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ROC theme support


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Yes, it would be nice for ROC to now have an overlay for missing and unaired on the episodes.  Chocolate now has it and it looks awesome.


Do you mean an overlay like this...?





and like this...?






Coming very very soon in a little patch release...

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Unfortunately this update didn't change anything for me, MBC doesn't even start..


Well I'm at a loss to explain why.  As you can see from the rest of these posts, no-one else seems to have this trouble, which leads me to think maybe it's something to do with your installation or configuration.  

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1.05, many improvements some comments


1 - The Dark skin looks like a marriage between dark and light.. I have a light overlay over the dark back drop.. creating a very distracting view. Anyway I can switch this off? EDIT: By using a custom backdrop for the EHS, the issue is gone..

2 - I love that we can set the transparency of the backdrops

3- Scrolling is good and smooth

4 - Still seeing a jump in the backdrop if I skip to a new movie during the backdrop animation

5 - When I start up, the theme (universe) backdrop shows and it does not switch to my custom backdrop until I switch tiles.. When switching back back to the EHS (from browsing a collection), , I see the theme backdrop for a split second and then my custom backdrop..

6 - The Wheather/Date text on the EHS does not capitalize (fri nov 1 instead of Fri Nov 1) also temp is showing as f and not F..


For now, there's nothing I can do about the slight jump in the backdrop movement.  It's a Windows Media Center issue - it insists on advancing an animation to the final frame before changing the image.  I think it's a "sorry, unfixable until MBT" problem.  I might add an option to turn off the "living backdrops" animation, but is it really that big a deal?


The next patch has the dark skin fixed for the EHS light overlay issue - this screengrab is from the latest dev build:




Weather and capitalization will get fixed at some point, but it's way down the list below upgrading Crystal.

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EHS Backdrop in version is shifting too much to the right, cutting off the EHS backdrop text.  This was not an issue in version


Version - EHS backdrop "3D Movies" text on the bottom right partially cut off.







One response is "move the text further left on the image".  :-)


But the animation is changed in the next patch release so it shouldn't be an issue for you.  If it happens again, move the text.  :-)

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Thanks for the patch


As far as I can tell, folders don't have any indication that there are missing episodes within.  They just seem to count the number of episodes that DO exist on your system.  It's when you enter the folder that the magic of "more episodes appearing" happens.


Perhaps Luke can clarify?

Season folders is now showing Missing and Future overlays in version! Thank you!


However, Missing and Future overlay does not appear in Detail VIew, no issues with other views.  On another issue, if a future episode is missing a thumb image, the future episode will show the thumb of the last episode selected with thumb.


Version - No Future overlay on episode thumb,  Better Angels episode is showing  Oil and Water episode thumb.




All joking aside, is the animation better for you now in this release?

EHS backdrop text is still cut off, no big deal, just switching back to no text backdrop.



Best MBC theme i've tried!  Keep up the good work!

Edited by JayAre
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The "little patch" I referred to in a post a few minutes ago is now live - ROC, with these changes:

  • Support for "Missing" and "Future" overlays on items for MBC
  • EHS light overlay on dark skin fixed
  • "Living backdrops" animation anchor point and scale adjusted to avoid cropping too much of the backdrop edge

Thanks for the heads up guys on the Missing and Future feature in MBC.  


Despite this being an MBC-only feature, ROC is still a single plugin DLL that works in both MBC and MB2.6 by dynamically adapting itself to its surroundings.  


Enjoy folks.  If you're in trial mode, please buy this theme - I'm putting in the time and effort and my rent is due soon!  :-)

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Lee, in the latest version 1.6.0

the scrolling speed is way to fast. can't read any movie descriptions, changing the speed in the configurator setup does nothing.

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I think I need a "theme primer"...


How do you guys create / enable / select the cool "Flat screen TV thumbnails" as shown for Breaking Bad above, or the "Photo collection" assemblage as shown for "3D movies" above?


You guys are wicked cool with this stuff. I think I'm not worthy.




PS: On 1.6.0 I'm seeing the super fast coverflow scroll I think someone else mentioned. Would prefer it to slow down a bit...


Otherwise so far so good. I'll note when I went from 1.3 to 1.5 I got a "couldn't open media browser" message one time (only). After that it was fine. Didn't see the problem when I went to version 1.6.

Edited by Marc_G
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I think I need a "theme primer"...


How do you guys create / enable / select the cool "Flat screen TV thumbnails" as shown for Breaking Bad above, or the "Photo collection" assemblage as shown for "3D movies" above?


You guys are wicked cool with this stuff. I think I'm not worthy.



That is all done by the Coverart plugin,once installed via the server,you then select the treatment you want to apply to the different fanart that you have in your folders.


Makes that MB experience even more enjoyable!!  ;)

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One response is "move the text further left on the image".  :-)


But the animation is changed in the next patch release so it shouldn't be an issue for you.  If it happens again, move the text.  :-)

Sadly, didn't bother to learn how to move, add, or remove text in Photoshop or Gimp.  The backdrops are from me23 and tikuf.  I prefer the look of ehs backdrops with text, but no problem switching back to no text if needed.


Do you mean an overlay like this...?





and like this...?






Coming very very soon in a little patch release...

Great job lee!  Will season folders also have missing or unaired tags?

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Thanks Lee for quickly adding the missing/future tags.  Although I do find it disturbing that you are missing Breaking Bad  :D

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Lee, in the latest version 1.6.0

the scrolling speed is way to fast. can't read any movie descriptions, changing the speed in the configurator setup does nothing.


Sorry dude, my bad.  Accidental side-effect.  v1.0.6.2 just went live and fixes this for you.


My best,



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All joking aside, is the animation better for you now in this release?

I take back what I said earlier, about going back to no text backdrop.  The backdrop text slowly shifting to the front looks pretty awesome, fits the ROC theme perfectly.  If you can tweak the animation just a little more to fit the text, that would be great.

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I take back what I said earlier, about going back to no text backdrop.  The backdrop text slowly shifting to the front looks pretty awesome, fits the ROC theme perfectly.  If you can tweak the animation just a little more to fit the text, that would be great.


Glad you like the slight tweak to the animation in the latest release.  So I can understand properly the impact of how much the backdrop is moving so your text is getting chopped off somehow.... could you post a couple of screengrabs in this discussion....?


One when a backdrop with text on it first appears - showing the start position

And another showing the backdrop just before it advances to the next backdrop image - showing the finish position


It could be that just a simple tweak to the anchor position, or to the amount the backdrop size is increased, or how much it moves etc, or perhaps even adding an option to control "how much" the "living backdrops" animation moves and resizes your backdrop images....



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v1.0.6 is slow again for me i can't turn off backdrops from roc or if i untick show fan art in mediabrowser still on


Yes I noticed this too - being investigated now for the next release, which has a few minor tweaks and fixes in it.

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Lee, could I suggest that you add hints to the menu items in the MBC ROC options menu. It would make understanding any new options added simpler if we've missed any requests or comments in the threads.

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Glad you like the slight tweak to the animation in the latest release.  So I can understand properly the impact of how much the backdrop is moving so your text is getting chopped off somehow.... could you post a couple of screengrabs in this discussion....?


One when a backdrop with text on it first appears - showing the start position

And another showing the backdrop just before it advances to the next backdrop image - showing the finish position


It could be that just a simple tweak to the anchor position, or to the amount the backdrop size is increased, or how much it moves etc, or perhaps even adding an option to control "how much" the "living backdrops" animation moves and resizes your backdrop images....



I moved the EHS text as suggested by adding the text to a different location on the no text version of me23’s backdrops.  I have Filipino movie and tv collections that needed backdrop text anyway.  When I added the new text in Gimp, I moved the texts just one grid to the left, the last letter of the text is now five grid from the right edge of the backdrop.  My guess it’s off by one grid.  Some user control to the animation to make adjustments would be perfect.
Went back to the original backdrop with text for screenshot.
Movies text start position:
Movies text finish position:
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With the latest update the premiered date is no longer available when there is only one episode available. Can this be placed back?




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Hi Dev

Just set up my Home  Movies like TV. I can navigate into TV Folder then Series then Seasons, when I try to go into Episodes I get in and can see the episode files but a notice comes up saying "INVALID APPLICATION". I have an option to disable application or close. When I close I end up back at the MCE home page. Any tricks or pointers about setting up Home Movies like this.


If I remove the episode files from the season folder I can get into the Episode screen no problem. I tried putting the home movie files into a regular TV series like Homleand and they worked fine the season folder opened and they played.




If you open up your Windows Event Viewer and look in the Applications folder and then the Media Center log, you should see an error log which will have all the info we need about the cause of the error.  If you could copy/paste that info as a reply in this discussion, we should know what caused it and what to change or fix.

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Nick's MCE

Hi Dev

Just set up my Home  Movies like TV. I can navigate into TV Folder then Series then Seasons, when I try to go into Episodes I get in and can see the episode files but a notice comes up saying "INVALID APPLICATION". I have an option to disable application or close. When I close I end up back at the MCE home page. Any tricks or pointers about setting up Home Movies like this.


If I remove the episode files from the season folder I can get into the Episode screen no problem. I tried putting the home movie files into a regular TV series like Homleand and they worked fine the season folder opened and they played.



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Okay, Lee I have a stubborn problem, in my EHS there are two categories that refuse to show the clearart images in the bottom right (Movies by Genre and Music Albums). I have created folders for them in the C:\Users\Brad\AppData\Roaming\Media Browser - Server\ImagesByName\General, and placed their folder and clearart images inside. The folder art shows ok but the clearart fails too.

I have tried different images and have had the same results.

Running the latest beta server and ROC, have tried with Crystal and had the same no show, tried other themes I have but they don't show clearart in the EHS. Images as follows:- any ideas?











Edited by braddles69
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Also Lee, I've noticed that the lower tiles in the EHS cover (or interfere with) the top of the clearart, you can see in my third screenshot above just by eyeballing, that the lowest tile in the EHS rides over the top of the clearart.

If everything could be moved up by 3-5 pixels would that help?

Thanks and regards. Brad

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Nick's MCE

If you open up your Windows Event Viewer and look in the Applications folder and then the Media Center log, you should see an error log which will have all the info we need about the cause of the error.  If you could copy/paste that info as a reply in this discussion, we should know what caused it and what to change or fix.

Hopefully this is the right info, let me know.
- <System>
  <Provider Name="ehExtHost" />
  <EventID Qualifiers="0">0</EventID>
  <TimeCreated SystemTime="2013-11-05T07:21:55.000000000Z" />
  <Channel>Media Center</Channel>
  <Security />
- <EventData>
  <Data>Exception System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to convert "" to an object of type 'System.Int32'. at Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.ObjectPath.Operations.TypeConversion(Object instance) at Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.ObjectPath.PropertyOperations.Get(Object instance, String stPath, Boolean fThrowOnError) at Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.ObjectPath.Get(Object instance, Int32 idxStart, Int32 nCount, Boolean fErrorOnNullReturn, Boolean fThrowOnError) at Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.Set.ApplyWorker(Object args) at Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.Template.RuleCollection.Update(IRulesHost rulesHost) at Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.View.UpdateBindings() at Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.View.UpdateBindings() at Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.View.UpdateBindings() at Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.View.UpdateBindings() at Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.View.UpdateBindings() at Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.View.UpdateBindings() at Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.View.UpdateBindings() at Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.View.UpdateBindings() at Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.NewUiZone.ImplementUiTask(UiTask task, Object param) at Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.UiZone.ProcessUiTask(UiTask task, Object param) at Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.UiSession.ProcessDataBinding() at Microsoft.MediaCenter.Queues.Dispatcher.MainLoop(Queue queue) at Microsoft.MediaCenter.UI.UIDispatcher.MainLoop(Queue queue, LoopCondition condition) at MediaCenter.Extensibility.Host.Main(String[] args)</Data>
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