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  1. Hello! I've had this problem for...maybe a few months. When I first started with MB/Emby, I purchased the themes Roc and Crystal as part of a discount sale that was going. A few months ago, I reformatted my computer and - long story short - no longer have access to these themes. I figured I would be able to go into themes and possibly purchase them again, but they no longer show up in plugins in either the classic MB configurator or the WMC plugin. Are these themes still around? obviously, as I bought them, I'd like very much to use them, but I can't seem to find them. In older posts, the links for the MB store go nowhere (404/gone domain name) and I noted that there never seemed to ever be a MB store at all. Does anyone know where I can find these themes?
  2. For the next 24 hours, all my themes are HALF PRICE. Each theme is just 3 bucks each, or you can get a bundle of any 3 for now just 8 bucks, or a bundle of all 4 for 10 bucks. That's a 50% saving no matter what you buy. This offer ends 24 hours from now - be quick and grab a bargain! For more details on my themes see www.crystalmediabrowser.com
  3. When you press a number button on the remote to jump to a letter, it works fine for TV shows, but for some reason it doesn't work correctly for movies.
  4. I'm using the ROC theme and when I look at a TV series and go to the season level and hit the right arrow to go to season 2, it instead navigates me up to the top to the view and config menu. This is kind of driving me nuts because I have to dig out my mouse every time I run into this problem.
  5. leedavies

    ROC v1.2.0.0 now live

    Time for a long overdue big version number change... Smoother scrolling Button press animation improved Next up, getting Breeze and Crystal updated with all the latest goodies...
  6. eallen

    ROC Theme

    Do anyone know when this theme will be available for purchase?
  7. Dear Lee & community followers, It would be a nice feature if lee can implement in detal page for each actor the biography info (movies/age etc)! Like Demonseed's mockups: https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=cf8144e520f57618&id=CF8144E520F57618!14576&authkey=!ABtl3cUlx1qrkkE Despite of what you finally decide and the feedback of the members, for me you have the most performed and beautiful themes in the community bro and sure they can be better and better! Rgrds, Jimmy
  8. MrFlibbles

    ROC TV detail page image scaling

    Hello, ROC 1.0.10 I'm experiencing an odd display issue on the detail page where the episode image is smaller than I believe it should be. I'm pretty sure this wasn't the case when I first installed ROC a number of months ago. It happens with or without CoverArt treatment. I have removed ROC and any files I could find and re-installed without any change. This does not happen on the detail view on movies however. Is there something else I could try?
  9. Hi Lee, Great work on the themes I am loving the fresh look and all the artwork, I have been a long time neo user and you almost have me converted the only thing holding me back is the recently added/unwatched tab. Is there any way to group the individual episodes into series and seasons as we can currently do in neo or chocolate for example. We watch a lot of tv shows and at any given time can have a large amount of unwatched episodes and it is much easier to view by series than a whole lot of mixed individual episodes. I hope I am making sense keep up the great work, cheers.
  10. If you tried the Crystal, ROC, or Breeze themes a while ago and your 14-day trial ran out, you’ve missed out on lots of updates and new features. You might like to take a fresh look this weekend FOR FREE. Just download the latest v1.0.10.0 versions and your free trial period will automatically be extended until Monday morning. Plus, Crystal is now just $7. Check out Crystal, ROC or Breeze for more details.
  11. c0m3r

    ROC Trailer Request

    So my favourite theme at the moment is ROC and I find it incredibly easy to use and navigate. However, the one area where its not so easy appears to be trailer execution. At the moment the user is required to navigate to the trailer tab and then sees (in my case) the trailer.mp4 file. This just doesn't to be as clean as the rest of the theme. Therefore, my request would be to add an icon next to the play, back and next icons which would play the trailer or say the first trailer/bring up a list if there are more than one. This could then allow for the trailer tab to be removed making it that much easier to navigate. Thanks
  12. c0m3r

    ROC coverflow issue

    I've been trying out various themes and have settled on ROC for the moment. For the past few days however am having a strange issue with coverflow. Everything is fine except for the cover for the movie/tv show etc. will appear to be very poor resolution when it is highlighted. It starts off fine however as the highlighted cover enlarges, it seems to lose focus as though the image is of poor resolution. In all other views however it appears to be in perfect resolution and works fine with all other themes. Any idea on the cause? Thanks
  13. JohnnyM

    Backdrops Not Showing in ROC

    Backdrop do not show in Detail view in ROC. They appear if I use Coverflow, Thumb Posters or any other view just Not in Detail. This same phenomena also occurs with Breeze and Crystal. It does Not occur with Diamond or Default. The same thing also appears on both of my MB3 Classic clients. It has been happening since ROC version and falling back to corrects the Detail View issue. I love ROC and would like to fix the issue. Since I haven't seen anyone else mention this problem, believe it is local to me. Something got changed on my machine with or that I can't see I would like to know how to completely uninstall all of Lee's themes and all of the settings hat could be causing this problem. I could be a setting on the server since it got to my second machine. (I.0.8.5 never was installed on the second machine) Then I could reinstall ROC and be happy. Johnny M
  14. heula

    ROC Subtitle showing

    Some time ago I did a request for a recently added with subtitles but perhaps this is a better idea. When the focus is on a show we can see how many seasons and how many unwatched are avialable. Perhaps this can be folowed by how many internal or external subtitles are avialable. internal for subtitles that are embedded in the .mkv files and external subtitles like .srt files. Would be a real improvement for me and other users that need to watch with subtitles. Thanks in advance.
  15. ronvp

    ROC issues

    Version, looks great, but noticed a few issues 1 - If in detail view and highlight a movie the backdrop is showing. I then select that movie and go back to list view; the back drop is no longer showing. I have to move of the movie and back to see the Backdrop. Other views are OK 2 - Detail view does not show numbers in the list. 3 - Get a registration error if I start MBC, and immediately enter a collection. It does not happen if I wait for a while..
  16. I fired up MB3 Classic this morning and it ask to update my Plugins. I only have ROC installed so I click yes. It installed, then when I restarted MB3 Classic in gave me a Invalid Application Error. I shut down WMC then tried to restart MB3 Classic with the same error. I completely shut down the computer and tried again with the same error. I check off disable the application and now I have can't fire MB3 Classic. MB3 Server is running and the web client accesses the database. How can I get MB3 Classic back? Then how do I install the previous version of ROC? Johnny M
  17. Hi Lee, You know I love both of your themes! And you are constantly updating them to make them even better. I'd like to request a little more work from you, LOL. Would you consider adding Display Specials Within Seasons as seen here? Thank you so much!
  18. Thanks for the info.... will sort that feature in both themes. This is the first time I've heard about this cool feature of MB3. So it shows you all the episodes in a season, even though you may only have some of them in your library right now? Is there anything beyond just showing the missing episodes? e.g. legal streaming or downloading via Hulu etc?
  19. I am using the detail view, but do not like that the full screen Backdrop is the same as the backdrop shown in the smaller view. What would make it look better (to me anyway) is the ability to show the thumb.jpg (if available) in the smaller view and then an option to not show the folder.jpg. or at least, make sure that the full screen backdrop is not the same as the backdrop in the smaller window on the right side of the screen.
  20. I just noticed that if I am in thumb view, ROC is not actually showing the thumb.jpg.. (as in Crystal), can we make that an option?
  21. If the Boxset folder has a logo.png in it, the movie titles under the Boxset at not displayed correctly if there is no logo.png in the movie folder. Instead the title is replace with the Boxset logo. See . If there is a logo.png in the movie folder, the correct Logo is displayed. See If there is No logo.png in the Boxset folder then movies without a logo.png has the correct title displayed as text. Johnny M
  22. AlwinHummels


    Can ROC be localizable or is this already possible? If yes how? If no Please add support to it
  23. Title is missing when viewing episodes in thumb strip mode. Cheers
  24. ronvp

    ROC theme Focus frame

    Is there any way, we can change the color of the focus frame? right now, it is bright Red and it just does not look good with the dark theme.. how about a soft white or light grey?
  25. ronvp

    ROC Theme background jumping

    I described this before, but the ROC theme background jump when going from 1 movie to the next. in other words, while the background is zooming/panning and when I select another movie. the transition is not smooth
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