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  1. I store all my movies in genre folders and i'd love it if it was possible to automatically set the ONLY genre for each movie to be the same as the folder name it lives in.. EG.. Horror\Movie.mkv would have a SINGLE genre of Horror I know it's a big ask and probably a very singular instance.. but if anyone can think of a way to do this automatically, even as a scheduled once a day task to sort them out, it would be fantastic!
  2. You can also get these off my site here: http://shaefurr.wix.com/mb3fanart Download Genre 2 Download Genre Download Genre Portrait
  3. Hello, I was wondering if there was any way to force a single genre on all my music by directory. My music collection is organized into folders by genre and the genres that have been pulled from the internet for my music are really weird (my personal favorite being "Acoustic Memphis Blues Blues Blues Music Pop Prewar Country Blues" which is not a useful tag). What I want to be able to do is change the metadata in Media Browser Server of an entire directory of music to one single genre and remove all other genres. Not just for aesthetics and organization but so I can shuffle a folder of music. I tried creating a playlist from a large directory of music and it fucked everything up so bad I actually had to re-install the server from scratch. Is this possible? Edit: Or if I change the genre metadata field using a different program, how do I get Media Browser to recognize it and not download the metadata from the internet?
  4. navanod

    Emby for Kodi - Genre Images

    Implemented the new Emby Kodi addon, love it great bit of work. Using the Nebula skin and blown away by the interface and customisation, just looks awesome! I have configured Kodi to my liking, only gap are genre icons/images which appear as standard: Wondering if anyone has genre images appearing in Kodi from the Emby server, or must this be configured in Kodi itself?
  5. I recently switched to the new Web interface, but in the process also lost the function of genre icons (primary images) as well as the backdrops for each genre. Everything works fine when I revert to the classic interface. Does anyone have any ideas how to troubleshoot this anomaly??
  6. Version 3.0.5557.0 Just noticed, MB3 is reading genre tag from mp4 tv episode a folder history (nf) is created in ibn\genre... presumably a better behaviour would not be to read genres from episodes...as 'genre' doesnt pertain to episodes in the mb3 world... the episode genre information is orphaned after the ibn\genre\history (nf) folder generation..never to be used/seen again....so its not getting in the way...still cleanliness is next to godliness..
  7. Why do my Genres work with my "Movies" folder, but not with my "TV Shows" folder? This was working perfectly for me with "MB2", but unfortunately I had to upgrade to "MB3" because my "MB2" software was corrupted. My setup is listed below: I use "Media Center Master" (MCM) to fetch my metadata, images, and subtitles for my Movies and for my TV Shows (so I have turned off all downloads for "MB3" in "Configure Media Browser"). I have added two media folders to my "Media Library" in MB3. My folder "M:\Movies" has the Folder type = "Movies". My other folder "T:\TV Shows" has the Folder type = "TV shows". These two folders are on two different mechanical hard drives (HDDs). I made my own custom Genre names, and I added my own choices for the Genre images. Each Genre name is in its own folder with the selected Genre image file named "folder.jpg". These Genre name folders are sub-folders under [C: > Users > PaulD > AppData > Roaming > MediaBrowser-Server > ImagesByName > Genre]. I use "MB3" as a plug-in for "Windows Media Center" (WMC). WMC correctly shows all 32 of my Genre names and images for my "Movies", as shown in my attached file "Movie Genres.pdf". Movie Genres.pdf But, WMC incorrectly shows only "GlowGaze.Com", "Sports", and "Thriller", as shown in my attached file "TV Show Genres.pdf". TV Show Genres.pdf MB3 correctly shows all 32 of my Genre images for my "Movies", as shown in my attached file "Movies Genres in Media Browser.pdf". Movies Genres in Media Browser.pdf But, MB3 incorrectly shows zero Genre images for my "TV Shows".
  8. Hopefully this isn't out of line, but someone has made some fantastic genre art for the movie library (Science Fiction, Animation, Comedy, Classics, etc) and I would like to request 2 more: * B-Movie * Black Comedy Any chance of these making it in there? Thanks! -Teddy
  9. First off - amazing product. Been using an HTPC since back in the Meedio days. Here's my issue. I have approx. 1,400 DVD's ripped in native format (VIDEO_TS folders) stored on my servers. My movies fall into 4 categories (Kids, General, Baby & Fitness) I'm looking for a way to place the movies into the proper categories, so when viewing in Media Center the user can choose the category and see the movies in that category. I've come up with the following two methods, but neither are easy to implement. Add to every movie a genre ( -Kids, -General, -Baby, -Fitness) and mark that movie to not update the genre. This works, however because there is no method that I can find to edit movies genre in bulk, it work take forever to do this. Create a collection for each category of movie. The problem with this is that there is no way that I can find to add movies to a category without typing the movie name. If all movies were displayed, and I simply selected the movies to be included in each category, this would work. Has anyone else tried to manage their collection with this method? Any help would be great.
  10. @Aphid I was not entirely sure what tidy genre meant since no where does it mention what it does but I figured it out after experimenting with it. Well I believe there is a bug with the latest release. It seems that when it fetches the genres it does add them to the series.xml file but it appears blank on the web client even after refreshing over and over. I tried this with "Max Genres:0" and up to 5. What I found that fixed it was that I had to go into the xml, make a change manually and save it. I ran a refresh and the genres appear. Not sure what's going on since the xml appears fine. Edit: I don't want to open up a topic for every issue I find even though it is the proper way but I want to also mention that when I change Max Genres to 6, 7 or more it still only adds 5 genres and the rest to tags. Using 0 as the max does assign all the tags as genres though.
  11. I am starting a poll to get an idea of how many MediaBrowser users actually populate their genres with icons for their collections. I have noticed that some MB clients (MBC, MBT excluded) don't pull the genre icons from the server and instead just use the label. So really what I want to know is there a demand for genre icons to be pulled to other clients as well or do most of you simply not use genre icons and could care less. Thanks.
  12. Cheesegeezer

    Genre Icons question

    I'm trying to track down the forum topic for the Genre Icons that were created for the Server Builds and are preloaded, but I can't find it anywhere - I've used search, gone thru various sub forums and I just can't set my eyes on it. Anyway.... The ones below are the one's i'm refering to. Basically I have a request for the Genre "Chick Flicks" - Would some one kindly create this genre with a poster and thumb for this category please. Thanks in advance
  13. I wonder how the function "If you like XXXXXX, check these out..." work? The reason I ask is that when looking at eg. Samsara suggestion like The Debt and Sunshine came up. These results has nothing to do with Samsara. There are no tags in those two movies that has similarity with Samsara, nor any genre.
  14. Is it possible to create genre for different languages eg MediaBrowser.Resources / images / imagesbyname / genres / us / Action & Adventure MediaBrowser.Resources / images / imagesbyname / genres / dk / Action & Adventure MediaBrowser.Resources / images / imagesbyname / genres / de / Action & Adventure MediaBrowser.Resources / images / imagesbyname / genres / nl / Action & Adventure https://raw.github.com/MediaBrowser/MediaBrowser.Resources/master/images/imagesbyname/genres/
  15. Using Chocolate theme not sure that matters, tried it on Neo as well. Example BEFORE Action / Adventure / Animation Media Browser Theater Media Browser Classic Example AFTER Sort order changed for (TV) Animation genre Animation / Action / Adventure Media Browser Theater shows sort order change Media Browser Classic no sort change
  16. Starkadius

    Anime Plug-in - "Cleaner genre list"

    @@Aphid I have started allowing the plug-in to add the anime specific genres to each series but I noticed something. It appears to limit the amount of "tags" added as genres to each series. Is there a way to get all the tags turned into genres, at least having the option to do so? We can use the Genre Cleaner plugin to remove any unwanted genres. For example in "Vision of Escaflowne" it lists Genres:Fantasy / Mecha / Romance / Shoujo / Anime Tags: Adventure / Transforming Robot / Dragon / Angst / Steampunk / Alternative Present / Parallel Universe / Piloted Robot / Fantasy World / Shoujo / Action / Sci-Fi I would like those tags to be Genres as well if possible. I notice that some of the genres also appear under tags and vice versa so couldn't we have all the tags become genres and the genres become tags?
  17. bnwbass

    Genre primary image

    Hello all, Is there an image set (all primary images for genre type) that I can fetch that will populate all of the genre that show in the MBC themes by default. thx bw
  18. ronvp

    Lost all Genres

    After the one of the latest server updates(not sure which one), I lost all of my Genres in the Metadata editor. They are still in the Movie.xml file, just not in the metadata editor..
  19. I'd like to re-order the sequence of the items displayed on the home screen to show the "Movies By Genre" first not last. That "folder" doesn't show up in the Meta Data Manager so i don't see a way to change it's "sort name". Am I missing something or is there some little trick I can use to make that the 1st, or 2nd item on the home screen list instead of the last?
  20. I noticed that none of the themes show the collage (configured with coverart) of movies on the EHS for the "Movies by Genre collection".. can I do this manually or does this need to be added as a feature?
  21. ElLoboSolitario

    Multiple Views Of Same Collection

    With the old version of Media Browser I was able to configure it to show multiple views of the same folders (All Movies by Title, All Movies by Year, All Movies by Genre, All Movies by Date added, All Blu-ray Titles) With Media Browser Classic, if I attempt to add the same folders under a different collection name, I get an error stating that those folders have already been used. Furthermore, under the old version of Media Browser, I could see all my movies listed in one place. This new version lists them according to the folders where they are located (i.e., my movies are stored as: E:\1080p, E:\720p, G:\Video\Movies\SD 480p, G:\Video\Movies\HD\720p and G:\Video\Movies\HD\1080p.) This new version isn't very user friendly from what I've discovered as to the way it presents media collections. Strangely enough, my television series are under two different folders, yet they all display as one collection.
  22. I don't know why this is because it has worked before but Photos sortes as Genre / Tags do not longer show up. I have tested this in ROC theme, NEO theme and default theme but when I hit a genre the page stays empty. I have updated the library multiple times but nothing seems to be happening or it just takes that long and am I impatience. Photos sorted as Index /Group none do appear but I must say with large collections (35 GB) it takes very very long before I see the photos in MBClassic. Is this normal?
  23. Hi, My movies are not showing up in my genres folder. Not too sure if it's a server or classic issue. This is my current versions: Server 3.0 5031.21343 Classic 3.074.0 b10-3.1 I filter all my movies by genre so I have a folder for each genre, for example, action, comedy etc but when I go into these folders, I have no movies. They are empty folders. When I take the filter off and leave it on none, all my movies show. Is this a bug in MBClassic as I just updated to the above version today but prior to updating filter by genre was working fine. Thanks
  24. Don't know if this is a bug or not so I make it a feature request. I use MBPhoto viewing my photos. This works fine when the index/group is set to none. When I change the index/group to genre I see all my genre folders but my photos do not appear. I have updated the library now several times and manually refreshed the EHS folders but it won't do the trick. All my photos are tagged in Picasa 3 and were showing up fine in NEO theme. Is this yet supported in ROC or not. If not it will be a request and if yes ait must be a bug then?
  25. I downloaded xzeners icons and placed them in their genre folders. In Mediabrowser 3 classic I have 8 folders and all show the genre images EXCEPT for one…my Movie folder, it only shows Action for some reason. I tried pressing ctrl+r on the folders and scan my library + refresh people in MB3 server. Nothing. Here is my Movie folder only showing Action. and my Music Video folder showing all icons. The 3.0.5028.39800 server update sort of fixed it… Its showing all the images but now my Movie folder is not showing suspense Yet my Music Video folder is showing suspense but its blank even though I added the Folder.png to the Suspense folder. Plus its missing the two Sport folders…Nothing makes sense lol. I copied this post from the old forum. Here is my classic and server version info MB Classic: B9-20.1 MB3 Server: 3.0.5029.36830 Here is my mb classic log, only thing I could find related to my genre problem. 2013-10-09 03:06:43.7623,Info,,==== Index Movies by Genre took 0.05 seconds.,41,Worker thread for Index By 2013-10-09 03:06:46.0905,Info,,Sending Http Get to,1,Application 2013-10-09 03:06:46.1035,Error,,Error getting response from ( Exception. Type=System.Net.WebException Msg=The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request. Src=System Method=GetResponse Line=0 Col=0 [n] StackTrace= [n] at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() [n] at MediaBrowser.ApiInteraction.MbHttpClient.Get(String url) ),1,Application
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