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  2. You should be able to remote control it using the cast button in the app from another device.
  3. Lessaj

    Android App Connect Issues

    Did you try the third bullet point? Your browser might be redirecting you to https.
  4. I have Emby on my Nordic Track where I watch music videos. Oddly enough if I skip enough songs via the next arrow on the touch screen on the Emby app, it seems to cross wires with the incline of my treadmill effectively resetting the incline to 0 and stops nullifies the incline control until reboot. So I figure if I could remotely skip the song via my iphone and not touching the touchscreen, perhaps it won't jam the incline controls. Is there a remote control via iphone app or something? I have used the treadmill without Emby and the incline works just fine. Thanks for any assistance.
  5. Hi, you could compare the contents of the mediaitems tables of both databases.
  6. Luke

    WebOS23 and DTS

    Yes it does.
  7. Is this still not available ?? omg how many thousands of people need to ask before it gets done ? people started asking in 2019 !
  8. Jey2024

    New Plugin: Emby.Notification.Slack

    Thank you. That would be amazing
  9. rochambeaux

    Android App Connect Issues

  10. Hi, using our standard Android app, can you temporarily enable app logging and provide a log from the app? Thanks.
  11. Today
  12. Luke

    Long Library Scans

    Hi there, let’s look at an example: How to Report a Problem Thanks.
  13. Luke

    Android App Connect Issues

    Hi, did you try this?
  14. Luke

    New Plugin: Emby.Notification.Slack

    Hi, yes we can look at adding more data to it. Thanks.
  15. Hi. Can you try searching for our standard android app (Just "Emby" on Amazon and "Emby for Android on Google) on the same device's app store and see how that compares? Thanks.
  16. Luke

    Can't find images for music

    Can you please provide an example? How to Report a Problem Thanks .
  17. crabgg

    PGSSUB Subtitle Position Error

    原来不单单4.8有问题,4.9也有问题,而且是大家都有问题。 不单单PGS字幕有问题,emby对ASS字幕的支持也很差。 之前也提交过问题,根本没解决。楼下的人提到字幕烧录的功能,我在整个emby里都没找到,jellyfin到是有这个功能,可以比较好的解决ASS字幕的问题。
  18. Hyy2001X

    PGSSUB Subtitle Position Error

    Subtitle issue still exists in 4.9.0.x
  19. RanmaCanada

    ASS subtitle problem in AV1 file

    I thought we already discussed this and it is the fact that what you are trying to do is not supported in the standard. I love it when people continue to think they know more than the people helping them.. Can we just close this discussion as OP has deleted their previous thread where we already answered this?
  20. chouyee

    PGSSUB Subtitle Position Error

    Follow up until the problem is resolved.
  21. RanmaCanada

    Dolby Vision

    If you want to use Emby on an Apple TV, you NEED to buy Infuse, period. The dev team have been fighting with the Apple TV since its inception, and they have been losing the battle. Either use Infuse, or dump the device altogether as Apple TV is a horrible device if you intend to do anything outside of their ecosystem.
  22. Follow up until the problem is resolved.
  23. hoopsdavis

    Movie, TV show and Collection layout

    Hi Luke, have you considered my request to have the option of showing all movies in the "Suggestions" layout format? I understand some may not like seeing their full movie library in this format but for me its much better than the library view we currently have. Isn't it time to provide options? Others who don't like it can view their movie library in the original format. Please! Also, where are we on the terrible trailers format. As mentioned with this bing included in the paid Premiere service, can we please get a fix on this. Watching movies with family and the trailers are very unviewable is a bit crappy and please don't provide the option of turning off trailers when its part of the paid service. Has any progress been made? Anything the users can do you help test of research? If so just provide what research is needed and I'll take initiative to get some results to help.
  24. rochambeaux

    Android App Connect Issues

    Interesting. I can log in here but if I try the same credentials for the Android App it doesn't work
  25. Chillout

    Long Library Scans

    My library refresh scans have gone from 2-min to 18-min after adding 20,000 .strm's. Is this just the new norm or is there something wrong? The original library was around 3,000 of live m3u and .strm files. The library scan took around 2-min. After adding 20k movie .strm's and a painful 24hr library scan I figured things would get back to normal but seems each scan with no new media is taking quite a bit longer. I went through the library to manually identify/fix files that were missing metadata so everything should be clean...
  26. theoracle39

    Can't find images for music

    The primary image of my music albums.
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