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  1. Hi everyone, been having a weird issue where playback stops every ~26 minutes. I'm streaming via lan (wired) an MKV bluray remux with DTS-MA audio. It plays great, then after ~26 minutes the playback freezes and Emby Theatre is unresponsive, nothing happens if I press play/pause/stop. I kill Emby Theatre and then resume the movie, it plays fine for another 26 minutes. If I play using an external player, the player quits and returns to Emby Theatre.. Nothing is in the server's log, just regular heartbeats. Nothing is the Theatre log, I did set to EnableDebugLevelLogging=true but nothing extra is shown in the log. Anyone else?
  2. unisoft

    MVC 3D support (MKV)

    Does anyone know if the LG TV App can support playback of MKV/MK3D whee the metadata tag is set to MVC and the rip is done in MakeMKV with MVC and a 3D bluray disc? If so, should the extension be MK3d or MKV and do I need to press anything on the TV or is it automatic? I have extension as MK3D at the moment and no 3D (my OLED55C6V is 3D TV) thanks
  3. heciruam

    3D MVC metadata

    Hello everyone, I have a question regarding the "3D format" tag, one can edit under "edit info" for a movie. I tag all of my media with mediaelch before I let emby scan them. So after I added them I let emby fetch the local media metadata, I go in and change the "3D format" tag to "mvc". - My question is, if that mvc format tag is an emby internal thing or if I could do that before hand so that would get saved into the .nfo file. (Where is it just a regular "tag" or does it need to be saved anywhere specifically?) - If it is an emby thing, could I let emby export the metadata just for that one movie, even though my setting are setup for emby to save metadata into movie folders. I just want to make sure that, if I ever had to reinstall emby without a back up I would not have to do it all again. Cheers
  4. What, if any, are the solutions for playing 3D movies in MVC MKV Format from Emby Theater? @, Or, am I better off playing 3D blu-rays with PowerDVD? I find scattered threads on the topic, but nothing definitive or detailed. It looks like the solutions are PowerDVD to play the original blu-ray or something called Stereoscopic Player. It appears the ET doesn't natively support 3D, which is what I saw tonight quickly trying out a new 3D movie. What do people do for 3D from Emby Theater on a Win10 system? Thanks! https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/17686-3d-external-player/?hl=mvc&do=findComment&comment=171777 https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/19087-help-with-stereoscopic-player/?hl=mvc https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/28348-best-way-to-rip-and-playback-full-hd-frame-packed-3d-blu-ray-for-emby/page-2 https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/17686-3d-external-player/?hl=mvc&do=findComment&comment=171777
  5. I'm running 3.0.5871.0 on Windows 10 64-bit. I've not been able to get the Emby server to pick up MVC as 3D type from the file name. I've tried several different ways of naming it - even using the exact example in the wiki: "moviename-3D.mvc.mkv", with no luck. Other 3D types work fine, SBS,HTAB, etc. According to the 5870 release notes, this should be available: http://emby.media/community/index.php?/blog/1/entry-286-emby-server-305870-released/ What am I doing wrong?
  6. Currently there is no efficient solution, if any, to the 3D contents in MediaBrowser... Before that, I will share with you what I know so far .. The obvious question, how do I convert my Bluray 3D ISO movies to MKV container whilst keeping the full resolution 3D, and which player plays it as 3D? The difference between MK3D and the H.264 MVC 3D codec MK3D is for older types of 3D content which can be displayed a number of different ways. It is basically a normal MKV file which has an additional flag added that indicates how the 3D content is to be displayed. They call it StereoMode flag. http://www.matroska.org/technical/specs/index.html Stereo-3D video mode: 0: mono 1: side by side (left eye is first) 2: top-bottom (right eye is first) 3: top-bottom (left eye is first) 4: checkboard (right is first) 5: checkboard (left is first) 6: row interleaved (right is first) 7: row interleaved (left is first) 8: column interleaved (right is first) 9: column interleaved (left is first) 10: anaglyph (cyan/red) 11: side by side (right eye is first) 12: anaglyph (green/magenta) 13 both eyes laced in one Block (left eye is first) 14 both eyes laced in one Block (right eye is first)) Bluray MVC 3D content is not listed as one of the modes above. The reason for this is it is not needed. Bluray 3D has been standardized and is always in MVC format or it cannot be sold as "Bluray 3d". Therefore, MVC content is always in the same format and does not need an extra flag telling a player that it is 3D and how to play the content. The reason they have standardized on MVC is because it is 100% backward compatible with 2D. 3D MVC content can always be displayed in 2D without any re encode or complicated settings. This is not the case with Side by Side or other 3D content types. MakeMKV leaves 3D content in the MVC source format straight from the blu ray without any re encoding! Full quality 1080p for each eye! It just raps the video and audio data into a MKV container neatly and quickly. MakeMKV is PC or MAC software that will extract 2D or 3D BD to MKV format without any Video or Audio loss of quality, which besides using ISO's is the only way to get true 1080P 3D. Zero loss in Quality Full 1920 x 1080 image - Full HD Audio 3D MVC in MKV container is easier to stream on a network and you should be able to stream most if not all 3D files File size of the MKV will be smaller than the ISO as you only keep the Playlist, Subs and Audio tracks that you need. Subtitles are supported and you can add your own SRT if required. You can download MakeMKV from: http://www.makemkv.com You need a 3D player too (TMT, Stereoscopic, PowerDVD13 etc) as a normal video player like WMC, or VLC, or XBMC won't work. As for Media browser I appeal to administrators and developers, We want to be able to launch a 3D external player only on 3D movies. For now there is no way to differentiate between a 3D MKV's and the 2D ones. So that means either being able to launch a 3D capable player on an entire exclusive library (like a category or media collection of only 3D) - Feature does not exist or being able to set it on just certain types (like only 3D MKV or 3D ISO) - Feature exists If we take the concept a step further: Add to the menu button "Play on 3D" as shown in the attached picture 1. On Media browser server > Metadata Manager. Add the option, at any Media folder, Choose whether to be played by the external player or not, According to this pattern: (as shown in the attached picture 2.) 3D movie (default off) - The idea, view/not 3D button on the menu as shown in the first picture3D on external player – on: 3D button play the movie on external player off: play on WMC 2D on external player – on: 2D button play the movie on external player off: play on WMC pic 1: pic 2:
  7. Good Day, Could external player setup in EMC configuration be based also on tags and not just file-type? I currently have my 3D MVC movies named with the .mk3d extension and external player set to use MPC-BE to play those files (which works great) but have a tendency sometimes to forget to rename the extension from .mkv to .mk3d. With external playback based on tags I won't need to do that anymore and can just merge my 3D movies into my main movie collection instead of separating them out. Possible to implement? Thanks.
  8. When I try to play a .m2ts MVC Remux (FSBS) in WebClient or Android App, I get an error and ffmpeg exits with an error code. The behaviour I expected is that the Clients above just play the 2D stream part, like e.g. Media Player Classic or Windows Media Player do. I cannot say if it's the same behaviour in iOS, since I do not own such a device. Attached are Server and Transcoding Logs + the File MediaInfo Cheers guys and Happy Holidays m2ts.zip
  9. shorty1483

    Playing MVC content

    First of all, Merry Christmas to all! I'm struggling with mkv or m2ts containing AVC/MVC content since a few months. I tried most of the tutorials around the web (makemkv, tsmuxer etc.), but til now, I cannot get this to work with Emby (or Plex). MKV does not work here at all since just Stereoscopic Player plays it). But Playing a MVC m2ts created with tsMuxer over USB connected HDD works. When starting the video (marked FSBS in Metadata) in the Emby app, the half of the 1st 1080p stream is on the one side, and the half of the 2nd 1080p stream on the other. But the video itself plays. When stream starts it looks kinda this (cannot see it absolutely, perhaps thew Streams overlap in the middle): Now to the weird behaviour: When I go into Tools Menu during Playback to change Position (the time doesn't matter), the Movie loads again to the requested time and the screen looks like this, which is an absolute correct working 3D MVC stream recognized by TV:
  10. Right now i am using MakeMKV to make 3D MKV using the MVC Codec, I use Steroscopic Player as the External Player. My issue is if i just check the 3D box in the External Player Setup than nothing happens, I have to check MKV Box Too, but now there is no way to differentiate between a 3D MKV's and the 2D ones. I did tag the movie appropiately and the Server does see that it is 3D all though there is no option for MVC only HSBS, SBS, and Full SBS. Is there a way that if the movie is tagged as 3D it can trigger an External Player instead of having to go by the file Extension. I do not see any issues this would cause for ISO People as i am sure they are tagging their 3D Movies as well.
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