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Good catch :) Clips are now getting transferred! (as indicated on both the server and the app).


Will try to make it sad in the morning, but for now it seems to work as it should.


quick note on the ui, in the episode listing view the little blue icon is there to show that the episode is synced, but not on the detailed view of the same episode!







*edit* sorry for the abnormaly large images :/ should have re-sized them in paint or something.

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PlayState: Pass

Easy Pin: Fail, cannot logon with easy pin (set days ago) using local server (not MBConnect) auth.  

User mucking with offline media:  Fail, deleted video folder was not detected.  Tried sync screen to trigger, and even a sign off and sign on.

Others: Pending sync



Other Notes - App still crashed about 50% of the time on start.  Once it's connected for 30 seconds, it seems pretty stable. 

Edited by AgileHumor
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To get media to transfer I need to close and reopen the app. Here's a log. Towards the bottom should be scheduling and syncing the album Guero by Beck. As soon as any media is ready to transfer it never starts to transfer. Closing and opening the app will automatically trigger the transfer process for any media in the state ready to transfer.


Deleting synced media via the app is properly reflected on the server side of things.


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Yea the sync process from the app might need a button to kick it off manually, but the automatic process is not something that is intended for you to sit and watch, because you will surely be disappointed. The automatic process runs every so many hours and also depends on other factors like battery, type of connection available, etc. You should think of it like someone who says they're going to call you back later today. You wouldn't sit by the phone waiting for it to ring, but sure enough, it i will later on.

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@@AgileHumor Can you do me a Little favor.

Start app, bring out Charms-Menu click Settings -> View Logs and click the "clear logs" button.


Restart the app until you get the crash scenario.

Start the app and go to the Logs-flyout again and at the bottom of the list there should be a ApplicationCrash log. Can you get me that text?


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Yea the sync process from the app might need a button to kick it off manually, but the automatic process is not something that is intended for you to sit and watch, because you will surely be disappointed. The automatic process runs every so many hours and also depends on other factors like battery, type of connection available, etc. You should think of it like someone who says they're going to call you back later today. You wouldn't sit by the phone waiting for it to ring, but sure enough, it i will later on.


Hi Luke, can you give a rough idea how long the automatic process should take? I setup a small video to sync just after your post. The computer/server have been on for over 9 hours and the video is still "Ready to transfer". I have to go to work and am traveling for the next couple of days. I had time to close/open the Windows 8.1 app and doing so triggered the transfer process. Perhaps my expectations are out of line with reality, but I would have expected it to transfer given 9 hours.

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It should have. It tries to sync every 3rd hour given that the Device is On or Sleeping and that the charger is connected.

I'll see if I can add some more logging to see what happens.

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@@AgileHumor Can you do me a Little favor.

Start app, bring out Charms-Menu click Settings -> View Logs and click the "clear logs" button.


Restart the app until you get the crash scenario.

Start the app and go to the Logs-flyout again and at the bottom of the list there should be a ApplicationCrash log. Can you get me that text?


2|2015-02-09T15:37:35.4096347+00:00|DEBUG|4|RtLogger|Application Started: 2/9/2015 3:37:35 PM
4|2015-02-09T15:37:35.9721306+00:00|DEBUG|3|CredentialProvider|Deserializing configuration
5|2015-02-09T15:37:36.1283919+00:00|DEBUG|10|RtLogger|1 servers in saved credentials
6|2015-02-09T15:37:37.6704672+00:00|DEBUG|10|CredentialProvider|serializing configuration
7|2015-02-09T15:37:37.7798423+00:00|DEBUG|11|RtLogger|1 server in the list.
8|2015-02-09T15:37:37.8110873+00:00|DEBUG|11|RtLogger|Attempting to connect to server Media Center. ConnectionMode: Local
10|2015-02-09T15:37:37.8580271+00:00|DEBUG|10|RtLogger|Received 200 status code after 31.3151 ms from GET:
11|2015-02-09T15:37:37.8735876+00:00|DEBUG|10|CredentialProvider|Deserializing configuration
12|2015-02-09T15:37:37.8735876+00:00|DEBUG|11|RtLogger|Validating saved authentication
14|2015-02-09T15:37:37.8892101+00:00|DEBUG|9|RtLogger|Received 200 status code after 15.6225 ms from GET:
16|2015-02-09T15:37:37.9048353+00:00|DEBUG|13|RtLogger|Received 200 status code after 0 ms from GET:
17|2015-02-09T15:37:37.9360875+00:00|DEBUG|10|CredentialProvider|serializing configuration
18|2015-02-09T15:37:37.9673366+00:00|INFO|13|RtLogger|Created new web socket of type WebSocketClient
19|2015-02-09T15:37:37.9673366+00:00|INFO|19|RtLogger|Connecting to ws://
21|2015-02-09T15:37:37.9829685+00:00|DEBUG|13|RtLogger|Received 200 status code after 0 ms from GET:
22|2015-02-09T15:37:37.9829685+00:00|INFO|9|RtLogger|Connected to ws://
23|2015-02-09T15:37:37.9829685+00:00|INFO|13|RtLogger|Sending web socket identification message Media Browser RT|167afae2-fc2d-441b-9c8b-b8f9019851c0||AIT-John-SF3
25|2015-02-09T15:37:38.0142108+00:00|DEBUG|9|RtLogger|Received 200 status code after 15.6261 ms from GET:
27|2015-02-09T15:37:38.0767089+00:00|DEBUG|9|RtLogger|Received 204 status code after 0 ms from POST:
28|2015-02-09T15:37:38.1392079+00:00|DEBUG|3|RtLogger|Navigating to: MediaBrowser.HubPage Parameter: none
33|2015-02-09T15:37:38.2642264+00:00|DEBUG|10|RtLogger|Received 200 status code after 31.2669 ms from GET:
35|2015-02-09T15:37:38.3736278+00:00|FATAL|3|Application|The application crashed: Access is denied.
 --> System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access is denied.

   at Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.BackgroundExecutionManager.RequestAccessAsync()
   at MediaBrowser.HubPage.<CreateClockTask>d__0.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.<ThrowAsync>b__4(Object state)
   at System.Threading.WinRTSynchronizationContext.Invoker.InvokeCore()
2|2015-02-09T15:37:42.3409347+00:00|DEBUG|4|RtLogger|Application Started: 2/9/2015 3:37:42 PM
4|2015-02-09T15:37:42.8739085+00:00|DEBUG|3|CredentialProvider|Deserializing configuration
5|2015-02-09T15:37:43.0299096+00:00|DEBUG|9|RtLogger|1 servers in saved credentials
6|2015-02-09T15:37:44.5805140+00:00|DEBUG|11|CredentialProvider|serializing configuration
7|2015-02-09T15:37:44.7574712+00:00|DEBUG|14|RtLogger|1 server in the list.
8|2015-02-09T15:37:44.7934772+00:00|DEBUG|14|RtLogger|Attempting to connect to server Media Center. ConnectionMode: Local
10|2015-02-09T15:37:44.8414715+00:00|DEBUG|12|RtLogger|Received 200 status code after 23.9842 ms from GET:
11|2015-02-09T15:37:44.8534902+00:00|DEBUG|12|CredentialProvider|Deserializing configuration
12|2015-02-09T15:37:44.8534902+00:00|DEBUG|14|RtLogger|Validating saved authentication
14|2015-02-09T15:37:44.8654718+00:00|DEBUG|12|RtLogger|Received 200 status code after 11.9816 ms from GET:
16|2015-02-09T15:37:44.8894774+00:00|DEBUG|13|RtLogger|Received 200 status code after 0 ms from GET:
17|2015-02-09T15:37:44.9254701+00:00|DEBUG|13|CredentialProvider|serializing configuration
18|2015-02-09T15:37:44.9642097+00:00|INFO|13|RtLogger|Created new web socket of type WebSocketClient
19|2015-02-09T15:37:44.9652116+00:00|INFO|12|RtLogger|Connecting to ws://
21|2015-02-09T15:37:44.9752105+00:00|INFO|11|RtLogger|Connected to ws://
22|2015-02-09T15:37:44.9772124+00:00|INFO|13|RtLogger|Sending web socket identification message Media Browser RT|167afae2-fc2d-441b-9c8b-b8f9019851c0||AIT-John-SF3
23|2015-02-09T15:37:44.9822116+00:00|DEBUG|11|RtLogger|Received 200 status code after 13.0013 ms from GET:
25|2015-02-09T15:37:45.0074123+00:00|DEBUG|11|RtLogger|Received 200 status code after 13.2008 ms from GET:
27|2015-02-09T15:37:45.0956243+00:00|DEBUG|13|RtLogger|Received 204 status code after 12.0004 ms from POST:
28|2015-02-09T15:37:45.1882406+00:00|DEBUG|3|RtLogger|Navigating to: MediaBrowser.HubPage Parameter: none
33|2015-02-09T15:37:45.3497507+00:00|DEBUG|9|RtLogger|Received 200 status code after 40.2913 ms from GET:
36|2015-02-09T15:37:45.4909923+00:00|DEBUG|21|RtLogger|Received 200 status code after 12.0119 ms from GET:
37|2015-02-09T15:37:45.5735866+00:00|DEBUG|3|CredentialProvider|Deserializing configuration
40|2015-02-09T15:37:45.6053300+00:00|DEBUG|13|RtLogger|Received 200 status code after 25.7629 ms from GET:
42|2015-02-09T15:37:45.6656250+00:00|DEBUG|12|RtLogger|1 servers in saved credentials
43|2015-02-09T15:37:45.7016056+00:00|DEBUG|11|RtLogger|Received 200 status code after 35.9806 ms from GET:,MediaSources&Filters=IsNotFolder,IsUnplayed&ImageTypes=&VideoTypes=&AirDays=&recursive=True&EnableImageTypes=&MediaTypes=&Genres=&Ids=&Studios=&ExcludeItemTypes=&IncludeItemTypes=Movie&Artists=&PersonTypes=&Years=&format=json
45|2015-02-09T15:37:45.7856617+00:00|DEBUG|12|RtLogger|Received 200 status code after 48.0568 ms from GET:,MediaSources&format=json
46|2015-02-09T15:37:47.1971731+00:00|DEBUG|12|CredentialProvider|serializing configuration
47|2015-02-09T15:37:47.2752375+00:00|DEBUG|26|RtLogger|Attempting to connect to server Media Center. ConnectionMode: Local
49|2015-02-09T15:37:47.2908609+00:00|DEBUG|21|RtLogger|Received 200 status code after 0 ms from GET:
50|2015-02-09T15:37:47.2908609+00:00|DEBUG|13|CredentialProvider|Deserializing configuration
51|2015-02-09T15:37:47.2908609+00:00|DEBUG|9|RtLogger|Validating saved authentication
53|2015-02-09T15:37:47.3064874+00:00|DEBUG|13|RtLogger|Received 200 status code after 15.6265 ms from GET:
55|2015-02-09T15:37:47.3064874+00:00|DEBUG|12|RtLogger|Received 200 status code after 0 ms from GET:
56|2015-02-09T15:37:47.3064874+00:00|DEBUG|11|CredentialProvider|serializing configuration
58|2015-02-09T15:37:47.3690029+00:00|DEBUG|9|RtLogger|Received 200 status code after 15.6444 ms from GET:
59|2015-02-09T15:37:47.3690029+00:00|DEBUG|21|RtLogger|Camera upload is not enabled for this device.
61|2015-02-09T15:37:47.3846241+00:00|DEBUG|13|RtLogger|Received 200 status code after 0 ms from GET:
63|2015-02-09T15:37:47.4314827+00:00|DEBUG|21|RtLogger|Received 200 status code after 0 ms from GET:
64|2015-02-09T15:37:47.4314827+00:00|DEBUG|9|RtLogger|Beginning media sync process with server Id: 0b50ac7ea85242e69cc8b7510cf36fc9
65|2015-02-09T15:37:47.4471066+00:00|DEBUG|11|RtLogger|Reporting 0 offline actions to server 0b50ac7ea85242e69cc8b7510cf36fc9
67|2015-02-09T15:37:47.4627304+00:00|DEBUG|21|RtLogger|Received 200 status code after 0 ms from POST:
69|2015-02-09T15:37:49.0678198+00:00|DEBUG|11|RtLogger|Received 200 status code after 15.698 ms from POST:
71|2015-02-09T15:37:49.0833718+00:00|DEBUG|21|RtLogger|Received 200 status code after 0 ms from GET:
72|2015-02-09T15:37:49.1458703+00:00|DEBUG|4|RtLogger|Downloading media with Id ecffe87e9aafd2eb21e35f60c185ff77 to local repository
73|2015-02-09T15:37:49.3333678+00:00|INFO|26|RtLogger|Received web socket message: SyncJobs
74|2015-02-09T15:37:49.3646190+00:00|DEBUG|26|RtLogger|Download failed
75|2015-02-09T15:37:49.3646190+00:00|ERROR|3|RtLogger|ServerSync failed: --> System.Exception: Not found (404). (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80190194)
   at MediaBrowser.OfflineSync.BackgroundFileTransferManager.<GetItemFileAsync>d__0.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at MediaBrowser.ApiInteraction.Sync.MediaSync.<GetItem>d__1c.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at MediaBrowser.ApiInteraction.Sync.MediaSync.<GetNewMedia>d__f.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ValidateEnd(Task task)
   at MediaBrowser.ApiInteraction.Sync.MediaSync.<Sync>d__3.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at MediaBrowser.ApiInteraction.Sync.ServerSync.<SyncInternal>d__a.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at MediaBrowser.ApiInteraction.Sync.ServerSync.<Sync>d__1.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at MediaBrowser.ApiInteraction.Sync.MultiServerSync.<Sync>d__a.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at MediaBrowser.ApiInteraction.Sync.MultiServerSync.<Sync>d__0.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at MediaBrowser.Service.SettingsService.<ServerSync>d__52.MoveNext()
77|2015-02-09T15:38:41.7582762+00:00|DEBUG|3|LoggingFlyout|Navigating to: MediaBrowser.Views.LogviewerPage Parameter: Log - 20150209.log

Sequence: 35
Date/time: 2015-02-09T15:37:38.3736278+00:00
Level: FATAL
Thread: 3
Logger: Application
The application crashed: Access is denied.

System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access is denied.

   at Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.BackgroundExecutionManager.RequestAccessAsync()
   at MediaBrowser.HubPage.<CreateClockTask>d__0.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.<ThrowAsync>b__4(Object state)
   at System.Threading.WinRTSynchronizationContext.Invoker.InvokeCore()
Session: {"PackageArchitecture":"Neutral","PackageFullName":"436337Illusions.com.MediaBrowser_3.1.0.213_neutral__77hd5e1v1hqs4","PackagePublisher":"CN=CA9FBA89-9B8C-4501-9177-37B89E41D3FF","PackagePublisherId":"77hd5e1v1hqs4","PackageResourceId":"","PackageVersion":"","InstallationId":"67ca709a-83fb-4aad-a8c2-3848f189ee7a"}
Sequence: 75
Date/time: 2015-02-09T15:37:49.3646190+00:00
Level: ERROR
Thread: 3
Logger: RtLogger
ServerSync failed:
System.Exception: Not found (404). (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80190194)
   at MediaBrowser.OfflineSync.BackgroundFileTransferManager.<GetItemFileAsync>d__0.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at MediaBrowser.ApiInteraction.Sync.MediaSync.<GetItem>d__1c.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at MediaBrowser.ApiInteraction.Sync.MediaSync.<GetNewMedia>d__f.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ValidateEnd(Task task)
   at MediaBrowser.ApiInteraction.Sync.MediaSync.<Sync>d__3.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at MediaBrowser.ApiInteraction.Sync.ServerSync.<SyncInternal>d__a.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at MediaBrowser.ApiInteraction.Sync.ServerSync.<Sync>d__1.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at MediaBrowser.ApiInteraction.Sync.MultiServerSync.<Sync>d__a.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at MediaBrowser.ApiInteraction.Sync.MultiServerSync.<Sync>d__0.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at MediaBrowser.Service.SettingsService.<ServerSync>d__52.MoveNext()
Session: {"PackageArchitecture":"Neutral","PackageFullName":"436337Illusions.com.MediaBrowser_3.1.0.213_neutral__77hd5e1v1hqs4","PackagePublisher":"CN=CA9FBA89-9B8C-4501-9177-37B89E41D3FF","PackagePublisherId":"77hd5e1v1hqs4","PackageResourceId":"","PackageVersion":"","InstallationId":"67ca709a-83fb-4aad-a8c2-3848f189ee7a"}

Note - This happened before sync files ready, so I don't think it's sync related.

Edited by AgileHumor
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It should have. It tries to sync every 3rd hour given that the Device is On or Sleeping and that the charger is connected.

I'll see if I can add some more logging to see what happens.

Not really sure how or why 3 hours was selected but I think this might cause confusion for users. I know in Plex land the syncing is a "mysterious black box" that people do not like.

Ideally, from the client you should be able to select the quality such as low, medium, high, highest.  Not sure what that last option should be named but it's basically the same "copy" that is on the server and no transcoding will take place. Many people will be using Windows or Android and these can play almost every format directly so besides space there isn't a need to transcode. This is good becuase less resources are used on the server and the whole sync process will move along faster.


Another observation from "plex land" is that people tend to try and sync right before they are ready to leave so being able to by-pass transcode will be a useful option.  This is also nice because you might want the original file in case you "cast" it at a friends house or hotel room or similar and don't want a downgraded version of the file.  So in these cases the "SYNC" should only take as long as download itself.


What I'd suggest is have a "force download" button that will start the copy/sync process if needed.  Another observation is that there should be some type of "gauge" or similar to show progress both on the server and the client so people know exactly where they stand doing the sync. Also worth noticing if a transfer is interrupted then start where you left off and not from the beginning like the way most FTP and torrent clients work.


I haven't gotten this far yet BUT PLEASE don't do this the way Plex does.  For example if you want the last 5 episodes to sync Plex will transcode all 5 first before starting any transfer which is quite dumb.  These should be handled as two separate queues. One queue handles the transcode (if needed/requested) and the other does the transfer to the device.  So basically regardless of how many items are to be synced as soon as the first item is ready the transfer starts.  So the first file could be downloading/transferring to the device while the 2nd file is being transcoded (if needed), etc...



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the last option we show is a copy if the device supports is.


also in our case, the client can start downloading files as soon as they're marked ready. so if 5 videos are transcoding, the first one can be downloaded as soon as it's done without having to wait for the remaining 4.

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While foreground sync can have a button.  


The background sync process is governed by the phone, and can only happen in certain circumstances (like full battery)....and won't be as configurable (not an MB issue though)

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While foreground sync can have a button.  


The background sync process is governed by the phone, and can only happen in certain circumstances (like full battery)....and won't be as configurable (not an MB issue though)


Not challenging this but only asking. Is there some technical reason it can't sync with only 20% battery left?  If there isn't a technical reason I wouldn't purposely impose a limit (maybe make it configurable).  I know myself I might not care if my battery is running low and just want to get stuff copied onto it so I can leave the house.  I might then be in the car for an hour driving to work where it will fully charge.  Everyone does things differently so if there isn't some technical constraint I wouldn't "self impose" any via software.

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Yes there is. You register the sync process with the device as a background process. it only allows them to run under certain conditions. Android is the same but not quite as restrictive. 

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the last option we show is a copy if the device supports is.


also in our case, the client can start downloading files as soon as they're marked ready. so if 5 videos are transcoding, the first one can be downloaded as soon as it's done without having to wait for the remaining 4.

Hmm, I'm not seeing this on my surface tablet running 8.1.  Every film/TV show I have in my 12K+ library will natively play on my Surface or Android but I don't get "copy" as an option when syncing on Windows 8.1 (only client I've payed with syncing.



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Yes there is. You register the sync process with the device as a background process. it only allows them to run under certain conditions. Android is the same but not quite as restrictive. 

I hear what you're saying.  But if the app is left in the foreground (think windows or Android) then why does it have to run as a background process at all?  My guess is that most people aren't going to think about foreground/background processes or things like that.  They'll think of it just like starting to play a movie/show.  Doesn't matter the state of the battery.  The app just starts and plays and if you get low on battery you get a normal system message letting you know to plug in...  Sort of like using File Manager or any Android file transfer util or BitTorrent Sync.  Once it is started it just does it's thing and the state of the battery doesn't really matter.


I'm just coming at this from the world of Plex where I've seen all the headaches involved in sync and trying to help with as many suggestions that will avoid the troubles they have.  The suggestions may not be all good. :)

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Not really sure how or why 3 hours was selected but I think this might cause confusion for users. I know in Plex land the syncing is a "mysterious black box" that people do not like.


See this as a extra feature. Sync is started every third hour, even if the app isn't running, and transfers data if the circumstances are correct.


Sync will also be started when the app is activated or if a syncjob is updated on the serverside.

I will add a manual button for this though, and a better indicator for when Syncing is in progress

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See this as a extra feature. Sync is started every third hour, even if the app isn't running, and transfers data if the circumstances are correct.


Sync will also be started when the app is activated or if a syncjob is updated on the serverside.

I will add a manual button for this though, and a better indicator for when Syncing is in progress

Ahh, I got you.  That will be good for people syncing overnight for sure!

Sound like good stuff.



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Not really sure how or why 3 hours was selected but I think this might cause confusion for users. I know in Plex land the syncing is a "mysterious black box" that people do not like.

Ideally, from the client you should be able to select the quality such as low, medium, high, highest.  Not sure what that last option should be named but it's basically the same "copy" that is on the server and no transcoding will take place. Many people will be using Windows or Android and these can play almost every format directly so besides space there isn't a need to transcode. This is good becuase less resources are used on the server and the whole sync process will move along faster.


Another observation from "plex land" is that people tend to try and sync right before they are ready to leave so being able to by-pass transcode will be a useful option.  This is also nice because you might want the original file in case you "cast" it at a friends house or hotel room or similar and don't want a downgraded version of the file.  So in these cases the "SYNC" should only take as long as download itself.


What I'd suggest is have a "force download" button that will start the copy/sync process if needed.  Another observation is that there should be some type of "gauge" or similar to show progress both on the server and the client so people know exactly where they stand doing the sync. Also worth noticing if a transfer is interrupted then start where you left off and not from the beginning like the way most FTP and torrent clients work.


I haven't gotten this far yet BUT PLEASE don't do this the way Plex does.  For example if you want the last 5 episodes to sync Plex will transcode all 5 first before starting any transfer which is quite dumb.  These should be handled as two separate queues. One queue handles the transcode (if needed/requested) and the other does the transfer to the device.  So basically regardless of how many items are to be synced as soon as the first item is ready the transfer starts.  So the first file could be downloading/transferring to the device while the 2nd file is being transcoded (if needed), etc...




Well put Carlo.


I didn't what to expect from sync but I had the high hopes of being able to browse my library on my phone or tablet and add miscellaneous items or a playlist to some sort of 'basket' then at the end sync them in a copy mode, but understandably not each device plays everything natively.


But I'm no Dev and live in dreamworld :P


I must say though I really like the recently add "download" function in the web client. I had wondered if clients would get the too in what would be one part of sync..

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you say you had the hopes, you're saying it's currently a let down? the api allows you to sync random lists of items so 7 could also do that.

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New build is up .214


@@AgileHumor please try this out. Stability issues should hopefully be sorted.


Added a new sync-indicator, it's active on mainpage and in SyncJobs.

Sorted out some music artist bugs. (PlayTo etc)

Moved Sync-settings into SyncView (UserIcon -> Sync)


Will add SyncQuality.Original tomorrow

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Unfortunatley you can't select several movies (in the app) for sync, yet, onlye one is ok. but tv-shows and seasons has that feature in the app


Don't know if everyone has found the sync-button yet in the app.

So, in case you missed it:

Look in the bottom right corner.


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