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Found 12 results

  1. hola buena stardes saludos ante todo tengo el mismo problema en la carpeta de series no me actualiza osea no descrga las imagenes si me actualiza la carpet con las imagenes de los actores y la caracteristicas de lo q trata la seie pero no las imagenes de fondo ni dela carpeta
  2. xylophone

    Emby hat kein Internetzugriff

    Hi zusammen, ich habe mir unter Truenas Core (Aktuelle Version) das Plugin "Emby Server" installiert ( Einrichtung und hinzufügen von Mediateken klappt auch alles. Das roblem was ich jetzt habe ist, dass Emby keine Informationen zu inhalten abrufen kann und wenn ich auf Einstellungen -> Plugins -> Katalog gehe läd es ewig und es wird nichts angezeigt. Kurz gesagt es ist so als hätte Emby kein internet. In der Firewall ist alles richtig eingestellt und wenn ich die Pakete anschaue die zugelassen werden würde alles passen. Ich habe leider keine Ahnung woran das liegen kann. Ich habe "Emby" und "Emby Server" jeweils als NAT und DHCP installiert, aber immer das selbe Problem. Ich hoffe es kann mir jemand weiterhelfen. embyserver.txt
  3. buen dia, alguien me puede decir por que emby me cambia la ip remota, por lo tanto tengo que estarla actualizando en los equipos fuera de mi red, ya se me hizo muy fastidioso ayuda por favor
  4. Hello, in July last year you’ve promised us an “internet free” Apple TV iOS version. As we use our Apple TV often in our camper, it’s not always possible to watch our movies because we don’t always have an internet connection available. Can you tell us when we may expect an new iOS version that doesn’t require internet? Thanks a lot !
  5. I have Lifetime Emby Premiere license on Windows 10 running Emby A storm came through, and my internet provider was swamped with ticket, thus I was without Internet for 6 long days. My Emby Theater Windows app stopped working almost immediately on on the same box the server is on, and my living room PC, a Windows 10 couldn't use Emby Theater within 48 hours of loosing internet. I understand the need to protect assets, but this isn't right. I read in a different Emby forum, that the Emby server needs to check in at least ever 30 days, but that is not the case with my server. Please fix this. I love your software. It is bad enough when internet access is lost, but at least i have Emby...except i don't, and I miss the extra functionality i paid for. I am grateful for your team and all your hard work. Thank you.
  6. Emby on Synology DS216play with DSM 6.2.1 I have been using emby server on Synology has for a few months now. After a recent reset of NAS ( reinstall) and install of emby server, It fails to connect with external services. At present I am unable to add emby connect ID, search for meta data, check for updates to emby etc. It's like emby wouldn't connect to internet. I checked and internet is working fine on nas. I don't recall any extra settings to enable emby to access internet. Is there any? Could it be that these are related to problem may be at emby's end.? This is what error message I get when emby tries to check for updates. Check for application updates failed Error: TrustFailure (A call to SSPI failed, see inner exception.) at Emby.Server.Implementations.HttpClientManager.HttpClientManager+d__18.MoveNext () [0x006b6] in <8252e50122f84f82af882c36d707f6ce>:0 --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at Emby.Server.Implementations.HttpClientManager.HttpClientManager+d__15.MoveNext () [0x001f4] in <8252e50122f84f82af882c36d707f6ce>:0 --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at MediaBrowser.Common.Updates.GithubUpdater+d__3.MoveNext () [0x000f6] in <8096af2ef9e24d15a1a7abee7f8324c0>:0 --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at Emby.Server.Implementations.ApplicationHost+d__382.MoveNext () [0x00136] in <8252e50122f84f82af882c36d707f6ce>:0 --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.SystemUpdateTask+d__11.MoveNext () [0x00086] in <8252e50122f84f82af882c36d707f6ce>:0 --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at Emby.Server.Implementations.ScheduledTasks.ScheduledTaskWorker+d__68.MoveNext () [0x00156] in <8252e50122f84f82af882c36d707f6ce>:0
  7. Hola saludos ante todo y agradecimientos por este gran trabajo de Emby. Mi problema es q desde hace alrededor de 3 dias mis Filmes y series no actualizan metadatos de internet, ya he revisado cortafuegos, puertos, en fin todo lo relacionado con mi red. Ni si quiera mi servidor es capas de detectar nuevas actualizacione dando error al comprobar. Si alguien tiene alguna idea de q esta pasando agradeceria la ayuda.Un saludo desde Cuba y nuevamente muy buen trabajo el realizado con Emby.
  8. Since updating to Version 3.0.7200.0, I have to restart the Emby Windows Service every few hours because I can no longer access it from the Internet or the LAN using https://mysite.com:8920. I can still access it via the LAN by using, without restarting the service. As soon as I restart the service, I can once again access it via the Internet and via the LAN, using https://mysite.com:8920, for a few hours. I never experienced this issue until the last update.
  9. wolfgang

    Server access

    Hi, I really could need some help.. I'm hosting a website on my very own server (debian latest). Bought a domain from noip.com, so I can also setup subdomains. For those I also got valid ssl certificates. My self-hosted wordpress site works well this way. Now I want to have access to Emby from "outside". https://blabla.com:8920 gives me NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID, most likely because I use my own certificate which doesn't cooperate with Emby!? https://emby.blabla.com would be nice, but how do I do that? Only got subdomains working with Apache. Also it wouldn't solve my problem, right? Trying to use my own certificate in Emby results in "ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED". Unencrypted http works fine, but obviously I want to avoid that. So, what can I do?
  10. I live in a rural area with no internet access via broadband. I'm seeking a media manager for an HTPC on LAN that doesn't need internet access to work. I can tether my phone to grab metadata when I add movies but needs to function without it. I will only use to movies and music. thanks....
  11. M_L

    Limited Bandwith

    Hello @all, I have an Upload speed of 6mbps but Emby only uses 4mbps no matter what transcoding and playback settings I choose. So, I tried a lot, including VPN access to the LAN, prioritisation of process and traffic but nothing worked so far. The google chrome browser is the culprit, it uses only half of the available bandwith of the media browser server! When using firefox it uses the whole bandwidth and so I have no annoying stuttering anymore. Anyone here who had the same problem? Thanks @EmbyTeam - You are the best!
  12. I really need some help here. Every time I start plex so that it starts up in the system tray my internet gets shut off for all other devices except for the media server. I've also tested this with other media server programs (media browser) and they seem to have the same problem. So it's not necessarily a problem with plex, but hopefully someone here knows how to help me. I'm streaming my plex server from a windows pc laptop to a roku 3 with the plex app. I'm using a linksys router. That's probably not enough specifics, but if you need more just ask. I've been scrounging around a lot and I can't seem to find anyone else with a problem like this. Maybe I just don't know the right terms to search for though.
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