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  1. Hi All Struggling to get EMBY to work with Alexia at home. If I say "Alexa start Emby Home" I get the “Hello how can I assist you, for example play a few songs” response. However If I then ask it to “play music by xxx” it responds with “Unsecured HTTP protocol is unsupported, please use HTTPS with a valid certificate or change to a supported device.” Recording attached. Any suggest on how to sort this please? Recording.mp3
  2. adrian76

    emby en AWS de Amazon

    Instale Emby usando EC2 de AWS de Amazon, pero requiero ayuda para saber que tipo de servicio de Aws es el que requiero para que Emby funcione bien, actualmente se pega o se cae el servidor cuando hay más de una persona conectada. Actuamente tengo peliculas, radio, podcast y TV en directo. Necesito guia de como hacer en AWS para que el servicio funcione ya sean 25 o 100 personas las que se conecten al mismo tiempo sin tener problemas en el servicio. Estoy pagando el premium de emby.
  3. Hi, I wanted to purchase the in-app activation of Emby app on my FireTV Stick 4K as well. I installed it and went through the purchase process, but I cannot hit the "ok" button after entering the OTP. The FireTV highlights the "Continue" (not sure about the wording) when navigating to it, but hitting the "select button" on the remote doesnt activate/push it. As such I cannot move forward. Is there a way to fix this or is there another way to buy the in-app purchase? Thanks, regards
  4. Hi, Ive been using the Emby App for Fire TV for a while now & i really like it. Is it possible to setup the homescreen within the Emby Fire TV app to display my "active recordings"? I am able to set this ion my Windows PC & also my Huawei smart phone / tablet. It would be a really nice feature to have on the Fire TV app. Thanks. Neil.
  5. Hello, I bought the Amazon USB / HDMI dongle, the Amazon Fire Stick - Basic. (Https://www.amazon.com/Fire-Stick-Basic-International-Version/dp/B01ETRGE7M/ref=sr_1_11?ie=UTF8&qid=1534066629&sr=8-11&keywords=fire+stick) It is an excellent product and I highly recommend it to everyone. I then downloaded the "Emby for Fire TV" app and PAY IT for to use it and to give you support. It works very well, however I would like to ask you if it is possible to insert the possibility to see the trailers (because I have not been able to use them) as you can do with the pc browser version of your program / server. I remain available for information about it and thank you for any reports / suggestions.
  6. Okay, so before I used to use a Roku Ultimate TV box, which the Emby App and the windows Emby Server worked flawlessly, and emby server connects easily with both the iOS and Android smartphone apps, but recently we purchased an Amazon 4K FireTV Stick because they were on sale, and despite it having obvious advantages over Roku, the first time I tried connecting emby server to emby for firetv it drove me mad. I don't have enough know how to install root and ca certificates onto the FireTV, so after what seemed like 50 times of trying to use Emby Connect and manually typing the IP and port in, somehow it connected, and it stayed connected up until the last time I used it 3 nights ago. Then today I tried to start the emby app and once again "Error connecting to server", I've saved the most recent emby log of the connection event, so if anyone could help me figure this out I'd be forever in your debt! FireTV would be perfect if not for the issues connecting to emby server, because I use emby very often! Thanks in advance everybody! P.S. I attached the log as a txt below
  7. I have my media server (Mac mini) connected to an Amazon Fire TV. When I launch the Emby App on the TV (as well as attempt to access my library from WIFI-connected devices), I'm accessing the content over the Internet instead of serving it up from the computer sitting 6 inches away. The 'localhost' URL works great when I use a browser on a device connected to the LAN via ethernet. The same router making those connections is creating the WIFI network. While I can access the library using the IP address, 'localhost' only works with an ethernet connection - not WIFI. How can I force the Emby app on my Amazon TV to access the content locally? Thanks.
  8. Al reproducir las peliculas tengo continuos cortes y no se que hacer, he probado varias configuraciones del menu y nada se entrecortan las pelis, al reproducir desde cualquier otro dispositivo sin problema gracias
  9. ocsurf74

    Alexa can't reach Emby Server

    New user here and I'm trying to set up Alexa. I've set up Emby Connect and the Alexa skill and when I ask to open or play Emby it can't connect or find server. I'm running Windows and the latest updates have been done.
  10. I just bought a Fire 7 (gen 7) Amazon tablet over black Friday and went to setup Emby on it. I ended up install the Play Store so I could install Emby (v 3.0.21). When I try content on my home network everything works perfect but when I try to play the same content out side of my home network I get "Playback Error No compatible streams are currently available. Please try again later or contact your system administrator for details." Also when I select "Got It" on this the app keeps trying to connect and constantly displaying the same error message over and over. This will not stop until I close the app. If I open Emby in the Silk web browser video plays with no problem when outside of the network. I have several fire tv sticks that use the emby tv app without issues outside of the network. My phone using the android Emby app also can play video with not issue. I do have the Emby server running behind a proxy for https but as I mentioned it works fine with everything else. nginx server config for emby server { server_name DOMAINNAME; location / { proxy_pass; proxy_set_header Host X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header Host warded-Ssl $host:$server_port; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Protocol $scheme; proxy_redirect off; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; } listen [::]:8096 ssl ipv6only=on; # managed by Certbot listen 8096 ssl; # managed by Certbot ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/DOMAINNAME/fullchain.pem; # managed by Certbot ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/DOMAINNAME/privkey.pem; # managed by Certbot include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-nginx.conf; # managed by Certbot ssl_dhparam /etc/letsencrypt/ssl-dhparams.pem; # managed by Certbot client_max_body_size 10G; fastcgi_buffers 64 4k; } Is there any reason that the android app will not work on my Fire Table outside of my network?
  11. I'm regularly having to force stop Emby in my Fire TV's settings. This topic is covered in this thread(https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/48586-firestick-black-screen-when-opening-emby/) but it is from June 2017 and I have not found anything more recent. Has this been addressed since then? I am experiencing exactly what is being described in the thread, IE black screen after returning to Fire TV home and then restarting Emby after using another app. It's not the end of the world to have to force stop constantly but it seems like something that should have been dealt with if it was known about over a year ago. Have I missed some update? I am currently running Version on Amazon Fire from a Windows 7 PC.
  12. Hey all. I'm having a problem with syncing to an android tablet. First, its actually a fire tablet that I've sideloaded the emby app onto. Second, and the biggest problem, is that the server doesn't appear to do any conversion, even though in the interface I choose the 4mbps option. The original file is always copied. I've attached what I think is the relevant portion of the log file. It doesn't seem that anyone else appears to be having this problem, so I wonder if I'm just doing something wrong. Thanks. EmbyLog.txt
  13. I couldn't find this answered anywhere else, so I'll ask here. My wife just got an Amazon Echo as a gift through her work, so I'm trying to figure this out for the first time. I love Emby and have all of our media available through the Emby Server. I use Emby players when I'm away from home, but at home we use Kodi as the player, with the Emby for Kodi plugin allowing Emby to act as Kodi's media library. Is using Kodi in that way a supported player for this Emby Alexa skill? I've gotta assume probably not, since I think the Emby for Kodi plugin simply allows Emby to be used as the media library but doesn't actually replace normal Kodi functions for playback. There are a couple of beta efforts for controlling Kodi via Alexa skill, but they don't seem to be as mature/complete as this solution is. If I can't use Kodi as a player though for the Emby Alexa skill, I'll look into those next. Thank you!
  14. Bastrim

    video streaming services

    Hey everybody, i tryed to find a solution to integrate the streaming services like amazon and netflix into emby. The best way would be a addon to make a new tab on the top. I do not found any solution for it. Does one exist? Thx folks
  15. Can the Amazon Fire HD 10 Tablet be used to access the Emby Server? Can Alexa on the Amazon Fire HD 10 Tablet be used to search/ play Emby music, movie and view picture folders/ files on the Tablet itself?
  16. When loading the emby app on my fire stick and fire tv, sometimes I get a grey screen. No loading animation. Just a blank grey screen. Nothing happens if I wait (waited 30 minutes). If I force close the app via the fire tv settings menu and then launch it loads normally. Manually restarting the fire tv works too. Any ideas? It's really killing the WAF and kids acceptance factor (KAF?). Especially since my mother-in-law doesn't understand the fire tv's pin system for locking out the settings menu. But she's not the brightest.
  17. Hello How to make the emby server work with Amazon CLOUD DRIVE? Is there any tutorial on this? I searched but did not find it to explain much better. Thanks again
  18. Hello The emby works correctly with Amazon Cloud and Google Drive? Someone who is using these resources can tell you if it works? Thanks again
  19. I have my Gen1 Firestick connected to Epson 2045 Projector which is paired with Yamaha Receiver thru Bluetooth. Emby app doesn't start and shows a blank screen when it's paired via bluetooth already. ( same happens when i pair Firestick with any bluetooth speaker connected to my TV ). If i unpair bluetooth speaker, emby opens up without any issue and i can quickly try to pair bluetooth speaker while Emby is opened in background and can use Emby then. I have tried to sideload Android Emby app onto Firestick and was able to use it when paired with bluetooth. Sorry for the repost, posting it with proper title to see if any others having same issue. Can anyone please check. https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/38784-unable-to-open-emby-app-on-firestick/ Can the Amazon Firestick app be fixed. thank you.
  20. Hello there I was using it on my Amazon FireTV-Stick last week. I used it successfully with https cert from letsencrypt. It was working without any problems and is still working on iOS. On my FireTV https stopped working. "error connecting to server" So I went back to http, the connection works.. but login... no reaction, pin login - no reaction. I can type username/password as often as i want, just nothing happens. Might be coincidence, but I received "android ...volley.." error on the first login today. Next tries ended with "wrong username password" - I pretty sure they where correct. So I tried PIN login, the website said "pin correct" when i click next, I end up in the login form again. I send a report a few minutes ago. Any ways to debug this? Server running in Docker container, Version No default ports, no "local network" available. Firetv-stick and app are "up to date" by today. Regards
  21. Not sure if this is just happening to my device or if its applicable to other peoples too. I've found a few things I think are related to what I'm experiencing. https://www.amazon.com/forum/fire?_encoding=UTF8&cdForum=Fx2L8EBNTOXFSA7&cdThread=Tx2F9AEX67KT6RT https://www.reddit.com/r/fireTV/comments/497zhl/amazon_fire_tv_2nd_gen_audio_issues/ http://www.aftvnews.com/dolby-surround-sound-issues-on-2nd-gen-fire-tv-amazon-working-on-a-fix/ I've been noticing an issue with pretty much any content being streamed to my second generation fire tv box. It dose not seem to be just Emby but also on Netflix, BBC news and a few other media applications. When ever a video is played either the audio dose not work at all or has an odd issue where it'll play normally for around 20 seconds then it'll drop out for a few seconds then come back and repeat the cycle. Its happening with all the containers and codecs I've tried so far including MP4 / MKV -ACC -AC3 -MP3 -Dolby surround Is anyone else having similar issues with it?
  22. My drives are called, "Media" "Media 2" "Media #3" "Media Backup" (not really a backup) Main root of the drive are folders like "TV Shows 1-9" across those drives and one drive has movies under drive name "Untitled". I know or at least i think i have the path right when naming ...(windows has a better example than OSX and I know how windows work for letter directory, since mac is different, I think its the directory of the name of the drive (names i have above) Waisted 3 hrs after scanning media in the firetv of kodi for emby plugin and thought it worked but when I try to select a movie or a show and says not there would you like to delete it, how is it showing but unable to locate the file to play? Tryed doing this last yr and never quiet got this working right. Any examples of a correct way in OSX, NOT Windows. (got a headace trying to make this work) instead of bring my jailbroken ps3 around the house other than it be easier than doing this throu firetv. fire tv without mic.
  23. archangelz

    Amazon Cloud Drive Plugin

    Amazon just released an unlimited cloud storage option for $59.99. Right now it is the most attractive storage option and syncing a large multi-terabyte library should be possible. Google Drive currently limits users to 1TB/user. Google drive plugin currently works fine, but Amazon would be a great addition! http://phx.corporate-ir.net/phoenix.zhtml?c=176060&p=irol-newsArticle&ID=2028891
  24. Request to add option to sync to Amazon Cloud plug in. For $60/yr you get unlimited storage which would allow syncing/backing up entire media collections and playing off the cloud whenever possible. PS. I know this has been requested before, but I thought i would add an official request.
  25. http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/feature/2455041/the-inquirers-guide-to-iptv-in-the-uk
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