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Found 8 results

  1. Hey team, I was trying to use android debug bridge with home assistant to get the state of Emby if its currently playing media or not so that my lights can react to the play/pause status, it seems the ADB Bridge integration for home assistant is somewhat broken. I did end up finding another app which seemed to work much better: https://github.com/cbeyls/MediaSession2MQTT It seems to work with 90% of the apps I use on my Android TV as they all seem to use the MediaSession thing thats built into Android https://developer.android.com/media/media3 I'm not sure what's involved with integrating this library but is there any chance that it could use that within Emby too so we can properly detect the playing/idle/paused status via the MediaSession attribute thanks!
  2. Hello! Excuse my bad English. I want to create a button on my dashboard that launches a specific video or playlist on my TV (Shield TV) Anyone know how to do this? is it even possible? Help would really be appreciated! // Marcus, sweden
  3. jriker1

    Home Assistant 0.104

    Not sure who manages the Emby plugin for Home Assistant but after the latest Home Assistant update it no longer works, just shows: Note I did find the working one but there are multiple of these unavailable entities that weren't there before including The second one I couldn't get this forum to take the image but says emby emby mobile chrome Unavailable Nevermind, these entities weren't here before but seem to be here the latest version. Apparently one functions when Edge is playing a video from Emby, one from Chrome and one from the XBox.
  4. danielandrada

    how expose live tv channels in library??

    im using emby nas in home assistant. i can see the content of the local library however i want make some automations with live tv content of the emby server how i can do this only by hard code with emby API?? please help me!!!
  5. I have some automations in home assistant and one of them is one turns the lights off when we are watching a movie, turns on some dimm lights when pause and turns on all lights at stop. So this is the request: A way to recognize the end credits on the movies and to report what chapter is playing to homeassistant. That way an automation can be triggered when the end credits scene is playing, like turn on dimm lights. I'm aware that it appears to be 2 request in one, but really only chapter reporting is the one needed, end credit detection could be a nice to have thing. To do the first is needed to recognize the end credits for the movies, for this the new intro detect feature could be used (i already voted up the FR for end credits detection). But as i said before this feature is not that needed since most of the movies well ripped already have a chapter marker for the credits scene although most of the time they don't have the title "EndCredits" only the time marker for the chapter, but that's easy to fix editing the chapters. However the real feature request here is for emby to report what chapter is playing that could be via a new WebHook event or to make emby to report what chapter is currently playing as an attribute on Home Assistant. Currently there is so much attributes passed on to HomeAssisant so i hope that adding current chapter is not that difficult to add. (i added a little mockup to illustrate what i'm referring to)
  6. When connecting to Emby server with Home Assistant I get 2 errors... Unable to register emby client. 17:48:55 – (ERROR) /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyemby/server.py Error fetching Emby data: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer 17:48:55 – (ERROR) /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyemby/server.py The integration is setup as per the Home Assistant documentation.. # Emby Server media_player: - platform: emby host: api_key: 6933************************5d6b Home assistant is able to ping Emby server which is running in a docker container on Unraid. Emby server can ping Home assistant with IP or hostname. Has anybody experienced any similar errors or knows of a fix?
  7. luundblad

    Home assistant & Emby integration

    Hi !, I am using this integration for emby in homeassistant atm. https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/emby/ The bad thing is that it adds every media player / web browser / chromecast, that has been used to play media from emby as a new media player entity. So now I have 60 media players in home assistant. although I only have 5 users on my server. Can I somehow add a media player myself or disable auto add of new players? Or remove the integration completely and use the API instead of just getting the media player I want? Then I just need to watch my shield tv, if yes, HOW? Must be alot of Home Assistant users here
  8. jasonwilliams

    Home Assistant

    Hello, I see there is a integration to control Emby from HA and I'm wondering if anybody would consider writing a plugin to control HA from Emby.
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