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  1. This is currently for testing purposes only - use at your own risk Use on a test library before even attempting to use on your main server. Plugin For Albums in their own folders ! Emby doesnt seem to be able to do this correctly , every track gets the first ones scanned embedded image. Unless i am doing it wrong. ?? But doing it this way it makes absolutely no difference what the embeded images are or what emby does or doesnt do, you are in control. Use it with realtime scanning then you dont have to mess with embys metadata editor, only to loose all the settings if i have to redo anything. You can drop an artist image in the folder or a track Image (I use singles cover images for the tracks- i like them that way) and it just adds it when RTM picks up a change, or a refresh metadata happens. So the EXAMPLE album cover is the 1977 one but the track covers are all different Its a local Metadata Reader , so it scans the local directory when any metadata refresh happens or library scan happens. Set settings in Library Edit screen. It doesnt use embeded images, it looks for an image with the same name as the track name I dont think I ever publically posted it before??? - probably because I never officially finished it! I cannot remember but I think they can be in subfolders too. Anyway it scans the local directories for song track covers, album covers and artist images. - nothing embeded! (supports jpg/gif/png/bmp/webp/tiff) Album covers will be Poster.jpg Cover.jpg Front.jpg folder.jpg 1.jpg 0.jpg f.jpg filename-front.jpg filename-poster.jpg R-xxxxxxxxxxxx.jpg // this one is for directly downloaded discogs R- filename images Artists are the same but name can be hyponated, underscored etc, probably can be in a sub folder. Rod Stewart.jpg Rod-Stewart.jpg Rod_Stewart.jpg Song Tracks Must be the same as the mp3 filename, but with a different extension Album cover backdrops are also supported by the plugin *-backdrop*.jpg *-background*.jpg *-landscape*.jpg *-fanart*.jpg backdrop*.jpg background*.jpg landscape*.jpg fanart*.jpg As it assigns the local image, beware that if you remove the image in emby it will probably remove the image from the drive (I cannot exactly remember if it does or not). I know it just returns a result to emby, so it probably depends on your settings within emby. if you are on windows and want to extract your embeded album art you can create a batch file and use ffmpeg (copy them both to the album directory and run it) Batch file contents - for jpg extract from mp3s for %%f in (*.mp3) do ffmpeg.exe -i "%%f" -an -vcodec copy "%%~nf.jpg" Anyway you are welcome to try it (as always with my plugins - try at your own risk) If you do try it, create a test library first becuase I have not tested the Album backdrops work correctly! - they should... Still to do... whenever I can be bothered. Make a config screen so you can dissable the logging - sorry its just on for now! LocalAlbumCoverImporter.zip Fixed Artist Import Throwing Errors into Emby Main log, and now only scans the current directory (test code was looking in all directories that the artist existed on tracks) LocalAlbumCoverImporter-12.09.2024.zip
  2. I have a EMBY server installed on my Windows10 PC, with "save metadata as nfo" and "Saving artwork into media folders" activated in the library settings. Now I want to build a NAS based on Unraid, surely I backup the files in the list below manually and transfer to new directory as the supporting article indicates. /ProgramData/config /ProgramData/plugins /ProgramData/data/collections /ProgramData/data/playlists /ProgramData/data/displaypreferences.db /ProgramData/data/users.db /ProgramData/data/library.db /ProgramData/metadata But I've noticed the people information in the .nfo files for my media indicating a directory that will be different with those on NAS. Then, the question would be this: Would those links transform properly “After the scan”, directing to the new directory? I am concerned about the people images won't be displayed unless a "Metadata Refresh" is operated. @@cayars
  3. irie27

    One imports, the other doesn't

    I have a directory listed as /media/movies with the permissions If I have emby import the movies directory, nothing will get imported. However, if I have movies2 imported the files are seen. The directories and files all have 755 permissions with the user & group being the same in both directories. I can't get anything from the logs that would help. What is more weird to me is that if I set the content type to TV on the /media/movies import, the files are imported, but not with the content type set as MOVIES. I'm stumped on trying to figure this one out. I only have a monthly premiere pass to see if I want to leave Plex. As you can see here, the files are being seen.. And when I complete setting up the import this is all I get.. what logs would be needed to diagnose this issue?
  4. Hello. I am a new user and this is my first post in the forum. I've read https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/674-media-files-folders-structure/ , nevertheless I'd like to keep my movies directory structure as it always was: /movies/<director>/<year>-<name>-<other info>. Is there any way to pass this structure as an option or hint to the database scraper with variable substitutions like %D %y %n, etc? If this was asked before please reply with a link to the post. Thank you
  5. Kimballslice1890

    Emby in Enterprise Environment

    So I work in the IT department at a pretty large school district. We currently have a very painful TV and broadcast system in place that no one seems to have the time to address a better solution. Being I use Emby and am a premiere member and love it, I feel that emby could come into play here. Main question here before moving further, is there any way to sync up Emby to LDAP? maybe active directory? Reason I ask is there are multiple buildings and we would be re-purposing soon to be replaced domain controllers as the Emby servers per site. It would render the solution almost unusable if we had to make changes on each remote site every time adding, removing, or modifying a user (people come and go). I guess this would be like a roaming profile in a sense? For example, If user is at Elementary 1 and goes to Middle School 2, then said user can still log in and access the local content and whatever wide area content is chosen to be available across all servers. Thoughts? Suggestions? Or am I shooting too high on this one?
  6. I thought for sure this question would've been asked countless times before, but I came up empty-handed after a handful of searches and about 20 minutes of forum browsing incl. the FAQ... I figured it would be easiest to just ask. For the Windows server, is it possible to specify a directory location to which the Media Browser 3 server application should be installed? I've been a long-time user (and I love it so much, I always look forward to the next big update from you guys) through thick and thin. And, it may have changed since I actually did my last install, which I believe was sometime in the middle of 2014... But the last time I installed, I did not see an option to specify where to install to. From what I can tell, it installs to %appdata%\MediaBrowser-server\ by default (which is of course in the user's profile folder) - I am hopeful that this can be changed, as I'm actually on a server machine and would love to organize my installations in a more meaningful way. Thanks!
  7. blastbass

    Problem with the update of thumbnail.

    Hello ! I have a little problem with the refresh of the picture of the directory. I add a file in the directory, Emby generate metadata, pics art and generate the same image for the directory. But, when a delete or move the file, the directory keep the image of the movie ! Do you have the same problem ?
  8. Just wanted to know, since Media Browser 3 server has changed its name to Emby, if the install location is still: %appdata% \ MediaBrowser-Server Or if the path has changed to reflect the new name (e.g. Emby-Server or something)? Thank you in advance.
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