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  1. Dear Developers I have now decided that I willing to pay to get this bug/feature prioritized. Because my alternative is to pay for Infuse, and I'd rather give you the money. How can I take this forward? Is there anyone else who would be willing to donate to get this issue prioritized and fixed? Many Thanks Stephen
  2. Hi There is a lot of problem with Emby for Apple TV app. Missing ABC list in the library side for fast search. Sometimes the app doesn't load the full library, I have got 1000+ movie in my library, yesterday I'm searching for Moana (in my language it called Vaiana) and the app only shows movies from 0 to L, closing the app then reopen solved this issue, but thats not a long time solution. Sorry for said that, but I hate the new login method, I have got little kids and for them is too complicated if last time I watched something (changing user) the old method after app opening shows the users, then they choose the correct user and watch what they want
  3. Hello, I'm having a few problems with the Apple TV application. The “mark as played” button doesn't work and playback doesn't save when I'm watching a movie or TV show. Also, by default, when I play a movie with subtitles, they are selected in the menu but not displayed, i have to deactivate and reactivate it. Finally, I'm having a problem with Live TV, which displays a playback error. I am using the lastest version of emby server, it works perfectly fine on web & ios app, the apple TV is a 4K on tvOS 16.4.1 Thanks.
  4. delorien802

    tvOS 18 Suspension Mode while Watching

    It seems that Emby has some sort of problems running in the new tvOS 18, Apple TV device goes to suspension mode sometimes while watching live tv. It’s weird.
  5. nishwahareesh

    TV theme songs not playing on apple tv

    The tv theme songs don't play in any tv series despite going by the provided "Media Preparation" format
  6. Hello, Thanks in advance - I'm hoping someone can advise if this is a known issue or something else? When viewing the live tv guide the date shows the month of January, the actual date of the day is correct and when you open the program details the date is correct so this does not effect recordings/ timers etc It's just the date shown on the front page of the guide that is wrong. Date and time settings for the Emby app: Date/time local: English (United Kingdom) Date and time settings for the apple tv: Set automatically - London - 24 Hour Emby app version: 1.7.4 (2) Apple Tv version: tvOS 16.6 (20M5548b) Windows Server version:
  7. I'm new to Emby. I've followed all the instructions. But just can't get the subtitles to show when I play Emmy on my ATV4K. Please help get this sorted and I can't wait to get premium features. Thanks. embyserver.txt ffmpeg-transcode-e2f97383-039c-496b-860b-8732727076c7_1.txt
  8. Hi all, As the title suggests, I am trying to get the best compatibility out of the Apple TV app but having a few issues. Using the native tvOS player (MPV unchecked) 5.1 surround audio works great, with a wide variety of formats (AC3, AAC, Dolby, etc). I would be happy to use the native player all the time, but unfortunately this forces transcoding sometimes as it appears to have limited video codec compatibility. As a result, once in a while I switch on the MPV player in the client app settings in order to prevent transcoding, but none of my 5.1 audio works when I do. The server dashboard doesn’t suggest any transcoding or downmixing to stereo, is there anything I can do to fix 5.1 audio with the MPV player enabled? thanks, AK
  9. Hi All, I have forwarded my synology https port and I am making use of the same to reverse proxy to Emby. I am able to access my Emby server remotely via https via browsers on phone or laptop. However, I am not able to connect to the same link via Apple TV. Could someone throw some light here. 1. tried the link with and without Port number. 2. tried reinstalling the app and restarted the server 3. Tried with and without automatic port mapping setting on Emby server the certificate I am using is from synology. The default certificate that is user for quick connect. I have forwarded the https synology port to local http port on LAN and enabled reverse proxy. Thanks in advance
  10. The Emby Apple TV app suddenly displays the actual programs instead of the recordings as soon as I attempt to view a recording. To get the actual recordings to display, I must either go to the home menu, select Programs and then Recordings or I must re-start the Emby App and go through the same process. This appears to be a software bug in the Emby App or an interface issue between the Emby App and the Apple TV. The Apple TV is running OS 15.3 Build 19K547 and Apple TV Model A1842 (64 GB). The Emby App is 1.5.7 (1) en-US. The personal server is a Synology NAS running DSM 7.0 with the Emby Package. Is there a fix for this problem? Please advise.
  11. Just wondering if the Display Logo Images as titles on detail screens feature will come to the AppleTV app. Understandable if it doesn’t, just curious
  12. matusaurio

    Apple TV Top Shelf

    Continue watching in the home screen, the so-called Top Shelf shows the posters of the TV shows zoomed(?) or with the wrong aspect ratio. Emby server version: Emby Apple TV version: 1.5.3 (0) Also, is it possible to show the thumb-image instead of the poster? (As shown in the official page Emby for Apple TV)
  13. Hi guy’s Ok so iv set my partner up an account so she don’t mess up my watch stats etc, i set it so she can’t delete media ie no box’s are ticked. When I go onto her account I am able to delete media, I have checked and all box’s are Not ticked. I only have family and immediate family but I DO Not want people being able to delete any media from my server from there device. Any advise or tips would be much appreciated TIA l33
  14. Hello emby team, Thank you so much for an awesome product. I left Plex a few years ago and have never looked back again. My main clients until rather recently have been x2 Minix Android devices running Emby for Android TV. These have been playing all of my content (besides H264 High 10) without any need for transcoding of the video stream. However since I swapped them out for Apple TV units it seems that all of my media requires transcoding. My initial concern regarding this was my h265 content but unless I am reading the logs incorrectly it would seem that even h264 content is being run through ffmpeg. In the H264 sample I've attached, the subtitle is not supported by the apple TV unit but it would seem that in addition to this the server is recoding the video stream as well? Stream mapping: Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (h264 (native) -> h264 (libx264)) Stream #0:1 -> #0:1 (copy) Also for your information. Regarding the h265 content, I have run some tests with ffmpeg rewriting the tag with "-tag:v hvc1". This has allowed me to stream the files through iTunes (In mp4 format). Server & Client versions Emby: Server: Debian 3.16.51-3+deb8u1 Client: Apple TV 4K - tvOS 11.2.5 Thank you for any assistance you can provide! MKV-H264-Server.txt MKV-H264-Transcode.txt MKV-H265-Server.txt MKV-H265-Transcode.txt
  15. Senna

    Load timeout for modules:toast

    Oops. Something went wrong... Load timeout for modules:toast http://requirejs.org/docs/erros.html#timeout Event: Was playing and stopping a strm file Will provide logs by PM when it happens again.
  16. In "new and upcoming in Theaters", trailer wont play on first run attempt on Apple TV 4K. Second run plays fine of same trailer. Seems with every trailer same problem in this section. Trailer started with play button, without going into detailed screen. Strange thing to notice, when trailers 1st run is already done in Emby theater, same trailer plays on first run attempt on Apple TV, without needing a second run. Server log shows error report.
  17. dgm1960

    FLAC support in Apple TV 4K

    First off, you all have done a great job on Emby and in particular the tvOS app. I’m trying to transition from plex to emby but my only concern is FLAC files. I have all of my music in FLAC format and upconverted to 5.1 audio. These play very well in plex, but there is no sound at all in emby on Apple TV 4. I’m picking up an ATV 4K soon and am wondering if I will be able to play these files in emby when Apple adds FLAC support to the 4K. Thanks.
  18. When I compare ATV 4K and Emby theater/webapp concerning number of programs shown in each category, in the "Live TV programs" section: Emby Theater/ webapp: - All categorized programs are listed in "Live TV programs" section for that day in each and every category, like it should be. ATV 4K: - Only 20 categorized programs are listed in "Live TV Programs" section for each category for that day and those 20 gets repeated over and over in that category, instead of listing all available categorized programs for that category. This happens for each category. Edit: changed the word "channel" into "programs" in Topic title and topic text
  19. Just started to use the trailers plugin on Emby server On my iPad (IOS11.0.3) trailers are working as it should, but on my Apple TV 4K (tvOS 11.1), trailers are not working and displays the following message: - "An error occurred loading this content." Does the server or app, needs an update, for the new profile of the Apple TV 4K with tvOS11.1 ? And is this problem somehow related to: https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/52480-live-tv-not-working-apple-tv-4k-dvblink-plugin/ Attached 2 logs where my last actions on the Apple TV 4K were: - Play Movie from library (OK) - Trying to play some trailers from the trailer plugin (Not working)
  20. Just started to use the DVBLink plugin on Emby server On my iPad (IOS11.0.3) Live TV is working as it should, so I got full EPG data for all of my DVBLink channels, can stream my DVBLink channels and my DVBLink recordings. But on my Apple TV 4K (tvOS 11.1), streaming of my DVBLink channels and my DVBLink recordings fails, with the following message: - "An error occurred loading this content." Full EPG data on the Apple TV 4K is present and I can also see all my channels and recordings. Does the server or app, needs an update, for the new profile of the Apple TV 4K with tvOS11.1 ? And is this problem somehow related to: https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/52481-trailers-not-working-apple-tv-4k-trailers-plugin/
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