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  1. edit 30/08/2022 I've updated the script as follows - - On repeat usage, added Progress Monitor when skipping existing STRM files (rather than thinking it's hung ..) - Added Summary page of the New Libraries This also works with TV Series - due to the nature of each episode needing it's own STRM file - it takes a little longer, but works just as well. ------- I've created a simple script that creates a copy of the structure of an existing emby library (file path). It then populates this new structure with strm (link) files back to the original video files. You can then use this library as a new library within emby - and subsequently you can choose the metadata language as you would do as part of the normal setup. This means you can get : native language metadata (if it exists) native language artwork (if that exists) subtitle language as required (you can do multi language subs in the core system) The video file is played from the original library - so there is no need to duplicate the video files. If required, user permission can be removed from the main library, leaving just this new library to browse in the users native language. Usage (windows batch file) Copy the batch file 'libstrm.bat' and 'library.txt' to the emby server in a suitable directory. Modify the 'library.txt' file to match your system. In the example file I have - D:\TV Series\;D:\French TV Series\ D:\Films\;D:\German Films\ Also works with UNC - \\media\TV Series\;\\media\French TV Series\ \\media\Films\;\\media\German Films\ The first path is the original location, the second path is the new library location (with the strm files). Note - the path must end with a \ and the entries are separated by a semi-colon. The 'library.txt' file can contain any number of drives and folders - I suggest testing with a sample to start with. Run the 'libstrm.bat' file from a command. Depending on the number of folders/files - it may take a few seconds or more to complete - but it will show progress as it goes. Once complete - create new emby libraries pointing to the new locations - remembering to set the metadata language as required. For example :- Once setup and emby has scanned the new folders (it will do this automatically if set to monitor - or a manual scan) - all the relevant metadata will be imported. As an example - in my test French library :- Note the French metadata, episode names and artwork. In my test German library :- Again, German metadata & artwork. Keeping the system updated ... Because creating the strm files is manual - to add NEW media, the script can just be run again (via the Windows task schedule ever day for example). If the strm file is already there, it will not recreate it. However, if media is removed from the original library (remember it links to it, it is not a copy) - then the strm link will unfortunately break. It can of course just be removed manually by deleting the strm file. I've added a progress bar to now show when items are skipped (every 100 items gets a # displayed..) Media Playback ... The resulting playback will of course be identical to playing the original file (as it IS the original file) but any playback preferences will be remembered for that library. So if the Audio was set to French with French subtitles, then next time it is played, it will remember those settings. There may be a way of setting these to a library default in the native language - I have not experimented with this. Feedback welcome. (rename the libstrm.bat.txt file to libstrm.bat) library.txtlibstrm.bat.txt
  2. Good evening, I have a problem with the ‘Emby for Kodi Next Gen’ plugin. The main problem is that it either doesn’t want to start playing and/or giving me a ‘Playback error’. My library only contains .strm files in which are paths to video files on a mounted Rclone drive (using RealDebrid and Rclone_RD). When trying to play these files there is no loading symbol the screen flickers a bit, screen goes black (almost as if it wants to start playing) but then instantly exits out and goes back to the home screen. I use the Kodi skin: Titan Bingie Mod (but tested multiple). I’ve ran multiple tests: . Playing the .strm files from the Emby WebUI and from Android works fine . When using Kodi’s base skin (Estuary) the video does eventually start playing . Running ‘Emby for Kodi Next Gen’ in native mode works fine (so the problem for me lies in Add-on mode) . I tried using .strm files that have the RealDebrid generated links directly inside them (so not linked to my Rclone mounted drive). These files do show the loading symbol, but sadly don’t start playing aswell. So since it does work (kind of) in the Estuary skin I thought it could have been the problem of ‘Titan Bingie Mod’. But like mentioned, native mode does work. Additionally, I tested Jellyfin’s Kodi plugin in addon-mode and this one works fine too. So maybe it’s not directly the skins fault but something else going on?
  3. Hi I need to know how the option can be implemented so that the emby detects the google sign in. In an html page it works perfectly when one uploads a video and the user is logged in, it detects it in the html5 player, instead in the emby browser player not detected as logged in google. Is there any way to implement this?
  4. Senna

    Load timeout for modules:toast

    Oops. Something went wrong... Load timeout for modules:toast http://requirejs.org/docs/erros.html#timeout Event: Was playing and stopping a strm file Will provide logs by PM when it happens again.
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