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  1. In Emby Home Theater, I clicked on "Delete Media" thinking it would delete the episode that I just finished watching. Instead, it apparently had the whole series selected so the episode that was there that I didn't see is now gone in addition to the episode I had just watched. It's way too easy to delete more than intended so I'd recommend adding a setting, and making it default, that series are not removable unless the series is currently empty. If you disable this series protection setting, then you can freely delete series and all episodes.
  2. I searched but didn't see where this may have been submitted previously. When setting up the option to record (or schedule to record) from Live TV, it would be nice to have the ability to select source formats of standard definition or high definition. Currently my TV provider offers multiple channels of one local station. Two channels may be in SD format and one channel in HD format. Recording a series often yields three copies a recording. The ability to select source format can help reduce the number of duplicate recordings and ensure only the HD or SD versions of a show are recorded according to viewing taste. (Yes, the option to record from a particular channel can be used but there are issues that arise when the HD channel has different programming than the SD channel or the HD channel offers both HD and SD versions.)
  3. We were able to identify 3 out of 4 agriculture/business/news programs that always say "repeat" so any series set up to record them never will even though they're new daily or weekly. I'm not entirely sure what makes that distinction but, here's the programs and their genre: AgDay Newsmagazine This Week in AgriBusiness Bus./financial / Agriculture Agweek TV Public affairs As far as I know, these episodes are always new. They're like local news broadcasts...but specialized.
  4. RedStripe

    LiveTV series

    What is the purpose/use of the "SERIES" button on the LiveTV page. I've searched and cannot find any info. Thanks
  5. I've added a zipped log file that I believe contains relevant information to the problem. server-63598003200.zip I am using my HDHomerun Prime tuners to record TV shows. I tried the work-in-progress HDHomerun DVR but was not happy with it, so I'm continuing to schedule and record shows using the Emby Guide and built-in recording capabilities. I'm using Windows 10 and all my media files and artwork are stored on a large external drive (local – not NAS). I have created a folder (Named HDHomerunDVR) on the drive and set it up in the Emby Server Library as the root folder for my scheduled recorded TV content. Normally, this works as expected, especially when recording a single TV show. However, sometimes – (frequently) when I set up a TV series to record new episodes, Emby creates a path K:\HDHomerunDVR\Series\. Within that path, it adds show named "Batman: The Animated Series," and then adds another folder with the correct name for the show I'm recording. In the attached image, the actual show I recorded is Limitless, and it obviously has absolutely nothing to do with Batman: The Animated Series. (I have no interest in an animated Batman series and have no idea why this is happening.) In addition to placing the show in this Series path on the hard drive, Emby is also putting another copy of the show in the expected location, which is K:\HDHomerunDVR\Limitless. All of the correct metadata is in the folder, together with the mp4 recording of the show. So... I end up with the recorded show that I wanted. However, when I look for it on Emby Server, things get confusing. The correct thumbnail for the show appears under the Latest tab, but show also appears as a thumbnail with the mysterious Batman folder artwork. I can manually verify that there are indeed two copies of the recorded show, delete the unwanted copy from the Batman folder, delete the Series folder, rescan my media library, and the problem is TEMPORARILY fixed. However, having to do this manually almost every day is a little much. I haven't included any log files as yet. I have no idea where to look in the logs for this particular problem because the actual recording process is completing normally. Any help with getting rid of this annoyance would be appreciated.
  6. Sleerts

    Recordings not scheduling

    Currently running beta with auto-update with auto-install enabled. I'm running Windows 10 and haven't had any issues until last night. Last night The Walking Dead(Series) and The Talking Dead(Series) didn't record. I checked the scheduled recordings this morning and noticed that I only have scheduled recordings for March 17th. I know Tosh.0 is on tomorrow and should be scheduled to record, even checked it in the guide and it shows as new during the time it should record; There's other shows that should be recording as well and aren't scheduled, for sake of ease and to confirm issues I picked only that show. I tried refreshing the guide, cleaning database, all the scheduled tasks, then restarting the server with no change. I then rebooted the PC and re-tried those tasks with no change so that's when I went into the logs. I'm currently on build 3.0.5903.0, while looking through the logs I noticed Emby is installed in the appdata folder: 2016-03-14 05:15:06.5941 Info Main: Emby Command line: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\System\MediaBrowser.ServerApplication.exe Operating system: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0 Processor count: 8 64-Bit OS: True 64-Bit Process: True Program data path: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server Application Path: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\System\MediaBrowser.ServerApplication.exe I understand that Emby installs to this location, but in my experience programs installed in this location will develop odd issues that cannot be replicated nor corrected. I'm wondering if that's the issue here or something with the Emby build. Re-installing stable version, restoring server settings, will report findings. Logs attached. Logs.zip
  7. I've found a couple of series that have been misidentified, and have all the wrong details, season, episodes, etc (i have missing/unaired turned on) I've managed to reidentify a series and the main page now reads correctly, and the single season it has shows up... But i'm left with all the clutter from the misidentified series, including episodes in the first season where the misidentified series simply had more episodes... Plus all the extra seasons, etc.... What's the best way to deal with this? Is there a way of deleting the whole tree of metadata for this misidentified season so that it can then fill with only the new, correct data?
  8. Hi I've just conformed my entire library of specials for Top Gear and Doctor Who, and doing so entailed giving them special-episode-numbers, like S00E84, and putting them in a folder named "Season 0". Now, though, my specials-folders contains a lot of specials, and they all have their bogus episode number (e.g. S0 E84) prepended to their title, which makes it really irritating to look through in the clients. That number doesn't really tell me anything, just the order, and they're already shown in the right order. They're especially irritating, because I've had to change episode numbers for Doctor Who specials (after retrieving information and locking them), to place them correctly in the story arc (for Doctor Who I've enabled "Display specials within seasons they aired in"), because the TVDB special-information doesn't always follow the story arc, but sometimes just the airdates, and some of it is even dead wrong, and so, the numbers are reduced to mere clutter. TL;DR I'd like to be able to tick off a display setting for a season- or series-folder, which would toggle season and episode-numbers in the titles of their content-items (not the folders themselves, obviously, just the episodes). It COULD just be for the Specials-folders, if a general season/series-folder implementation is too huge a deal. Sincerely, Ultroman
  9. ElLoboSolitario

    Actor Data Incomplete

    One of the cool features of Emby is being able to click on an actor and see what other movies/series/episodes that he/she has appeared in. For some reason, this feature doesn't always deliver EVERY instance of titles available within a user's collection that apply. As an example, Wanderlust, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and Wet Hot American Summer:First Day of Camp all feature Joe Lo Truglio, but he only appears as a credited actor in Wet Hot American Summer. Anybody have any ideas what would cause this oversight??
  10. first, I have looked for this for some time and have not been able to find an answer. Now then, I am a Plex user and have been since 2010. I like the latest Emby build and am running it alongside to get a feel for it and see if I want to switch over. I became a supporter to ensure I got the full functionality. However, I seem to be having a tough time on the web interface. I saw some posts online about users creating "smart views" which allowed them to have filtered views built and setup so they were always readily available without having to do it every time and I could not seem to find any documentation on it or see any option in the server or client interface to set it up. Is this possible or could it be a custom code they ran to create it? The other problem is the suggestions view. I see people talking about movies or series being suggested by the server based on what they have watched. My suggestions tab however only shows any resumable item and latest items added. I do not get any option of "because you watched..." or based on genre or anything like that. Is there a special feature or third party add-on that enables this function? This is where I am stuck now and these features seemed amazing and what drew me to Emby. Please let me know if this is possible. Thanks in advance. ** I deleted all the files and reinstalled the server and went to the dev build. I noticed after the reinstall that suggestions was working and presenting different options, however, as soon as I restarted the server, they all went away and now again just shows the latest media.
  11. I've run into a problem with the metadata that is stored in the individual TV Series files - every single one of them is just a blank XML. Checking timestamps, all of the files were last modified on June 12th (about 3 weeks ago), but I cannot confirm that the files had any content at that time. The last time I actually looked them was 2 months ago when I last tried to organize my newly recorded TV episodes. They were definitely not blank at that time. I don't remember specifically changing anything at that time that would have forced a refresh of the metadata. The individual episode XML files are fine, as are the xml files for my movies. It is just the TV Series that are affected. This has not affected the functionality of MBC, Theater, the Roku app, or the Android app. All have shown the appropriate metadata for every TV Series, however, my script that helps me sort and organize the metadata relies on that file to identify the series id's, so I'm wondering if there is a simply way to fix it for every TV. I did manage to find a workaround to force it to update by deleting the empty Series.xml and manually refreshing the metadata from the Metadata Manager (this doesn't work if I don't delete the existing empty series.xml first), but I'm hoping there is a better fix. Is there a setting or it there something else. Given the fact that the metadata is cached somewhere (since all of the Apps & the metadata manager still showed the correct metadata), is relying on the individual XML files a mistake?
  12. Hello, Can somebody advise me of any websites where I can get ratings, airdate and network information for TV series in Australia (not specifically Australian TV series)?
  13. I've looked through the forums, but cannot find anyone else mentioning this, so forgive me if it's already been answered. In my Season folders, I have "series.xml" which gives the overview for that season. For example: TV Shows\Charmed\Season 1\series.xml.... in MB2, this use to show an overview of the Season that is selected\highlighted\got focus.... Now, in MB3, it just shows the list of episodes. It's completely ignoring the "series.xml" file in each season.... I currently have 75+ TV Shows, with many seasons inside those shows. Is this not possible anymore? If not can it be requested in a future build? Thank you for your help.
  14. i have 2 drives with tv shows (mom, dad). there are some shows that both of us watch. is there any way to add individual series to a library? thanks.
  15. I'm on Server Version 3.0.5395.0, I have multiple users configured to browse live tv, but not manage recordings. If those users are signed in they can click recordings and scheduled and nothing comes up as expected but if they click series then can see all scheduled recorded series and remove them.
  16. "Twin Peaks," the most important fictional television series ever, has been released in a spectacular blu-ray boxset. As I'm porting the disc contents to my server, I'm wondering how I might get all of this stuff organized sensibly. I'd like for the movie "Fire Walk with Me" to show up in my "Television" collection, within the "Twin Peaks" series, perhaps as s03e01. I'd like to include many of the supplemental features (e.g. "The Missing Pieces" and "Between Two Worlds") within the series, probably as s00eXX. Do any of you have ideas on how such things may be done?
  17. g6boi

    Folder Structure issue

    So here is my issue. I have had the same folder structure for years on my tv series. A couple weeks ago I would assume after the most recent server update. My series seasons were all in one folder and not split by season. My folder structure is set up to have several different types of tv series split, (IE. Current Series, Ended Series, Web Series, etc) My folder structure was Series/Ended Series/Show/Season/Show S01E01. This worked awesome keeping a submenu of my series types within my series folder. Now this has created an issue. Can we bring this ability back? I really don't want to have to scroll through 150 different shows to find what I want when I knew where everything was in the submenu.
  18. Re-requesting this here so it doesn't get lost: I would like to request the ability to selectively exclude series from the missing episodes list. I have some documentary series, like Nova and Horizon that have YEARS of missing episodes. I'd rather not have them displayed in the list along with everything else. Is there a way to do this? Or will there be soon? Thanks!
  19. I've done a little testing so I think the answer to this question is "Yes" but I want to be sure before I change my backdrops around. When browsing a TV "Season" (not the series level), does MB3 use the backdrops from the Series folder if there are no backdrops in the Season folder? If so, then I assume if I put just one backdrop in the Season folder it will only display that one or will it cycle through the ones in the Series folder too? (I have not tested this out...guess I can give that a shot). Thanks.
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