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  1. DaviesJones

    Storage Config Question

    I've posted this question everywhere and can't seem to get a single response or any information. I understand that Google exists, but I just prefer the knowledge of first hand experience rather than articles and Youtube videos using random hardware.. Current Config: Dell Optiplex 3060 (i5-9500T) - Emby & .arr Host QNAP TS-253A NAS - Media Storage via Mapped Network Drive I'm in the market for a storage upgrade, and wanted to get an idea of what my best options are config-wise for this specific matter. My NAS is operating fine and is an efficient little system, but I am concerned about longevity and data stability considering it's age, so I would rather utilize it for less important files and whatnot. *I do not have room for a big rack setup, or anything larger than a 2 - 4 bay enclosure.* My setup exists in a small closet off the master bedroom, I have a 2.5 year old as well as my wife's cats, so I can't relocate the system or make it excessively large. (A rack mount is definitely a future plan, but for now, I just need something compact and stable that can accommodate my ever expanding library) Quick glances at Amazon have lead me to consider either this Mediasonic USB 3.2 4 Bay or this Yottamaster 4 Bay (maybe even this?), but I am curious if anybody here has experience with these devices, or if you would have a better suggestion. I plan on snagging three 8tb HDD's to put inside of it (alongside one that I already own). My other struggle is with deciding how I want to configure the storage options of the drives themselves, as there are several avenues I could take for this. (RAID, Storage Pool, etc.) So, in the DUMBEST way possible, can somebody break down the big distinctions between RAID, and utilizing the Storage Spaces tool in Windows to create a storage pool, and also decipher which option would be best for long term use and stability? My preferences are few as far as the storage operation itself, and is pretty much: - I want all of the drives to behave as one, and not have to navigate several drives to organize my files (movies, shows, etc.) - In the event that one drive should fail, I would not lose all of my data. Thanks!
  2. Please consider adding Integration for multi cloud storage providers. Why i think this could be very valuable.for many reasons: Now we can buy Lifetime cloud storage space. Pcloud is the best known, but there are other cloud providers which we can buy lifetime storage also (Icedrive, Koofr, Files.fm.........) With our internet devices becoming more and more powerful, and internet speed constantly increasing, i think streaming our files will become more convenient over time with fewer lags and increasingly speed. The security of cloud storage is now more efficient on some providers. Comparing with our local drive our files are stored in multiple servers preventing them from outage or being deleted. Why i think Cloud storage combined with emby could be valuable? We already have Emby server for Android but Android storage source is limited if i compare with some cloud providers. We could increase our storages without compromising space on our phones! plus as our phones are constantly connected to internet we will do not need for a NAS , no wires, nothing that is dependent on from our internet provider at home! In that case we will need one smartphone, one cloud storage, One emby server app to access our movies and music anywhere at home without NAS: No need also for a computer to be always on for accessing our files. Almost anyone as a smartphone already. Cloud storages are good for streaming but not as good as emby for sorting our movies and music and showing them on conveniently on TV. Please let us know if this could be considered or not. Thank you.
  3. millsaccount

    Downloads on Android not deleting

    Hi all, When I delete a file on the Emby Android app, it seems to delete from the app but when I inspected storage on settings it still showed the downloads as on my device (confirmed via DiskUsage app) and I have to clear data for Emby in order to actually delete them. Has anyone else experienced this / know how to fix this? Thanks!
  4. Hopefully it hasn't been asked, can't find anything in the docs Basically, I'm at home, I'm playing an episode on my Xbox and it shows as transcoding to h264 format. Does the transcoded file get saved in a cache on the Xbox so my server doesn't have to transcode it again or is it cached on the server or it has to transcode all over again every time my Xbox plays that same episode?
  5. Just after midnight last night I started a conversion of a large (19GB) file to convert it from H264 to HEVC. By 5pm today it was 96% complete. This evening, starting about 8pm we were watching a movie in our movies library through the HDMI output on the shield. About 10pm the shield put up a warning that storage was critically low. About 30 seconds later the video stalled. I went to the computer and tried to log into the web interface. The system returned "invalid password". I went back to the TV and did a Shield restart. It was then possible to finish the last few minutes of the movie. Returning to the computer I was able to log into the web interface and I attempted to open the dashboard (gear icon, upper right corner) in an attempt to see the status of the conversion. Instead of displaying the dashboard it displayed the user settings page. The same page it displays when I click on the user icon to the left of the gear. Clearing browser cache had no effect on the problem. I would submit a log, but there appears to be no way to do that without access to the dashboard. So we're left with 3 questions: How do I restore normal operation of the WebUI? How do I determine the free storage on the Shield? What size additional storage is reasonable to be able to convert a 20GB file and simultaneously play a file through the HDMI port? In addition to the Shield's internal storage it has 128GB USB 3.1 flash.
  6. tomzds9

    for android server

    I'm using a android box as the server. Now I got a external storage to setup, but there is no options to aquire for the permission to exteranl drive. I tried many ways such as using the ln command to create softlink, it's doesn't work. Is it possible to aquire the external storage permission when device plugin
  7. bnwbass

    Media Storage Solutions

    Hello all, Asking the Emby team and community for some advice and best practices regarding data storage of all things media. I am at the point where I have many HDD installed in two-three machines via network shares etc. Organizing, merging and long term storage is now issue that I need to address. I have supn up a new win-10 pro machine with a solid CPU and memory planned for new Emby server environment. I have build many Emby environments before so my question is focused more on how others build their systems knowing that managing large data files and associated directories is inherent to building these system. I am starting with installing (4) 8TB disks to accomodate my entire collection of media files and data. This is mixed content ( home photos, AVI, Mp4, ISO, VOB etc.) so when I move files from 10-15 HDD over to the (4) 8TB disks I will organize later. However, at this point I am considering "drive pool" by stablebit or possib MS storage space and then using something like snapRAID as backup solution. From the Emby standpoint, what is best practice and/or some products that should be included when building the most robust media server possible when it comes to disk storage configurations? Thx, Bw @@cayars
  8. I set up Jeopardy recording during the well-televised run on my Linux machine, but stopped watching it and forgot I had it set to record everything. Now my disk is totally full and I can't get my server to start up. It's been months since I've used Emby and I don't know how to access the recordings without the server or how to troubleshoot it starting up. Is there any way to just delete all of the Emby-associated files via the command line. I can't seem to find them. Any thoughts/suggestions would be greatly appreciated! My computer is essentially useless until I get this resolved... Update: I found the directory, finally and removed the show recordings using bash.
  9. drops77

    Transcoding Temp always full

    This has actually been happening for a while now. I don't usually trans-code only when i forget to unselect subtitles( Thank you for allowing use on roku to select No subtitles, which sometimes doesnt stick). I am on on ubuntu 19.04 and this also would happened on ubuntu 18 and the previous emby servers. So its not an isolated issue or regression . I have attached a screenshot of my server with no activity and my hardrive full Anyone else having this issue?
  10. maxcol

    [DS418j] Partial libraries scan

    Hello everyone, I'm asking for some help Before, I was using Emby with 1 disk installed on 1 storage pool and 1 volume (SHR). After setting up all my librairies, I did a backup with the emby plugin. Then I splited my datas on 3 different disks, on 3 different storage pools, on 3 different volumes: I did a fresh install of Emby after removing/swapping the disk where Emby package was installed at the first place. Finally I loaded the backup previously done. I created 3 shared folders, one on each volume. With read/write authorizations for embysvr package. I also created sub-folders in each share folders with the same names: Then I setup my movie library like this: My problem is that Emby is only displaying movies in the Volume 2... I did other libraries, and same problem, emby is getting only files from the second volume, from Emby-2 shared folder. I disabled IPv6 in my synology settings: I'm sorry for the size of the log attached, I think it's because I activated the debug function.. Thanks in advance for your kind help, Max. Log.txt
  11. vl1969

    a few quick questions on Emby use.

    Hi everyone. I have a home server running Proxmox VE 4.5 on ZFS the server has several ZFS pools where I store my data. i.e. custom user pools not connected to Proxmox except that the main machine hosts the disks. I want to create a VM container (LXC) where I will run Emby and other apps. Proxmox have a number of templates from TurnKey that I can use to create my container(s). I have tried the turnkey Mediaserver which is a TurnKey fileserver plus Emby. it works for the most part and works nicely but as I tried to setup additional things on it I broke the config and it has issues now so i want to rebuild it. in order to manage my existing data and media I bind-mount my data pools into container like tank0/share0 ==> mediaserver /mnt/share0 and tank1/share1 ==> mediaserver /mnt/share1 so my questions are : #1. the TKMS has Emby configured that all media folders are in "/srv/storage/ " like so @mfs /srv/storage# ls -l total 7 drwxrwxr-x 2 emby users 2 Jul 18 2017 Movies drwxrwxr-x 2 emby users 2 Jul 18 2017 Music drwxrwxr-x 2 emby users 2 Jul 18 2017 Photos -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 79 Jul 18 2017 README.txt drwxrwxr-x 2 emby users 2 Jul 18 2017 TVShows "/srv/storage/ " is the default location that is also SAMBA share and WebDav share. standard config for TK fileserver the medisserver is based on. now is it possible to move this folders into my storage? that is I have a bind-mount in /mnt/share1 that has folder media. I want to locally(within the VM) bind-mount that into "/srv/storage/media" and move all the folders inside. can I ? and How? #2. if I want to setup an NZBGet in separate VM and bind-mount the same pools there, how can I setup user NZBGet will use to run so when it downloads something it can be moved into appropriate folder and Emby will be able to see the new files and use it? permissions issue was one of the more difficult issues with this setup so far. the current config, which I moved the folders with mv command and reconfigured Emby to use the new locations, sees some movies but not one I downloaded with NZBGet or Transmission. it ignores any of my existing pictures and home videos that I copied with cp or rsynk from my local lib. not user how to set permissions on those properly. please point me to some how-to and help that will work. PS>> I already did the general search on many of the topics here and read the pin on this forum about file/folder permission. I will be setting up new container for test using that info but maybe there is something more I need/want to know. PPS>> maybe some one can chime in on the best setup for my needs as well. I want to have a basic VM server (already setup with Proxmox) that will run some special VMs. but main config is a 1. File Server 2. Emby 3. Transmission for torrents (!! I do not do much torrenting or downloads but good to have when needed ) 4. CoachPotato (again not much downloading but want to use that to automate organization of my existing collection) 5. SickRage 6. Lazy Librarian 7 Calibre Server 8. MythTV or what ever to record LiveTV in the future. I do not have the tuner now and it may never come to live but plans are plans. the question here is how to set all this apps so they will play well together nicely. should I run each in it's own LXC to which I mount-bind my storage? if yes should I / can I create/clone Emby user to all of this containers and use that to run the services? if yes How? what are my options here? thanks Vlad.
  12. Your current storage plan of 1 TB for $9.99/month will be upgraded to 2 TB at no extra cost. Your storage is still shared across Drive, Gmail, and Photos.* With Google One, get direct access to experts for help with Google products and services, invite up to 5 family members to share your storage plan, and enjoy a few extras. You don’t need to do anything. In the coming weeks, we’ll send you an email to confirm your upgrade is complete, with more details on what you can do with Google One. At that point, you’ll be billed for Google One instead of Google Drive
  13. whitestrat13

    HDHR Prime - Recording Size

    All, I am considering picking up an HDHomerun Prime to record and watch my cable TV channels. I don't have any Premium channels (HBO ect), but I do get up early and I can never watch most of the shows I like before having to go to bed. I am trying to figure out how much hard drive space I will need. For those using Emby TV with an HD Homerun Prime (or connect), roughly how large is an hour long HD recording? Thanks, and Happy New Years.
  14. Hi Community - There are several threads related to sophisticated storage systems here so I was hoping someone might have some suggestions for my simple configuration problem to shorten my troubleshooting time. Travel and moving for the last few months dictates that I use 2 x WD MyBook 4TB USB 3.0 disks connected to USB 2.0 ports on my desktop. Microsoft indicates a known problem with Advanced Format disks as discussed in the Knowledge Base support document here. When I attempt to install this hotfix it informs me that it is already installed from one of the previous updates. When left running overnight the system has consistently "blue screened" (BS), rebooted and after login in the next morning, reports a different ID code almost every time. I am starting to suspect it is the big external disks. After a clean OS/online update restore, I am slowly adding things back to the desktop day by day to see if I can narrow down the BS cause: 1) Factory restore and no USB devices other than keyboard and mouse - No problem for 2 days 2) Installed MB3 Server only (no MBT/LAV or MBC) with a few TV Series and Movies on an internal 500GB data disk - No problem for 2 more days 3) Started playing several local videos in IE11, Windows Media Player and transcoded to Android app via Wi-Fi - No problem for 2 more days 4) Added a Seagate 2 TB external USB 2.0 drive which has no media files accessed by MB3 Server - No problem for 2 more days Anyone agree with my suspicions or have experience with 512e/Advanced Format disks connected in this way? Thanks in advance, @Tanamur Server Specs Server: System Model HP Pavilion Elite HPE-498D OS Name Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit Version 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601 System Type x64-based PC Processor Intel® Core i7 CPU 870 @ 2.93GHz, 2934 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s) BIOS Version/Date American Megatrends Inc. 6.14, 2010-11-05 Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 8.00 GB Total Physical Memory 3.96 GB Available Physical Memory 1.46 GB Total Virtual Memory 7.92 GB Available Virtual Memory 4.40 GB Page File Space 3.96 GB Page File C:\pagefile.sys Both WD MyBook 4TB disks are 4K Native Disks with “Bytes Per Sector” and “Bytes Per Physical Sector” fields both set to 4096 as follows
  15. For a while now I have been using Acronis Drive Monitor and so far it has performed well especially for being free. It lets me know when one of my drives has reached a certain temperature threshold or some other critical event has occured. I have been looking around for alternatives just to see if there is anything more reliable/better out there because with drives holding all my media I would rather take all the extra precautions possible and prefer the best as I am sure most of you will agree. These are what I found so far. What disk monitor software do you guys use if any? Acronis Drive Monitor CrystaDiskInfo HDD Guardian HDD Health HDDExpert
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