while remaining their original filenames!(sometimes this is possible sometimes not) So, the whole migration-process took 4-5 hours by now and still isn't complete/finished and satisfying. And right now i don't know where to go or what to do to get this done. I for myself and i don't think i'm alone in this - need a proper way to backup and migrate a whole installation. And with whole installation i mean whole. This should not only include: Server configuration Users User data (playstates, favorites, etc). Installed plugins Plugin settings Playlists but also: library/index metadata views full cache(people,pictures,movieinfos,artistinfos) Manually edited, handcrafted movie-entries. When nothing besides the rootpath of my mediafiles and the paths to the config files have changed, i don't really understand nor can't i find good reasons why i should have to put my hardware, and my nerves to so much stress(io-workloads) re-indexing, re-downloading, re-editing and re-configuring the whole library when the data are already available somewhere(old machine). I mean, i can understand that from a programmers perspective a migration/backup-process is no simple task. But from a users-perspective it should not be extremely more than: Ok, ok, i know. It's not just a single button-press and everything is magically done in 2 minutes. And i am fine with copying config files by hand, and running well documented pre-written SQL-queries etc etc. But in the end a migration/backup-process should be 100%, and not just 50-60%-ish. And now comes the part about emby, that i completely dislike and reject: The structure of handling data and media. The idea about saving metadata with the mediafiles might seem appealing and easy first of all...but when you think about it its not that great at all. Here's why. I don't want any tool than my file-manager and my brain to get in the way of my structure and naming-conventions. Therefore i only mount my media-folders read-only for emby, kodi and other tools. I do this because i don't want any bug, user or coincidence to threatening me with the possibility of messing, deleting, renaming or restructuring my media-files/folders. I need to preserve the structure and names of my files and folders to some degree for archiving-and a lot of other reasons. So i don't want emby or other tools to write nfo-files all over the place or rename anything. Yes i know about the possibility of recognizing files by hash even when the filenames have changed, but this is no option as i need to preserve the original filenames. When you think about it, why would you want mix up two categories of datatypes(data and media)? For me personally it feels way more natural when i have the two separated. I have one place for data and one for media. The other really big problem i have is when this idea of "saving local metadata to media folders" is the only possible way of a given migration-process. Without another given option it feels like getting told: You ether swallow our nfo-mess in your file-structure or you have to redo the whole indexing and editing-process with every crash or system-migration! Ouch! Most of other media-libraries like itunes, kodi, subsonic etc. separate the two datatypes while maintaining full migration-ability. Sometimes emby is also forcing me to rename files/folders just to get indexed correctly. For example when episodes of a show are named E01 instead of EP01...or when a show/anime hasn't episode-numbers splitted by seasons etc. While you are reading this, you might be thinking: What do you want from me?! Let me tell you: First of all, i need help. Medic please! I need to get this migration-process done without the need of having to re-edit all the rare movies and videos i edited by hand(took me weeks to months!) I need a way(detailed instructed how-to) on how to migrate 100% of my library from one machine to another. Give us the ability to just change the root-path of already indexed files after a migration. This should avoid the need of reindexing. Maybe implement a routine that searches for filenames in case of files are restructured(but saves the metadata until the user deletes the metadata). I please you to rethink/rewrite/expand you backup/migration-process. So it becomes easier, complete and hassle/io-stress-free. I please you to overthink your thoughts on the handling of data (metadata,user,movie etc) and mediafiles. A clear separation is needed imho. A separation would also make a full true migration-process easier i guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Please give us the ability to index custom naming-conventions without the need of renaming files and or folders. Kodi is great starting point as it has given me this possibility. I'm pretty sure that i missed a lot of thought's i had but this is already long enough. I hope i described everything clearly, if not don't hesitate to ask me questions. I also hope that other users voice their opinion about this issues. Thank you for emby and for your attention. Cheers kaizo
  15. dutch1918

    Music Library

    Would like the ability to shuffle play my compete music library
  16. Borrisholt

    Move Collection

    Hi I have merged two libraries server side. I one of the liberales I have some collections. But since collections are bound to a library I wont have them in my new (merged library). Can I move collections from the old Library to the new one? Perhaps direct in the Database //Jens Borrisholt
  17. Kimballslice1890

    Convert Media Failed

    After updating to the latest emby server, I have an alert saying convert media failed. Here is the content of that error: Exception of type 'SQLitePCL.pretty.SQLiteException' was thrown. at SQLitePCL.pretty.SQLiteException.CheckOk(sqlite3 db, Int32 rc) at SQLitePCL.pretty.SQLiteDatabaseConnection.PrepareStatement(String sql, String& tail) at SQLitePCL.pretty.DatabaseConnection.PrepareStatement(IDatabaseConnection This, String sql) at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext() at System.Linq.Enumerable.TryGetFirst[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Boolean& found) at System.Linq.Enumerable.First[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source) at Emby.Sqlite.BaseSqliteRepository.CreateConnection(Boolean isReadOnly) at Emby.Server.Sync.SyncRepository.GetJobs(SyncJobQuery query) at Emby.Server.Sync.SyncJobProcessor.EnsureSyncJobItems(String targetId, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Emby.Server.Sync.SyncJobProcessor.Sync(IProgress`1 progress, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Emby.Server.Sync.SyncConvertScheduledTask.Execute(CancellationToken cancellationToken, IProgress`1 progress) at Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.ScheduledTaskWorker.ExecuteInternal(TaskOptions options) is this an issue that will impact my experience or server?
  18. It would be nice to have a way to programmatically manipulate Emby, e. g. Add, modify libraries Add, modify collections Add, modify metadata This could be achieved using a JSON/REST API for example.
  19. Hello I'm new to emby, looks like a good software. I was a plex user for a long time and I jumped ship because of this having to login fiasco. This maybe far fetched but I am curious to comments. I have plex and emby working right now and I am wondering if there is a way to share or move the preferences from the plex DB. What I mean is the prefs that plex keeps to know what I have watched and not watched. Having a big media folder it would be cool to be able to move these preferences. any thoughts?
  20. Have a windows 10 PC running my Emby server. When I right-click on my emby server icon in the system tray, I get "Browse Library", "Configure Emby", "Emby Premiere". Clicking on any of those options just takes me to my emby dashboard. Restarted the server, re-booted the PC, still the same. Can't tell you what version I am running as I can't get into my database settings. Has anyone had this problem before, and if so, how did you solve it ? *Edited* I have re-installed emby server, still no change. I kept all the cache, etc when uninstalling as I don't want to upset the familly and have to start again. Many thanks in advance
  21. Victorious

    Emby Server Problem - No Media Displayed

    We have had Emby running happily for a couple of months, but yesterday it got itself into a bit of a state. It will not display any media, via the browser, iOS app or Apple TV. I looked at the log file and there are repeated instances of the following: *** Error Report *** Version: Command line: /Applications/EmbyServer.app/Contents/MacOS/EmbyServer.dll Operating system: Unix 64-Bit OS: True 64-Bit Process: True User Interactive: True Processor count: 4 Program data path: /Users/serveruser/.config/emby-server Application directory: /Applications/EmbyServer.app/Contents/MacOS Corrupt: database disk image is malformed The information following on from this varies from place to place in the log file (attached). Any advice would be much appreciated, thank you. Emby Log.txt
  22. Sorry if this is a repost, but I haven't been able to find an answer anywhere.... All I need is a simple explanation of how to refresh my entire database in one go (if possible), and whether this can be achieved by a simple restart, an option in the menu, or by deleting a cache folder? Clean install? Or other method? Obviously I'm new to all this... My problem arises from originally having MB set up wrong, and now that it's configured the right way, I'm still left with some oddly incorrect metadata and am trying to find a way to simply refresh (rewrite) it all. For example, all of my "sort name" metadata in my television folder is missing key episode information: 'Adventure Time - S01E20 - Freak City.mp4' is labeled under sort name '001-Freak City' (missing episode info) but a quick manual refresh gets it correctly to '001-0020 - Freak City' I save it and all is good. Except, I really don't want to do this for EVERY SINGLE EPISODE, because that would be mad. Any help would be beyond awesome.
  23. Hello. I am a new user and this is my first post in the forum. I've read https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/674-media-files-folders-structure/ , nevertheless I'd like to keep my movies directory structure as it always was: /movies/<director>/<year>-<name>-<other info>. Is there any way to pass this structure as an option or hint to the database scraper with variable substitutions like %D %y %n, etc? If this was asked before please reply with a link to the post. Thank you
  24. I did a search because I was sure that this request had already been made but I couldn't find anything. Anyway, I would like to request the ability to use a backend database such as MariaDB (MySQL clone) or PostgreSQL instead of just SQLite. I can see this being a huge advantage for users with extremely large collections as the fetch times should be faster. Also, it would allow me to consolidate one more database into my existing PostgreSQL install. I know this would take some restructuring of the current backend but in the long run would give you one more leg up on our competitor as I don't believe they offer any such support.
  25. nissl

    Emby repeating loses Database

    Hi there, i have a problem with Emby Server in Version . After a while (i could not yet observe the exact period) Emby "cleans up" the entire Database, even if the files have not been changed/moved, they disappear from the Database. I locate them with an fstab mounted smb share with the following line fstab: //nas/movies /media/movies cifs guest 0 0 from the OS view the Media location is browseable and the media files are readable (tested with 'cat'). For Information, I'm running emby on Ubuntu Server Ubuntu 17.04 (GNU/Linux 4.10.0-20-generic x86_64) Any suggestions ? Thanks and best regards. Dennis
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