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  1. eli0t

    Change theme in Log In screen

    For example, the theme in the first page (log in screen) is always the dark one. Also, when I change Web Client, the default theme is set. Is it possible to change a theme on a per user basis and not a per browser one? Thank you
  2. Release History 26th May 2014 - un8y v 2.0.2: Fixed issue with picture details text colour in Media Center slideshows 29th November 2013 - un8y v 2.0.1: Bug fix to prevent certain Teletext icons showing as full screen under some circumstances 12th October 2013 - un8y v 2.0: Original release __________________________________________________________________________ What is un8y? This is NOT a theme for Media Browser. It is a theme for Windows Media Center, designed to be a good visual match with soultaker's neo Media Browser theme. It as an evolution of some themes on the old CT, but this time with a Windows 8 twist. Since running Windows 8 with Media Center, I found the WMC graphics a bit jarring with the general W8 "style", so decided to do something about it. I've been working on this off and on (mainly "off") for a while now. As things are, it could be used as a stand-alone WMC theme, and could be useful if you still use MB 2 or run MB Classic with MB3. As it is designed for Windows 8 (it works for Windows 7 too!), it has been built for Patchou’s Media Center Themer (sorry, never been able to get Media Center Studio to work in W8... ). This themer does not require ANY changes to be made to system dlls. Media Center Themer 1.5 was released on 16th November 2013, meaning un8y is also now Windows 8.1 compatible. Some screenshots: New Start screen: New transport controls: And lots of deeper level changes. Here's a (fairly low-res) video of Media Center running un8y entirely under touch control: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSwlntrsfTU Installation This theme changes graphics and font colours to change the default Media Center theme to match the neo mediabrowser theme. If you are running with a custom Media Center theme, please reset to the default WMC theme before applying un8y. If you don’t use Media Center Themer, download it and install it. Once installed, navigate to %ProgramData%\Media Center Themer\ and take copies of the Theme directory and MCTDefault.xml file there and put the copies somewhere safe. (Note %ProgramData% is hidden by default). Download and unzip un8y. In this directory is a Theme subdirectory and MCTDefault.xml file. Copy the Theme subdirectory and MCTDefault.xml and paste into %ProgramData%\Media Center Themer\. That’s it – un8y is installed! Go ahead and fire up Media Center… I have deliberately not made any changes to the start menu (lesson number one - don't mess with peoples Start Menus!), so your existing start menu layout will be preserved. The un8y Media Center font changes can make the mediabrowser settings screen text difficult to read – to rectify this, copy customstyles.mcml from the download to %ProgramData%\MediaBrowser\ (for MB2) or %ProgramData%\MediaBrowser-Classic\ (for MB3/MBC). If you already use Media Center Themer and have custom MC start menus, etc., set up, you can simply copy the Rcdata and Html sections of the download xml into your current xml, and merge the Theme directory with your current Theme directory. So, to install: copy two files and one directory to the appropriate places. To uninstall: uninstall Media Center Themer (or revert back to your previous Theme directory and MCTDefault.xml) and delete customstyles.mcml from %ProgramData%\MediaBrowser(-Classic)\ As usual, a lot of the graphics in this theme were born in chef’s original Pearl WMC theme – thanks again chef! There are a lot of graphic changes in the xml, there may be a few rogue graphics in there – if anything doesn’t look as it should, let me know and I’ll fix it… _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ As a postscript, I don't intend releasing any more Media Center themes. un8y gives you EVERYTHING you need to create your own WMC themes. Just about every graphic you could wish to change is exposed. Look in C:\ProgramData\Media Center Themer\Theme\Resources\ehres\Images, and change/edit/re-colour as you want. You can simply re-colour the existing images as Alwin has done, or create your own images. It just take patience and perseverance! Font changes may be a little trickier, but I'll be happy to point you where to look. You have the template to create whatever theme you want, match Media Center to whatever Media Browser 2/Media Browser Classic theme you use. Not so much a "Rage, rage against the dying of the light" (hey, that MUST be the first link to Dylan Thomas poem on the new forum!), more a wistful goodbye... Any questions, don't hesitate to ask! Have fun!
  3. arrbee99

    Colour picker for themes

    Won't do any harm to ask, so though I'd suggest adding a colour picker so we could make our own themes, as mentioned (if the link works), here - https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/49217-just-a-little-fun/page-7&do=findComment&comment=473675 I guess it might become complicated, as it would also be nice to save a selecting of your own favorites, as well as keeping those kindly provided (WMC theme etc), and people might want textured backgrounds as well somehow, but still, who knows.... Think I would go for a nice subtle 24 carat gold theme with platinum highlights myself (if you haven't got it. flaunt it...)
  4. Hi everyone, Just curious if anyone knows of a plugin or a way to hide certain folders at the home screen. I like / need the folders view. If there's a way to drop a user into that on home screen that would be ideal. And then if there was a way to hide the collections group then I'd have the setup I'm after. I have a folder with a whole bunch of kids shows and viewing it in folder mode things look beautiful. Unfortunately when the kids login to emby they get to the home screen and don't realize they should click the folders button. They just click on the kids shows media folder and then it just looks like an unorganized mess and they don't want to use it. If there was a way I could setup a macro or something so that when my kid's user ID logs in it takes them to the folders view immediately that's what I'm after. If anyone can think of way to accomplish something like that I'd love to hear your ideas.
  5. ABOUT MODERN8 Modern8 is a metro inspired theme for Windows Media Center. It uses Patchou's Media Center Themer to apply the new and improved UI Modern8 is unique to many other Media Center themes (see details & screenshots further below): Improved modernized UI experience – clarity and usability comes first. No more fogs or ‘glass buttons’. No more blue. 500+ images have been completely redesigned or retouched Includes genuine Microsoft Xbox One navigation sound effects All new bar design for on-screen media controls Choice of 5 different accent colours – standard (black), blue, green, orange and red. A light theme is also included Splash screen animation with flattened logo (alternate files are provided if you prefer the new official Windows logo) There are NO changes to any system files, so there is minimal risk of corruption. It is also extremely easy to apply to your system, in less than a few minutes you can have a modern Media Center experience! And like all Media Center themes, Modern8 is entirely customizable so you can easily tweak Modern8 to your design tastes. It already includes some alternative artwork to try, just mix and match. Please, if you have anything to say, be it good or bad: contributions, suggestions or problems – let me know! (: DOWNLOAD LINKS via MediaFire v1.3 - January 30th 2016 24MB http://www.mediafire.com/download/1oy02koillba1le/Modern8_1.3.zip *Please note, an alternative XML file is provided for no string changes/non-English users. ​-Small improvements to start-up sound & animation ​-Action icons are coloured when highlighted (e.g. record, delete, review conflict) ​-Changes to guide record icons to improve contrast (red/yellow/blue instead of red/orange/blue) ​-Program info panel background (see last screenshot) covers the whole screen -New loading animation spinner Remember to remove any existing Modern8 files beforehand, and backup the files if you have done any of your own customising If you notice that some text is not being recoloured to white from the default blue (especially if using an extender): Remember to also check out The Green Button Modern8 Thread INSTALLATION AND REQUIREMENTS 1 Download and install Patchou's Media Center Themer (v1.51 mirrored copy from MediaFire http://www.mediafire.com/download/3v2ers338cx0f3r/MediaCenterThemer_1.51.zip) For Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 (Media Center editions) and Windows 10. 2 Download and extract all of the contents of the most recent Modern8 zip file (v1.3). 3 Copy the contents of the extracted zip file to C:\ProgramData\Media Center Themer\ or use the shortcut provided Remember to remove any existing Modern8 files and the MCTDefault.xml beforehand (but backup the files if you have done any of your own customising) 4 Open the newly copied Modern8 folder and run the registry file WindowsSetNewDefaultBeep.reg This works exactly as if you were to change the default beep via Sound settings and can be just as easily undone. You may need to logout or restart afterwards. 5 Enjoy And if you really like Modern8, you can donate via PayPal and help me pay for my studies (or at least a drink or two!) Special thanks to TheOsburnFamily and JBL! RELEASE HISTORY 16th December 2013 (1.52MB) Modern8 Initial Release 6th January 2014 (11.4MB) Modern8 1.0 || Modern8 1.0 (NON-ENGLISH, NO STRING CHANGES) 9th January 2014 (11.1MB) Modern8 1.1 || Modern8 1.1 (NO STRING CHANGES, NON-ENGLISH)* -Fixed RDP crashes -Minor string changes 16th January 2014 (22MB) Modern8 1.2 || Modern8 1.2 (NO STRING CHANGES, NON-ENGLISH)* -Tweaked EPG appearance slightly and included some alternative EPG focus accents -Improved folder layout to be more intuitive and easier to customise -Among other minor changes 2nd March 2014 (22MB) Modern8 1.2.1a || Modern8 1.2.1 (NO STRING CHANGES, NON-ENGLISH)* -Darkened default background image slightly -Improved default text recolouring; selected text should now have greater contrast to text which is not selected (does not apply to all situations) -Improved text readability for TV Debug menu (411 CTRL+D/411 More Info when playing TV) ENHANCEMENT HIGHLIGHTS & SCREENSHOTS Your choice of accent colours – a simple copy and paste is all that is required to change the accent. There is also a ‘light’ theme available (but this doesn’t have the same polish or ‘completeness’ as the standard theme) And of course, you can mix and match UI elements quickly and easily to suit your preferences Start screen with metro icons. Tiles are colour coded into their respective categories (Settings, Music, Video, etc) The background image animates in a subtle glowing cycle Entirely new bar design for on-screen media controls Media Center TV guide (Just note that I'm also using My Channel Logos to change the guide layout – this is not part of Modern8) Among other minor changes Extended time format Improved ‘now playing-hinting info’ for TV – text should no longer be cut off for long titles A few text changes (English only) for clarity and/or aesthetics LIST OF MEDIA CENTER SUB CATEGORIES WITH ENHANCED MODERN UI Picture favourites Picture library Video library Music favourites Music library Music search Movie guide Movie library Movies search DVD TV guide Recorded TV TV guide search Power options Settings LIST OF REVISED STRINGS (does not apply to the NO STRING CHANGES/NON-ENGLISH VERSION) old string new string shut down power options sync sync device search search music search search guide search search movies VIEW CATEGORIES GUIDE CATEGORIES All All Channels other showings showings Resolve Conflict Review Conflict resolve conflict review conflict Programme Details Details programme details details programme information information (changed to 'info' since v1.3) interactive tv interactive Exit Exit Media Center Log Off Sign Out LOG OFF WINDOWS SIGN OUT OF WINDOWS Are you sure you want to log off? Are you sure you want to sign out? View Song List Now Playing List TEXT [empty/blank string - replaced with a graphical icon on the media controls bar. This is still included with the NO STRING CHANGES VERSION] LIMITATIONS - PLEASE READ FURTHER DETAILS MAY BE FOUND IN THE CONTAINED README FILES Media Center includes most of its own sounds, however it still uses one sound which is shared by the Windows OS: the 'Default Beep' The included .reg registry files can quickly change the 'Default Beep' to the provided Xbox One sound effect found in the Modern8 Audio directory. The .reg registry files work exactly as if you were to manually change the 'Default Beep' via the Windows control panel; but obviously much faster! Much of Modern8’s text elements have been colourized white. This may be an issue for other add-ons such which contain predominantly light backgrounds. Alternative files are provided for darker text if needed. If ENGLISH is NOT your operating system language, you should choose the NON-ENGLISH version to download. Modern8 makes a few subtle language changes. As mentioned briefly above, the included ‘light’ theme currently doesn’t have the same polish as the standard theme – I have just quickly inverted the colours of the standard theme ORIGINAL WORKS I DID NOT create everything from scratch myself, details of original art sources are included in the corresponding README file Big thanks to Keef and his un8y theme, which inspired Modern8. It was a great template and an inspiration for me to make this theme. (I also grabbed a few of your icons )
  6. This is just a quick heads up: I have the Movie and TV Theme Song/Video plugins, and I found that if movies weren't in their own respective folders, things like themes and backdrops were shared between items. For instance, all of my films had the backdrop for "The Sword in the Stone (1963)" before I moved my media into individual folders. After the move I had to rescan the library. In the absence of those plugins, if media was not using individual folders, I observed that each asset (like posters, etc.) had the film name/year prepended which works fine until you use plugins like the ones mentioned above. Is it considered a best practice to put media in their own respective folders? If not, why not? If it is, is that mentioned somewhere in the documentation? Going to the "Movie naming" page on Github doesn't mention that when you are preparing your library, you may want to do use individual folders to ensure a smooth transition.
  7. Hello! I wasn't sure where to put this topic, so I put it here in the general discussion (: I am not sure if this is a bug or perhaps a feature. My server version is Version 3.0.8500.0. In short, if a film, per se, has both an MP3 theme and an MP4 backdrop, the MP3 theme does not play when using a client which (perhaps?) doesn't support playing the backdrop when the film is selected. It seems that this is not the ideal behavior, because indeed if Android and web (for instance) don't do MP4 backdrops, they would at least play the MP3 theme if one exists. I haven't checked the server logs yet - they may or may not have any insight into this behavior. Any thoughts?
  8. I just started to try making a skin for Emby Theater. During my early modifications, I realised that the search and settings buttons disappeared at the right top for some unknown reasons. Basically, I just modified css/colors.dark.css just to test out because it's totally new for me. I just replaced this color #52B54B everywhere for red. I did nothing else. Before going any further on this theme, I'd like to know what I'm missing or doing wrong? Is there something very basic I don't know? My url installation is here
  9. Is there a simple way to customize the colors of the status bar in android with CSS? Emby use green and I would like to change it if it's possible.
  10. anderbytes

    Better handling of theme music

    I'd like to ask devs to fix Webclient and AndroidApp in relation to theme songs playing, because in Emby Theater it is already done and it's VERY smooth there: - PROBLEM: When a music begins, controls appears at the bottom as if a normal music was choosed, this is unnecessary and impacts content display. - EMBY THEATER: When you enter a movie, the song comes without needing controls. There's only a sound note icon at the top of page, in case you don't want to hear it at this time. - PROBLEM: When you leave an item that has a music playing, the music doesn't stops. From that point on, Emby looks a generic jukebox, and you manually have to stop the music in controls to really leave the movie context (hard to explain). - EMBY THEATER: Just after you leave any item that is playing music, the music fades out, simple as that. Thanks.
  11. BeppoMonkeyBoy

    My Theme - Prometheus

    Ok, Here's what I've been working on on and off for a while now, way back when i was a huge fan of the look and feel of throg's themes, and while they are no longer supported I loved the simple EHS, and a few other bits, so I've tried to recreate the bits i like best into one theme, whilst adding in a few extra's (the new JIL is really useful), and i'm hoping to add a few others, chapter support is a big one, while this is only for my use at home at the moment I'm wondering if there is any wider interest in what I've done? I've added a facebook page to show these for people who aren't logged in to see. https://www.facebook.com/PrometheusMBC Edit: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/aev0zep5m3zs45t/AAD4WtPBd52o6MPpP2v7tgPfa?dl=0 Added a link to the test .dll ziped on my dropboxdrive.
  12. Hi All, Accidentally used for the previous theme upload an older css template. So here are the new ones. Upgraded theme Darkness and theme Marine to emby server version 3.0.5782.0 Just copy the css or text in the css box (server - settings - branding) and save and refresh. Have fun PS. Let me know if I missed some css. emby.theme.darkness.305782.0.css emby.theme.darkness.305782.0.txt emby.theme.marine.305782.0.css emby.theme.marine.305782.0.txt
  13. Hi All, Theme Darkness for EMBY. Just copy and paste the txt or css file in the css box (Server-Settings-Branding), save and refresh. Use the theme css for your own variations. Love to see it. I hope you will enjoy this. Enclosed the theme css and txt file and some screenshots: emby.theme.darkness.css emby.theme.darkness.txt PS Can anyone give me some big screencaps for an active overview of the autoorganize and livetv screens. I don't use these features and I am wondering how it looks like with this theme. Next theme will be coming soon!
  14. As the title says, since the last update, Chocolate theme's EHS is very slow to update content. I am running MBC and 3.0.5490.2 MBS versions. All running on Windows 7 systems (server on a VBox Windows 7 VM on my FreeNAS box). The delay happens when I initially launch MBC or log back into MBC after it has reverted to the user selection screen. I have tried Square theme and it does not suffer the same delay. I just really like the chocolate theme and hope that this delay can be figured out. Given enough time, the EHS updates and all is well. Entering individual folders immediately shows the proper content, even if the EHS has to yet populated. Not a huge deal but if there is something that can be fixed, I would like to help track down any information that would help out. I have looked through the logs and nothing seems to be amiss but I am a bit of a n00b so take that with a grain of salt. Please let me know what information may help with this issue. Cheers,
  15. Hi, I can not click the config button in Emby Classic for WMC. The WMC close, min and max buttons interfere with it.
  16. Cheesegeezer

    MBC: Xenon Theme Bug Tracker

    Please post bugs for Xenon Theme Here. It will help greatly if - 1. you are seeing layout issues post screen shots and use arrows/lines to point out affecting areas 2. any other issues, can you please post up a log. If you are unsure please click the link here on how to report a problem For feature requests... please post your FR request in the appropriate forum located here. Thank you for your continued support
  17. Cheesegeezer

    Subdued - MBClassic Theme

    In my quest to continue the original authors great theme I have released Subdued officially and you can download this from the plugin catalogue in MBC configurator. As it stands, this will remain free, although I will probably make it a supporter plugin to help with MediaBrowser's project development. Here's what I've been upto ChangeLog - Release Change Specials to Movie Extras You can choice to have Rotton Tomoto Scores and icons from the Star Rating choice Fixed bug where the Final details page can get very long and disappear off the screen ChangeLog - Release Added Special Features to Final Detail PageChangeLog - Release Added Chapters to Final Detail Page ChangeLog - Release Bug Fix: On Poster & CoverFlow View, if no logo/clear/thumb art is available, Title Text now shows instead of being blank. ChangeLog - Release This version adds an Ask to Quit feature for users. This can be turned on or off in the Subdued General menu within MBC. ChangeLog - Release Added Scrolling Text for ChaptersChangeLog - Release User Switching implemented ChangeLog - Release Added Chapters to final Details Page Fixed Cast button not default focusing to first Actor in the list. ChangeLog - Release Remove subtitle reference(user annoyance) Resized logos on Details page and EHS to be more reasonable and not take up too much real estate. ChangeLog - Release MBC version 3.0.62 Required for new option Changed Disc image location Fix Details not showing Changelog - Dev Fixed Bug on MovieDetailView where selecting Cast or Details throws an error. Changelog - Dev (requires MBC for this option) Recently Watched Text changes to Resumable Media if the "treat Watched as in Progress" option is checked MBC configurator. Change-log Added Weather to the HomeScreen. Please use YahooWeather ID e.g. UKXX0001 on Server instead of City,Country Added DiscArt to Detailed Movie View Added LogoArt, ClearArt, ThumbArt in all views now except RootLayout. Added Spinner menu to View Options for Logo, ClearArt, Thumbs or Off Restored custom Poster Custom overlay images - These are to go into %ProgramData%\MediaBrowser-Classic\Plugins\Subdued\CustomOverlays (Create your own Folder - no spaces) Restored custom MediaInfo icons<br> Although, you need to select a Custom IBN folder with the Server. Still Working on this Things still not working properly Coverwall Backdrops on large collections slow the Theme down alot Focus returning to last item Here's a couple of pics to warm your heart
  18. Cheesegeezer

    MBC Theme: Xenon

    It's here and it's released and..... free to the community. To download this theme, simply go into MediaBrowser Classic Main Config, find the plugins tab along the top, go to the plugin catalogue, find Xenon and install. Restart MBC and select Xenon from the Theme Options tab and you are good to go. The theme was the original brainchild of myself and BAS where the whole concept was to work well with 360 Extenders which in turn actually means that on any PC it will be extremely fast for navigation, fluid and very stable. Xenon brings some non standard functions to MBC 1. Upcoming TV - This allows you to view when future episodes of any of your TV Shows will be next aired 2. Next Up - This will display the next episode you need to watch in any of the TV Shows you are currently watching 3. Actor Bio's - Shows Actor information such as age, birthdate, birthplace and biography. Shaefurr's Disparity images work amazing with Xenon - Linky Here Bug Tracker can be found here Here are quite a few images to wet the appetite including Disparity backdrop images http://imgur.com/a/Ooiak I would also like to personally thank the following community members for their help @radeon for his help with initial development testing and creating some of the main images and for putting up with me on skype! @BAS for giving me the get up and go to start this!! Hope you feel better soon bud @Soultaker for being a mentor and actually making my brain work. @shaefurr for providing the Artwork for plugin catalogue. @@buddyweiser, @@Yogi, @@CBers, @@aspdend for their great help testing during the beta phase. @@yardameus also for his help with beta testing but also for creating the extra styles available.
  19. For the next 24 hours, all my themes are HALF PRICE. Each theme is just 3 bucks each, or you can get a bundle of any 3 for now just 8 bucks, or a bundle of all 4 for 10 bucks. That's a 50% saving no matter what you buy. This offer ends 24 hours from now - be quick and grab a bargain! For more details on my themes see www.crystalmediabrowser.com
  20. I'm using MediaBrowser Theater and usually i find the volume on theme videos to be too loud, however I don't want to adjust the volume down and then adjust it back up when the movie starts. It would be nice to have a setting that controls the volume of theme videos in the settings so that if I wan't it turned down i can adjust it, and if I like the volume as it is then i can leave that alone. This setting would only affect theme videos and nothing else.
  21. Cheesegeezer

    Xenon: New MBC Theme Coming Soon

    This is a new theme I've been working on. It's called Xenon and should be released in the near future. There are still 4 more views I need to work on. Anyways here are some screenshots to Wet the appetite. Also a big thanks to Abo for getting the Imgur embeded albums available in the forum. Thanks buddy http://imgur.com/a/rQljc
  22. all4dom

    Cant exit ROC them

    When I try to exit from the main screen, nothing happens. It will not let me exit back to media center. All other themes will exit back to media center.
  23. leedavies

    ROC v1.2.0.0 now live

    Time for a long overdue big version number change... Smoother scrolling Button press animation improved Next up, getting Breeze and Crystal updated with all the latest goodies...
  24. eallen

    ROC Theme

    Do anyone know when this theme will be available for purchase?
  25. radeon

    Radeon's Roku 'Theme'

    Firstly! Please do not communicate with gcw07 regarding issues with the Roku client whilst using this theme. Whilst there isn't any reason why this theme should cause issues, its not the official release and you should always revert back to the official release before contacting gcw07 about any issues you might have. That said, I have spoken to gcw07 and confirmed he is happy for me to release the 'theme' to the community. Important information 1) This technically isn't a theme but a custom build of the MB Roku client meaning the functionality you see could be different. Whilst I have not made any changes to the source code (other than a couple of hex colour changes), I cannot offer any guarantees that it will work the same as the official release. 2) It is based on the 1.17 build and will be updated to work with newer builds as they are released. 3) The SD colour scheme has not been changed. If they is a specific need for it then please let me know and I'll get to it! :-D Installation I believe this 'theme' needs to be side loaded onto your roku box. I'm using the Sky Now TV boxes which is definitely the case for them but I'm unsure as to the procedure for Roku's. More details on sideloading onto the NowTV box can be found here: http://mediabrowser.tv/community/index.php?/topic/689-guide-to-installing-mediabrowser3-onto-the-now-tv-box/ Screenshots Home Movies Movie Details TV Shows Episodes Active Episodes Inactive Preferences Toggle Download You can find the zip for download here: http://www.ballingtons.com/products
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