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For the Emby FireTV app... Could a Filter be added for TV Shows for the TV Show "STATUS"? ("Continuing" \ "Ended"). It would need to be able to be set and always stay on until cleared. It would be similar to the TV Show Filter in the Chrome app. (Pic Below). Thank You!!
When navigating to "Songs", I'm trying to filter my playlist by selecting my "Favorites" and choosing a few "Genre" options. I close out filter options and select play or shuffle. The application then hangs and does nothing. I can't go back to re-select songs. In some cases, I have to restart my server. I tried looking for Android logs and the 'files' folder was empty. And I've attached the server logs. I'm using Emby for Android 3.3.95 and server version All this started happening after upgrading to 4.8.x.x. Any insights with this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. embyserver.txt
Is there a spot where I can tell a library (or libraries) that they should show unplayed shows/movies only? I would almost swear that there was once an option, but for the life of me I can't find it! thanks in advance
Filtering on multiple selections (ex. Unplayed + Continue) broken
noahkiss posted a topic in Apple TV
Under the "Videos" tab of a collection, applying multiple filters provides funky results. I believe what is happening is that the app is trying to "and" the results, when (IMO) it should be an "or". Currently if I select both "Unplayed" and "Continue Playing" in the Filter menu, I will only get the videos where I have started watching them but have only watched the first X % (where X is still considered "unplayed" but is not 0%). I would expect to see all videos that are either unplayed or have some progress, in this instance. But of course if I were then to select "Favorites", I assume the expectation would be to see only favorites, not favorites + unplayed + continue. Maybe Favorites should be a separate filter that is applied on top of the "Played", "Unplayed", and "Continue" selections in that case? Another option would be to have a button next to "Filter" that is a star or a heart, which would filter to just favorited? That may cause some confusion if it were only an icon though, so I'm not sure. -
Hi, Could it be possible to add sub-filters for some existing filters on emby. Example with the filter 'Etiquette' in my library if I select "opera" it displays all the songs with this etiquette, by alphabetical order (this is a lot of songs I would like to sort them by album for a more readable screen . Could it be sorted like in the filter "Genres" for example ? Thanks for your help. EtPv
I would really appreciate to have a Director filter in the movie filters. Thanks.
Small feature, adding polish to emby... Currently, when using the Filter, it adds a blue circled exclamation mark on the filter button, indicating that one or more filters are in place, which is awesome!!! When we then click on the filter button, it's not immediately obvious which filters are set... And most filters by default "Any", but when set, are also a three letter code... So they don't jump out at you. So to make it easy, could you highlight with a colour, or embolden the filters that are set, so we can go straight to them and unset/change them as needed. This look and would work in a similar way to the about:config, chrome://flags/ pages do in the browsers... You can just really easily see what's been set away from the default.
I’d like to be able to set a library to filter its contents, rather than including everything in a folder. in particular I’d like to be able to filter by language, so I can have one library that contains only TV shows with English audio, and another that has only shows with Russian audio, and I can have both pointed at the same folder (containing some English, some Russian, and some dual audio). In another topic Luke confirmed that filters for language will be in the next release, but as far as I know there’s no way to permanently set a filter for library contents. Searching with filters is ok when I’m looking for something, but way too cumbersome for my wife and kids. A solution that lets them just open the Russian library (without keeping duplicates of all my dual-audio content) would be really cool. Thanks!
I have a fairly large movie collection (5k+) starting with films from the 1920's and in the absence of "smart" playlists how about a filter by decade option? Filtering by year works, but if I want to watch something from say the 1950's I have to start navigating from the 1930's and work my up to the 1950's which is quite a few number of pages. Another option might be to have Years running vertically much like the alphabet when viewing by title.
Please add the Filter feature for the Smart TV app (Roku) to be able to show all movies in ascending/descending order of recently added, release date, etc. like how the website display has. If I add more than 20 movies at a time, the excess amount do not get displayed on the Smart TV app as it currently stands.
Hi, Can we have more options in filtering like directed by, writer, producer, cast, tags? Also I don't see any value addition in having video and audio codec filtering in client apps (thinking as a layman user). Also can I edit the filter system by my own provided I have some technical and coding skills?
Hi there I am missing a sort criteria "country" in the movie database. There are several selection filelds, but none being the country. As this information is in the imdb database, it would be great to have Emby sort the movies according per country selected. If this feature does not yet exist (checked Android and Windows player), I would suggest to geht that selectable field as a sort criteria in a later release. If this feature is well hidden, kindly enlighten me... :-) Cheers, Lati
Since Smart Playlists are probably still a ways off, I see the potential for the current filter system to provide something of an interim capability. I was hoping we could see the following additions to the existing filter functionality: 1. The ability to name filters, and save them 2. Provide a description for the filters 3. Perhaps provide the output of one filter as input to another filter (for more complex filters, for those of us crazy enough to go down that rabbit hole). Just a thought.
In relation to this I though I should turn it into a feature request - So could a filter please be added to enable movie / item filtering by decade so that I can find, for example 40's Film Noir.
Hi, If I am on an actor specific page, then the option to filter on video types (HD, SD, 4K, etc..) is gone. I can filter on codecs and video containers but I dont find that too useful. When I am at the "Movies" page, all the filters including video types are available. Has it always been this way, seem to remember I could filter HD/SD when I had chosen an actor before? Also, is there a plan to add an Actor/Director filter?
I have a 'Miscellaneous' folder where I keep media that i haven't decided if i want to keep yet. It would be awesome if there was a view sorted by genre, so that I could vet stuff together Something like ====== ACTION ====== [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [MOVIE1 ] [MOVIE2 ] [MOVIE3 ] [ MOVIE4 ] [ MOVIE5] [MOVIE6 ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [MOVIE1 ] [MOVIE2 ] [MOVIE3 ] [ MOVIE4 ] [ MOVIE5] [MOVIE6 ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] ========= ADVENTURE ========= [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [MOVIE1 ] [MOVIE2 ] [MOVIE3 ] [ MOVIE4 ] [ MOVIE5] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] ======= COMEDY ======= [ ] [ ] [MOVIE1 ] [MOVIE2 ] [ ] [ ]
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- library browse
- filter
(and 1 more)
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Please add these two filters to Movie filter view: - Decades - Country
- 33 replies
- 13
It would be nice if within a playlist there was a filter box so that I could filter playlist to show album or artist or title. May not get used all the time but it would be nice for example if i add an entire artist to a playlist and then decide later that i want to get rid of one album, i can just filter by that album and remove the songs.
Miscellaneous issues/questions: No display of music videos. Filter, although no filter is set. Deleting collection titles
Exilhamburger posted a topic in Synology
Hello (German Translation: I've been using emby for some time now and recently got a lifetime license. Now I also had some time to sort my collections. I have some problems or questions: Initial situation: emby is installed on a Synology disk station (both with current version) and the libraries are called via Kodi (verse 18 Leia). I have successfully set up the following DB and after some long evenings I have set up everything cleanly and uniformly. The concerts did most of the work: - e-movies (works great) - e-evergreens (would like to separate the oldies from the current movies) - e-Collection (only from e-movies) - e-series (no problems) - e-Concerts Now to the problems/questions: 1. an exclamation mark is displayed for filters at e-concerts (Figure 1.1). If I click on the filter, but nowhere a filter is displayed (Figure 1.2). What can be the problem? In general a button "delete all filters" would be good. Here I don't see the concerts under music video titles but only under directories. 2 First I set the content type to music videos. The results were not clear enough for me. Then I created a new (second) DB and changed the content type to "Movies". Worked satisfactorily (about a third were recognized). The rest I changed/added manually). Unfortunately the concerts are now displayed in Kodi on Movies (Skin Confluence;Titan is not (yet) possible, emby). 2. DB with content type music videos created. Unfortunately no titles are shown in emby (picture 2). But under directories all existing directories are shown. I used the following structure: Directory "Artist" - Directory "Artist - Concert title" - File "Artist - Concert title.ext", e.g. Andreas Bourani/Andreas Bourani - Hey/Andreas Bourani - Hey Live. This is also how the concert is displayed in the MovieDB. If I try to identify the concert via emby (manual input), I get no results, the screen stays black (not even over ID 380672). What am I doing wrong? - Maybe you can't create another database with the same directory (bug/error/intention?) Before the question comes: Yes I have restarted the server - no change. Questions: 1. can I see somewhere the status of the scanning of the libraries (flashes on me only briefly). So I don't see when emby is finished scanning. 2. In the collection there are two collections with the same content but different names. If I want to delete one of the collection titles, I get a hint that the media will be deleted at the same time. I tried and deleted three movies (I had a backup ;-)). There must be a way, without creating the whole collection again. 3. e-Collection has no picture in the overview. The other databases have drawn a profile picture from the contents. Can I do this afterwards? (I don't want to create and upload a picture extra). If you have questions or something is unclear, then simply ask. I am looking forward to your answers and even more about solutions ... ;-) -
Moin, moin, (English Translation: ich bin seit einiger Zeit Nutzer von emby und vor kurzem habe ich mir die Lifetime-Lizenz gegönnt. Nun hatte ich auch etwas Zeit, meine Sammlungen zu sortieren. Dazu habe ich einige Probleme bzw. Fragen: Ausgangssituation: emby ist auf einer Synology Diskstation (beides mit aktueller Version) installiert und aufgerufen werden die Bibliotheken über Kodi (Vers. 18 Leia). Folgende DB habe ich erfolgreich eingerichtet und nach einigen langen Abenden alles sauber einheitlich eingerichtet. Dabei machten die Konzerte die meiste Arbeit: - e-movies (funktioniert super) - e-evergreens (möchte die Oldies getrennt von den aktuellen Filmen) - e-Sammlung (nur aus e-movies) - e-serien (keine Probleme) - e-Konzerte Nun zu den Problemen/Fragen: 1. Bei e-Konzerte wird ein Ausrufezeichen bei Filtern angezeigt (Bild 1.1). Klicke ich den Filter an, wird dort aber nirgendwo ein Filter angezeigt (Bild 1.2). Was kann das Problem sein? Generell wäre ein Schalter "alle Filter löschen" gut. Hier sehe ich die Konzerte nicht unter Musikvideos-Titel sondern nur unter Verzeichnisse. 2. Den Inhaltstyp habe ich zuerst auf Musikvideos eingestellt. Da waren mir die Ergebnisse nicht eindeutig genug. Dann habe ich eine neue (zweite) DB angelegt und den Inhaltstyp auf "Filme" geändert. Funktionierte befriedigend (ca. ein Drittel wurden erkannt). Den Rest habe ich manuell geändert/ergänzt). Leider werden die Konzerte jetzt in Kodi bei Movies angezeigt (Skin Confluence;Titan geht ja leider (noch) nicht, emby) Bei näherer Betrachtung nachvollziehbar. 2. DB mit Inhaltstyp Musikvideos angelegt. Leider wird in emby keine Titel angezeigt (Bild 2). Unter Verzeichnisse jedoch alle vorhandenen Verzeichnisse. Folgende Struktur habe ich verwendet: Verzeichnis "Interpret" - Verzeichnis "Interpret - Konzerttitel" - Datei "Interpret - Konzerttitel.ext", z.B. Andreas Bourani/Andreas Bourani - Hey/Andreas Bourani - Hey Live. So wird das Konzert auch in der MovieDB dargestellt. Versuche ich das Konzert über emby zu identifizieren (manuelle Eingabe), bekomme ich keine Ergebnisse, bleibt der Bildschirm schwarz (nicht mal über ID 380672). Was mache ich falsch? - Vielleicht kann man keine weitere Datenbank mit dem gleichen Verzeichnis anlegen (Bug/Fehler/Absicht?) Bevor die Frage kommt: Ja ich habe den Server neu gestartet - keine Veränderung. Fragen: 1. Kann ich irgendwo den Status des Scannens der Bibliotheken sehen (blinkt bei mir nur kurz auf). So sehe ich nicht, wenn emby fertig mit scannen ist. 2. In den Sammlung gibt es zweimal eine Sammlung mit gleichem Inhalt aber unterschiedlichen Namen. Wenn ich einen der Sammlungstitel löschen möchte, kommt der Hinweis, das auch gleichzeitig die Medien gelöscht werden. Versucht und damit drei Filme gelöscht (Hatte ja ein Backup ;-)). Es muss doch einen Weg geben, ohne die ganze Sammlung wieder neu anzulegen. 3. e-Sammlung hat kein Bild in der Gesamtübersicht. Die anderen Datenbanken haben sich aus den Inhalten ein Profilbild gezogen. Kann ich dies nachträglich veranlassen? (Möchte nicht extra ein Bild erstellen und hochladen). Wenn Ihr Fragen habt oder etwas unklar ist, dann einfach fragen. Freue mich schon auf Eure Antworten und noch mehr über Lösungen ... ;-)
Hello, since 4.0 I am missing the ability to filter for missing episodes in the TV-Episodes-Search... Has this been removed? If so, I would like to request, re-adding the feature. Using the Reports plugin for finding missing episodes is possible but the sorting for dates is totally useless (sorting by D M Y, and in that order). greetings ben
Hello guys, I've noticed something about the filter option in the v4.0.0.2 of Emby. I'm not saying it's a bug, it may be the normal behavior but I want to confirm with you. When you have multiple versions of the same movie (let's say a 1080p and a 4k one), the filter feature does not handle it. It can be reproduced with the following: Venom - 1080p.mkv Venom - 2160p - 8bit.mkv Venom - 2160p - 10bit.mkv All 3 files are in the same folder /Movies/Venom/ All 3 files appear when you click on the Venom cover (screenshot below) Go to "Movie" and filter only on HEVC for video codec. Results : The movie Venom - 2160p - 10bit.mkv is not displayed. It seems that "filter" only takes into account the "default" version of the movie which seems to be the last one you added. (I'm not sure about this behavior, i'm only sure about the results explained above). I can post the logs but I could not find anything relevant inside. Some screenshots.
Searching/Filtering movies by (original?) spoken language of film
bric posted a topic in Feature Requests
As discussed in this post, I'm hoping there is some way of searching or filtering movies by (original?) spoken language of film so that (for example) I could see all the Spanish language films I have. Or all the French Language. Or...etc. Kodi implements this in their "smart playlist" feature and the language seems to pull from the metadata stored within the file itself. I say this because if I had encoded something as an avi or mp4 then it did not show up in the playlist. I would have to repackage as an mkv (and make sure to specify the language of the track) in order to have it show up. So a 'smart playlist' feature might be a place to implement this. Adding a '...' at the side of the nav bar for additional options like this one would be another possibility. has a data field called "original language" which could be useful for such a feature, but of course, a dubbed version might have a different language than the "original language". The metadata (.nfo) files emby generates seem to read the actual language track (at least for mkv format... which I've been using exclusively lately). Those are my main thoughts. Thanks for the help. -
Hi, Is there a way to make a filter the default? When I go to my tv shows I have to change the filter every time to show unplayed, can something be done to have the selection of filters saved as default.
Why is it not possible to filter the same way as in the web app? In the Android app I can filter on playstate, genre, studio, videotype and features. In the web app I can filter on those in addition to tags, years, parental ratings, etc. Shouldn't the Android app have the same options?