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  1. Past hour
  2. AthielD

    Emby Connect/server issue

    I have been trying to figure out why my server wasn't accessible externally, and during the process, found that the emby connect log in didn't work anymore either, so I was trying to figure THAT out, and when I looked at the users, the Emby connect account wasn't shown in my user profile. So, I went to add that, and get an error that says "The Emby Connect user is already linked to another user on this server", however, I don't HAVE any other users, so I'm very confused. So first question: Can I find what account on the server my emby connect account is associated with, and then second (may need to open a new thread for this) can someone please help me figure out why external access, including Emby Connect stopped working? As far as I can recall, I haven't made any changes to the server between when it did it work and when it stopped, but maybe a Windows update broke something. I could always reinstall the server software but every time I do, I have to spend days fixing movie/TV/album labels.
  3. vincen

    Emby Q&A Answers Part One

    That concerns me because IT history is full of companies or projects that suddenly died or got sold at a commercial company because the owner(s) of it decided he wanted to get max of money of it ! I don't say it'll happen at Emby but risk is far of insignifiant all the more without knowing who are the owners
  4. Hi there, In this tutorial, you'll learn how to set up a RAM disk space on your Synology NAS. Start by following the instructions provided in this guide: Creating a RAM Disk on Synology NAS (translated into English). Once the RAM disk is created, proceed to configure Emby. Set the transcoding path in Emby to use the newly created RAM disk for optimal performance. A. To create two folders on your NAS, follow these steps: NAS Folder Creation: Choose a location where you want to create the folders. For example, you can create them under /volume1/docker/ramdisk and /volume1/docker/ramdisk-local. Folder Creation Process: Access the file system of your NAS. Create a new folder named ramdisk within the /volume1/docker directory. Similarly, create another new folder named ramdisk-local within the same /volume1/docker directory. You have the flexibility to choose any suitable location for these folders based on your NAS setup and preferences. B. Mount Ram Drive at system start Create a new schedule with user root and run at system start #!/bin/sh # Mounting a tmpfs filesystem mount -t tmpfs -o size=20% tmpfs /volume1/docker/ramdisk # Sleep to ensure the mount has time to complete sleep 1 # Synchronize contents from the local ramdisk to the mounted ramdisk rsync -ahW --no-compress /volume1/docker/ramdisk-local/ /volume1/docker/ramdisk/ #Grant access and ownership to user emby chown -R emby: /volume1/docker/ramdisk/ chmod -R u+rw /volume1/docker/ramdisk/ Steps Explaination: Mount Folder and Allocate RAM: Begin by mounting the folder and allocating 20% of your current RAM to the new RAM drive. Copy Contents from ramdisk-local to ramdisk: Next, copy the contents from the ramdisk-local folder to the ramdisk folder. Grant Access to Emby System User: Finally, ensure that the Emby system user has appropriate access to the RAM disk. After creating the new schedule, execute it to mount the folder with the new RAM drive. These steps will help you set up and utilize the RAM disk effectively, ensuring that the Emby system user can utilize it for optimized performance. C. Create new schedule with user root in order to copy ramdisk to ramdisk-local every minute #!/bin/sh # run me as a scheduled task every minute as the same use the files belong to rsync -ahW --no-compress --delete /volume1/docker/ramdisk/ /volume1/docker/ramdisk-local/ D Add setting Ram Disk path on Emby - Transcoding Emby Menu -> Transcoding -> Transcoding temporary path -> /volume1/docker/ramdisk/ Press Save. Thank you
  5. rbjtech

    Firestick Lite transcoding HEVC

  6. Kal_El

    Doublon de Films

    Oui il s'affiche aussi. Ci joins la capture.
  7. @Luke- Hi - so are we any closer to Home Screen Smart rows/libraries/channels - based on smartlists ? I halted my own efforts to get this 'working' (hacked) but stopped as you advised it was something you were hopefully working on back in August of last year post the 4.8 release... Its now 9 months later - 4.8 has been and gone - Is it even on the cards ? If not, then I'll carry on with my own 'hack' (and now wish I had just carried on with it..) as my own users are now fed up waiting for this essential missing feature ...
  8. Frame dropping occurs no matter what selections I make for renderer and acceleration. Could the graphics card be an issue? It started to do this completely out of the blue. What’s the solution if hardware acceleration is failing?
  9. vincen

    Scan in loop !

    Yeah but no I prefer to keep it this way as it works quite well and easier than to have to trigger manually scans all the time
  10. The new version you posted This works for me. Is it possible to filter out xxx videos?
  11. Now I had reset the age rating in emby for various user accounts to “Highest permitted age rating” – De-18/FSK-18. It still shows me the films that it didn't show me last time. That's why unfortunately I can't send you any screenshots or give you any titles. However, with some other titles it is still the case that they are not displayed to me at all if they were recognized with the correct broadcast data. I had already uploaded examples and screenshots.
  12. Today
  13. smoon

    Please update the Emby for Apple TV app

    Hello I want to highlight two iussues whith the actual App (1.8.8) for Apple TV: This one is somewhat annoying as you cannot jump to a specific letter within your library if you are looking for a special movie or series I want to watch. Just so, I have more than 3400 Titles in my Anime library and it is really annoying to scroll forever to get to a specific letter. Please be so kind and add the letter secionts on the left or right side to make it easier to jump within a library! Well, this one is really annoying! This happens always when I sort the library i.E. with "Premiered" or "Added on" or "Last added episode". The app does not show ALL titles within a library, mostly only 1/4 of the titles. Thats not good and should be changed asap. Also there are some things for the settings which are missing: Please add the setting to change how many seconds you want to jump forward or backwards wenn scrolling while playing. At the moment you can jump only 10 seconds forward or backwards. This should be possible to change within the settings. smoon
  14. Locutus64

    Emby FILM CLUB

    No one cares about critic rating who has any real intelligence. Dune 1984 and Dune Part I don't even compare. As I said I'm hoping that once I watch Part II it will make up for Part I.
  15. JoeAverage92

    Smart Playlists

    Please please please !
  16. Bobby121418

    Issue with

    Ok, thanks, I think I will wait until it appears in the store.
  17. rbjtech

    Need help opening ports on router

    It may also be worth forcing emby to bind to just the .52 address (ethernet?) - set that in the emby network config. Then restart emby. As I said previously, I think the port forward is working just fine (or canyouseeme would not report open) but something is changing/blocking. Could be your ISP blocking but unlikely, your WAN IP may change, but it should generally only change during a router restart, it shouldn't change if you have existing connections.
  18. sa2000

    Need help opening ports on router

    Just adding info about CGNAT - A CGNAT Public IP Address is in this range – If the PC has both wifi and ethernet enabled and two different IP Addresses, best to do the troubleshooting with one of these network adapters disabled so either wifi or ethernet And of course the IP Address needs to be static / dhcp reservation in the router and the correct settings would be as advised here Alternative wan public ports could be tried - forwarding to local server ports 8096 and 8920 and specifying the alternative ports in the emby settings Other potential problem areas would be Double NAT - if there is a router in addition to the ISP modem/router, in such cases the problem can be circumvented by giving the second router a static ip address setup as dhcp reservation in the first modem/router and cascading the public port from the first modem/router to the second router with port forwards on the first modem router. A Double NAT can be detected if the router (2nd device) has a wan IP address that is local (provided by the first router)
  19. Dickydodah!

    Emby Sweeper

    I have noticed that on occassion Emby misses that the season has ended. Doesn't make sense why. I thought it was an anomally on my system as I had been messing about with it a fair bit last time I noticed. I'll keep an eye on it and report as a bug in the main forum if it happens again. I hadn't delved into the full details of the batch command or the Emby API so I was just putting my thoughts down as I guessed you would be able to shed some light It looks like it's too complex for such a simple result so I reckon I'll continue using Sonarr to delete the last episode or maybe get into the habit of manually deleting the series finale as I finish watching it, neither of which are really that arduous
  20. lionn1

    AV1 Playback on macOS app

    Hi there, I just want to add my 2p here, I can very much guarantee that anyone with mac has this issue especially with AV1. With any AV1 file, it will direct play but only with a black video stream and audio working fine. If you transcode it at 720p 4mbps, then the video will output fine (if you transcode it at 1080p any bitrate, it won't have video at all, as far as I have tested) This is still happening and it's not ideal to change every av1 stream's quality *down* when AV1's quality is superb and great on filesize (would be nice to utilise it!) Weirdly enough! On Safari, if you play it, it won't direct play however it will have a working transcode at 1080p 8mbps (the app does not, it prefers 720p 4mbps) Let me know if there's anything you need me to provide.
  21. KizunerE

    Some .ass subtitles display incorrectly.

    Sorry, I'm not quite sure what should be replaced because the boxes in the .ass file are normal characters.
  22. imortal088

    Pre-Buffer Setting

    Hello, is there a way to set an Pre-Buffer for streaming? like Amazon,... My problem is: some of my clients have micro stutter BR
  23. Jey2024

    Subtitle offset not working in latest release

    My version is 3.3.77. I have 3 different media files and with SRT i can replicate the issue. See the attachment. When I select the last option it won't let me change the offset time.
  24. sa2000

    Metadata never stop grow after restart Emby

    Can you not identify the directory below which the files are being added ? Lots of examples if you do web search for how to get list of files For example - from one web page, you can adapt one of the suggested commands to : in linux shell session, cd to the top directory where the files / folders are being created after the restrat and type in a command like this find $1 -type f -print0 | xargs -0 stat --format '%Y :%y %n' | sort -nr | cut -d: -f2- > filelist.txt This would produce in file filelist.txt a directory list of all files sorted by last date/time recursively starting with the current directory. (Adapted this from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5566310/how-to-recursively-find-and-list-the-latest-modified-files-in-a-directory-with-s_ See also this for providing logs to be captured at the time of the metadata growth.
  25. Luke

    Subtitle offset not working in latest release

    We'll try to chase it down, but just from some quick testing on a Pixel it seems to be working OK.
  26. darkside40

    Telegram Notifications Plugin

    Wrong Thread?
  27. seashell

    embyforkodi (next-gen) 10.X.X support

    Ok, I'll try to look at it tomorrow, but it maybe a challenging day. But really just do the locks like I did. Don't worry about the cases that don't overlap. If done right the time the locks are held is so short it won't be noticeable using it in every call. Again the only BIG one is the clean the cache search 100MB. That might need a special case lock of its own or something.
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