Hello everyone,
I have a question regarding the "3D format" tag, one can edit under "edit info" for a movie.
I tag all of my media with mediaelch before I let emby scan them. So after I added them I let emby fetch the local media metadata, I go in and change the "3D format" tag to "mvc".
- My question is, if that mvc format tag is an emby internal thing or if I could do that before hand so that would get saved into the .nfo file. (Where is it just a regular "tag" or does it need to be saved anywhere specifically?)
- If it is an emby thing, could I let emby export the metadata just for that one movie, even though my setting are setup for emby to save metadata into movie folders.
I just want to make sure that, if I ever had to reinstall emby without a back up I would not have to do it all again.