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Found 12 results

  1. I'm got since a few days an Alexa Echo, despite language settings in English, due to my amazon account, always redirected to amazon france. In the app I got Host Name : alexa.amazon.fr I have my alexa working in French or English, even having my settings into English (US) or (UK) not having Emby as skill available. I'm favorable to help if needed to translate the Emby Skill into French!
  2. Crysallis

    Server not showing up

    I tried to setup emby with Alexa tonight.. and when the skill takes me to the emby connect page... I log in fine.. but my server doesn't show up. I can access it from my phone and the web just fine. What might I be missing?
  3. I believe this is a bug in the Emby Alexa plugin. If I say "Alexa open Emby home", then say "Change player", I hear a list of players similar to the one below. The problem is they keep changing! For example, one time I tried to change the player, 1 was the bedroom. Now it's the office. Emby seems to reassign the numeric version of the player to a different player. This results in having to listen to this long list of players every time I want to change players. Also note that I've tried unsuccessfully specifying the player in a single command such as "alexa, ask m. b. home to play song stairway to heaven on player 5". 1 bedroom (office) 2 familly room 3 family room dlna .221 4 bathroom 5 bedroom .251 6 Living Room (office) 7 sun room (living room dlna) 8 living room .222 9 office 10 living room 11 garage 12 dlna dlna
  4. Horsey

    Problems with alexa skill

    hi guys and great work on what you are doing, i have a issue or 2 i cant sort out with my echo show and firestick im using the uk version first of all it wont open emby when i say open emby home. so ive set a routine to open. which is fine when i ask emby to play movie, it plays flawlessly when i ask to play next episode of tv show or just play tv show it says cant reach ur skill at the moment. everytime.. now another is google. opens ebey home like a dream it wont play a film at all but will play next episode....lol it doesnt seem to want to repond to the number 2 in the lists so yeah i have options but its very annoying.. it also wont play on my webos player but alexa does lol.... any ideas please?
  5. zBernie

    Emby/Alexa bug?

    I believe this is a bug in the Emby Alexa plugin. If I say "Alexa open Emby home", then say "Change player", I hear a list of players similar to the one below. The problem is they keep changing! For example, one time I tried to change the player, 1 was the bedroom. Now it's the office. Emby seems to reassign the numeric version of the player to a different player. This results in having to listen to this long list of players every time I want to change players. Also note that I've tried unsuccessfully specifying the player in a single command such as "alexa, ask m. b. home to play song stairway to heaven on player 5". 1 bedroom (office) 2 familly room 3 family room dlna .221 4 bathroom 5 bedroom .251 6 Living Room (office) 7 sun room (living room dlna) 8 living room .222 9 office 10 living room 11 garage 12 dlna dlna
  6. Twice I have had playback get stuck at the end of a song in a playlist and not move to the next song. Requires intervention to terminate playback. Playback was via Alexa to an Amazon Echo Plus (which was playing with a bluetooth connection to a BLT-HD device on a stereo receiver if that has any bearing on the problem) I have attached a santized log of the session in question where you will see the Error Report: --------------------------------------------- 019-11-11 12:52:25.655 Error HttpServer: Error processing request *** Error Report *** Version: Command line: /volume1/@appstore/EmbyServer/releases/ -package synology -programdata /var/packages/EmbyServer/target/var -ffmpeg /var/packages/EmbyServer/target/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg -ffprobe /var/packages/EmbyServer/target/ffmpeg/bin/ffprobe -ffdetect /var/packages/EmbyServer/target/ffmpeg/bin/ffdetect -restartexitcode 121 Operating system: Unix 64-Bit OS: True 64-Bit Process: True User Interactive: True Runtime: file:///volume1/@appstore/EmbyServer/3rdparty/netcore/2.2.1/runtime/System.Private.CoreLib.dll Processor count: 4 Program data path: /var/packages/EmbyServer/target/var Application directory: /volume1/@appstore/EmbyServer/releases/ System.Exception: System.Exception: Error starting ffmpeg at Emby.Server.MediaEncoding.Api.BaseStreamingService.StartFfMpeg(StreamState state, String outputPath, EncodingOptions encodingOptions, EncodingDiagnosticOptions encodingDiagnosticOptions, CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource, Boolean acquireResources) at Emby.Server.MediaEncoding.Api.Hls.DynamicHlsService.GetDynamicSegment(StreamRequest request, String playlistId, String segmentId, Int32 subtitleStreamIndex) at Emby.Server.Implementations.Services.ServiceController.GetTaskResult(Task task) at Emby.Server.Implementations.Services.ServiceHandler.ProcessRequestAsync(HttpListenerHost appHost, IRequest httpReq, IResponse httpRes, RestPath restPath, String responseContentType, CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Emby.Server.Implementations.HttpServer.HttpListenerHost.RequestHandler(IRequest httpReq, ReadOnlyMemory`1 urlString, ReadOnlyMemory`1 host, ReadOnlyMemory`1 localPath, CancellationToken cancellationToken) Source: Emby.Server.MediaEncoding TargetSite: Void MoveNext() ---------------------------- EmbyLog1.txt
  7. kadorken

    Default player not always used

    I set the default player to "this player" (an amazon echo plush). Then I asked alexa to "open m.b. home", and requested "play the playlist enya". Enya started playing but on the Chome mobile (in my browser that I had open watching the EMBY server dashboard). I tried again; similiar result; I have included the alexa.amazon.com 'cards' (selected text/copy only) if that helps. It may be the alexa amazon side that is problematic, but it is frustrating to have to 'argue' with the echo plus to get the output to appear where you want it ------------------------------------------------- Note the first card is the one where I actually got it to play to the echo plus ('this player'). The following cards are the attempts to change the default player, and play the playlist on that player. Play Emby The Humming... is currently playing. Voice feedback Alexa heard: "play the playlist enya" Did Alexa do what you wanted? Yes No Remove cardLearn more Less Select a player Emby Say the number you want. 1. This player, 2. chrome, emby mobile More Play Emby Playing Enya. Sent to Chrome. More Select a player Emby Say the number you want. 1. This player, 2. chrome, emby mobile More Play Emby Currently playing, Enya. Sent to Chrome. Voice feedback Alexa heard: "play playlist enya" Did Alexa do what you wanted? Yes No Remove cardLearn more Less Select a player Emby Say the number to select. 1. This player, 2. chrome, emby mobile Voice feedback Alexa heard: "change the default player" Did Alexa do what you wanted? Yes No Remove cardLearn more Less Play Emby Currently playing, The Humming.... Voice feedback Alexa heard: "one" Did Alexa do what you wanted? Yes No Remove cardLearn more Less Select a player Emby Say the number of the player to send this to. 1. This player, 2. chrome, emby mobile Voice feedback Alexa heard: "play the playlist enya" Did Alexa do what you wanted? Yes No Remove cardLearn more
  8. Hi Guys Just updated my emby server. Have now got a few problems with Emby/ ALexa/ Synology418 Problem 1 - Emby no longer recognises any of my artists -( all music named and tagged correctly and previously no problems) For example I ask play music by the Eagles the answer is "I could not find Eagles" - same for all artists. Problem 2 - Emby is given a command and then asks is there anything else and does not follow command. For example Emby play some music - silence for a few seconds then Emby asks "is there anything else" .Then shuts down. If you say yes - just repeats the question "is there anything else" in a loop Problem 3 - When asked to play an album - states the album and the artist( despite not being able to access by artist request) plays the first song and then stops. Problem 4 - Wont recognise a speaker until skill disabled and then re enabled Problem 5 - Reinstalled Emby server - Library very slow to access or search.....takes up to 10 mins to load library sometimes and then a search command can take just as long......(Good wifi, high speed internet, computer using windows 10 upto date and functioning normally) All software updated to latest versions. It was very difficult to find the Library path on reinstall as the old path would not connect. Other problems with connectivity - ie getting "cannot access your emby skill" or "server timed out try again' responses much more often........ has led me to cancel my Premiere subscription for the moment as Emby/ Alexa combination not useable. I cant seem to find the glitch /problem.
  9. Would be great if we could use Alexa and or Google home to watch the media. This would take emby to the next level
  10. ocsurf74

    Alexa can't reach Emby Server

    New user here and I'm trying to set up Alexa. I've set up Emby Connect and the Alexa skill and when I ask to open or play Emby it can't connect or find server. I'm running Windows and the latest updates have been done.
  11. I couldn't find this answered anywhere else, so I'll ask here. My wife just got an Amazon Echo as a gift through her work, so I'm trying to figure this out for the first time. I love Emby and have all of our media available through the Emby Server. I use Emby players when I'm away from home, but at home we use Kodi as the player, with the Emby for Kodi plugin allowing Emby to act as Kodi's media library. Is using Kodi in that way a supported player for this Emby Alexa skill? I've gotta assume probably not, since I think the Emby for Kodi plugin simply allows Emby to be used as the media library but doesn't actually replace normal Kodi functions for playback. There are a couple of beta efforts for controlling Kodi via Alexa skill, but they don't seem to be as mature/complete as this solution is. If I can't use Kodi as a player though for the Emby Alexa skill, I'll look into those next. Thank you!
  12. Can the Amazon Fire HD 10 Tablet be used to access the Emby Server? Can Alexa on the Amazon Fire HD 10 Tablet be used to search/ play Emby music, movie and view picture folders/ files on the Tablet itself?
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