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Found 9 results

  1. I would love to have the ability to swipe all the way to the left or right, when browsing a library, to then have the option to skip/scroll by letter. Basically, what you can do in Plex. I have a large library and it takes far too long if I want to scroll through them to find a segment of content. Edit: Okay...so apparently it already doesn't something similar. A long series of dots appeared on the right side of my library and allowed me to scroll very quickly. I'm having trouble getting it to consistently appear though.
  2. My Apple TV shows media that is in progress in the top shelf when i have the Emby app in focus. In the attached screenshot, this the Return of the King and the Two Towers. I finished these movies weeks ago. Is this a bug? Any way to force a refresh?
  3. Sofasogud

    Mark Played Icon

    Hi, I’ve been using Emby for about a month now and love it since moving from Plex. Plex is more polished I’m not going to lie but Emby is built around its users and I’d rather my monthly subscription go somewhere I know it’ll be well spent. Hopefully with some fresh eyes on the apps I use, (which are already really great looking) I can add some request to how it can be polished. So with that, my first request would be about the ‘mark played’ button you get when you are on a film or a tv season or episode. Across the iOS and tvOS, UI you get the green tick to show its watched, or a green circle with a number to show the number of episodes you’ve got left to watch. If you select a season or film, you have a mark played button. If you want to mark it as played on iOS you get a red tick, (why red?) and in tvOS you don’t get an indication that anything has happened until you move off the ‘mark watched’ button to see that it’s red. I’d suggest this be inline with the rest of the UI and be a bold green tick either for the icon (if that’s possible) or the text for the icon alternates between ‘mark all as played’ if there are episodes unwatched, or ‘mark all as unplayed’ if everything has been watched. With the latter suggestion, the indication would then be on a green tick icon on the tv or movie poster. Thanks again for the awesome work you guys are doing. Loving Emby life so far!
  4. Hi, I have my Apple TV HD set to play Dolby Digital 5.1, and am trying to play media ripped from DVD into mkv h264 ac3. It is playing back as PCM. I have tried playing Dolby content from the Apple TV+ app, and it works fine. I believe this to be an issue with the Emby Theatre app. I am aware that mp4, mov and m4v are natively supported by the Apple TV. Emby Server is direct streaming to mp4 from what I can see. ffmpeg-directstream-b9a0b094-32e1-4d53-997b-8328c1cd5e67_1.txt
  5. Using Emby Windows Server, connecting to a Google Team (Shared) Drive, using RaiDrive (also tried NetDrive). Everything works pretty good except when trying to resume play (like at minute 20 or something like that) from iOS or tvOS (latest stable versions), it take like 4 sec to resume from android/fire tv, but it takes like 25secs from iOS or tvOS. Starting a show from the beginning takes 2-4secs. Not sure what could be causing this. I attached logs maybe they provide more details. In the logs I played the same media in iOS (taking a very long time to start) and then fire tv taking 4secs. emby.log
  6. Hi, I think there is an across-the-board change that needs to be with all Emby player apps. 1) Remove codec and channel layout info from Audio Language drop downs, only display the Language 2) Display Video and Audio codec info (including definition, channel layout and resolution) in a similar fashion to parental rating/closed captions mark. 3) Offer a setting (probably in Display settings) to display Media Info as icons (like CoverArt does) instead.
  7. Hi, I would like the Latest TV logic to be improved to only show tv series which are continuing, not ended. To vote for this, please like this post.
  8. Hi, With the progression of Emby I am surprised there is still no function to set a TV series as currently being watched/followed. This is a much needed function. This would also tie in with the watched function, so only unwatched items from series currently being watched would appear in Next Up. To vote for this feature, please like/upvote this post.
  9. This is a duplicate issue in another forum post, but nobody has been posting anything in that thread: http://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/32876-kodi-crashes-when-playing-from-home-screen-widgets/ Basically, when trying to view a Movie or TV show from a home screen widget, such as Movies, or TV Shows, Kodi crashes immediately. However, if I go into the Movies or TV Shows menu, I can play content just fine from the Emby back end. This only seems to happen on the home screen, and it does not matter what Skin is being used. I've experienced this with Kodi 17, 16.1, and 16. Kodi 15.2 does not seem to have this problem. This will happen consistently on both tvOS and iOS devices. I've sideloaded Kodi on several iPhone 6/6 Plus and Apple TV 4's, and all display the same behavior. I've attached my logs just in case they may be helpful in any way. kodi.log kodi.old.log
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