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  1. arrbee99

    Genre arrows

    Seeing as left / right arrows have made their appearance on the web page home screen, while still retaining clickable character headers (Next Up >, Latest Movies >, etc), would it be a good idea to expand these arrows to other areas like Genres ?
  2. Tester

    Missing Genres

    I have noticed missing Genres from my movie library ( WMC, Android, http ) the last few releases ( uncertain when the issue started ). I am able to see all movies in default view but not all movies are displayed in Genre view due to missing Genres I have tried uninstalling/installing latest Genre Cleaner Restarted server and several library scans Server Genre Cleaner
  3. Hi there! first of all I would like to thank you guys for making such an great App! I have just discovered Emby and after a couple of testing weeks I might go Emby Premiere if everything works to my satisfaction! ;-) I'm running Emby Version on a QNAP Nas with QTS4.3.3 Now if I use Microsoft Edge 40.15063.0.0 and go to "Movies" and select "Genres", I just get a list of all different genres but no movies are displayed. If I do the same with IE11 it works fine. let me know if you need any further information and I found a little typo in the german admin interface. If you go on "Einstellungen" - "Markierungen" there is following text: "Personalisieren Sie das Erscheinen von Empy um es Ihren eigenen Bedürfnissen, oder die Ihrer Organisation, anzupassen." maybe use "Aussehen" instead of "Erscheinen" makes more sence too. hope that helps cheers Päde
  4. monkeyslapper

    Colour Coded for Genre

    In the Web App of emby. I noticed all the box art is coloured. Based on box art. I am wondering if there is or can there be an option to have colour coded based on the Genre of the movie or tv show? I know there there is multiple genre for each movie or tv show. I figure what what one is the first of the list. example. Terminator Genre - Action/Thriller/Science Fiction < Show Blue Box for Action. Other then that.. EMBY IS FANTASTIC
  5. Hi guys, I'm not a huge fan of the new way Emby Theater treats genres views, but I can live with it. On my system it has a weird problem though, which I assume is a Server problem not a Theater problem: for 2 genres, namely Comedy and Western, there is a 2nd genre called comedy and western (with lower case "c" and "w"). The metadata directory for genres only shows Comedy and Western, but the artwork in those directories is used for the lower case genres and no artwork shows for the upper case ones. None of my films have the genre with a lower case c or w, according to the GenreCleaner plugin. All the other genres, including my custom genres, show up normally. How do I combine Comedy and comedy?
  6. So for example, Sci-Fi shows up three times: - Sci-fi - Sci-Fi - Science Fiction Emby needs to understand that "Science fiction" and "Sci-Fi" is the same, and also not to be case sensitive.
  7. khodges747

    New problem with genre view

    Hi guys, I think this is a new problem. When viewing movies by genre, then selecting "more", I don't see the rest of the movies of that genre, I only see tiles with Resume, Latest, Movies, Collections, etc. See attached screen cap.
  8. Hi folks. I am a brand new user. I have just installed Emby a couple of hours ago and started trying to set it up. Let me tell you that I currently use Kodi and I am a computer system engineer so I understand computer technology very well. So I installed the product, defined my primary movie folder (movies are NOT in separate folders), and the scan started. I left it alone overnight. 1. When I select the Movies folder, there are several tabs at the top. First question: Some movies don't have the poster image I want. OK, so I try to update it. I look up the movie in IMDB.com. Then I right click the movie, select "Identify", enter the title, year, and IMDB code and search. The correct poster that I want will come up. I select it, check the box to update the current image, and click save. It looks like it worked but the image never changes on the "Movies" screen. 2. Some of the movies will have a poster image that is exactly what I want. But the next time I look at the movie poster screen some of them are missing. These are ones that were there before. 3. On that same screen, if I pick the "Genres" tab there is absolutely nothing. 4. On the same screen again, if I pick the "Studios" tab, there is one entry which is obviously not a complete list since I have 400 movies in my movie folder. 5. On the "Trailers" tab I have the same issue with poster images. There are lots of entries with no poster image. I go through the same process described above in #1 and again I never can get the poster image to display correctly. I should add that in a few cases I have gone to my movie folder, where all the metadata files are being stored, and looked at the posted image that is in the folder for the movie. It will be the correct one. That made me think I just need to rescan the library. So I pull up "Setting", then go to the "Library" selection and click "Scan Library". It seems to finish almost immediately but none of the things I wanted to change have changed. I have no doubt that these are "newbie" issues but so far I have not been able to figure them out. Can some of you folks, with imminently more knowledge than me about this product, help me to sort out these initial setup issues so I can move on with other aspects of the product and start evaluating it? I sure would appreciate it. Rob
  9. Hi all, Some questions/issues with using genre metadata. I just started using Emby and just got my library added. I have not yet checked the metadata on most of my collection and as such this post is isolated to a Box Set collection I added. The Collection wasn't originally found in TMDB but that's because the name I had for it differed from TMDB which is fine. I went through the process of adding the TMDB ids to each movie via "identify" and it found the movies no problem so I assumed it pulled in all the metadata from TMDB including genre. I then went and added the genre to the main collection thumbnail and then tested searching that genre. Nothing appeared in the search results. I then went back and checked the movies I added the ids for and noticed that genre didn't get added nor some of the other key info like people (all of which are in TMDB). Added to this the search also didn't bring up the main Collection under the genre bucket nor a separate Collections bucket. Another problem is that a couple of the mp4s in this Collection didn't get pulled in. These are movie trailers with no official ID. I have three movie trailers and one got pulled in and two didn't. I thought maybe there was an issue with the library db so I moved the folder out of the movies folder, deleted the library db, rescanned without the folder, added the folder back in and rescanned. Still the same thing. Two of the mp4s didn't show but the third one did. They are named "That's Entertainment 1 - Movie Trailer.mp4, That's Entertainment 2 - Movie Trailer.mp4 (this got pulled in), That's Entertainment 3 - Movie Trailer.mp4. When I renamed the two of them to just "Movie Trailer" in their respective folders and rescanned they got pulled in but were associated with incorrect metadata (which is fine because I just edited it... I'm just thankful they got pulled in). For the file that got pulled in it wasn't associated with any metadata which is what I expected. I don't understand why two wouldn't get pulled in until I renamed them yet the third one pulled in fine. When I looked at the logs the two problem files weren't even referenced (no error or anything). They only appeared in the log after I renamed them. My questions are: 1. Why didn't the full TMDB metadata get pulled in for each movie? Once I added genre manually to each movie they then appeared in the search results. 2. Why didn't my main Collection appear in the search results? Are Collections as a search result not supported? 3. What's going on with scanning files? I could understand if the files were unsupported by Emby but these are standard mp4's and what's stranger is that one of the three got pulled in. I can't understand why two didn't. I can provide logs if needed.
  10. Download Disparity Genre from my site here: http://shaefurr.wix.com/fanart#!disparity-genre/c1jvi Current genres in zip include: 3D Movie Action Adult Adventure Animation Anime Biography Comedy Crime Disaster Documentary Drama Family Fantasy Foreign History Horror Movies Music Mystery Romance Sci-Fi Thriller TV Movie TV Shows Vampire & Werewolf War Western Here is the list of genre I plan to add, if you have any others please let me know and ill add them to the list. Erotica (using the adult image) Music (using the image of headphones) Animation (using the image of walle) Action & Adventure Anime & Manga Art House & International Boxset Chick Flicks Classics Cult Movies Demo Educational Faith & Spirituality Film-Noir Gameshow Gay & Lesbian Kids & Family Military & War Musical Musical & Performing Arts Mystery & Suspense News Reality-TV Science Science Fiction & Fantasy Short Special Interest Sport Sports & Fitness Talk-show Television Portrait style
  11. When Selecting a Genre you have the option to create an instant mix from the context menu. If Selecting multiple genre's, using the "click and hold" method, I get the green highlight and can select multiple genre's but then can't really do anything with them. Like play, shuffle, Instant Mix. Maybe I'm missing something, if not, this would be a great feature. Thanks
  12. Looking to replace the poor genre images in Kodi's Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes skin with those i use in Emby. Have set custom images for genres against other skins but cannot work it our for Arctic Zephyr: From Ashes or find any steps on what is required. Can this be done, and if so how? Cheers!
  13. Emby Server Version 3.0.7300.0 FireFox 49;0;1 Server Windows 7 Professional 64bit Some of the Genres are repeated (the only difference being the case of the first character) The referenced folder is, of course, not repeated Thanx
  14. Starkadius

    Anime Genre Icons

    These are long overdue but they are finally here. I have created 89 109 genre/tag icons for anime to share with the community to use in tandem with the anime server plugin created by @@Aphid Design I used a "japanese brush" font and placed sakura petals flowing over the icon to give it an overall Japan feel. I know it might be cliche but when browsing from Movie -> TV -> Anime views I wanted the user to immediately recognize what view they were on. Anime sets itself apart from other media types (Movies, TV) as it has a genre/tag for practically everything. I meticulously attempted to give each genre an accurate representation whether it is an emotion or scenario by selecting the proper images that might fit such as the example above "Angst". Samples and many more... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTMeb9IBN4I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYFgrQcLwZo Download 109 genres included (background, folder and thumb) Genre List (Updated Nov 02 2014) Anime-Genre-Pack-1 Anime-Genre-Pack-2 Anime-Genre-Pack-3 Anime-Genre-Pack-4 Anime-Genre-Pack-5 NEW! (20 Genres Added - Nov 02 2014) Instructions You will find that the server makes both the Movies and TV shows use the same genre icons. In order to get around that you will need to add a prefix for TV and Anime series genres. Detailed instructions found here and here Additional Info There are still more genres/tags that I did not create. It will depend on the demand and/or requests of this set. Asian Drama (Dorama) Genre Icons TV Genre Icons
  15. EduardoSantos

    Music genre confusion

    Hi, I am running Emby Server v. 3.0.5972.0 on Windows 10. There is a strange behavior when accessing music by genre: - When I open an album it is listed by Emby as "Jazz Vocal" genre; - All tracks are listed as "Jazz Vocal" genre; - When I access "Jazz Vocal" genre, both the album and the tracks are correctly listed; Problem is that album and tracks are also listed as "Jazz" genre. Random play on Jazz will also include these "Jazz Vocal" tracks. Is this behavior expected? If so how can I depart these genres? Thanks
  16. What are Asian Dramas? According to the DramaWiki: "Asian television entertainment that use the following Eastern Asian languages: Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese), Japanese and Korean. TV dramas, artists, singers, directors and screenwriters related to Eastern Asian language TV drama series are included." What is a Dorama? Japanese television drama also called dorama, are a staple of Japanese television and are broadcast daily. All major TV networks in Japan produce a variety of drama series including romance, comedy, detective stories, horror, and many others. Client Sample - Windows Phone MB App Download Asian Drama Genre Pack 1 Asian Drama Genre Pack 2 NEW! (13 Genres Added - Dec 03 2014) Includes (32 Genres) folder.jpg (cover) background.jpg (720p resolution) thumb.jpg Anime Genre Icons TV Genre Icons
  17. Movies > Genres > Animated When I am in the above category on the ATV (or any genre folder) it also lists items from my tv shows. Is there any way that I can turn this off? When I am in movies all I want is movies not tv shows as well.
  18. Hi, I have just moved over to Emby from MediaBrowser and all good except for one niggling issue. If I set an index (e.g. index by genre) for movies and TV it will show as expected whilst navigating in and around Emby WMC but if I exit Emby WMC and re-enter the movies and TV are no longer showing as indexed. Going into the index settings menu at this point shows my previous selection highlighted but it hasn't been applied. Is this a known issue or something odd on my setup? Thanks, Adrian Emby for WMC: 3.0.299 Emby Server: 3.0.5911
  19. Hi all. I changed over to Emby from Media Browser this week. Everything seems to work well. Server, accessing Movies from 2 different computers (both thru Emy for WMC). I have everything organized and am using xml files created by Media Center Master. What I noticed was that if I click on one of the Genres within a movie, I get a blank screen with "No Items". If I click on one the Cast "Persons" that works fine. Kinda stumped because I guess they both look at the XML file but 1 works and 1 doesn't. I will check from within a browser, am not at home right now. Any suggestions? Thanks
  20. plessers@gmail.com

    genre: background image is missing

    Hello, I notice when I go to movie -> genre, the background of the genres are not displayed. Bug? kind regards, B
  21. Hello everyone, Is there a possibility to automatically have a background for my genres? I noticed that there is some nice fanart for UK-genres, but not for other languages. In my case Dutch: Maybe there is a way to "map" my (ducth)genres to UK-genres? anny suggestion is welcome, bart
  22. EduardoSantos

    The Three Gardiners

    Hi, On web interface, I currently have three Gardiners, just as the picture shows: On details page, first and second one shows "Classical" as genre, third lists as "Vocal". Sure, I have vocal and classical albuns with SJEG. So, how should I proceed to clean up this mess? Also, it would be a lot, very much useful indeed (and should I open a topic?), to be able to back to results page after checking details on one of the results.
  23. rkariff

    New Genres

    Hello all. I was watching some Christmas movies the other night, and had a thought. Is there any possible way to add new genres? Holiday in particular. That way, if I want to have a holiday movie marathon with the kids, I don't have to go hunting around my 700+ movies. I could simply stay in the genre folder. All help is appreciated. Thanks.
  24. metaman

    FR: sorting options

    Hi, this has been brought up before on ocasions and I thought I'd like to see what the community thinks. I've long been missing the ability to sort my media by for example country of origin or language spoken. Additionally, I miss the feature of an additional sorting feature when browsing the media by genre. Ie. when browsing the genre Horror, it would be nice to sort the horror by rating, year etc. This feature is commonplace elsewhere and it was in the past said by the developers that such features were to be implemented; however I've yet to see them. So what you guys think? I think it's sort of time to get this feature rolling already; it's been way too long already.
  25. macs016

    Genre Icons Macs

    Alternative Genre icons V1 V2 V3 PSD included Download
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