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  1. Please post any questions/support queries here for the TV Theme Videos Plugin Full plugin details here: http://mediabrowser.tv/community/index.php?/topic/1068-tv-theme-videos-plugin/
  2. Please post any questions/support queries here for the Movie Theme Songs Plugin Full plugin details here: http://mediabrowser.tv/community/index.php?/topic/5741-movie-theme-music-plugin/
  3. Please post any questions/support queries here for the TV Theme Music Plugin Full Details here: http://mediabrowser.tv/community/index.php?/topic/1069-tv-theme-music-plugin/
  4. Please post any questions/support queries here for the Movie Theme Videos Plugin Full plugin details here: http://mediabrowser.tv/community/index.php?/topic/2006-movie-theme-videos-plugin/ FAQ here:
  5. Movie Theme video won't play in multipart movie I just added Avatar The Way of Water 3D to Emby. It is two parts on separate discs. When I put both parts in the main movie folder, as per the official naming convention, the theme video does not play. Any way to get this to work?
  6. radeon

    Radeon's Theme Media Plugins FAQ

    Hi All, I get a lot of repeat questions that I thought an FAQ might cover off so here goes: Q: What are the Media Theme Video and Music Plugins? A: These plugins download extra metadata to your Movie and TV shows which ultimate enriches the library experience whilst browsing your collection. They do not control any part of the media playback and simply download the theme media, putting it in the correct place within your media collections. What and where the media is played back is controlled by the client you are using and it's greatly advisable that you check with the client as to what functionality you will get before buying the plugins. Q: Where can I buy them? A: Either individually though the emby plugin catalog or as a bulk buy via my website https://www.ballingtons.com/products Q: OK, so I have them installed, what should I do next? A: Run the scheduled tasks! Depending on which plugins you have installed, you will have some download tasks under your scheduled tasks within the emby dashboard. Run them up and theme media will start to download. Q: I don't seem to have as many themes downloaded as I was hoping? A: The plugins have load balancing within them so it can take a few runs over a few days to get all available for your collection. Not all movies or shows in your collection will have themes but the library is always getting bigger. Q: What do I need to do if a new TV show or Movie is added to my collection? A: Nothing! The particular theme plugins for that type will automatically detect the new addition and scan for themes straight away. If one isn't available right then, as long as you have the scheduled task scheduled to run periodically, it will hopefully be picked up in the future. Q: I'm having a problem with one of the plugins, what should I do? A: Get in touch! I'd always suggest dropping a post on one of the support threads for the plugin you're having issue with. If i'm not available, someone else will likely be and can often help if the issue is something simple. Always try and post fresh debug logs (Enable debug logging, restart emby, run the plugin with the issue, wait for it to complete the scheduled task) or if you're worried about sensitive data, feel free to drop me a PM with you log and licence info. Q: The plugins have stopped working, now what? A: Report it to me via one of the support threads. From time to time, there are some breaking changes to emby or the host which require a rework of my plugins to get them up and running again, it's just a fact of life. I am a long standing member of emby and have been around for years with no intention of leaving yet. My personal work has taken me away from emby more than I would ideally like but I'm definitely not going anywhere soon. Emby is still central to my media setup and I personally use my own plugins so take it as a good thing that from a selfish perspective, I want these plugins to stay working as much as you do. If they're broken, I'll always do my best to fix them. Q: What emby clients work with the theme media metadata downloaded? A: The clients are always changing and being updated so it's tough to keep on top of which ones are doing what. Before buying the plugins, it's always advisable to make use of the trial or just manually place some theme media in the right locations to give it a test and make sure you're happy with what you're going to get. If you don't check this out and you're not happy with what you've got then not a lot can be done. Due to the nature of the plugins and the fact they're delivering meta data, no refunds can be given and you have already got the functionality they offer by downloading the theme media. Q: Can I change the location the media is downloaded to? A: No. The media needs to be stored in the correct places to be detected by the emby server, If I change the place, the theme media will no longer be found by emby server. Q: Where is the location the media is downloaded to? A: See the Emby support article here: https://support.emby.media/support/solutions/articles/44001159179 I'm sure there are plenty more FAQ's but that's my start for now.
  7. I'm running Emby on an old 4 core Lynnfield Xeon processor. It's running as a guest in Proxmox VE, along with several other VMs (OpenMediaVault, Nextcloud, Minecraft, etc). I've been thinking about building a dedicated box just for Emby since I've spread the gospel such that I'm regularly having 2-3 users on at any given time and the poor machine just can't keep up if titles need to be transcoded. I'm thinking a box a separate server would hold the files, so the Emby hardware would just serve/trancode. I've seen folks talk about hardware acceleration and I'm curious how robust it is in Emby. Is there a max number of users that, say, Quicksync can serve? Are other users denied access, or can it serve two users with Quicksync and the rest with CPU transcode? Are there any distributions that have a recent enough version of ffmpeg to work with hardware encoding or am I looking at installing a third-party package or compiling ffmpeg myself? Is anyone using Arch Linux with hardware encoding on Intel or Nvidia hardware? Are there any plans for a Radeon/Ryzen hardware acceleration solution? Does anyone think I would be better off encoding my library to minimize trancoding instead of fitting hardware to the problem I'm facing? Sorry if I'm asking too many questions. Thanks, folks.
  8. Please post any questions/support queries here for the Movie Theme Videos Plugin Full plugin details here:http://mediabrowser.tv/community/index.php?/topic/2404-themevideo-backdrops-for-mediabrowser-classic-free/
  9. For a limited time only, all of my plugins will be discounted down to $2.50 each so you can all four for just $10! Buy now from the MBS Catalog!
  10. gcw07, Tikuf and I have been working hard to bring back the NowTV Client in a way which doesn't involve the release of any source code. With that, we have come up with a simple remote delivery solution. All you'll need to do is open up a port on your router and have your external IP Address to hand. OK, so we're happy its all working correctly. You can find the installer at http://roku.gwscripts.com/ Follow the installation steps on that screen and let us know how you get on. :-D
  11. Hey All, I just wanted to post and briefly explain my whereabouts of recent! As the title says, my wife just had a baby! On 21/04/14 at 11.16am GMT, my beautiful wife gave birth to our just as beautiful daughter Eloise. In recent weeks, I have spent a lot of time with my wife on her maternity leave and just taken time to be together. With that, its left very little time for much else. This isn't by any means a permanent thing! We're just taking the opportunity whilst we can. :-D I will be back shortly, but I felt I owed it to you all to explain my recent disappearing act! Ill be back on the radar soon with some great updates planned to my plugins and a couple of good new plugin ideas going around in my head too! All the best, John (Radeon)
  12. Movie Theme Songs Downloads Theme Songs for Movies Theme Songs for Movies The Movie Theme Songs Plugin will download Movie Theme Songs where available to your local media library in the correct format and location required by the MediaBrowser 3 Server. Once installed and the theme intro songs downloaded,they will be played whilst browsing your collections. As Theme Songs are supported by the Media Browser server, any client/theme can make use of them if they choose to. Current Supported Clients & Themes Media Browser Theatre Media Browser Classic - All themes (with ThemeVideo Backdrops for MediaBrowser Classic - FREE plugin installed) Roku Client (TBC) Android Client (TBC) Due to the nature of this plugin, a trial is offered which only downloads movies beginning with the letter A. Registering will give complete download of all available Contributors Network This Plugin supports the Contributors Network, for more details, click Here. Support For support, please post here
  13. Movie Theme Songs Downloads Theme Songs for Movies Theme Songs for Movies The Movie Theme Songs Plugin will download Movie Theme Songs where available to your local media library in the correct format and location required by the MediaBrowser 3 Server. Once installed and the theme intro songs downloaded,they will be played whilst browsing your collections. As Theme Songs are supported by the Media Browser server, any client/theme can make use of them if they choose to. Current Supported Clients & Themes Media Browser Theatre Media Browser Classic - All themes (with ThemeVideo Backdrops for MediaBrowser Classic - FREE plugin installed) Roku Client (TBC) Android Client (TBC) Due to the nature of this plugin, a trial is offered which only downloads movies beginning with the letter A. Registering will give complete download of all available Contributors Network This Plugin supports the Contributors Network, for more details, click Here. Support For support, please post here
  14. A lot of people have been asking how they can contribute to the theme video collections recently and with the recent host change to mediafire, this has all become a lot easier. There are a few things that are required but the process is now fairly simple! Firstly, make sure the resolution is 720 or above (the preferred format is mp4 but I can probably work with anything), then all you have to do is name the TV or Movie Theme in the following format: TV Shows T - {tvdbid} – {showname}.ext Or Movies M - {tmdbid} – {moviename}.ext Where tvdbid and tmdbid are the ids which can be found on either thetvdb.com for tv shows and themoviedb.org for movies. Examples being: T - 79349 – Dexter.mp4 M - 4147 - Road to Perdition.mp4 Once you have the files named as above, simply head to this link and upload! Theme Uploads! Once the upload completes, I will get an email notification and perform the necessary to get the theme added to the database. All of you that are using the previous method of upload, please keep doing so. The older method is definitely the preferred, this one will hopefully enable an easier way to make the collection even bigger for everyone! :-D Any questions, please post below!
  15. radeon

    Radeon's Roku 'Theme'

    Firstly! Please do not communicate with gcw07 regarding issues with the Roku client whilst using this theme. Whilst there isn't any reason why this theme should cause issues, its not the official release and you should always revert back to the official release before contacting gcw07 about any issues you might have. That said, I have spoken to gcw07 and confirmed he is happy for me to release the 'theme' to the community. Important information 1) This technically isn't a theme but a custom build of the MB Roku client meaning the functionality you see could be different. Whilst I have not made any changes to the source code (other than a couple of hex colour changes), I cannot offer any guarantees that it will work the same as the official release. 2) It is based on the 1.17 build and will be updated to work with newer builds as they are released. 3) The SD colour scheme has not been changed. If they is a specific need for it then please let me know and I'll get to it! :-D Installation I believe this 'theme' needs to be side loaded onto your roku box. I'm using the Sky Now TV boxes which is definitely the case for them but I'm unsure as to the procedure for Roku's. More details on sideloading onto the NowTV box can be found here: http://mediabrowser.tv/community/index.php?/topic/689-guide-to-installing-mediabrowser3-onto-the-now-tv-box/ Screenshots Home Movies Movie Details TV Shows Episodes Active Episodes Inactive Preferences Toggle Download You can find the zip for download here: http://www.ballingtons.com/products
  16. Movie Theme Videos Downloads Theme Videos for Movies Theme Videos for Movies The Movie Theme Videos Plugin will download Movie Intros where available to your local media library in the correct format and location required by the MediaBrowser 3 Server. Once installed and the movie theme intro videos downloaded,they will appear as backdrops whilst browsing your collections. As Theme Videos are supported by the Media Browser server, any client/theme can make use of them if they choose to. Current supported Clients & Themes Media Browser Theatre Media Browser Classic - All themes (with ThemeVideo Backdrops for MediaBrowser Classic - FREE plugin installed) Due to the nature of this plugin, a trial is offered which only downloads shows beginning with the letter A. Registering will give complete download of all available Support For support, please post HERE Revision History (Release) API Update & Performance enhancements (Release) API Update and delay added to reduce server load (Release) Release
  17. TV Theme Videos Downloads Theme Videos for TV Shows Theme Videos for TV Shows The TV Theme Videos Plugin will download TV Show Intros where available to your local media library in the correct format and location required by the MediaBrowser 3 Server. Once installed and the theme intro videos downloaded,they will appear as backdrops whilst browsing your collections. As Theme Videos are supported by the Media Browser server, any client/theme can make use of them if they choose to. Current supported Clients & Themes Media Browser Theatre Media Browser Classic - All themes (with ThemeVideo Backdrops for MediaBrowser Classic - FREE plugin installed) Due to the nature of this plugin, a trial is offered which only downloads shows beginning with the letter A. Registering will give complete download of all available Support Support For support, please post HERE Revision History (Release)API Update & Performance enhancements (Release) API Update and delay added to reduce server load (Release) Updated some lookups in prep for new source & changed licence message in log to stop Cbers stressing (Release) Cleanup of temp files on fail (Release) Trial facility added (Release) Changed File Attributes to hidden on new downloads.
  18. TV Theme Songs Downloads Theme Songs for TV Shows Theme Songs for TV Shows The TV Theme Songs Plugin will download TV Show Songs where available to your local media library in the correct format and location required by the MediaBrowser 3 Server. Once installed and the theme intro songs downloaded,they will be played whilst browsing your collections. As Theme Songs are supported by the Media Browser server, any client/theme can make use of them if they choose to. Current Supported Clients & Themes Media Browser Theatre Media Browser Classic - All themes (with ThemeVideo Backdrops for MediaBrowser Classic - FREE plugin installed) Roku Client Android Client Due to the nature of this plugin, a trial is offered which only downloads shows beginning with the letter A. Registering will give complete download of all available Support For support, please post HERE Revision History (Release)Updated some lookups in prep for new source & changed licence message in log to stop Cbers stressing (Release)Skip theme songs downloaded that are less than 25kb in size to prevent "we are sorry but this song has been removed message" (Release)Cleanup of temp files on fail (Release)Trial facility added (Release)Config Page Implemented
  19. Version brings Audio Nomalisation to its users. Simply download and install the latest version and configure your preferred volume from the plugins configuration pages. Note: in order for the normalisation to be performed, the themes need to be downloaded again. Also in Users will also notice a significant increase in speed when downloading the them theme videos. A lot of time has been put into server side optimisations to ensure the plugins can perform as fast as possible.
  20. New Release ( In the latest release of the TV and Movie Theme Video/Song Plugins, a new filter has been added to prevent the download of a theme if its not wanted it in your collection. When the plugin downloads a theme in the future, a new filter item will automatically be added to the plugins configuration page. If that theme is then deleted from your collection, the theme will never be downloaded again. If you change your mind, simply enter the plugins configuration page and delete the filter from the list, and run the scheduled task again. You can also add filters manually by clicking the + icon and entering the Movie/TV Show name in the box (this must be written exactly the same was as displayed in the items details screen)
  21. ThemeVideo Backdrops Bringing ThemeBackdrop Videos and Audio to MBC for All Themes Hey All, i just wanted to introduce the ThemeVideo Backdrops plugin for Media Browser Classic, you may remember something like this back in the days of MB2 and well, we have brought it into the world of MBC. A massive effort has come from @Cheesegeezer on this so please make sure you give him a like for this one. A massive thank you to you Cheese, it wouldn't have happened without you! If you use any of my theme downloaders for MBS and use MBC, be sure to get this installed and watch mbc come even more to life! Again, a massive thanks to Cheese! Not Cheesgeezer, just cheese on toast ;-) ThemeVideo Backdrops ThemeVideo Backdrops for MediaBrowser-Classic available now to everyone and for FREE!!! This great plugin allow you to play TV & Movies Video Backdrops and also caters for audio. The plugin is configurable so please install it from the MBC Configurator and configure it how you want. WARNING: If you have Crystal or ROC installed please disable the option in this theme to allow this plugin to work correctly or you may encounter an unexpected and unstable experience For more details please see HERE
  22. Hi All, I just want to announce the new Movie Theme Videos Plugin! After a lot of work sourcing, uploading and indexing videos, the plugin is now available from the MediaBrowser Server Catalog. Full details here: http://mediabrowser.tv/community/index.php?/topic/2006-movie-theme-videos-plugin/ The amount of videos is getting bigger and bigger with already another 200+ to add
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