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Coming from VideoStation, a big disappointment is that Emby does not remember already used tags. So if I have a library with 100 movies with tag: horror, I have to type in the whole word "horror" every time I want to add the tag. There is no list of previously used tags I can simply click and choose from. That slows down the process significantly, especially with multiple tags in a movie, and also is a risk of messing up the tags with typos.
Hello, I have a large number of channels in TVHeaded, each categorized by one or more tags. I am wondering if there is a way to translate the TVHeadend tags to Emby tags, so that I don't need to duplicate all the work I have done on the TVHeadend side. For context, I am using the Emby tags to gate access to channels for some users of my Emby server.
[BUG] Converted media should inherit all tags from original
Roodee posted a topic in General/Windows
Hi all, I've just noticed that if I convert media (a movie), it gets its own ".nfo"-file, and the new file does not inherit the tags from the original. I believe that this should be considered a bug, since some users library "views" (access to libraries) are filtered by tags. There is really no data to attach, since everyone can easily reproduce this. Cheers, Roodee -
Duplicate [RFE] Add tags for multiple items at the same time
Roodee posted a topic in Feature Requests
Hi all, I want to use tags more. I am talking about the tags that can be set under "Edit Metadata". However, it is not very easy to set these tags, especially for multiple items. I would like to be able to set tags for several items (videos) at once. I like to illustrate my ideas, so here we go (see add tag in the drop-down menu for multiple selected items): That way I can easily add tags that will then be blocked in other peoples libraries (as an example). Thank you, Roodee -
For audiobooks, I organize each series as an album. So for example, Harry Potter would have seven books within the series. However, when the Album tag is read by Emby, it gives each book the same cover image regardless of the image metadata on each file. I would like to see each file's metadata be utilized individually instead of just the first one when it comes to the cover image as well.
Hi, I am new to Emby. Having had poor experiences with iTunes, MediaMonkey, and MusicBee, and as my music files are stored on my Synology Diskstation anyway, I've just started using Emby. Is there a full list of which music ID3 tags reads, and the syntax (e.g. delimiters for multiples)? Specifically, I'd like to know which ID3 tag corresponds with the Emby "Tags" metadata. My music files already have tagging info in the 'Grouping' ID3 tag (Chart position, Nationality, "Christmas", "Halloween", etc., e.g. "Top 10, British, Christmas"), and it doesn't read that. I was wondering whether I can 'fix' that by moving these into another ID3 tag? My music files have multiple genres separated by ";" and Emby seems to be reading that correctly. Thanks in advance.
[Anime Plugin] Let the plugin add Tags and Animation studios to shows
Weevillo posted a topic in Feature Requests
Now, you'd most likely want to obtain the required information from either AniDB, , Anilist or MAL (example screenshots in links), the most favorable by far is Anilist with its rich tags. All sites offer studios too and in some cases (MAL) even age rating. If features like "More like this" would use Anilist backed tags it'd be a hell of a lot more accurate. This is such a small change on the grand scale of things and would boost the quality of life in the anime sector of emby significantly. You could even build upon this further and let some organizing feature make collections out of tags or studios. In practice/from a UI perspective I imagine there being options (in library settings) to choose metadata provider as with existing providers (TVDB etc.) under a "Tags" and "Studio" section respectively. Since there already is an umbrella option, namely "Series metadata", I'd propose for these settings to be shown when you enable the "advance" interface. This is the nit-picky approach, though. If this is pursued (which would be highly appreciated) I imagine there being another realization of this idea.- 3 replies
- anime
- anime-plugin
(and 3 more)
Tagged with:
Hi to everyone, i use this fantastic piece of software at my home and around the world with the android app on my smartphone. Last days i'm trying to organize better my music library but i found a behaviour that i don't know if it is right. When in music album there is a track with a featuring (example Coldplay & Beyonce), although the tag artist album is right (coldplay in this case), i found in the list of album artist also Coldplay & Beyonce. Is it right? I solved what is a little problem for me, removing the featuring artist in the artist tag (adding in brackets in song title). I have also tried, as suggested on an older post, to remove artist, to rescan library and add again artist, but this beahaviour persist. Thanks in advance for your answers
Tag problem: The Tallis Scholars get changed to Thomas Tallis in artisttag
MembyR posted a topic in General/Windows
So this is weirding me out.... I'm building a separate library for my classical music. Since I'm quite picky about my tags I unchecked all 'downloaders' and 'fetchers' under the advanced settings of the library (musicbrainz, etc) Workflow: Remove all tags using MP3Tag (FLAC files) The composer goes in Album Artist, and the performing artist(s) go in 'Artist', with multiple artists deliniated by a semicolon (. fill all other tags move files to library on filesystem (ubuntu server, all files have 775 permission, just to be sure) scan files This seems to work fine, but the artist 'The Tallis Scholars' gets changed to 'Thomas Tallis' on all 4 albums I have of them. It doens't happen with any other artist so far. All other tags are read correctly. No musicbrainz IDs are visible in metadata editor and changing metadata manually per song isn't working. What do you specifically need to help me diagnose and solve this problem? -
Hey there. Is it possible to add the tags of aniSearch (anime plugin) as tags instead of genre info. Thanks in advance :-)
If a root folder contains any files, emby will ignore tags in subfolders
advanceratio posted a topic in General/Windows
I just restarted my emby server after about a year of inactivity, and the first thing I found seems like a pretty horrendous oversight. Nearly all of my music is from ripped albums, and is nicely separated into subfolders of style(I'm a Vocaloid fan, and keep that separate from everything else), artist/publisher(for compilations), album title, disc#, songs. However, for a few lowkey release singles (i.e. things release as soundcloud downloads) they don't have an album folder, and so just sit in the artist root folder. In one fit of laziness, it turns out I dumped one song in the root folder for my entire Vocaloid music library. The file had some nonsense in its ALBUM tag... and emby decided that it should ignore all other metadata. Suddenly, I ended up with 1800 songs grouped under a single made up album. Creating a "Temp" folder and dumping the offending song into it fixed everything... Or so I thought. Remember those singles I mentioned earlier? Those ruin everything for the artist folder they sit in. A few hours later, after making sure not a single file exists outside of some sort of folder, and things seem to be working alright, but that is one hell of a piece of failed design. Just in case my explanation wasn't clear, in short: If a folder contains both subfolders and music files with a filled album tag, emby will assign the ALBUM tag of one of the music files in the folder to ALL of the music files within the subfolder, regardless of if the subfolder music files have their own ALBUM tag set. -
Hallo, habe seit zwei Wochen meinen Emby Server am laufen und habe dort meine Mediendateien erfolgreich hinzugefügt! Aber mit ist aufgefallen das bei meiner Musiksammlung die Verknüpfung zu Musicbrainz nicht korrekt vorgenommen wird, obwohl diese in der MP3 Datei mitgegeben werden. Wie kann ich diese Informationen automatisiert mitgeben, ohne das ich bei jedem neuen Interpreten manuell diesen überprüfen muss. Und wo würde ich diese Informationen finden! Ich habe halt keine Lust alle Interpreten zu auf Korrektheit der IDs zu überprüfen, wenn die Information schon vorhanden ist, aber nicht genutzt wird! Für jede Hilfe, Anregung bin ich dankbar! Gruß Christian
Hi, I'm creating all metadata by myself, I used to use MetaBrowser but now switched to EMM. So now, I've changed from using movie.xml files to movie.nfo files. For 3D movies, I have a tag <format3d> in the xml file (HSBS, HTAB, etc) that ws auto created by MetaBrowser, which works with xml files. But if I insert the same tag into the nfo file, it seems to be ignored, the server doesn't show that the file is 3D, the Format3D field in the information is empty and I have to edit the information in emby manually. Is this a bug or is there a different 3D tag for nfo files? Thanks & Ciao, Alfred
Hi all, Sorry if it's a simple/dumb question... But I am recording a christmas calendar show (24 episodes). Some are "just" shown in recorded TV, some are in a subfolder marked "specials" under the series' name. Is it possible to edit (somewhere on the server web interface) the way/keywords used for tagging/sorting recorded TV? I'd prefer Emby NOT to trigger/sort using "spcials", but I don't know where to find this (?). Thanks Jennice
Bonjour à tous, Suite à une recherche anglais et français sur les forums je n'arrive pas trouver une réponse à mon problème, c'est pourquoi je fais appel à vous! J'aimerai ajouter manuellement ou automatiquement des logos sur chaque fichier indiquant la qualité et les langues de ceux-ci. En gros un(des) petits logo(s) qui viendrai se superposer aux jaquettes quand j'explore ma médiathèque du genre HD ou MD ou SD. Et par la même occasion FRA-ENG-ESP... pour les langues. Comme ça on pourra voir au premier coup d’œil la qualité du film selon l'encodage et les langues dispo sans cliquer sur le film et aller dans la description. Voilà en espérant que cela est possible j'attends vos réponses avec impatience!!!!!! Merci d'avance, Bonne journée, Max
Photo Server - meta data tag recognition / custom filter options / photo playlist
PackElend posted a topic in DLNA
Hallo, I'm new to emby, may you can help me before I start again the trail and error game in my endless search for proper DLNA photo server. I run emby on my Synology NAS what has a so called photo station for photo management (inlc. some kind of meta data editing). I create some virtual albums out of my massive quantity of photos. I would like to export them as playlist and present them on my telly. Exporting might be a dream but I want to create playlist depending on the meta data in photo files. So my question, does emby read the meta data of photos and provides filter such as album or artist as for music files what could be used to filter the files. May even provide them as folders via DLNA, so I can watch only photos taken from a certain location or certain tags (like virtual album name) . -
It would be great to have the option to tick photos as 'favorites' for filtering later. This is doable with videos. I'm probably not the only person syncing photos from multiple cameras in real time. Emby on roku lets me see them immediately on the big screen, but then great pics are buried forever by new photos unless I happen to be home next to the server where they are uploaded.
I just started using Emby with my personal home server where I already have a number of movies ripped and saved with their associated subtitle files. As I was testing to make sure everything works as expected, I ran across the following issue. On my Apple TV 4, subtitles with italics tags are not rendered correctly. Rather, the line is literally printed as "<i>Insert some italics text here</i>", without the quotes, of course. I tested, and this is only an issue on Apple TV 4, as far as I can tell. Italics renders correctly when viewing through the web client. Some other things you might need to know: I'm running the newest version of Emby Server (installed 6/18/17) on my Ubuntu 17.04 server. I'm running the newest version of the client software (also installed 6/18/18) on my Apple TV 4. All of the subtitle files I have are SRT format. Thanks in advance
How difficult will be to create in emby tags with name from 1 to 10 and use them as rating in kodi? This tags could be represented as 5 star category for preference from mp3 id3 tag v2. I have all my mp3 library tagged for preference and made a script to represent preference tag as rating in kodi. mp3 id3 tag preference have typical 5 star representations in mp3 application, but id3 tag standard for this tag called POPM have 0-255 vaules. Apps represent this as value 0-5. Only Windows done it the hard way from 1-31 first star, 32-95 second etc. This is easy to extrapolate to 10 star kodi rating and from there should be easy to transfer this to emby tags and back. Of course media scanner in emby need some work but this is not something big to do. Or emby for kodi on synchro could set this value in emby properly. This change of course can coexist with current like, dislike options but full representation of 5 star system is better in my opinion. Also this is proper way to save id3 tag in files from emby/kodi tags/ratings. Custom tags from emby should be synchronized with kodi. I've noticed that only library names for same library category as synchronizes as tags but emby custom tags is not. Any plans for that?
Recently, I make a music library to control my mp3. I found that many ID3 tag weren't correct. So I fix everything that I can, but many errors still exist that seem out of my control. Many artists are showing in double. Here the screenshot showing the problem and my directory structure. I would like to know another thing. In Kodi, who is controlling the music library? Right now, Emby in kodi is configured to enable music library but isn't in sync with the emby web. In Kodi, the number of artist is 254 vs 228 on emby. Can someone explain me the disparity? Thanks.
It's still not possible to search for tags in Emby? Is there a bug for this?
When adding tags, does it not autocomplete existing tags?
Currently, I have a Google Drive library mounted on my server and Emby can use it really fine. I do however want emby to read from my owncloud server instead, because in owncloud is where I really want to keep my files; it allows tagging and it's a general purpose file system. Can emby integrate in any way with owncloud? What I want is for emby to read the tags I assign in owncloud to my files, so I can't simply mount my owncloud, cause the tags are not pushed through with a simple mount. I really don't know if I can mount owncloud with extended attributes and go that route, but I imagine emby doesn't read extended attributes;) Any pointers?
Hi, Wenn ich mehreren homevideo eine selbst angelegte Person zuordne zb. Kevin und danach über die Suche die Person Kevin aufrufe sind die ihm zugeordneten Videos nicht aufgelistet. Mach ich da was falsch? Und dann noch ne frage zu den Tags, ich möchte verhindern das einige User die über die Suche nach Kevin sucht, den angelegten Kevin findet. Das sollte ja über Tags (zb. "Familie") und bei den Usern die eben keine Familienmlieder finden sollen in der Parental control unter tags funktionieren. Nur leider wird mir kein Tag in der Person Kevin gespeichert. Klar ich könnte für jedes Familienmitglied eine eigene Bibliothek anlegen, aber wenn mehrere beteiligt sind ist das nicht praktisch.
Hi everyone, Hopefully this will be a quick question someone can answer. A similar issue was raised on this thread, but it does not seem to have been resolved: I have a number of dts encoded audio files (unlike the linked thread, with dts extension). As most of you know, there is no official way of adding an ID3 tag to a dts audio file. Nevertheless, I decided to trying adding an album to the library to see what happens. Partial success! The dts audio files can be accessed and played, but only via the Suggested and Songs menus in the Music view. It does not appear in any of the other menus: Albums, Album Artists, Artists, Genres, Music Videos (kind of obvious I know). Considering that I store the dts audio files in a folder structure as recommended by the wiki, is it possible to use the folder structure as a backup when an ID3 tag doesn't exist? In this case, perhaps Artist and Album Artist can be treated as the same tag? I hope this can be a quick and easy patch. I am using Windows 8.1 x86, Media Browser v3.0.5464.40000, and have tested with IE 11 and Palemoon 24.7.2.